15,32g Section 32g. 348.27 (19) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
348.27 (19) (a) 1. The department or its designee, with respect to state trunk highways and bridges crossing over state trunk highways.
15,32r Section 32r. 348.27 (19) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
348.27 (19) (a) 2. The municipality or county responsible for maintenance of the highway or its designee, with respect to any highway that is not a state trunk highway, including any connecting highway. This subdivision does not apply to any bridge crossing over a state trunk highway.
15,33 Section 33. 348.27 (19) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
348.27 (19) (b) 1. Subject to subds. 3. and 5. b. and par. (c), a person may apply to the maintaining authority of a highway for an annual or consecutive month, no-fee permit to operate an implement of husbandry or agricultural commercial motor vehicle that exceeds limitations on length or weight, or both, imposed by this chapter. Subject to subds. 3. and 5. b. and par. (c), a person may also apply to the maintaining authority of a highway for an annual or consecutive month, no-fee permit to operate a 2-vehicle combination transporting by trailer or semitrailer an implement of husbandry or agricultural commercial motor vehicle that exceeds limitations on length or weight, or both, imposed by this chapter and that is being transported on the highway from farm to field, from field to field, or from farm to farm. Upon receiving an a complete application for a no-fee permit under this subsection, the maintaining authority shall provide the applicant with a final decision on the application within 3 weeks of its receipt. If the maintaining authority fails to approve or deny the application within this 3-week period, the application is considered approved until the applicant receives a denial meeting the requirements under subd. 4. or until 6 weeks from receipt of the application. If the maintaining authority fails to approve or deny the application within 6 weeks of its receipt, the application is approved.
15,33m Section 33m. 348.27 (19) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
348.27 (19) (b) 2. Subject to subd. 3. and par. (c), any person to whom a no-fee permit has been issued under this subsection may, at any time, apply for an amendment to the permit to reflect a change in the applicant's circumstances or information, including a change in the listing or map of highways to be traveled. Upon receiving an a complete application for amendment under this subdivision, the maintaining authority shall provide the applicant with a decision on the application within 5 business days of its receipt. If the maintaining authority fails to approve or deny the application within this period of 5 business days, the application is considered approved until the applicant receives a denial meeting the requirements under subd. 4. or until 10 business days from receipt of the application. If the maintaining authority fails to approve or deny the application within 10 business days of its receipt, the application is approved. This subdivision does not apply if the permit is a resolution or ordinance adopted under subd. 5. This subdivision does not apply with respect to a replacement vehicle as described in par. (c) 10.
15,33r Section 33r. 348.27 (19) (b) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
348.27 (19) (b) 4. If a maintaining authority denies a After receiving a complete permit application under subd. 1. or 2., if a maintaining authority denies the application, it shall notify the applicant in writing of the denial and the notice shall include a reasonable and structurally based explanation of the denial that relates to the preservation of the roadway.
15,34 Section 34. 348.27 (19) (b) 4m. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
348.27 (19) (b) 4m. a. If a maintaining authority receives a complete permit application with respect to, or a complete application to amend a permit, for an implement of husbandry described in s. 340.01 (24) (a) 1. b. and the only basis to deny the application is the listing or map of highways under par. (c) 3. accompanying the application, or for an agricultural commercial motor vehicle used as described in s. 340.01 (1o) (e) 1., the maintaining authority may not deny the application. However, the maintaining authority shall may modify the application to include an approved alternate route or map of highways other than those specified by the applicant under par. (c) 3. for operation or transportation of the implement of husbandry or agricultural commercial motor vehicle and shall approve the application.
15,34m Section 34m. 348.27 (19) (b) 4m. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
348.27 (19) (b) 4m. b. The approved For a maintaining authority under par. (a) 2., the alternate route or map of highways under subd. 4m. a. may include highways that are not under the jurisdiction of the maintaining authority issuing the permit only upon prior approval of the maintaining authority having jurisdiction over those highways, except that no prior approval is required with respect to a highway on which the implement of husbandry or agricultural commercial motor vehicle may be legally operated or transported without a permit or as authorized by a resolution or ordinance serving as a permit under subd. 5. b. For a maintaining authority under par. (a) 1., the alternate route or map of highways under subd. 4m. a. may not include highways that are not under the jurisdiction of the maintaining authority issuing the permit.
