An Act to amend 60.555; and
to create 101.14 (4) (de) of the statutes; relating to: requirements for automatic fire suppression systems at certain buildings on fairgrounds.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
1. 60.555 of the statutes is amended to read:
60.555 Fire safety regulations.
The Except as provided in s. 101.14 (4) (de), the town board, by ordinance, may adopt regulations to prevent, detect and suppress fire and related fire hazards. The regulations may include provision for the inspection, at reasonable times, of property in the town for compliance with regulations adopted under this section.
2. 101.14 (4) (de) of the statutes is created to read:
101.14 (4) (de) 1. Notwithstanding par. (a) and sub. (1) (a) and s. 101.02 (15) (j), the department may not require, and notwithstanding s. 101.02 (7) (a) and (7r), no city, village, or town may enact or enforce an ordinance that requires, a county or organized agricultural society, association, or board to install or maintain an automatic fire suppression system in, or as part of, a building on fairgrounds if all of the following are satisfied:
a. The building is open to the public only for seasonal or temporary event use for 180 cumulative days or fewer per year.
b. Public access to the building is provided by garage style doors that remain open when the building is open to the public.
2. Notwithstanding s. 101.02 (7) (a) and (7r), if a city, village, or town has in effect on the effective date of this subdivision .... [LRB inserts date], an ordinance with a requirement that is inconsistent with subd. 1., the requirement does not apply and may not be enforced.