SB292-SA1,7,23 2238. Page 39, line 17: after "party" insert "shall indicate on the registration
23statement that it is registering as a political party and".
139. Page 41, line 1: delete "name of the principal place of employment" and
2substitute "occupation".
SB292-SA1,8,4 340. Page 42, line 14: delete that line and substitute "party that makes or
4accepts contributions, makes disbursements, or incurs obligations to".
SB292-SA1,8,6 541. Page 43, line 6: delete that line and substitute "party that makes or
6accepts contributions, makes disbursements, or incurs obligations to".
SB292-SA1,8,8 742. Page 43, line 19: delete that line and substitute "party that makes or
8accepts contributions, makes disbursements, or incurs obligations to".
SB292-SA1,8,10 943. Page 44, line 10: delete that line and substitute "party that makes or
10accepts contributions, makes disbursements, or incurs obligations to".
SB292-SA1,8,11 1144. Page 45, line 11: delete "48" and substitute "72".
SB292-SA1,8,13 1245. Page 46, line 5: delete that line and substitute "makes or accepts
13contributions, makes disbursements, or incurs obligations to support or".
SB292-SA1,8,16 1446. Page 46, line 6: delete the material beginning with "accepting," and
15ending with "obligation" on line 7 and substitute "making or accepting any such
16contribution, making any such disbursement, or incurring any such obligation".
SB292-SA1,8,19 1747. Page 46, line 10: after "committee" insert "shall indicate on the
18registration statement that it is registering as a legislative campaign committee
SB292-SA1,8,21 2048. Page 48, line 1: delete "name of the principal place of employment" and
21substitute "occupation".
149. Page 49, line 14: delete the material beginning with "accepts" and ending
2with "obligations" on line 15 and substitute "makes or accepts contributions, makes
3disbursements, or incurs obligations".
SB292-SA1,9,6 450. Page 50, line 4: delete the material beginning with "accepts" and ending
5with "obligations" on line 5 and substitute "makes or accepts contributions, makes
6disbursements, or incurs obligations".
SB292-SA1,9,7 751. Page 50, line 23: delete "48" and substitute "72".
SB292-SA1,9,8 852. Page 51, line 17: delete "my" and substitute "may".
SB292-SA1,9,10 953. Page 51, line 20: delete that line and substitute "makes or accepts
10contributions, makes disbursements, or incurs obligations to support or".
SB292-SA1,9,12 1154. Page 52, line 5: after "committee" insert "shall indicate on the registration
12statement that it is registering as a political action committee and".
SB292-SA1,9,13 1355. Page 52, line 15: after that line insert:
SB292-SA1,9,15 14"(e) The name and address of the political action committee's sponsoring
15organization, if any.".
SB292-SA1,9,17 1656. Page 53, line 15: delete "name of the principal place of employment" and
17substitute "occupation".
SB292-SA1,9,20 1857. Page 55, line 5: delete the material beginning with "accepts" and ending
19with "obligations" on line 6 and substitute "makes or accepts contributions, makes
20disbursements, or incurs obligations".
SB292-SA1,9,23 2158. Page 55, line 21: delete the material beginning with "accepts" and ending
22with "obligations" on line 22 and substitute "makes or accepts contributions, makes
23disbursements, or incurs obligations".
159. Page 56, line 9: delete the material beginning with "accepts" and ending
2with "obligations" on line 10 and substitute "makes or accepts contributions, makes
3disbursements, or incurs obligations".
SB292-SA1,10,6 460. Page 56, line 24: delete the material beginning with "accepts" and ending
5with "obligations" on line 25 and substitute "makes or accepts contributions, makes
6disbursements, or incurs obligations".
SB292-SA1,10,8 761. Page 58, line 1: delete "affected by the disbursement" and substitute
8"identified in the express advocacy".
SB292-SA1,10,9 962. Page 58, line 18: delete "committee," and substitute "committee".
