An Act to create 165.71 of the statutes; relating to: posters regarding a human trafficking resource center hotline.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
1. 165.71 of the statutes is created to read:
165.71 Human trafficking resource center hotline poster. (1) The department of justice shall design a poster, or obtain a predesigned poster, that provides information regarding a human trafficking resource center hotline. The department shall ensure that the size of poster makes it legible and that the poster informs individuals what human trafficking is and provides a phone number that a victim or someone who knows a victim can call or text for help and services. The poster shall be in English and Spanish, and, for each county, in any other language required for voting materials in that county under federal law.
(2) The department of justice shall make the poster under sub. (1) available to others to print from its Internet site and shall encourage its display at each of the following places:
(a) Gas stations with signs visible from an interstate or state highway that offer amenities to commercial vehicles.
(b) Hotels.
(c) Adult entertainment establishments.
(d) Salons at which hair or nail services are provided.
(e) Places at which employers engage some employees to perform agricultural labor.
(f) Hospitals or other medical centers.
(g) Places at which athletic or sporting events occur.
(h) Establishments that operate as a massage parlor or spa, alternative health clinic, or similar entity.
(i) Expositions conducted by a county or agricultural society.
(j) Courthouses.
(k) Rest areas maintained by the department of transportation.
(L) Public and private transit stations.