2015 - 2016 LEGISLATURE
February 5, 2016 - Offered by Representatives Mason and Mursau.
AB548-ASA1,1,7 1An Act to renumber 16.754 (2); to amend 16.75 (1) (a) 1. and 16.754 (3); to
2repeal and recreate
16.754 (title); and to create 16.24, 16.705 (1b) (d), 16.705
3(10), 16.754 (2) (b) and 20.505 (4) (kc) of the statutes; relating to: establishing
4a Wisconsin conservation corps program, extending the time limit for
5emergency rule procedures, providing exemptions from emergency rule
6procedures, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and making an
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This substitute amendment creates a Wisconsin conservation corps (WCC)
program to protect, enhance, and provide access to Wisconsin's natural heritage and
encourage and enable young people to learn the value of work in a natural setting
by providing employment training and career pathways. The substitute amendment
directs the Department of Administration to administer and manage the program or
to contract with a nonprofit corporation, or an institution of higher education, that
has demonstrated experience in grant program administration (manager) to manage
and administer the program. The manager then provides grants to organizations

that have experience in natural resources conservation to engage, train, and
supervise work crews to carry out each project. The substitute amendment requires
DOA to ensure that projects are equally distributed across technical college districts
to the greatest extent possible, and to ensure that at least one project is located in
each technical college district in each year.
The substitute amendment provides that a WCC project must be designed to
carry out a specific goal within a defined period of time, must be focused on the
conservation or enjoyment of natural resources for environmental conservation, and
must have a specific, beneficial, and physical effect. The project must also be eligible
for AmeriCorps education award matching. Environmental conservation projects
may include new trail construction, trail rehabilitation, invasive species
management, bridge and boardwalk construction, reforestation, timber stand
improvement, stream bank stabilization, erosion control, rain garden installation,
prairie restoration, historical site preservation, recreation site maintenance, wild
land fire hazard reduction and fuels management, lake and stream restoration,
boundary marking, fencing, or landscaping.
A project may be sited only on public land in this state. The substitute
amendment permits local governments, institutions of higher education, or
nonprofit corporations to sponsor projects. A project application is then submitted
to DOA. The application must identify the proposed project and the sponsor of the
project and provide a detailed plan for the work on the project. In addition, the
application must contain an enumeration of the number of work crews that will work
on the project and an affirmation as to whether the work crew members would be
eligible to participate in a youth corps program administered by the National and
Community Service Board (NCSB), as well as a plan for training the work crew
members, providing transportation to the project work sites, making available
individualized educational opportunities for work crew members suited to the
qualifications, experience, and needs of the members while they are working on the
projects; for assisting work crew members in making full use of all benefits provided
under such a youth corps program if the project qualifies as a youth corps program;
and for visiting a college campus to familiarize the crew members with application
and enrollment procedures, programs, and course offerings.
The substitute amendment provides that each work crew member on a WCC
project must be between the ages of 16 and 25, and at least 50 percent of the work
crew members on each project must have no postsecondary education and have a
family income of not more than 200 percent of the federal poverty line on the date
of their initial engagement.
The substitute amendment provides that, if the manager determines that an
application is an appropriate WCC project and that work crew members would be
eligible under the program, the manager must submit the application to NCSB for
funding. The manager must also submit the application to DOA for a grant. DOA
may award a grant for the project if the sponsor provides funding for the project in
an amount that is at least 50 percent of the amount of the grant. The substitute
amendment also limits the adminstrative costs associated with the grant to 10
percent of the grant amount.

The substitute amendment requires each sponsor of a WCC project to do both
of the following: upon completion of the project, erect a permanent plaque at each
work site identifying the site as a WCC project; and submit a report to DOA
identifying the number of work crew members who enrolled at a postsecondary
institution upon completion of the project and their status on the first anniversary
of completion of the project.
The substitute amendment permits DOA to retain its manager and permits
other state agencies to engage a WCC crew on a project without complying with state
procurement laws, including requirements for public notice to and competitive
solicitation of contractors and limitations on the circumstances when contractual
services may be obtained.
Finally, the substitute amendment requires DOA to submit an annual report
to the legislature identifying the projects that were completed in each year or that
are in the process of completion as of the end of that year.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB548-ASA1,1 1Section 1. 16.24 of the statutes is created to read:
AB548-ASA1,3,6 216.24 Wisconsin conservation corps. (1) Establishment of program.
3There is established the Wisconsin conservation corps program. The purpose of the
4program is to protect, enhance, and provide access to Wisconsin's natural heritage
5and encourage and enable young people to learn the value of work in a natural setting
6by providing employment training and career pathways.
AB548-ASA1,3,7 7(2) Definitions. In this section:
AB548-ASA1,3,98 (a) "College campus" means any university, college, and technical college
AB548-ASA1,3,1110 (b) "Local government" has the meaning given for "local governmental unit" in
11s. 16.97 (7).
AB548-ASA1,4,212 (c) "Nonprofit corporation" means a nonstock, nonprofit corporation described
13under section 501 (c) (3) or (4) of the Internal Revenue Code that is exempt from the