15,35 Section 35. 348.27 (19) (b) 5. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
348.27 (19) (b) 5. a. The governing body of a municipality or county may, by resolution or ordinance, authorize operation on any or all highways under the municipality's or county's jurisdiction of implements of husbandry and agricultural commercial motor vehicles that exceed limitations on length or weight, or both, imposed by this chapter. The governing body of a municipality or county may also, by resolution or ordinance, authorize operation on any or all highways under the municipality's or county's jurisdiction of 2-vehicle combinations transporting by trailer or semitrailer an implement of husbandry or agricultural commercial motor vehicle that exceeds limitations on length or weight, or both, imposed by this chapter and that is being transported from farm to field, from field to field, or from farm to farm. If the governing body of a municipality or county adopts a resolution or ordinance under this subd. 5. a., the resolution or ordinance shall be valid for at least one calendar year. For a resolution or ordinance under this subd. 5. a. to be effective in any calendar year, the resolution or ordinance must be adopted on or before January 15 of that calendar year or in a November 30 of the prior year. No amendment to a resolution or ordinance is effective in a calendar year unless the amendment was adopted on or before November 30 of the prior year.
15,36 Section 36. 348.27 (19) (b) 5. c. of the statutes is amended to read:
348.27 (19) (b) 5. c. If the governing body of a municipality or county adopts a resolution or ordinance under subd. 5. a. that applies to fewer than all of the highways under the municipality's or county's jurisdiction or that authorizes operation or transportation of implements of husbandry and agricultural commercial motor vehicles but imposes conditions, restrictions, or limitations on this operation or transportation, then a person may apply for a permit under subd. 1. for operation or transportation of an implement of husbandry or agricultural commercial motor vehicle on any highway or under any circumstance not authorized by the resolution or ordinance.
15,37 Section 37. 348.27 (19) (b) 5. d. of the statutes is amended to read:
348.27 (19) (b) 5. d. Each No later than January 20 of the year after it adopts or amends a resolution or ordinance under this subdivision, each municipality or county that adopts a resolution or ordinance under this subdivision shall forward to the department a copy of the resolution or ordinance, and the department shall publish the resolution or ordinance on the department's Internet site.
15,38 Section 38. 348.27 (19) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
348.27 (19) (c) 1. With respect to any highway under its jurisdiction, and as provided in subd. 8. and par. (b) 4m. b., a maintaining authority may issue an annual or consecutive month, no-fee permit authorizing operation on the highway of an implement of husbandry or agricultural commercial motor vehicle that exceeds limitations on length or weight, or both, imposed by this chapter if the applicable requirements of this subsection are satisfied.
15,39 Section 39. 348.27 (19) (c) 1m. of the statutes is created to read:
348.27 (19) (c) 1m. With respect to any highway under its jurisdiction, and as provided in subd. 9. and par. (b) 4m. b., a maintaining authority may issue an annual or consecutive month, no-fee permit authorizing operation on the highway of a 2-vehicle combination transporting by trailer or semitrailer an implement of husbandry or agricultural commercial motor vehicle that exceeds limitations on length or weight, or both, imposed by this chapter and that is being transported from farm to field, from field to field, or from farm to farm, if the applicable requirements of this subsection are satisfied.
15,40 Section 40. 348.27 (19) (c) 8. of the statutes is created to read:
348.27 (19) (c) 8. In addition to the authorization under subd. 1., a no-fee permit issued under this subsection authorizes an implement of husbandry or agricultural commercial motor vehicle being operated in compliance with the permit to cross any highway that intersects with a highway under the jurisdiction of the maintaining authority that issued the permit. This subdivision does not apply to a bridge crossing over a state trunk highway.
15,41 Section 41. 348.27 (19) (c) 9. of the statutes is created to read:
348.27 (19) (c) 9. In addition to the authorization under subd. 1m., a no-fee permit issued under this subsection authorizes a 2-vehicle combination transporting an implement of husbandry or agricultural commercial motor vehicle in compliance with the permit to cross any highway that intersects with a highway under the jurisdiction of the maintaining authority that issued the permit. This subdivision does not apply to a bridge crossing over a state trunk highway.
