2015 - 2016 LEGISLATURE
October 28, 2015 - Offered by Representatives Czaja and A. Ott.
AB434-ASA1,3,13 1An Act to repeal 29.237 (1) (b), 29.347 (1), 29.347 (3) (b), 29.361 (2), 29.961 (1)
2(a), 29.964 (1), 350.12 (3h) (ar) 1. and 350.12 (3j) (br); to renumber 23.58 and
329.237 (1) (a) 1. to 5.; to renumber and amend 23.33 (1) (o), 23.33 (2) (ir) 1.,
423.33 (2j) (a), 29.506 (1), 29.961 (1) (intro.), 29.961 (2), 29.964 (intro.), 29.964
5(3), 30.52 (1m) (ag) 1., 350.01 (22), 350.12 (3) (d), 350.12 (3h) (ar) 2., 350.12 (3j)
6(a) 1. and 350.12 (3j) (a) 2.; to consolidate, renumber and amend 29.237 (1)
7(intro.) and (a) (intro.); to amend 20.370 (9) (hv), 20.370 (9) (hw), 23.33 (1) (jn),
823.33 (1m) (a) 2., 23.33 (2) (a), 23.33 (2) (dm) 3., 23.33 (2) (dm) 4., 23.33 (2) (i)
9(intro.), 23.33 (2) (i) 1., 23.33 (2) (i) 3., 23.33 (2) (ig) 1. (intro.), 23.33 (2) (ig) 1.
10a., 23.33 (2) (ig) 1. b., 23.33 (2) (ig) 2., 23.33 (2) (ir) (title), 23.33 (2j) (b), 23.33
11(2j) (e), 23.33 (2j) (f), 23.33 (5) (b) 2., 23.45 (1) (c), 23.45 (1) (d), 23.59, 29.001 (12),
1229.024 (1), 29.024 (6) (ag), 29.024 (7), 29.171 (3) (a), 29.171 (3) (b), 29.172 (3),
1329.173 (3), 29.179 (3) (a), 29.184 (8) (a), 29.184 (8) (b), 29.185 (4) (b), 29.185 (7)

1(a), 29.192 (2) (a), 29.211 (3), 29.216 (3), 29.217 (3), 29.2285 (3) (b), 29.2285 (3)
2(c), 29.231 (4), 29.235 (4), 29.236 (2), 29.237 (2), 29.237 (3), 29.237 (4), 29.324
3(3), 29.347 (2), 29.347 (2m) (a), 29.347 (3) (a), 29.501 (6), 29.506 (5) (a), 29.506
4(5) (b), 29.506 (6), 29.506 (7) (b), 29.506 (7m) (d), 29.559 (1) (a), 29.563 (1), 29.563
5(11) (intro.), 29.563 (12) (a) 2., 29.563 (14) (intro.), 29.563 (14) (c) 1., 29.569 (5),
629.624 (1), 29.957, 29.961 (1) (c), 29.967 (1) (intro.), 29.971 (2) (a), 29.971 (4),
729.971 (9), 29.971 (9m), 29.971 (11g) (a), 29.971 (11g) (b), 29.971 (11m) (a),
829.971 (12), 30.50 (3), 30.50 (3b), 30.52 (1m) (a) (intro.), 30.52 (1m) (a) 1., 30.52
9(1m) (a) 3., 30.52 (1m) (ag) 2., 30.52 (1m) (ar), 30.52 (5) (a) 1., 30.52 (5) (a) 2.,
1030.52 (5) (a) 3., 30.52 (5) (a) 4., 30.52 (5) (b) 1., 30.52 (5) (b) 2., 30.52 (5) (b) 3.,
1130.577 (title), 30.577 (1), 30.577 (3), 30.577 (4), 30.74 (1) (a), 30.80 (1), 30.80
12(3m), 350.01 (10t), 350.05 (2) (b), 350.12 (3) (a) 1., 350.12 (3) (a) 3., 350.12 (3)
13(b) 1., 350.12 (3) (c) 2., 350.12 (3) (c) 3., 350.12 (3) (cm), 350.12 (3) (e), 350.12 (3h)
14(a) (intro.), 350.12 (3h) (a) 1., 350.12 (3h) (a) 3., 350.12 (3h) (ag) 1. (intro.), 350.12
15(3h) (ag) 1. a., 350.12 (3h) (ag) 1. b., 350.12 (3h) (ag) 2., 350.12 (3j) (bg) 3., 350.12
16(3j) (bg) 4., 350.12 (3j) (d), 350.12 (3j) (e) 1., 350.12 (3j) (e) 2., 350.12 (3j) (e) 3.,
17350.12 (5) (b), 350.12 (5) (c), 350.12 (5) (d), 350.12 (5) (e) and 971.19 (10); to
18repeal and recreate
29.964 (title); and to create 23.33 (1) (jc), 23.33 (2) (dg),
1923.33 (2) (im), 23.33 (2h), 23.33 (2j) (a) 2., 23.33 (5) (b) 3., 23.47, 23.58 (2), 23.90
20(6), 29.001 (65), 29.506 (1) (am), 29.555, 29.559 (1) (bm), 29.563 (11) (c), 29.563
