2. a. For a public school that is not a charter school, request the department to
13publish a request for proposals that shall direct interested applicants to submit to
14the department a proposal to convert the public school to a charter school under the
15authority of a college campus or institute in the University of Wisconsin System
16under s. 118.40 (2r) (b) 1. e. or of a technical college district board under s. 118.40 (2r)
17(b) 1. f. The department shall submit any proposal it receives to one or more deans,
18chancellors, or district boards for review. If any such dean, chancellor, or district
19board finds a proposal acceptable, or if any such dean, chancellor, or district board
20elects to establish and operate the school as a charter school under s. 118.40 (2r), that
21entity shall authorize the conversion of the public school to a charter school under
22s. 118.40 (2r). The department shall establish, by rule, a process for selecting the
23most appropriate dean or chancellor of a college campus or institution in the
24University of Wisconsin System or technical college district board to receive a
25proposal submitted to the department under this subd. 2. a.
1b. If the school board selects conversion to a charter school under s. 118.40 (2r)
2under this subdivision, the school board shall lease the school building, the school
3premises, and the furniture, fixtures, and equipment within the school building to
4the operator of the charter school up to fair market value.
c. If the department does not receive any proposal under subd. 2. a., the public
6school shall follow the procedures under subd. 3.
d. The operator of a school that is converted to a charter school under this
8subdivision shall enter into a 5-school-year contract with the entity that authorized
9the charter school under subd. 2. a. If, at the end of the 5-school-year term, the
10school receives a grade level of "C — Meets Expectations" or better on the
11accountability report published under sub. (1), the authorizing entity and the
12operator may agree to renew the contract for an additional 5-school-year term. The
13contract shall include a process for determining whether the school is making
14measurable progress towards improving the school's grade level. The contract shall
15include a provision governing the transportation of pupils to the school. The contract
16shall also include a process by which the transfer of the management and operations
17of the school may be returned to the school board at the end of the contract term.
3. For a public school that is not a charter school, enter into a 5-school-year
19contract with a person to operate the school as a charter school under s. 118.40 (2m)
20if the school board has not already done so. If, at the end of the 5-school-year term,
21the school receives a grade level of "C — Meets Expectations" or better on the
22accountability report published under sub. (1), the school board may but is not
23required to renew the contract with the operator for an additional 5-school-year
24term. The contract shall include a process by which the transfer of the management
25and operations of the school may be returned to the school board.
14. For a public school that is not a charter school, authorize the school district
2administrator to enter into a 5-school-year contract with an educational
3management agency under which the educational management agency agrees to
4operate the school. The contract under this subdivision shall require the educational
5management agency to follow the laws applicable to public schools under chs. 115 to
6121 and the administrative rules promulgated by the department. The contract shall
7permit the school district administrator and the educational management agency to
8renew the contract for a second 5-school-year term.
(ag) 1. If the school board, or, if applicable, the operator of a charter school other
10than a charter school under s. 118.40 (2r), fails to take any action under par. (a) with
11respect to a school that is subject to sanctions under this subsection within the 12
12months after the state superintendent's determination under par. (a) (intro.), the
13state superintendent shall adjust the state aid paid to the school district under s.
14121.08 for the school year immediately following the school year in which the school
15becomes subject to sanctions under par. (a) in the following manner:
a. Determine the amount of state aid received by the school district under s.
17121.08 in the school year in which the school becomes subject to sanctions under par.
b. Determine the amount of state aid the school district would be eligible to be
20paid under s. 121.08 in the school year immediately following the school year
21described under subd. 1. a.
c. If the amount determined under subd. 1. a. is less than the amount
23determined under subd. 1. b., the amount of state aid to be paid under s. 121.08 to
24the school district for the school year immediately following the school year described
25under subd. 1. a. shall be the amount determined under subd. 1. a. If the amount
1determined under subd. 1. a. is greater than the amount determined under subd. 1.
2b., the amount of state aid to be paid under s. 121.08 to the school district for the
3school year immediately following the school year described under subd. 1. a. shall
4be the amount determined under subd. 1. b.
2. For each school year following the school year described under subd. 1. b. that
6the school board or operator of a charter school, other than a charter school under s.
