Van Sistine, Jerry: life and public service [SJR11] - JR4
Williams, Annette Polly: life and public service [SJR7] - JR9
Zukowski, Robert Kenneth “Bob”: life and public service [SJR42] - JR11
judgeJudge, see also Supreme Court
Battery or threats to cause harm to a current or former judge, prosecutor, law enforcement officer, or their families: felony penalty provisions - Act 78
GAB eliminated and replaced with an Elections Commission and an Ethics Commission; investigations, advisory opinions, and reports provisions; DOA, JCF, and JCLO duties [partial veto] - Act 118
John Doe proceeding revisions re crimes that may be investigated, time limit on proceedings, costs are public record, certain judges excluded, and special prosecutors; judge may issue a search warrant - Act 64
Property rights regulation revisions re local government restrictions on sale, purchase, development, or occupancy of real property and individual notice requirements; vested rights; shoreland zoning; resolution of challenge to zoning restrictions; supermajority vote to down zone a property; content of economic impact analysis of proposed administrative rules; standard for judicial review of certain state agency actions and decisions; and DNR and DATCP contested case hearings - Act 391
judge _ salaryJudge -- Salary
Chief justice salary determination modified [Sec. 914] - Act 55
judgmentJudgment, see also Court -- Procedure
Motor vehicle operating privileges suspended for failure to pay monetary judgment: maximum time of suspension reduced - Act 234
jukeboxJukebox, see Amusement
Motor vehicles acquired for scrap metal or junking: motor vehicle salvage dealer required to examine title certificate, penalty provisions; ``motor vehicle scavenger" defined [Sec. 3434c-w, 3564b-y, 9445 (2u), 9452 (3u)] - Act 55
Repeated acts of physical abuse of the same child: crime created; jury and penalty provisions - Act 366
justice, department ofJustice, Department of
Address confidentiality program for victims of child abuse, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, stalking, or human trafficking created; DOJ to administer; exemption, voter registration, and emergency rule provisions - Act 356
Certification cards for concealed weapons: qualified former law enforcement officers may receive from a successor agency and DOJ may issue to former out-of-state law enforcement officers who are Wisconsin residents - Act 68
Concealed weapon license: applicant who is stationed in Wisconsin in active service of the U.S. armed forces is eligible - Act 67
Crime laboratory equipment appropriation modified [Sec. 749, 753] - Act 55
DNA data bank: grounds for requesting expungement modified [Sec. 3511d] - Act 55
DOJ appropriation re legal services for state agencies changed from annual to continuing [Sec. 747] - Act 55
DOJ appropriation transfer from crime labs and DNA analysis to DA activities re DNA [Sec. 755, 762, 768, 3509] - Act 55
DOJ crime victim compensation award program revisions - Act 350
DOJ grants to Lafayette County Sheriff's Department for drug law enforcement and drug interdiction services - Act 271
Drug law enforcement and interdiction grant to the Lafayette County Sheriff's Department [Sec. 9126 (1q)] [vetoed] - Act 55
Frequent sobriety testing pilot program established by DOJ re certain drunk driving violations; county, court, fee, and sunset provisions; reports required [Sec. 748m, 3512v] - Act 55
Handgun purchase: 48 hour waiting period eliminated - Act 22
Hit-and-run incidents: law enforcement agency to disseminate reports through the integrated crime alert network under certain conditions - Act 315
Human trafficking resource center hotline poster: DOJ to design or obtain and make available to print from its Internet site; certain businesses and public places encouraged to display it - Act 5
Justice information surcharge appropriation account: return of unencumbered moneys [Sec. 659, 756-759, 788, 9226 (1)] - Act 55
Permit to state crime laboratory to possess, manufacture, or use a controlled substance modified - Act 298
Residual contamination after a hazardous substance cleanup: requirements revised; voluntary party liability exemption created, partial cleanup provision; DOJ, DNR, and DATCP duties - Act 204
Seized firearm: procedure for returning to person who owns the firearm revised - Act 141
Sobriety program: court may order participation in for certain drunk driving offenses requiring installation of an ignition interlock device; driver’s license and DOJ pilot program for frequent testing for use of alcohol or a controlled substance provisions - Act 389
Treatment and diversion (TAD) program grants appropriation and alternatives to prosecution and incarceration for persons who use alcohol and drugs grants appropriation and conditions; DOJ and DOA duties [partial veto] - Act 388
WC law revisions re general coverage, payment of benefits, hearing and procedures, and program administration; self-insurer provisions; DWD, LIRC, DHA, and DOJ duties - Act 180
Wisconsin Court Appointed Special Advocate Association grants created, sunset provision [Sec. 763q, qb, 3513g, gb, 9426 (1q)] - Act 55
Youth diversion grant reductions [Sec. 748, 754s, 764c, 3515b, d, 9126 (1c)] - Act 55
justicesJustices, see Supreme Court
juvenile courtJuvenile court
Child sex trafficking crime expanded; child abuse definition and investigation, and juvenile court orders provisions - Act 367
Child welfare system and juvenile justice system: certain petitions and agreements required to record child's adoption status; DCF report required - Act 381
Electronic juvenile court records made available to a county department of human or social services re child welfare or juvenile justice intake or dispositional services; CCAP provision - Act 144
Foreign adoption and guardianship decrees: effect and recognition of provisions; State Registrar duties re certificate of birth data - Act 380
Interstate Compact on Juveniles repealed as it is no longer in effect; juvenile from another state on supervision in this state under the Interstate Compact for Juveniles for a sex offense is required to register as a sex offender - Act 159
Juvenile court procedures re change in placement for CHIPS held under a temporary physical custody (TPC) order, change in placement for child under guardianship of DCF and certain agencies, amending a consent decree, and emergency change-in-placement; other changes include change of trial of post-dispositional proceeding, change of placement when no objection is filed, case closure orders when dispositional order is terminated, and effective period of a TPC order - Act 373
Out-of-home care extension re subsidized guardianship payments, adoption assistance, kinship care, and voluntary transition-to-independent-living agreement; CBRF licensing not required for certain facilities for persons between 18 and 21 years of age; DCF duties [Sec. 1648n-1669, 1681-1694, 1697-1699, 1857, 4648v, 4654t, 4679-4688, 4689, 4690-4699] - Act 55
Pupil records pertinent to pupil’s educational needs: disclosure to DCF and certain county departments or tribal organization legally responsible for the pupil permitted; conditions and memorandum of understanding provisions - Act 161
Reasonable and prudent parent standard for making decisions re participation of a child placed in out-of-home care in age or developmentally appropriate activities and permanency planning for children 14 years of age or older: incorporating federal Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act changes into the Children’s Code and Juvenile Justice Code - Act 128
Successor guardian appointed for CHIPS upon the death or incapacity of the child’s guardian and subsidized guardianship payment conditions - Act 129
Wisconsin Court Appointed Special Advocate Association grants created, sunset provision [Sec. 763q, qb, 3513g, gb, 9426 (1q)] - Act 55
Youth aids allocation and community-based juvenile delinquency-related services administration and standards development transferred from Corr.Dept to DCF; youth aids amount set and Juvenile Justice Code provision [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Juvenile delinquency"] - Act 55
juvenile court _ jurisdictionJuvenile court -- Jurisdiction
Adoption proceedings revision re jurisdiction and venue; standardized qualitative assessment system approved by DCF for the home study required, foster care provision - Act 378
Child welfare services and juvenile delinquency-related federal funds: limits on DCF use of the funds eliminated [Sec. 722, 1701] - Act 55
Juvenile corrective sanctions program eliminated; aftercare supervision revised; Office of Juvenile Offender Review (OJOR) duties; Corr.Dept to provide or purchase community supervision services [Sec. 661, 663, 1678, 1700, 3584, 4224, 4226b, 4227b, 4230, 4232, 4267, 4273-4275, 4301-4309, 4648b-t, 4649b-4654s, 4654u-4678, 4702, 4703b, bm, 4704b, bm, 4705-4712e, 4713c-i, 4714b,bm, 4715-4717, 4727, 4728, 9408 (1v)] - Act 55
Youth aids allocation and community-based juvenile delinquency-related services administration and standards development transferred from Corr.Dept to DCF; youth aids amount set and Juvenile Justice Code provision [Sec. 660, 662, 664, 665, 721, 723, 810, 1466-1471, 1474-1517, 1674, 1676, 1677, 1680, 1702-1704b, 1764-1767, 1768-1776, 1777, 1778-1781, 1783-1785, 1786-1788, 1792, 4221b-4223, 4228, 4229, 4231, 4233-4247, 4254-4266, 4276-4295, 4297-4299, 4645b-4647, 4688x, 4689x, 4699e-4701b, 4702e-j, n, p, 4703c-k, 4704e-t, 4713k-s, 4714e, f, h-n, 9108 (1), 9408 (1vw)] [4699f -- partial veto] - Act 55
Youth diversion grant reductions [Sec. 748, 754s, 764c, 3515b, d, 9126 (1c)] - Act 55
juvenile detention facilityJuvenile detention facility
Community youth and family aids: juvenile corrections daily rates set [Sec. 4268-4272] - Act 55
Juvenile corrective sanctions program eliminated; aftercare supervision revised; Office of Juvenile Offender Review (OJOR) duties; Corr.Dept to provide or purchase community supervision services [Sec. 661, 663, 1678, 1700, 3584, 4224, 4226b, 4227b, 4230, 4232, 4267, 4273-4275, 4301-4309, 4648b-t, 4649b-4654s, 4654u-4678, 4702, 4703b, bm, 4704b, bm, 4705-4712e, 4713c-i, 4714b,bm, 4715-4717, 4727, 4728, 9408 (1v)] - Act 55
Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center funding [Sec. 1472] - Act 55
kendall, town ofKendall, Town of, see Lafayette County
kenosha countyKenosha County
``Frank Lloyd Wright Heritage Trail" established; DOT and Tour.Dept duties; contributions from interested parties required - Act 270
Municipal public utilities: extension of water or sewer service from another municipality in certain county provisions created; appeal to PSC permitted [Sec. 1991m] [partial veto] - Act 55
Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission for the Illinois Fox River basin: jurisdiction expanded, board of commissioners modified, and other administration changes - Act 226
kewaunee, city ofKewaunee, City of
Harbor assistance grant to City of Kewaunee [Sec. 650m, 877s, 9145 (1c)] - Act 55
kickapoo reserve management boardKickapoo Reserve Management Board
Kickapoo Reserve Management Board established, Tour.Dept duties [Sec. 642-648n, 806, 1064m, 1424m] - Act 55
kinship careKinship care, see Day care
kreunen, rodney warrenKreunen, Rodney Warren
Life and public service of a former State Commissioner of Railroads commended upon his death [SJR79] - JR13
Labor region methodology study re MA reimbursement rates to nursing homes: DHS required to conduct [Sec. 9118 (4u)] [vetoed] - Act 55
labor and industry review commissionLabor and Industry Review Commission
Federal moneys received by DWD transferred to LIRC re unemployment administration and equal rights functions (remedial legislation) - Act 194
LIRC transferred from DWD to DOA; Governor to appoint the general counsel [Sec. 146m, 666m, 741m, 918m, 3673m] - Act 55
WC law revisions re general coverage, payment of benefits, hearing and procedures, and program administration; self-insurer provisions; DWD, LIRC, DHA, and DOJ duties - Act 180