An Act relating to: modifying administrative rules related to maintenance and use standards for oxygen equipment in nursing homes.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
1. DHS 132.71 (7) (d) of the administrative code is amended to read:
DHS 132.71 (7) (d) When in use at the resident's bedside, cannulas, hoses, and humidifier bottles shall be changed and sterilized at least every 5 days
maintained and used in accordance with current standards of practice and manufacturers' recommendations.
2. DHS 132.71 (7) (e) of the administrative code is amended to read:
DHS 132.71 (7) (e) Disposable inhalation equipment shall be presterilized and kept in contamination-proof containers until used, and shall be replaced at least every 5 days when in use maintained and used in accordance with current standards of practice and manufacturers' recommendations.
3. DHS 132.71 (7) (f) of the administrative code is amended to read:
DHS 132.71 (7) (f) With other inhalation equipment such as intermittent positive pressure breathing equipment, the entire resident breathing circuit, including nebulizers and humidifiers, shall be changed daily
maintained and used in accordance with current standards of practice and manufacturers' recommendations.
Section 4. DHS 134.71 (5) (intro.) of the administrative code is amended to read:
DHS 134.71 (5) Oxygen. (intro.) Facilities that have residents who require oxygen shall meet all of the following requirements:
Section 5. DHS 134.71 (5) (a) of the administrative code is amended to read:
DHS 134.71 (5) (a) No oil or grease may be used on oxygen equipment; equipment.
Section 6. DHS 134.71 (5) (b) of the administrative code is amended to read:
DHS 134.71 (5) (b) When placed at the resident's bedside, oxygen tanks shall be securely fastened to a tip-proof carrier or base; base.
Section 7. DHS 134.71 (5) (c) of the administrative code is amended to read:
DHS 134.71 (5) (c) Oxygen regulators may not be stored with solution left in the attached humidifier bottles; bottles.
Section 8. DHS 134.71 (5) (d) of the administrative code is amended to read:
DHS 134.71 (5) (d) When in use at the resident's bedside, cannulas, hoses, and humidifier bottles shall be changed and sterilized at least every 5 days;
maintained and used in accordance with current standards of practice and manufacturers' recommendations.
Section 9. DHS 134.71 (5) (e) of the administrative code is amended to read:
DHS 134.71 (5) (e) Disposable inhalation equipment shall be presterilized and kept in contamination-proof containers until used, and shall be replaced at least every 5 days when in use; maintained and used in accordance with current standards of practice and manufacturers' recommendations.
Section 10. DHS 134.71 (5) (f) of the administrative code is amended to read:
DHS 134.71 (5) (f) With nondisposable inhalation equipment such as intermittent positive pressure breathing equipment, the entire resident breathing circuit, including nebulizers and humidifiers, shall be changed daily; and maintained and used in accordance with current standards of practice and manufacturers' recommendations.