7118.40 (2r), fails to take any action under par. (a), the state superintendent shall
8reduce by 1 percent the amount of state aid paid to the school district under subd.
91. c.
(ar) If, on the accountability report published under sub. (1) at the end of the
113-year period under sub. (6) (a), the state superintendent determines that a public
12school that is a charter school established under s. 118.40 (2r) and that is subject to
13sanctions under sub. (6) (a) has received a grade level of "F — Fails to Meet
14Expectations," the charter school shall fulfill any contractual or other requirements
15with the department as soon as practicable, and the department shall discontinue
16payments to the charter school under s. 118.40 (2r) (e) as soon as practicable under
17the terms of the contract.
(b) If, on the accountability report published under sub. (1), at the end of the
193-year period under sub. (6) (b), the state superintendent determines that a private
20school subject to sanctions under sub. (6) (b) has received a grade level of "F — Fails
21to Meet Expectations," the private school shall fulfill any contractual or other
22requirements with the department as soon as practicable, and the department shall
23discontinue payments to the private school as soon as practicable. The private school
24may not accept any new pupils under a parental choice program for 4 school years.
25Subject to sub. (8) (b), the private school may reapply to participate in a parental
1choice program at the end of the 4 school years following the state superintendent's
2determination under this paragraph.
27. 115.385 (8) of the statutes is created to read:
(8) (a) The state superintendent may release a school subject to
5sanctions under sub. (6) from the requirements imposed upon the school by sub. (6)
6if the school receives a grade level of "C — Meets Expectations" or better on the
7accountability report published for the school under sub. (1) within the 36 months
8immediately following the imposition of sanctions under sub. (6).
(b) The state superintendent may release a school subject to sanctions under
10sub. (7) from the requirements imposed upon the school by sub. (7) in any of the
11following circumstances:
1. For a school subject to sanctions under sub. (7) (a) 1., if the school receives
13a grade level of "C — Meets Expectations" or better on 2 consecutive accountability
14reports published for the school under sub. (1).
2. For a school subject to sanctions under sub. (7) (a) 2., 3., or 4., in the last year
16of any 5-school-year contract entered into under sub. (7).
(c) 1. If a school subject to sanctions under sub. (6) receives on the final
18accountability report published within 36 months immediately following the
19imposition of sanctions under sub. (6) a grade level of "D — Meets Few Expectations,"
20the state superintendent shall require the school to comply with the requirements
21under sub. (6) for an additional 2 school years. The school district shall be
22responsible for the costs of and associated with implementing any plan.
2. If a school subject to sanctions under sub. (6) receives on the final
24accountability report published within the 36 months immediately following the
25imposition of sanctions under sub. (6) a grade level of "F — Fails to Meet
1Expectations," the school shall first complete the requirements to which the school
2is subject under sub. (6) and the state superintendent shall then require the school
3to comply with the requirements imposed upon a school under sub. (7).
28. 115.385 (9) of the statutes is created to read:
(9) The department shall develop, by rule, the qualifying score for each
6grade level under sub. (1) (b).
29. 115.385 (10) of the statutes is created to read:
(10) Beginning in 2017, in each odd-numbered year, no later than 60
9days after the department publishes accountability reports for schools under sub. (1),
10the department shall compile and evaluate information about the implementation
11of the school accountability system and make recommendations to the appropriate
12standing committees of the legislature under s. 13.172 (3). The department shall be
13prepared to make a presentation to a hearing or joint hearing of the appropriate
14standing committees of the legislature on all of the following:
(a) Policies that address appropriate accommodations on statewide
16assessments for a pupil attending a private school participating in a program under
17s. 118.60 or 119.23 who is a child with a disability, a limited-English proficient pupil,
18or economically disadvantaged, as defined in federal law, that are similar to the
19accommodations made for such pupils attending public schools.
(b) Refining the data to be used by the department for each measure specified
21in sub. (1) (a).
(c) The methodology for measuring the performance of schools under this
(d) The appropriate weight to be given each of the measures under sub. (1) (a)
25for the grade levels under sub. (1) (b).
1(e) The qualifying score for each grade level under sub. (1) (b).
(f) Sanctions imposed upon, or lifted from, schools by the state superintendent
3under subs. (6) and (7).