SB292-SA1,10,13 1063. Page 58, line 20: after "members." insert "In this subdivision, a member
11of an organization means a shareholder, employee, or officer of the organization, or
12an individual who has affirmatively manifested an interest in joining, supporting or
13aiding the organization.".
SB292-SA1,10,14 1464. Page 58, line 22: delete "48" and substitute "72".
SB292-SA1,10,15 1565. Page 59, line 16: delete "No" and substitute "A".
SB292-SA1,10,17 1666. Page 59, line 17: delete the material beginning with ", except" and ending
17with "subch. V" on line 19.
SB292-SA1,10,20 1867. Page 59, line 21: delete the material beginning with "accepts" and ending
19with "obligations" on line 22 and substitute "makes or accepts contributions, makes
20disbursements, or incurs obligations".
SB292-SA1,10,22 2168. Page 60, line 8: after "committee" insert "shall indicate on the registration
22statement that it is registering as an independent expenditure committee and".
SB292-SA1,10,23 2369. Page 60, line 23: after that line insert:
1"(f) The name and address of the independent expenditure committee's
2sponsoring organization, if any.".
SB292-SA1,11,4 370. Page 61, line 22: delete "name of the principal place of employment" and
4substitute "occupation".
SB292-SA1,11,7 571. Page 63, line 12: delete the material beginning with "accepts" and ending
6with "obligations" on line 13 and substitute "makes or accepts contributions, makes
7disbursements, or incurs obligations".
SB292-SA1,11,10 872. Page 64, line 4: delete the material beginning with "accepts" and ending
9with "obligations" on line 5 and substitute "makes or accepts contributions, makes
10disbursements, or incurs obligations".
SB292-SA1,11,13 1173. Page 64, line 18: delete the material beginning with "accepts" and ending
12with "obligations" on line 19 and substitute "makes or accepts contributions, makes
13disbursements, or incurs obligations".
SB292-SA1,11,16 1474. Page 65, line 8: delete the material beginning with "accepts" and ending
15with "obligations" on line 9 and substitute "makes or accepts contributions, makes
16disbursements, or incurs obligations".
SB292-SA1,11,18 1775. Page 66, line 10: delete "affected by the disbursement" and substitute
18"identified in the express advocacy".
SB292-SA1,11,22 1976. Page 67, line 5: after "members." insert "In this subdivision, a member of
20an organization means a shareholder, employee, or officer of the organization, or an
21individual who has affirmatively manifested an interest in joining, supporting or
22aiding the organization.".
SB292-SA1,11,23 2377. Page 67, line 7: delete "48" and substitute "72".
178. Page 68, line 2: after "conduit" insert "shall indicate on the registration
2statement that it is registering as a conduit and".
SB292-SA1,12,3 379. Page 69, line 7: delete "and" and substitute "any".
SB292-SA1,12,5 480. Page 69, line 16: delete "name of the principal place of employment" and
5substitute "occupation".
SB292-SA1,12,7 681. Page 71, line 16: delete "a person or committee" and substitute "an
SB292-SA1,12,8 882. Page 71, line 24: delete "or organization".
SB292-SA1,12,9 983. Page 72, line 1: delete "or organization".
SB292-SA1,12,10 1084. Page 72, line 2: delete "or organization".
SB292-SA1,12,11 1185. Page 72, line 2: delete "individual or" and substitute "individual".
SB292-SA1,12,12 1286. Page 72, line 3: delete "organization".
SB292-SA1,12,13 1387. Page 72, line 4: delete "or organization".
SB292-SA1,12,14 1488. Page 72, line 6: delete "or organization".
SB292-SA1,12,15 1589. Page 72, line 7: delete "or organization".
SB292-SA1,12,16 1690. Page 72, line 9: delete "individual or" and substitute "individual".
SB292-SA1,12,17 1791. Page 72, line 10: delete "organization".
SB292-SA1,12,20 1892. Page 73, line 4: delete the material beginning with "accepts" and ending
19with "obligations" on line 5 and substitute "makes or accepts contributions, makes
20disbursements, or incurs obligations".