21(14) (c) 8., 29.563 (14) (d), 29.569 (3) (bm) 3., 29.961 (2) (b), 29.964 (1m) (title),
2229.964 (2m), 29.964 (3m), 30.50 (9f), 30.50 (13d), 30.52 (1m) (ag) 1. a., 30.523
23(1) (c), 30.678 (2m), 350.01 (10b), 350.05 (2) (c), 350.12 (3) (d) 2., 350.12 (3i),
24350.12 (3j) (a) 1. b. and 350.12 (3j) (a) 2. b. of the statutes; relating to: carcass
25tags issued under fish and game laws; registration of carcasses of wild animals;

1methods of issuing, storing, retrieving, printing, reprinting, duplicating, and
2exhibiting fish and game approvals, registration documents and safety
3certificates for certain recreational vehicles and boats, and trail passes for
4certain recreational vehicles; counterfeiting or illegal alteration of fish and
5game approvals; forgery in applying for fish and game approvals or for
6registration of certain recreational vehicles; transfers of wolf harvesting
7licenses; the place of trial for a violation of certain fish and game laws; methods
8of proving registration for certain recreational vehicles; suspension and
9revocation of a certificate of number or registration for a boat; reasonable
10suspicion for a law enforcement officer to stop certain recreational vehicles;
11extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures; providing an
12exemption from emergency rule procedures; granting rule-making authority;
13making an appropriation; and providing penalties.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB434-ASA1,1 14Section 1. 20.370 (9) (hv) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,3,1815 20.370 (9) (hv) Fee amounts for statewide automated issuing system. All
16moneys received from the deductions made under s. ss. 23.47 (3) (e) and 29.024 (6)
17(ag) to be used for payments to a person contracted under s. ss. 23.47 (3) (c) and
1829.024 (6) (a) 4. as required by the contract.
AB434-ASA1,2 19Section 2. 20.370 (9) (hw) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,3,2320 20.370 (9) (hw) Utility terrain vehicle fees. All moneys received by the
21department as provided under s. 23.33 (2) (om) for issuing and renewing utility
22terrain vehicle registration documentation documents by the department under s.
2323.33 (2) (i).
1Section 3. 23.33 (1) (jc) of the statutes is created to read:
AB434-ASA1,4,62 23.33 (1) (jc) "Proof," when used in reference to evidence of a registration
3document, safety certificate, trail pass, or temporary trail use receipt, means the
4original registration document, safety certificate, trail pass, or temporary trail use
5receipt issued by the department or an agent appointed under sub. (2) (i) 3. or (2j)
6(f) 1. or any alternative form of proof designated by rule under s. 23.47 (1).
AB434-ASA1,4 7Section 4. 23.33 (1) (jn) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,4,108 23.33 (1) (jn) "Registration documentation document" means an all-terrain
9vehicle or utility terrain vehicle registration certificate, a validated registration
10temporary operating receipt, or a registration decal.