1federal income tax under section 501 (a) of that code and organized under the laws
2of this state.
AB548-ASA1,4,73 (d) "Project" means a planned undertaking of the Wisconsin conservation corps
4for a sponsor to carry out a specific goal within a defined period of time that is focused
5on the conservation or enjoyment of natural resources for environmental
6conservation, that will have a specific, beneficial, and physical effect, and that is
7eligible for AmeriCorps education award matching.
AB548-ASA1,4,98 (e) "Sponsor" means a local government, university, college, technical college,
9or nonprofit corporation that proposes to undertake a project.
AB548-ASA1,4,1010 (f) "Youth corps program" has the meaning given in s. 16.22 (1) (dm).
AB548-ASA1,4,13 11(3) Administration. The department is the policy-making body of the
12Wisconsin conservation corps program. The department shall promulgate rules
13consistent with this section for the operation of the program.
AB548-ASA1,5,2 14(4) Management and services. The department may administer and manage
15the Wisconsin conservation corps program or contract with a nonprofit corporation,
16or an institution of higher education, that has demonstrated experience in grant
17program administration to administer and manage the Wisconsin conservation
18corps program. The manager shall submit all project applications to the department
19for approval and shall facilitate the awarding of grants to applicants. An application
20is eligible for approval if the applicant has demonstrated experience in natural
21resources conservation and youth training or employment. An applicant shall retain
22all work crew members under sub. (7), except that an applicant shall enroll any work
23crew members who are participants in a youth corps program. The applicant shall
24also train and supervise all work crews, provide educational programming for work

1crews, and provide outreach and other communications services in accordance with
2this section and the rules and directives of the department.
AB548-ASA1,5,8 3(5) Project application; approval. (a) Each project is subject to review and
4approval by the department prior to commencement of work on the project. The
5manager may submit an application to the department for approval of a proposed
6project. Applications requesting a grant under sub. (8) (c) may be submitted directly
7to the department. An application shall be in the form prescribed by the department
8and shall include all of the following:
AB548-ASA1,5,109 1. An identification of the project and the sponsor of the project, together with
10a detailed plan for the work to be performed on the project.
AB548-ASA1,5,1411 2. An enumeration of the number of work crews that will work on the project,
12an affirmation as to whether work crew members would be eligible to participate in
13a youth corps program, and an affirmation that the work crew members will satisfy
14the requirements under sub. (7).
AB548-ASA1,5,2015 3. A plan for training the work crew members, providing transportation to each
16project work site, and making available individualized educational opportunities for
17work crew members suited to the qualifications, experience, and needs of the
18members while they are working on the project, and for assisting work crew members
19who are participating in a youth corps program in making full use of all benefits
20provided under the program.
AB548-ASA1,5,2421 4. A plan for the crew members to visit a college campus, at least once every
223 months while they are employed or enrolled to work on a project in order to
23familiarize them with application and enrollment procedures, programs, and course
1(b) The department shall approve applications for projects that are located in
2at least one of each of the technical college districts in each year. To the greatest
3extent practicable, the department shall ensure that projects are equally distributed
4across technical college districts.
AB548-ASA1,6,11 5(6) Scope of projects. (a) Environmental conservation projects may include,
6but are not limited to, new trail construction, trail rehabilitation, invasive species
7management, bridge and boardwalk construction, reforestation, timber stand
8improvement, stream bank stabilization, erosion control, rain garden installation,
9prairie restoration, historical site preservation, recreation site maintenance, wild
10land fire hazard reduction and fuels management, lake and stream restoration,
11boundary marking, fencing, or landscaping.
AB548-ASA1,6,1312 (b) Each project shall be sited on land that is located in this state and owned
13by the federal or state government or a local government.
AB548-ASA1,6,20 14(7) Work crews. The work crew members on a project shall constitute the
15Wisconsin conservation corps. Each work crew shall have a crew leader. The
16applicant shall determine the size of work crews. Each work crew member on a
17project shall be between the ages of 16 and 25. At least 50 percent of the work crew
18members on each project shall have no postsecondary education and shall have a
19family income of not more than 200 percent of the poverty line, as defined in s. 49.001
20(5), on the date of initial employment or enrollment.
AB548-ASA1,7,2 21(8) Funding of projects. (a) If the manager determines that a project proposed
22in an application submitted under sub. (5) (a) is an appropriate project and that work
23crew members on the project would be eligible to participate in a youth corps program
24and satisfy the requirements under sub. (7), the manager shall submit the