SB292-SA1,12,22 2193. Page 73, line 15: after "committee" insert "shall indicate on the
22registration statement that it is registering as a referendum committee and".
194. Page 74, line 21: delete "name of the principal place of employment" and
2substitute "occupation".
SB292-SA1,13,3 395. Page 76, line 10: after "committee" insert "making or".
SB292-SA1,13,4 496. Page 76, line 20: after "committee" insert "making or".
SB292-SA1,13,5 597. Page 77, line 4: after "committee" insert "making or".
SB292-SA1,13,6 698. Page 77, line 16: after "committee" insert "making or".
SB292-SA1,13,7 799. Page 77, line 19: delete lines 19 and 20.
SB292-SA1,13,8 8100. Page 77, line 21: delete "(b)" and substitute "(a)".
SB292-SA1,13,9 9101. Page 77, line 23: delete "(c)" and substitute "(b)".
SB292-SA1,13,10 10102. Page 78, line 1: delete "(d)" and substitute "(c)".
SB292-SA1,13,11 11103. Page 78, line 15: before "accepts" insert "makes or".
SB292-SA1,13,13 12104. Page 78, line 25: after "committee" insert "shall indicate on the
13registration statement that it is registering as a recall committee and".
SB292-SA1,13,15 14105. Page 80, line 7: delete "name of the principal place of employment" and
15substitute "occupation".
SB292-SA1,13,18 16106. Page 81, line 19: delete the material beginning with "accepts" and
17ending with "obligations" on line 20 and substitute "makes or accepts contributions,
18makes disbursements, or incurs obligations".
SB292-SA1,13,20 19107. Page 82, line 7: delete that line and substitute "makes or accepts
20contributions, makes disbursements, or incurs obligations to support or".
1108. Page 82, line 15: delete the material beginning with "accepts" and
2ending with "obligations" on line 16 and substitute "makes or accepts contributions,
3makes disbursements, or incurs obligations".
SB292-SA1,14,6 4109. Page 83, line 4: delete the material beginning with "accepts" and ending
5with "obligations" on line 5 and substitute "makes or accepts contributions, makes
6disbursements, or incurs obligations".
SB292-SA1,14,7 7110. Page 83, line 19: delete "30" and substitute "60".
SB292-SA1,14,9 8111. Page 84, line 3: delete "affected by the disbursement" and substitute
9"identified in the express advocacy".
SB292-SA1,14,11 10112. Page 84, line 14: delete "an disbursement" and substitute "a
SB292-SA1,14,12 12113. Page 84, line 18: delete "legitimate".
SB292-SA1,14,13 13114. Page 84, line 19: delete "political party, political".
SB292-SA1,14,14 14115. Page 84, line 20: delete "committee," and substitute "committee".
SB292-SA1,14,18 15116. Page 84, line 22: after "members." insert "In this subdivision, a member
16of an organization means a shareholder, employee, or officer of the organization, or
17an individual who has affirmatively manifested an interest in joining, supporting or
18aiding the organization.".
SB292-SA1,14,19 19117. Page 84, line 24: delete "48" and substitute "72".
SB292-SA1,14,20 20118. Page 88, line 4: delete "items." and substitute "items,".
SB292-SA1,14,22 21119. Page 89, line 1: delete lines 1 to 3 and substitute "ending on the day
22before the term of office begins for the office sought by the candidate.".
SB292-SA1,14,23 23120. Page 89, line 4: after "(4) (b)" insert "and 11.1112".
1121. Page 91, line 13: after "notify the" insert "candidate or candidate's agent
2or the".
SB292-SA1,15,3 3122. Page 93, line 4: delete "results" and substitute "results,".
SB292-SA1,15,4 4123. Page 97, line 3: delete "a disbursement" and substitute "an expenditure".
SB292-SA1,15,5 5124. Page 97, line 6: delete "in violation" and substitute "in excess".