AB434-ASA1,5 11Section 5. 23.33 (1) (o) of the statutes is renumbered 23.33 (1) (jr) and amended
12to read:
AB434-ASA1,4,1613 23.33 (1) (jr) "Validated registration "Temporary operating receipt" means a
14receipt issued by the department or an agent under sub. (2) (ig) 1. a. that shows that
15an application and the required fees for a registration certificate have been
16submitted to the department or an agent appointed under sub. (2) (i) 3.
AB434-ASA1,6 17Section 6. 23.33 (1m) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,4,1918 23.33 (1m) (a) 2. "Public all-terrain vehicle corridor" has the meaning given
19in sub. (2j) (a) 1.
AB434-ASA1,7 20Section 7. 23.33 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,5,621 23.33 (2) (a) Requirement. Except as provided in sub. (2k), no person may
22operate and no owner may give permission for the operation of an all-terrain vehicle
23or utility terrain vehicle within this state unless the all-terrain vehicle or utility
24terrain vehicle is registered for public use or for private use under this subsection or
25sub. (2g), is exempt from registration, or is operated with a reflectorized plate or a

1sign to which a registration decal is attached in the manner and containing
2registration decals
specified under par. (dm) 3. Except as provided in sub. (2k), no
3person may operate and no owner may give permission for the operation of an
4all-terrain vehicle or utility terrain vehicle on an all-terrain vehicle route or an
5all-terrain vehicle trail unless the all-terrain vehicle or utility terrain vehicle is
6registered for public use under this subsection or sub. (2g).
AB434-ASA1,8 7Section 8. 23.33 (2) (dg) of the statutes is created to read:
AB434-ASA1,5,148 23.33 (2) (dg) Display of registration. 1. The operator of an all-terrain vehicle
9or utility terrain vehicle shall have in his or her possession at all times while
10operating the vehicle proof of the registration certificate or, for an all-terrain vehicle
11or utility terrain vehicle the owner of which has received a temporary operating
12receipt but has not yet received the registration certificate, proof of the temporary
13operating receipt. The operator of an all-terrain vehicle or utility terrain vehicle
14shall display this proof upon demand for inspection by a law enforcement officer.
AB434-ASA1,5,1815 2. A person may operate an all-terrain vehicle or a utility terrain vehicle
16without having the plate or sign attached as required under par. (c) 2. if the owner
17or operator has proof of a temporary operating receipt and if the operator of the
18all-terrain vehicle or utility terrain vehicle complies with subd. 1.
AB434-ASA1,5,2019 3. This paragraph does not apply to any all-terrain vehicle or utility terrain
20vehicle to which a plate or sign is attached as required under sub. (2) (dm) 3.
AB434-ASA1,9 21Section 9. 23.33 (2) (dm) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,6,522 23.33 (2) (dm) 3. A person who is required to obtain a commercial all-terrain
23vehicle and utility terrain vehicle certificate under subd. 1. shall attach in a clearly
24visible place a reflectorized plate issued by the department under s. 23.33 (2) (dm)
252., 2009 stats., or a similar
plate or sign that is removable and temporarily but firmly

1mounted to any all-terrain vehicle or utility terrain vehicle that the person leases,
2rents, offers for sale, or otherwise allows to be used whenever the all-terrain vehicle
3or utility terrain vehicle is being operated. A registration decal issued by the
under subd. 2. shall be affixed attached to the plate or sign specified
5under this subdivision
AB434-ASA1,10 6Section 10. 23.33 (2) (dm) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,6,97 23.33 (2) (dm) 4. Paragraphs (i), (ig), and (ir) do not apply to commercial
8all-terrain vehicle and utility terrain vehicle certificates or registration decals
9issued under subd. 2.