1application to the national and community service board for a grant under s. 16.22
2(2) (h).
AB548-ASA1,7,53 (b) If an application for a grant is approved by the national and community
4service board under s. 16.22 (2) (h), the manager shall accept the grant and shall use
5the grant to assist the applicant and the sponsor in training the work crews.
AB548-ASA1,7,146 (c) In addition to submitting the application to the national and community
7service board under par. (a), the manager shall also submit the application to the
8department for a grant from the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (1) (ch). The
9department may award a grant for a proposed project in an amount that is no less
10than $25,000 and no more than $75,000, if the sponsor provides funding for the
11project in an amount that is at least 50 percent of the amount of the grant. The
12cumulative amount of adminstrative costs charged by the department, the manager,
13and the sponsor in connection with a grant awarded under this paragraph may not
14exceed 10 percent of the amount of the grant.
AB548-ASA1,7,20 15(9) Intergovernmental cooperation. The department may, on behalf of the
16manager, an applicant, or a sponsor, enter into a cooperative purchasing agreement
17under s. 16.73 (1). The department may request cooperative assistance from other
18state agencies in carrying out its program responsibilities as provided in s. 20.901
19(1) (a). The department may enter into an intergovernmental service agreement
20under s. 66.0301 on behalf of itself, the manager, an applicant, or a sponsor.
AB548-ASA1,7,22 21(10) Responsibilities of sponsor. Each sponsor of a Wisconsin conservation
22corps project approved under this section shall do all of the following:
AB548-ASA1,7,2423 (a) Upon completion of the project, erect a permanent plaque at each project
24work site identifying the site as a Wisconsin conservation corps project.
1(b) Submit a report to the department identifying the number of work crew
2members who enrolled at a technical college, a college campus of the University of
3Wisconsin System, or any other postsecondary educational institution upon
4completion of a project in which they were engaged and the status of each such work
5crew member as of the first anniversary after completion of each project, including
6whether the crew member has graduated from high school, has received a
7declaration of equivalency of high school graduation, or is employed and if employed,
8in what capacity.
AB548-ASA1,8,13 9(11) Annual report. Annually, no later than March 31, the department shall
10submit a report to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for distribution to
11the legislature under s. 13.172 (2), identifying Wisconsin conservation corps projects
12that were completed in the preceding year or that are in the process of completion
13at the end of that year.
AB548-ASA1,2 14Section 2. 16.705 (1b) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB548-ASA1,8,1515 16.705 (1b) (d) The Wisconsin conservation corps program under s. 16.24 (4).
AB548-ASA1,3 16Section 3. 16.705 (10) of the statutes is created to read:
AB548-ASA1,8,1917 16.705 (10) Subsections (2) to (9) do not apply to procurements by an agency
18for contractual services to be performed by crew members as a part of a Wisconsin
19conservation corps project.
AB548-ASA1,4 20Section 4. 16.75 (1) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB548-ASA1,9,521 16.75 (1) (a) 1. All orders awarded or contracts made by the department for all
22materials, supplies, equipment, and contractual services to be provided to any
23agency, except as otherwise provided in par. (c) and subs. (2), (2g), (2m), (3m), (3t),
24(6), (7), (8), (9), (10e), and (10m) and ss. 16.705 (1r), 16.73 (4) (a), 16.751, 16.754, 50.05
25(7) (f), 153.05 (2m) (a), 165.987, and 287.15 (7), and except for contractual services

1to be performed by crew members as a part of a Wisconsin conservation corps project,

2shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, taking into consideration life cycle
3cost estimates under sub. (1m), when appropriate, the location of the agency, the
4quantities of the articles to be supplied, their conformity with the specifications, and
5the purposes for which they are required and the date of delivery.
AB548-ASA1,5 6Section 5. 16.754 (title) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB548-ASA1,9,7 716.754 (title) Preferences.
AB548-ASA1,6 8Section 6. 16.754 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 16.754 (2) (a).
AB548-ASA1,7 9Section 7. 16.754 (2) (b) of the statutes is created to read: