17(6) A village, city or county may enact ordinances and a local board of health
18may adopt regulations regarding the licensees and premises for which the local
19health department is the designated agent under this section, which are stricter than
252.23 463.10 or
252.24 463.12 or rules promulgated by the department of health
21services under s.
252.23 463.10 or
252.24 463.12. No such provision may conflict with
252.23 463.10 or
252.24 463.12 or with department rules.
23(8) The department shall hold a hearing under ch. 227 if, in lieu of proceeding
24under ch. 68, any interested person in the jurisdictional area of a local health
25department that is designated as the department's agent under this section appeals
1to the department of
health services
safety and professional services alleging that
2a license fee for a tattooist or tattooist establishment or for a body piercer or
3body-piercing establishment exceeds the license issuer's reasonable costs of issuing
4licenses to, making investigations and inspections of, and providing education,
5training and technical assistance to the tattooist or tattooist establishment or to the
6body piercer or body-piercing establishment.
7(9) The department shall promulgate rules establishing state fees for its costs
8related to setting standards under ss.
463.10 and
252.24 463.12 and
9monitoring and evaluating the activities of, and providing education and training to,
10agent local health departments. The department may not promulgate a rule under
11which a local health department may charge an individual who is eligible for the
12veterans fee waiver program under s. 45.44 a state fee to obtain a license under s.
13252.23 463.10 (3) or
252.24 463.12 (3). Agent local health departments shall include
14the state fees in the license fees established under sub. (4), collect the state fees and
15reimburse the department for the state fees collected. For tattooists or tattoo
16establishments and for body piercers or body-piercing establishments, the state fee
17may not exceed 20% of the license fees established under s.
252.23 (4) (a) or 252.24
18(4) (a) 440.03 (9).
4045. 254.02 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (a) The department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection,
21the department of corrections, the department of safety and professional services,
22and the department of natural resources shall enter into memoranda of
23understanding with the department to establish protocols for the department to
24review proposed rules of those state agencies relating to air and water quality,
1occupational health and safety, institutional sanitation, toxic substances, indoor air
food protection or waste handling and disposal.
3Section 4045p. 254.11 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
(8) "Lead-bearing paint" means any paint or other surface coating
5material containing more than 0.06% lead by weight, calculated as lead metal, in the
6total nonvolatile content of liquid paint
, more than 0.5 percent lead by weight in the
7dried film of applied paint, or more than
1 milligram of lead per square centimeter
8in the dried film of applied paint.
4046. 254.11 (13) of the statutes is amended to read:
(13) "Third-party payer" means a disability insurance policy that is
11required to provide coverage for a blood lead test under s. 632.895 (10) (a); a health
12maintenance organization or preferred provider plan under ch. 609; a health care
13coverage plan offered by the state under s. 40.51 (6); a self-insured health plan
14offered by a city or village under s. 66.0137 (4), a
political subdivision local
15governmental unit or technical college district under s. 66.0137 (4m), a town under
16s. 60.23 (25), a county under s. 59.52 (11) (c), or a school district under s. 120.13 (2)
17(b); or a health care plan operated by a cooperative association organized under s.
4047. 254.115 (1) (c) of the statutes is repealed.
4048. 254.115 (1) (d) of the statutes is repealed.
21Section 4048d. 254.156 of the statutes is amended to read:
22254.156 Definition of lead-bearing paint and lead poisoning or lead
23exposure. Notwithstanding s. 254.11 (intro.)
, (8) and (9), whenever the centers for
24disease control and prevention of the federal department of health and human
25services specifies a standard for the determination of
lead-bearing paint or lead
1poisoning or lead exposure that differs from that specified in s. 254.11
(8) or (9), the
2department shall promulgate a rule defining
"lead-bearing paint" or "lead poisoning
3or lead exposure" to correspond to the specification of the centers for disease control
4and prevention. Rules promulgated under this section supersede s. 254.11
(8) and
5(9) with respect to the requirements of this subchapter.
6Section 4049d. 254.30 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (a)
Civil penalty. Any person who violates ss. 254.11 to 254.178 or
8rules promulgated, or orders issued, under those sections may be required to forfeit
9not less than $100 nor more than
$1,000 $5,000 per violation. Each day of continued
10violation constitutes a separate offense.
11Section 4049e. 254.30 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (b)
Criminal penalty. Any person who knowingly violates any
13provision of ss. 254.11 to 254.178 or any rule promulgated, or order issued, under
14those sections shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $5,000
per violation.
15The court may place the person on probation under s. 973.09 for a period not to exceed
162 years.
4050. 254.47 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 97.67 (title) and
18amended to read:
1997.67 (title)
Recreational permits licenses and fees.
4051. 254.47 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 97.67 (1) and amended
21to read:
(1) Except as provided in sub. (1g) and
ss. 250.041 and 254.115 s. 93.135,
23the department or a local health department granted agent status under s.