15,41m Section 41m. 348.27 (19) (c) 10. of the statutes is created to read:
348.27 (19) (c) 10. If an implement of husbandry or agricultural commercial motor vehicle for which a permit has been issued under this subsection is removed from service or sold, the permit authorizes the permittee to operate or transport a replacement vehicle of equal or lesser axle weight and gross weight, or of equal or lesser length, for the remainder of the valid period of the permit. The original terms of the permit, including any requirements imposed by the maintaining authority for issuance of the permit, apply to the permittee's operation or transportation of the replacement vehicle under the permit. If the replacement vehicle is of greater axle weight or gross weight, or of greater length, than that for which the permit was issued, the replacement vehicle may not be operated or transported under the permit and application must be made under par. (b) 1. and a new no-fee permit issued for the replacement vehicle before its operation or transportation is authorized.
15,42 Section 42. 348.27 (19) (cm) of the statutes is created to read:
348.27 (19) (cm) If a no-fee permit is issued under this subsection authorizing a 2-vehicle combination to transport by trailer or semitrailer an implement of husbandry, the permit shall require the person transporting the implement of husbandry to comply with ss. 347.24 (3), 347.245 (1), and 347.25 (2g), as applicable. For purposes of this paragraph, the requirements under ss. 347.24 (3), 347.245 (1), and 347.25 (2g) shall apply to an implement of husbandry being transported to the same extent as if the implement of husbandry were being operated.
15,43 Section 43. 348.27 (19) (d) 1. cm. of the statutes is created to read:
348.27 (19) (d) 1. cm. If the application is for operation of a 2-vehicle combination transporting by trailer or semitrailer an implement of husbandry or agricultural commercial motor vehicle, a description of the power unit and trailer or semitrailer of the 2-vehicle combination, including make, model, estimated vehicle weight, and vehicle registration number, if applicable.
15,44 Section 44. 348.27 (19) (d) 3. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
348.27 (19) (d) 3. a. Except as provided in subd. 3. b., c., and d., and e., a maintaining authority shall keep confidential all information provided by an applicant for a permit under this subsection and this information is not open to public inspection, copying, or disclosure under s. 19.35.
15,45 Section 45. 348.27 (19) (d) 3. e. of the statutes is created to read:
348.27 (19) (d) 3. e. This subdivision does not prohibit a maintaining authority from disclosing information to the permit applicant or the applicant's agent or from disclosing, in any court proceeding, information necessary for judicial review of the maintaining authority's decision.
15,46 Section 46. 348.27 (19) (d) 4. of the statutes is created to read:
348.27 (19) (d) 4. In making its initial determination on an application for a no-fee permit under this subsection, a municipality is not subject to the requirements under subch. V of ch. 19.
15,47 Section 47. 348.27 (19) (e) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
348.27 (19) (e) 2. Notwithstanding s. 348.25 (9), any person aggrieved by an adverse determination by a municipality or county may obtain review of the adverse determination in the manner provided in ch. 68 or as provided under an ordinance or resolution adopted under s. 68.16. However, review of the initial determination of the municipality or county, under s. 68.09 or 68.10 or under the equivalent provision of an ordinance or resolution adopted by a municipality under s. 68.16, shall be made by, respectively, the governing body of the municipality or the county highway committee of the county. Notwithstanding ss. 19.83 (1) and 19.85 (1), any deliberation or proceeding, at a meeting of the governing body of a municipality or county or any of its committees, related to review of an adverse determination shall be conducted in closed session, with the permit applicant and any agent of the applicant present for any evidentiary hearing or argument. The municipality or county shall keep confidential all information provided by or on behalf of the permit applicant during the proceeding and this information is not open to public inspection, copying, or disclosure under s. 19.35, except that this information may be included in the written decision provided to the permit applicant or applicant's agent and may be disclosed in any court proceeding for judicial review of the decision.
15,48 Section 48. Nonstatutory provisions.
(1) Notwithstanding section 13.096 (2) of the statutes, the department of transportation shall not prepare a report on this bill under section 13.096 (2) and (3) of the statutes.
15,49 Section 49. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication, except as follows:
(1) The treatment of section 348.05 (3m) (c) of the statutes and the amendment of section 348.05 (3m) (a) of the statutes, take effect on November 1, 2015, or on the day after publication, whichever is later.