AB434-ASA1,11 10Section 11. 23.33 (2) (i) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,6,1411 23.33 (2) (i) Registration and reprints; issuers. (intro.) For the issuance of
12original or duplicate registration documentation documents, for the issuance of
13reprints under s. 23.47 (3),
and for the transfer or renewal of registration
14documentation documents, the department may do any of the following:
AB434-ASA1,12 15Section 12. 23.33 (2) (i) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,6,1816 23.33 (2) (i) 1. Directly issue, transfer, or renew the registration documentation
17documents with or without using the service specified in par. (ig) 1. and directly issue
AB434-ASA1,13 19Section 13. 23.33 (2) (i) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,6,2320 23.33 (2) (i) 3. Appoint persons who are not employees of the department as
21agents of the department to issue, transfer, or renew the registration documentation
22documents using either or both of the services specified in par. (ig) 1. and to issue
AB434-ASA1,14 24Section 14. 23.33 (2) (ig) 1. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
123.33 (2) (ig) 1. (intro.) For the issuance of original or duplicate registration
2documentation documents and for the transfer or renewal of registration
3documentation documents, the department may shall implement either or both of
4the following procedures to be provided by the department and any agents appointed
5under par. (i) 3.:
AB434-ASA1,15 6Section 15. 23.33 (2) (ig) 1. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,7,117 23.33 (2) (ig) 1. a. A procedure under which the department or an agent
8appointed under par. (i) 3. accepts applications for registration documentation
9documents and issue a validated registration receipt temporary operating receipts
10at the time the applicant submits the application applicants submit applications
11accompanied by the required fees.
AB434-ASA1,16 12Section 16. 23.33 (2) (ig) 1. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,7,1713 23.33 (2) (ig) 1. b. A procedure under which the department or agent may accept
14appointed under par. (i) 3. accepts applications for registration documentation
15documents and issue issues to each applicant all or some of the items of the
16registration documentation documents at the time the applicant submits the
17application accompanied by the required fees.
AB434-ASA1,17 18Section 17. 23.33 (2) (ig) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,8,219 23.33 (2) (ig) 2. Under either procedure under subd. 1., the department or agent
20shall issue to
the applicant shall receive any remaining items of registration
21documentation documents directly from the department at a later date. The items
Any registration documentation document issued at the time of the submittal of
23the application under either procedure shall be
under subd. 1. b. is sufficient to allow
24the vehicle for which the application is submitted to be operated in compliance with

1the registration requirements under this subsection. The items of registration
2documentation issued under subd. 1. b. shall include at least one registration decal.
AB434-ASA1,18 3Section 18. 23.33 (2) (im) of the statutes is created to read:
AB434-ASA1,8,74 23.33 (2) (im) Registration; duplicates. If an all-terrain vehicle or utility
5terrain vehicle registration certificate or a registration decal is lost or destroyed, the
6person to whom it was issued may apply to the department for, and the department
7may issue to the person, a duplicate.
AB434-ASA1,19 8Section 19. 23.33 (2) (ir) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,8,99 23.33 (2) (ir) (title) Registration; supplemental fees fee .
AB434-ASA1,20 10Section 20. 23.33 (2) (ir) 1. of the statutes, as affected by 2011 Wisconsin Act
, is renumbered 23.33 (2) (ir) and amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,8,1812 23.33 (2) (ir) In addition to the applicable fee under par. (c), (d), or (e), each
13agent appointed under par. (i) 3. who accepts an application to issue, renew, or
registration documentation documents in person and issues a validated
15registration receipt under par. (ig) 1. a.
shall collect a service an issuing fee of $3 50
16cents and a transaction fee of 50 cents
each time the agent issues the renewal
17registration documents
receipt under par. (ig) 1. a. or b. The agent shall retain the
18entire amount of each service issuing fee and transaction fee the agent collects.
AB434-ASA1,21 19Section 21. 23.33 (2h) of the statutes is created to read:
AB434-ASA1,8,2120 23.33 (2h) Alterations and falsifications prohibited. (a) No person may
21intentionally do any of the following:
AB434-ASA1,8,2322 1. Make a false statement on an application for a registration issued under sub.
23(2) or (2g).
AB434-ASA1,8,2524 2. Alter, remove, or change any number or other character in an engine serial
13. Alter, remove, or change any number or other character in a vehicle
2identification number.
AB434-ASA1,9,33 (b) No person may do any of the following: