Birth parent whose rights were terminated: if deceased, DCF may disclose identity under certain conditions; procedure for biological parent to obtain identifying information about his or her child; requests for genetic or medical information about the birth parent does not require a physician’s statement, deceased birth parent and offspring is under age 18 provision -
Act 134Child welfare system and juvenile justice system: certain petitions and agreements required to record child's adoption status; DCF report required -
Act 381Foreign adoption and guardianship decrees: effect and recognition of provisions; State Registrar duties re certificate of birth data -
Act 380Juvenile court procedures re change in placement for CHIPS held under a temporary physical custody (TPC) order, change in placement for child under guardianship of DCF and certain agencies, amending a consent decree, and emergency change-in-placement; other changes include change of trial of post-dispositional proceeding, change of placement when no objection is filed, case closure orders when dispositional order is terminated, and effective period of a TPC order -
Act 373Out-of-home care extension re subsidized guardianship payments, adoption assistance, kinship care, and voluntary transition-to-independent-living agreement; CBRF licensing not required for certain facilities for persons between 18 and 21 years of age; DCF duties [Sec. 1648n-1669, 1681-1694, 1697-1699, 1857, 4648v, 4654t, 4679-4688, 4689, 4690-4699] -
Act 55Preadoption training requirements revised and reporting certain information to postadoption resource centers -
Act 379Abuse or neglect of a child with a disability: DCF to develop and implement plan to improve practices used in the investigation of; minimum requirements specified; deadline for specified agencies to adopt -
Act 365Accompaniment by victim advocate: victims of certain crimes have right to request re examination, consultation, proceedings, or interviews; hospital and law enforcement civil liability immunity and confidentiality provisions -
Act 351Birth parent whose rights were terminated: if deceased, DCF may disclose identity under certain conditions; procedure for biological parent to obtain identifying information about his or her child; requests for genetic or medical information about the birth parent does not require a physician’s statement, deceased birth parent and offspring is under age 18 provision -
Act 134Brighter Futures Initiative expanded to include services and training re adverse early childhood experiences [Sec. 1678t-w] -
Act 55Child sex trafficking crime expanded; child abuse definition and investigation, and juvenile court orders provisions -
Act 367Child taken into custody: placement with parent of sibling who has legal custody of the sibling permitted; notification of relatives provision -
Act 101Child welfare services and juvenile delinquency-related federal funds: limits on DCF use of the funds eliminated [Sec. 722, 1701] -
Act 55Child welfare system and juvenile justice system: certain petitions and agreements required to record child's adoption status; DCF report required -
Act 381DCF rules modified and repealed re child care certification, child care center operations, child welfare agency licensing, and public assistance records [Admin.Code DCF 54.02, 121, 201.02, 201.06, 202.01, 202.02, 202.04, 202.05, 202.06, 202.065, 202.07, 202.08, 202.09, 203, 250.04, 250.07, 251.03, 251.095] -
Act 132Electronic juvenile court records made available to a county department of human or social services re child welfare or juvenile justice intake or dispositional services; CCAP provision -
Act 144Family Care programs, IRIS, and long-term care program revisions; DHS to administer in every county, federal waiver provision, JCF approval of plan and waiver; aging and disability resource centers evaluation and reports required; Children's Community Options Program created; Medicaid services division created [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Nursing homes and adult care"] -
Act 55Internet crimes against children: administrative subpoena created -
Act 369Juvenile court procedures re change in placement for CHIPS held under a temporary physical custody (TPC) order, change in placement for child under guardianship of DCF and certain agencies, amending a consent decree, and emergency change-in-placement; other changes include change of trial of post-dispositional proceeding, change of placement when no objection is filed, case closure orders when dispositional order is terminated, and effective period of a TPC order -
Act 373Milwaukee child welfare employee retention plan: DCF required to submit to JCOER, funding provision [Sec. 9106 (2r)] -
Act 55Milwaukee Child Welfare Partnership Council restructuring [Sec. 1678x, y] -
Act 55Missing child who is the responsibility of DCF, Corr.Dept, county services, or licensed child welfare agency: reporting requirements to local law enforcement and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children -
Act 368Out-of-home care extension re subsidized guardianship payments, adoption assistance, kinship care, and voluntary transition-to-independent-living agreement; CBRF licensing not required for certain facilities for persons between 18 and 21 years of age; DCF duties [Sec. 1648n-1669, 1681-1694, 1697-1699, 1857, 4648v, 4654t, 4679-4688, 4689, 4690-4699] -
Act 55Reasonable and prudent parent standard for making decisions re participation of a child placed in out-of-home care in age or developmentally appropriate activities and permanency planning for children 14 years of age or older: incorporating federal Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act changes into the Children’s Code and Juvenile Justice Code -
Act 128Representation and distribution of nude child: criminal penalty exception for parents does not apply when the purpose is for sexual arousal, gratification, humiliation, degradation, or monetary gain -
Act 370Subsidized guardianship payments re CHIPS: eligibility expanded to include person with significant emotional relationship with the child or the child’s family; conditions specified; DCF duties -
Act 143Successor guardian appointed for CHIPS upon the death or incapacity of the child’s guardian and subsidized guardianship payment conditions -
Act 129Christian Schools International and Association of Christian Schools International added to list of choice program accrediting agencies and preaccrediting agencies and Special Needs Scholarship program accrediting entities re qualifying private schools -
Act 297Civics exam as condition for high school diploma, independent audit of private schools participating in a parental choice program, and school and school district accountability reports: requirements created in 2015 WisAct 55 modified -
Act 212Open enrollment for pupils receiving special education services revisions [Sec. 563p, 3306e-t, 3307p-3309h, 3411r, 3421q, 9334 (2d)] -
Act 55Special education: formula revised for additional aid for costs over set amount [Sec. 3229h] -
Act 55Special education transition grants created [Sec. 563m, 3229p] -
Act 55Special Needs Scholarship Program and revenue limit adjustment for school districts with incoming choice pupils revisions -
Act 289Special Needs Scholarship Program established [Sec. 563d, 3224g, m, 3266am, 3351g, 3379g, 9134 (6q)] [3224m, 9134 (6q) -- partial veto] -
Act 55Supplemental special education aid for school district with special circumstances created [Sec. 3229j-n] -
Act 55Whole grade sharing agreement: school boards of two or more districts authorized to enter; conditions specified and DPI duties [Sec. 2009, 2010, 3186, 3220, 3221-3224, 3225-3228, 3229, 3243-3245, 3246, 3303, 3306, 3393, 3394, 3397, 3404, 3411] -
Act 55Abuse or neglect of a child with a disability: DCF to develop and implement plan to improve practices used in the investigation of; minimum requirements specified; deadline for specified agencies to adopt -
Act 365Adoption proceedings revision re jurisdiction and venue; standardized qualitative assessment system approved by DCF for the home study required, foster care provision -
Act 378Background information form re child care provider license, certificate, or contract: exemption for continuation or renewal applications [Sec. 1695, 1696, 3390] -
Act 55Birth parent whose rights were terminated: if deceased, DCF may disclose identity under certain conditions; procedure for biological parent to obtain identifying information about his or her child; requests for genetic or medical information about the birth parent does not require a physician’s statement, deceased birth parent and offspring is under age 18 provision -
Act 134Brighter Futures Initiative expanded to include services and training re adverse early childhood experiences [Sec. 1678t-w] -
Act 55Child or family support income withholding orders; deferred prosecution agreements re domestic abuse surcharge and GPS surcharge; certain DCF and DHS appropriations modified; home visitation program grants; references to Milwaukee County by population -
Act 172Child sex trafficking crime expanded; child abuse definition and investigation, and juvenile court orders provisions -
Act 367Child taken into custody: placement with parent of sibling who has legal custody of the sibling permitted; notification of relatives provision -
Act 101Child welfare services and juvenile delinquency-related federal funds: limits on DCF use of the funds eliminated [Sec. 722, 1701] -
Act 55Child welfare system and juvenile justice system: certain petitions and agreements required to record child's adoption status; DCF report required -
Act 381Children and family aids to counties: DCF allocation modified [Sec. 1679] -
Act 55Children placed with temporary volunteer host families: DCF to establish plan using nonprofit volunteer programs, report required [Sec. 9106 (2e)] [partial veto] -
Act 55DCF authorized to recover over payments of emergency assistance re misrepresentation by applicant [Sec. 1705, 1761, 1762, 1846-1848, 2461] -
Act 55DCF division administrator positions increased [Sec. 3663] -
Act 55DCF to certify to DOR delinquent payments of centralized receipt and disbursement fees owed re persons not receiving child support agency services [Sec. 1852] -
Act 55Foreign adoption and guardianship decrees: effect and recognition of provisions; State Registrar duties re certificate of birth data -
Act 380Juvenile court procedures re change in placement for CHIPS held under a temporary physical custody (TPC) order, change in placement for child under guardianship of DCF and certain agencies, amending a consent decree, and emergency change-in-placement; other changes include change of trial of post-dispositional proceeding, change of placement when no objection is filed, case closure orders when dispositional order is terminated, and effective period of a TPC order -