24(2) 97.615 (2) shall issue
permits licenses to and regulate campgrounds and camping
25resorts, recreational and educational camps and public swimming pools. No person
1or state or local government who has not been issued a
permit license under this
2section may conduct, maintain, manage or operate a campground and camping
3resort, recreational camp and educational camp or public swimming pool, as defined
4by departmental rule.
4052. 254.47 (1g) of the statutes is renumbered 97.67 (1g).
4053. 254.47 (1m) of the statutes is renumbered 97.67 (1m) and
7amended to read:
(1m) The department or a local health department granted agent status
9under s.
254.69 97.615 (2) may not, without a
preinspection pre-licensing inspection,
10grant a
permit license to a person intending to operate a new public swimming pool,
11campground, or recreational or educational camp or to a person intending to be the
12new operator of an existing public swimming pool, campground, or recreational or
13educational camp.
4054. 254.47 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 97.67 (2) and amended
15to read:
(2) (a) A separate
license is required for each campground,
17camping resort, recreational or educational camp, and public swimming pool. Except
18as provided in par. (b) or (c), no
permit license issued under this section is
19transferable from one premises to another or from one person, state or local
20government to another.
(b) A
permit license issued under this section may be transferred from an
22individual to an immediate family member, as defined in s.
254.64 97.605 (4) (a) 2.,
23if the individual is transferring operation of the campground, camping resort,
24recreational or educational camp, or public swimming pool to the immediate family
1(c) A sole proprietorship that reorganizes as a business entity, as defined in s.
2179.70 (1), or a business entity that reorganizes as a sole proprietorship or a different
3type of business entity may transfer a
license issued under this section for a
4campground, camping resort, recreational or educational camp, or public swimming
5pool to the newly formed business entity or sole proprietorship if all of the following
6conditions are satisfied:
1. The campground, camping resort, recreational or educational camp, or
8public swimming pool remains at the location for which the
permit license was
2. At least one individual who had an ownership interest in the sole
11proprietorship or business entity to which the
permit license was issued has an
12ownership interest in the newly formed sole proprietorship or business entity.
4055. 254.47 (2m) of the statutes is renumbered 97.67 (2m) and
14amended to read:
(2m) Except as provided in
ss. 250.041 and 254.115 s. 93.135, the initial
16issuance, renewal or continued validity of a
license issued under this section
17may be conditioned upon the requirement that the
permittee licensee correct a
18violation of this section, rules promulgated by the department under this section or
19ordinances adopted under s.
254.69 97.615 (2) (g), within a period of time that is
20specified. If the condition is not met within the specified period of time, the
permit 21license is void.
4056. 254.47 (3) of the statutes is repealed.
4057. 254.47 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 97.67 (4) and amended
24to read:
(4) Permits
Licenses issued under this section expire on June 30, except
permits licenses initially issued during the period beginning on April 1 and
3ending on June 30 expire on June 30 of the following year. Except as provided in s.
4254.69 97.615 (2) (d) and (e), the department shall promulgate rules that establish,
permits licenses issued under this section, amounts of
permit license fees,
6preinspection pre-licensing inspection fees, reinspection fees, fees for operating
7without a license, and late fees for untimely
license renewal.
4058. 254.47 (5) of the statutes is renumbered 97.67 (5) and amended
9to read:
(5) No
permit license may be issued under this section until all applicable
11fees have been paid. If the payment is by check or other draft drawn upon an account
12containing insufficient funds, the
permit license applicant shall, within 15 days after
13receipt of notice from the department of the insufficiency, pay by cashier's check or
14other certified draft, money order or cash the fees from the department, late fees and
15processing charges that are specified by rules promulgated by the department. If the
16permit license applicant fails to pay all applicable fees, late fees and the processing
17charges within 15 days after the applicant receives notice of the insufficiency, the
18permit license is void. In an appeal concerning voiding of a
permit license under this
19subsection, the burden is on the
permit license applicant to show that the entire
20applicable fees, late fees and processing charges have been paid. During any appeal
21process concerning payment dispute, operation of the establishment in question is
22deemed considered to be operation without a
permit license.
4059. 254.47 (5m) of the statutes is renumbered 97.67 (5m).
4060. 254.47 (6) of the statutes is renumbered 97.67 (6).
4061. 254.47 (7) of the statutes is renumbered 97.67 (7) and amended
2to read:
(7) The department may not require that a swimming pool be staffed by
4a lifeguard as a condition of receiving a
license under this section if the
5swimming pool is less than 2,500 square feet, the swimming pool is located in a
6private club in the city of Milwaukee, and the club has a policy that prohibits a minor
7from using the swimming pool when not accompanied by an adult.
4062. Subchapter VII (title) of chapter 254 [precedes 254.61] of the
9statutes is repealed.