30. 118.153 (1) (a) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (a) 5. Eighth grade pupils whose score in each subject area on the
6examination administered under s. 118.30 (1m) (am) 1.
or 118.301 (4) was below the
7basic level, 8th grade pupils who failed the examination administered under s.
8118.30 (1m) (am) 2.
or 118.301 (4), and 8th grade pupils who failed to be promoted
9to the 9th grade.
31. 118.30 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) The state superintendent shall adopt or approve examinations
12designed to measure pupil attainment of knowledge and concepts in the 4th, 8th, 9th,
1310th, and 11th grades.
Beginning in the 2015-16 school year, the state
14superintendent may not adopt or approve assessments developed by the Smarter
15Balanced Assessment Consortium.
32. 118.30 (2) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (b) 3. Upon the request of a pupil's parent or guardian, the school
18board shall excuse the pupil from taking an examination administered under sub.
or s. 118.301 (4).
33. 118.30 (2) (b) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (b) 4. Upon the request of a pupil's parent or guardian, the operator
22of a charter school under s. 118.40 (2r) shall excuse the pupil from taking an
23examination administered under sub. (1r)
or s. 118.301 (4).
34. 118.30 (2) (b) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (b) 5. Upon the request of a pupil's parent or guardian, the governing
2body of a private school participating in the program under s. 119.23 shall excuse the
3pupil from taking an examination administered under sub. (1s) (a) to (cm)
or s.
4118.301 (4).
35. 118.30 (2) (b) 6. of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (b) 6. Upon the request of a pupil's parent or guardian, the governing
7body of a private school participating in the program under s. 118.60 shall excuse the
8pupil from taking an examination administered under sub. (1t) (a) to (cm)
or s.
9118.301 (4).
36. 118.30 (5m) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5m) When determining the percentage of pupils participating in the
12program under s. 119.23 who performed at designated proficiency levels on the
13examinations administered as required under sub. (1s)
or as permitted under s.
14118.301 (4), the department shall consider only the pupils participating in the
15program under s. 119.23 to whom the examinations were administered at each grade
16level, and shall exclude from consideration those pupils participating in the program
17under s. 119.23 who were excused from taking the examinations under sub. (2) (b)
37. 118.30 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
(7) If a school board enters into an agreement with a federally
21recognized American Indian tribe or band in this state to establish a charter school,
22that school board shall administer the examinations under sub. (1m)
or under s.
23118.301 (4) regardless of the location of the charter school.
38. 118.301 of the statutes is created to read:
1118.301 Alternative assessments. (1) Definition. In this section, "research
2center" means an entity or organization with expertise to evaluate alternative
4(2) Responsibilities of the department. Within 30 days after the effective date
5of this subsection .... [LRB inserts date], the department shall request from the
6research center a list of nationally recognized, norm-referenced alternative
7examinations determined by the research center to be acceptable for statistical
8comparison with examinations adopted or approved under s. 118.30 (1). The
9department shall evaluate and approve 3 of the examinations by rule. The
10department may approve under this subsection only those examinations that the
11research center has determined are consistent with the parameters identified under
12sub. (3).
13(3) Evaluation of alternative examinations. Within 90 days after the effective
14date of this subsection .... [LRB inserts date], the research center shall submit to the
15department a list of nationally recognized, norm-referenced alternative
16examinations determined by the research center to be acceptable for statistical
17comparison with examinations adopted or approved under s. 118.30 (1). The
18research center shall submit under this subsection only those examinations that are
19consistent with the following parameters:
(a) The examination aligns sufficiently with content standards established for
21examinations adopted or approved under s. 118.30 (1).
(b) The examination is comprised of a variety of testing methodologies,
23including multiple choice and short answer, to assess a range of student skills.
(c) The examination includes accommodations or alternative assessments for
25students enrolled in a special education program under subch. V of ch. 115.
1(d) The examination provider makes available translations for
2limited-English proficient pupils, as defined in s. 115.955 (7).
(e) The examination may be administered in a variety of modes, including with
4paper and pencil, in an online format, in a fixed form format, and in an adaptive
(f) The examination has internal consistency reliability coefficients of at least
8(4) Alternative examinations permitted. (a) Notwithstanding s. 118.30 (1m),
9(1r), (1s), and (1t), a school board, an operator of a charter school under s. 118.40 (2r),
10and the governing body of a private school participating in a program under s. 118.60
11or 119.23 are not required to administer an examination adopted or approved by the
12state superintendent under s. 118.30 (1) in any grade for which an examination is
13required to be administered under s. 118.30 if the school board, operator, or
14governing body administers instead an alternative examination approved by the
15department under sub. (2).
(b) If a school elects to administer in any grade an alternative examination
17approved by the department under sub. (2), all of the following apply:
1. The school shall use the alternative examination for 5 consecutive school
19years. The school may request from the department a waiver of the requirement
20under this subdivision. The department may grant or deny the request.
2. If the cost of the alternative examination exceeds the cost of the examination
22adopted or approved by the state superintendent under s. 118.30 (1) for that grade,
23the school board, operator, or governing body of the school is responsible for the
24difference between the cost of the examination adopted or approved by the state
25superintendent for that grade and the cost of the alternative examination for that
1grade. If the cost of the alternative examination is less than the costs of the
2examination adopted or approved by the state superintendent under s. 118.30 (1), the
3department shall pay only the cost of the less expensive examination.
(c) If the governing body of a private school administers in any grade an
5alternative examination approved by the department under sub. (2), and if the cost
6of the alternative examination for that grade exceeds the cost of the examination
7adopted or approved for that grade by the state superintendent under s. 118.30 (1),
8the governing body may apply payments received under ss. 118.60 (4) (bg) and (4m)
9and 119.23 (4) (bg) and (4m) towards the difference between the costs of the
10alternative examinations procured for the pupils attending the private school
11participating in a program under s. 118.60 or 119.23 and the cost the governing body
12would have paid for the examination adopted or approved by the state
13superintendent under s. 118.30 (1).
39. 118.33 (6) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(6) (a) 1. Each school board shall adopt a written policy specifying the
16criteria for promoting a pupil from the 4th grade to the 5th grade and from the 8th
17grade to the 9th grade. The criteria shall include the pupil's score on the examination
18administered under s. 118.30 (1m) (a) or (am)
or 118.301 (4), unless the pupil has
19been excused from taking the examination under s. 118.30 (2) (b); the pupil's
20academic performance; the recommendations of teachers, which shall be based solely
21on the pupil's academic performance; and any other academic criteria specified by
22the school board. Except as provided in par. (b) 1. and 3., the criteria apply to pupils
23enrolled in charter schools located in the school district.
40. 118.33 (6) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(6) (b) 1. Each operator of a charter school under s. 118.40 (2r) shall
2adopt a written policy specifying the criteria for promoting a pupil from the 4th grade
3to the 5th grade and from the 8th grade to the 9th grade. The criteria shall include
4the pupil's score on the examination administered under s. 118.30 (1r) (a) or (am)
5118.301 (4), unless the pupil has been excused from taking the examination under
6s. 118.30 (2) (b); the pupil's academic performance; the recommendations of teachers,
7which shall be based solely on the pupil's academic performance; and any other
8academic criteria specified by the operator of the charter school.
41. 118.33 (6) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(6) (c) 1. The governing body of each private school participating in the
11program under s. 119.23 shall adopt a written policy specifying criteria for promoting
12a pupil who is attending the private school under s. 119.23 from the 4th grade to the
135th grade and from the 8th grade to the 9th grade. The criteria shall include the
14pupil's score on the examination administered under s. 118.30 (1s) (a) or (b)
15118.301 (4), unless the pupil has been excused from taking the examination under
16s. 118.30 (2) (b); the pupil's academic performance; the recommendations of teachers,
17which shall be based solely on the pupil's academic performance; and any other
18academic criteria specified by the governing body of the private school.
42. 118.33 (6) (cr) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(6) (cr) 1. The governing body of each private school participating in the
21program under s. 118.60 shall adopt a written policy specifying criteria for promoting
22a pupil who is attending the private school under s. 118.60 from the 4th grade to the
235th grade and from the 8th grade to the 9th grade. The criteria shall include the
24pupil's score on the examination administered under s. 118.30 (1t) (a) or (b)
25118.301 (4), unless the pupil has been excused from taking the examination under
1s. 118.30 (2) (b); the pupil's academic performance; the recommendations of teachers,
2which shall be based solely on the pupil's academic performance; and any other
3academic criteria specified by the governing body of the private school.
43. 118.40 (2r) (b) 1. e. of the statutes is created to read:
(2r) (b) 1. e. A chancellor or dean of any university or college in the
6University of Wisconsin System under s. 115.385 (7) (a) 2.
44. 118.40 (2r) (b) 1. f. of the statutes is created to read:
(2r) (b) 1. f. A technical college district board under s. 115.385 (7) (a) 2.
45. 118.40 (2r) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
(2r) (b) 2. A charter shall include all of the provisions specified under
11sub. (1m) (b) 3. to 14. A contract shall include all of the provisions specified under
12sub. (1m) (b) 1. to 14. and shall specify the effect of the establishment of the charter
13school on the liability of the contracting entity under this paragraph.
A contract with
14an entity under subd. 1. e. or f. shall include the provisions specified in s. 115.385 (7)
15(a) 2. d. The contract may include other provisions agreed to by the parties. The
16chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee or of the University of
17Wisconsin-Parkside may not establish or enter into a contract for the establishment
18of a charter school under this paragraph without the approval of the board of regents
19of the University of Wisconsin System.
46. 118.40 (2r) (bm) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2r) (bm) The common council of the city of Milwaukee and the
22Milwaukee area technical college district board may establish or enter into a contract
23for the establishment of a charter school located only in the school district operating
24under ch. 119. The chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee may
25establish or enter into a contract for the establishment of a charter school located
1only in Milwaukee County or in an adjacent county. The chancellor of the University
2of Wisconsin-Parkside may only establish or enter into a contract for the
3establishment of a charter school located in a unified school district that is located
4in the county in which the University of Wisconsin-Parkside is situated or in an
5adjacent county.
A chancellor or dean of any university or college in the University
6of Wisconsin System or a technical college district board under s. 115.385 (7) (a) 2.
7may establish or enter into a contract for the establishment of a charter school under
8this paragraph only for a public school subject to sanctions under s. 115.385 (7) (a)
47. 118.40 (2r) (d) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
(2r) (d) 2. Administer the examinations under
ss. s. 118.30 (1r)
12118.301 (4) and
the examinations under s. 121.02 (1) (r) to pupils enrolled in charter
13schools under this subsection.
48. 118.42 of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
15118.42 Interventions for low-performing schools. The school board or
16operator of a charter school, other than a charter school established under s. 118.40
17(2r), that is subject to sanctions under s. 115.385 (6) (a) shall do all of the following
18in the school:
19(1) Use rigorous and equitable performance evaluation systems for teachers
20and principals that include all of the following:
(a) Annual performance evaluations; multiple rating categories; multiple
22rating criteria, including improvement in pupil academic achievement as a
23significant factor; observation-based performance assessments; and an up-to-date
24collection of professional practice materials. The school board shall ensure that
25improvement in pupil academic achievement is based on at least 2 measures.
1(b) A method of identifying mitigating factors, such as a high rate of pupil
2mobility, insufficient preparation time, insufficient paraprofessional support,
3insufficient professional development, and insufficient resources or support, that
4could affect a teacher's or principal's performance.
5(2) Adopt a policy establishing criteria for evaluating whether the distribution
6of teachers and principals within the affected schools relative to the distribution of
7teachers and principals throughout the school district, based upon their
8qualifications and effectiveness, is equitable. Using the criteria, the school board
9shall determine whether the distribution of principals and teachers is equitable. If
10the school board determines that the distribution is inequitable, the school board
11shall do all of the following:
(a) Perform a comprehensive review of current policies and constraints that
13prevent low-performing schools from recruiting, placing, and retaining effective
14teachers and principals, and implement strategies to eliminate those policies and
(b) Provide additional support to teachers and principals, which may include
17professional development that is incorporated into their work and tuition
18reimbursement for courses related to their professional duties.
19(3) Establish teacher and principal improvement programs that include all of
20the following:
(a) Supplemental mentoring for those with emergency licenses or permits.