Act 373Kinship care payments denied based on arrest or conviction record: petitioning DCF for hearing permitted -
Act 166Literacy improvement and literacy development grants revised and authority transferred to DCF from the Governor; Read to Lead Development Council transferred to DCF from the Office of the Governor, membership revised, fund sunsetted [Sec. 65, 65b, 78-86, 88-93, 568, 568b, 720d, 723d, 811, 812, 1007, 1007b, 1031, 1031b, 1678m-s, 9406 (1q)] [65b, 568b, 720d, 723d, 1007b, 1031b, 1678m, r, s, 9406 (1q) -- vetoed] -
Act 55Milwaukee child welfare employee retention plan: DCF required to submit to JCOER, funding provision [Sec. 9106 (2r)] -
Act 55Milwaukee Child Welfare Partnership Council restructuring [Sec. 1678x, y] -
Act 55Missing child who is the responsibility of DCF, Corr.Dept, county services, or licensed child welfare agency: reporting requirements to local law enforcement and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children -
Act 368MPCP research: ``qualified independent researcher" defined and access to department databases; confidentiality and fee provisions [Sec. 1696m, 1767m, 1833t, 2012t, 3076c, 4714g, 9408 (2q)] -
Act 55Out-of-home care extension re subsidized guardianship payments, adoption assistance, kinship care, and voluntary transition-to-independent-living agreement; CBRF licensing not required for certain facilities for persons between 18 and 21 years of age; DCF duties [Sec. 1648n-1669, 1681-1694, 1697-1699, 1857, 4648v, 4654t, 4679-4688, 4689, 4690-4699] -
Act 55Preadoption training requirements revised and reporting certain information to postadoption resource centers -
Act 379Pupil records pertinent to pupil’s educational needs: disclosure to DCF and certain county departments or tribal organization legally responsible for the pupil permitted; conditions and memorandum of understanding provisions -
Act 161Reasonable and prudent parent standard for making decisions re participation of a child placed in out-of-home care in age or developmentally appropriate activities and permanency planning for children 14 years of age or older: incorporating federal Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act changes into the Children’s Code and Juvenile Justice Code -
Act 128Recidivism reduction program for City of Milwaukee created: DCF may contract with private organization to conduct the program; LAB audit and JCF approval required; ``pay-for-performance contract" defined [Sec. 1785m, 9152 (1c)] [9152 (1c) -- vetoed; 1785m -- partial veto] -
Act 55Sex-trafficking victims who are children: funding for treatment and services [Sec. 720, 1675] -
Act 55Subsidized guardianship payments re CHIPS: eligibility expanded to include person with significant emotional relationship with the child or the child’s family; conditions specified; DCF duties -
Act 143Substance abuse screening and testing required for certain job training and work experience programs; substance abuse treatment provision; appropriation and DCF duties [Sec. 723n, 1739, 1740, 1742, 1789, 1790, 9106 (2c)] -
Act 55Successor guardian appointed for CHIPS upon the death or incapacity of the child’s guardian and subsidized guardianship payment conditions -
Act 129Surplus retention limits for providers of rate-based and rate-regulated services [Sec. 1471nb-ns, 1776n, p, 1777fb-fr, 4250c-k, 9306 (3u), 9406 (1v)] [vetoed] -
Act 55TANF block grants and Child Care Development Funds allocations modified; EITC provision [Sec. 1741, 1745-1749, 1750, 1751-1758, 1759-1960] -
Act 55TANF funding for general education development testing and preparation, adult literacy grants, and civil legal services grants; DCF duties [Sec. 1749m, 1750g, 1758m, 9106 (2q)] -
Act 55Termination of child and spousal support enforcement services by DCF [Sec. 1762m] -
Act 55Wage subsidy not more than minimum wage: DCF and W-2 agency to negotiate with employers of persons in Transform Milwaukee Jobs Program, Transitional Jobs Program, and Trial Employment Match Program [Sec. 1721, 1743, 1744] -
Act 55Wisconsin Shares: eligibility determinations and funding allocation revisions [Sec. 1735-1738, 9306 (1)] -
Act 55Youth aids allocation and community-based juvenile delinquency-related services administration and standards development transferred from Corr.Dept to DCF; youth aids amount set and Juvenile Justice Code provision [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Juvenile delinquency"] -
Act 55DCF rules modified and repealed re child care certification, child care center operations, child welfare agency licensing, and public assistance records [Admin.Code DCF 54.02, 121, 201.02, 201.06, 202.01, 202.02, 202.04, 202.05, 202.06, 202.065, 202.07, 202.08, 202.09, 203, 250.04, 250.07, 251.03, 251.095] -
Act 132Appeal of general transportation aid provision created; transportation aid payments to Town of Kendall and Village of Lake Hallie [Sec. 648r, 2595k, 9145 (1f), (2f)] [2595k -- vetoed; 648r -- partial veto] -
Act 55Highway maps published by DOT to include the location of the Wisconsin Veterans Tribute and the Citizen Soldier Monument in the Village of Cadott -
Act 130Highway maps published by DOT to include the location of the Wisconsin Veterans Home at Chippewa Falls -
Act 32