4063. 254.61 (title) of the statutes is repealed.
4064. 254.61 (intro.) of the statutes is repealed.
4065. 254.61 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 97.01 (1g).
4066. 254.61 (2) of the statutes is repealed.
4067. 254.61 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 97.01 (7).
4068. 254.61 (3m) of the statutes is renumbered 97.01 (13g).
4069. 254.61 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 97.01 (13r) and
17amended to read:
(13r) "Public health and safety" means the highest degree of protection
19against infection, contagion or disease and freedom from the danger of fire or
20accident that can be reasonably maintained in the operation of a hotel,
restaurant, 21tourist rooming house, bed and breakfast establishment, vending machine or
22vending machine commissary.
4070. 254.61 (5) of the statutes is renumbered 97.01 (14g), and 97.01
24(14g) (intro.), as renumbered, is amended to read:
(14g) (intro.) "Restaurant" means any building, room or place
2meals are prepared or served or sold at which the predominant activity is the
3preparation, service, or sale of meals to transients or the general public,
and 4including all places used in connection with it and
includes including any public or
5private school lunchroom for which food service is provided by contract. "
Meals" does
6not include soft drinks, ice cream, milk, milk drinks, ices and confections.
7"Restaurant" does not include:
4071. 254.61 (5m) of the statutes is renumbered 97.01 (15b).
4072. 254.61 (5r) of the statutes is renumbered 97.01 (15f).
4073. 254.61 (6) of the statutes is renumbered 97.01 (15k).
4074. 254.61 (7) of the statutes is renumbered 97.01 (15p).
4075. 254.61 (8) of the statutes is renumbered 97.01 (15s) and
13amended to read:
(15s) "Vending machine commissary" means any building, room or place
15where the food, beverage, ingredients, containers, transport equipment or supplies
16for vending machines are kept, handled, prepared or stored by a vending machine
17operator. "Vending machine commissary" does not mean any place at which the
18operator is licensed to manufacture, distribute or sell food products under
ch. 97 this
4076. 254.61 (9) of the statutes is renumbered 97.01 (15w).
4077. 254.61 (10) of the statutes is renumbered 97.01 (15y).
4078. 254.62 of the statutes is renumbered 97.60.
4079. 254.63 of the statutes is renumbered 97.603.
4080. 254.64 of the statutes is renumbered 97.605, and 97.605 (title),
25(1), (1m), (1p), (2), (3), (4) (b), (d) and (e) and (5), as renumbered, are amended to read:
197.605 (title)
Permit Lodging and vending licenses.
(1) (a) No person may
2conduct, maintain, manage or operate a hotel,
restaurant, temporary restaurant, 3tourist rooming house, vending machine commissary or vending machine if the
4person has not been issued an annual
permit license by the department or by a local
5health department that is granted agent status under s.
254.69 97.615 (2).
(b) No person may maintain, manage or operate a bed and breakfast
7establishment for more than 10 nights in a year without having first obtained an
permit license from the department.
(c) Except as provided in s.
250.041 93.135, no
permit license may be issued
10under this section until all applicable fees have been paid. If the payment is by check
11or other draft drawn upon an account containing insufficient funds, the
12license applicant shall, within 15 days after receipt of notice from the department of
13the insufficiency, pay by cashier's check or other certified draft, money order or cash
14the fees, late fees and processing charges that are specified by rules promulgated by
15the department. If the
permit license applicant fails to pay all applicable fees, late
16fees and processing charges within 15 days after the applicant receives notice of the
17insufficiency, the
permit license is void. In an appeal concerning voiding of a
permit 18license under this paragraph, the burden is on the
permit license applicant to show
19that the entire applicable fees, late fees and processing charges have been paid.
20During any appeal process concerning payment dispute, operation of the
21establishment in question is deemed to be operation without a
permit license.
(d) If a person or establishment
otherwise licensed under
ch. 97 this chapter 23is incidentally engaged in an activity for which a
permit license is required under this
24section, the department may, by rule, exempt the person or establishment from the
25permit license requirement under this section.
Rules under this paragraph shall
1conform to a memorandum of understanding between the department and the
2department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection.
3(1m) No county, city, village or town may require any
permit license of, or
4impose any
permit license or inspection fee on, a vending machine operator, vending
5machine commissary or vending machine
licensed under this
subchapter 6chapter.
7(1p) Except as provided in s.
250.041 93.135, the department may condition the
8initial issuance, renewal or continued validity of a
permit license issued under this
9section on correction by the
permittee licensee of a violation of this subchapter, rules
10promulgated by the department under this subchapter or ordinances or regulations
11adopted under s.
254.69 97.615 (2) (g), within a specified period of time. If the
12permittee licensee fails to meet the condition within the specified period of time, the
13permit license is void.
14(2) Except as provided in sub. (3), a separate
permit license is required for each
15hotel, tourist rooming house, bed and breakfast establishment
, or vending machine
17(3) (a) A bulk milk dispenser may be operated in a restaurant without a
18vending machine or vending machine operator
(b) A restaurant may operate as a vending machine commissary without a
20vending machine commissary
permit license.
21(4) (b) Except as provided in par. (d) or (e), no
permit license is transferable from
22one premises to another or from one person to another.
(d) The holder of a
permit license issued under this section may transfer the
24permit license to an individual who is an immediate family member if the holder is
1transferring operation of the
hotel, tourist rooming house, bed and breakfast 2establishment
, or vending machine to the immediate family member.
(e) A sole proprietorship that reorganizes as a business entity or a business
4entity that reorganizes as either a sole proprietorship or a different type of business
5entity may transfer a
permit license issued under this section for operation of
6hotel, tourist rooming house, bed and breakfast establishment
, or vending machine
7commissary to the newly formed business entity or sole proprietorship if the
8following conditions are satisfied:
1. The
hotel, tourist rooming house, bed and breakfast establishment
, or
10vending machine commissary remains at the location for which the
permit license 11was issued.
2. At least one individual who had an ownership interest in the sole
13proprietorship or business entity to which the
permit license was issued has an
14ownership interest in the newly formed sole proprietorship or business entity.
15(5) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), all
permits licenses expire on June 30,
16except that
permits licenses initially issued during the period beginning on April 1
17and ending on June 30 expire on June 30 of the following year.
(b) 1. The local health department of a city of the 1st class that has entered into
19an agreement with the department under s.
97.615 (2) may issue a
permit 20license for a
restaurant or bed and breakfast establishment required under this
21section at any time during the year. A
license issued under this subdivision
22shall expire one year from the date of its issuance.
2. The holder of a
permit license for a
restaurant or bed and breakfast
24establishment may request an extension to the term of a
permit license issued under
25this section by the local health department of a city of the 1st class that has entered
1into an agreement with the department under s.
254.69 97.615 (2) for the purpose
2of aligning the annual term of any other license or permit issued to that
permit 3license holder with the annual term of a
permit license to be issued to that
permit 4license holder under subd. 1. The local health department may require a
permit 5license holder that receives an extension under this subdivision to pay a prorated fee
6in an amount determined by dividing the
license fee imposed under s.
254.69 797.615 (2) by 12 and multiplying the quotient by the number of months by which the
8permit license issued under this section is extended under this subdivision.
4081. 254.65 of the statutes is renumbered 97.607 and amended to
1197.607 Preinspection
Pre-licensing inspection. (1) The department or
12a local health department granted agent status under s.
254.69 97.615 (2) may not
13grant a
permit license to a person intending to operate a new hotel, tourist rooming
14house, bed and breakfast establishment,
restaurant or vending machine commissary
15or to a person intending to be the new operator of an existing hotel, tourist rooming
16house, bed and breakfast establishment,
restaurant or vending machine commissary
17without a
preinspection pre-licensing inspection. This section does not apply
to a
18temporary restaurant or when a
permit license is transferred under s.
254.64 97.605 19(4) (d) or (e).
20(2) Agents designated by the department under s.
254.69 97.615 (1) shall make
21preinspections pre-licensing inspections of vending machine commissaries as
22required under this subsection and shall be reimbursed for those services at the rate
23of 80% of the
preinspection pre-licensing inspection fee designated in this
24subsection. Agents designated by the department under s.
254.69 97.615 (2) shall
preinspections pre-licensing inspections of hotels
, restaurants and tourist
1rooming houses and establish and collect
preinspection pre-licensing inspection fees
2under s.
254.69 97.615 (2) (d).
4082. 254.66 of the statutes is renumbered 97.307 and amended to
597.307 Average annual surveys. The department or a local health
6department granted agent status under s.
254.69 (2)
97.41 shall annually make a
7number of inspections of restaurants in this state that shall equal the number of
8restaurants for which annual
permits licenses are issued under s.
254.64 (1) (a) 997.30.
4083. 254.67 of the statutes is renumbered 97.61.
4084. 254.68 of the statutes is renumbered 97.613 and amended to
1397.613 Fees. Except as provided in s.
254.69 97.615 (2) (d) and (e), the
14department shall promulgate rules that establish, for
permits licenses issued under
254.64, permit 97.605, license fees,
preinspection pre-licensing inspection fees,
16reinspection fees, fees for operating without a
permit license, late fees for untimely
17permit renewal, fees for comparable compliance or variance requests, and fees for
18pre-permit pre-license review of restaurant plans.
4085. 254.69 of the statutes is renumbered 97.615, and 97.615 (2)
20(title), (am), (b), (c), (d), (dm), (e), (f), (g), (h) and (j) 1. and 2., as renumbered, are
21amended to read: