SB292-SA1,15,8 8127. Page 97, line 10: delete "disbursement" and substitute "expenditure".
SB292-SA1,15,9 9128. Page 97, line 12: delete "disbursement" and substitute "expenditure".
SB292-SA1,15,10 10129. Page 97, line 14: delete "disbursement" and substitute "expenditure".
SB292-SA1,15,11 11130. Page 97, line 19: delete lines 19 to 21 and substitute:
SB292-SA1,15,13 12"(b) If an expenditure for express advocacy is coordinated but is not in violation
13of sub. (1), all of the following apply:
SB292-SA1,15,1514 1. The person making the expenditure shall report the expenditure as a
15disbursement if the".
SB292-SA1,15,16 16131. Page 97, line 23: delete "disbursement" and substitute "expenditure".
SB292-SA1,15,17 17132. Page 98, line 2: before "person's" insert "first".
SB292-SA1,15,18 18133. Page 98, line 3: delete "own name" and substitute "name".
SB292-SA1,15,20 19134. Page 98, line 6: delete "accept or receive" and substitute "receive or
SB292-SA1,15,21 21135. Page 100, line 8: delete "and (c)".
1136. Page 100, line 10: delete "or service" and substitute "during established
2hours of employment or while the officer or employee is engaged in his or her official
SB292-SA1,16,4 4137. Page 100, line 11: delete lines 11 to 14.
SB292-SA1,16,5 5138. Page 100, line 15: delete "(c)" and substitute "(b)".
SB292-SA1,16,6 6139. Page 100, line 16: delete " (3)" and substitute "(2)".
SB292-SA1,16,7 7140. Page 100, line 17: delete "or service".
SB292-SA1,16,8 8141. Page 100, line 19: delete " (4)" and substitute "(3)".
SB292-SA1,16,9 9142. Page 100, line 24: delete " (5)" and substitute "(4)".
SB292-SA1,16,10 10143. Page 101, line 3: delete " (6)" and substitute "(5)".
SB292-SA1,16,11 11144. Page 101, line 11: delete " (3)" and substitute "(2)".
SB292-SA1,16,12 12145. Page 102, line 4: delete " (4)" and substitute "(3)".
SB292-SA1,16,14 13146. Page 103, line 14: after "communication" insert "containing express
SB292-SA1,16,16 15147. Page 104, line 7: delete "supporting or opposing" and substitute
16"containing express advocacy.".
SB292-SA1,16,17 17148. Page 104, line 8: delete that line.
SB292-SA1,16,18 18149. Page 104, line 9: delete that line and substitute:
SB292-SA1,16,20 19"(e) Communications described in par. (a) to (c) and made by a candidate
20committee may identify".
SB292-SA1,16,21 21150. Page 104, line 10: delete ", except as provided in par. (b) 2. and".
1151. Page 104, line 16: after "communications" insert "containing express
SB292-SA1,17,4 3152. Page 104, line 17: after "printed" insert ", including text messages, social
4media communications, and certain small advertisements on mobile phones".
SB292-SA1,17,5 5153. Page 104, line 18: after "small items" insert "or other communications".
SB292-SA1,17,6 6154. Page 106, line 15: delete "received" and substitute "submitted".
SB292-SA1,17,8 7155. Page 106, line 16: after "11.0505 or" insert "by an independent
8expenditure committee under s. 11.0605 or".
SB292-SA1,17,9 9156. Page 106, line 16: delete "VII" and substitute "X".
SB292-SA1,17,10 10157. Page 109, line 4: delete lines 4 to 6.
SB292-SA1,17,11 11158. Page 109, line 7: delete " (5)" and substitute "(4)".
SB292-SA1,17,12 12159. Page 109, line 11: delete " (6)" and substitute "(5)".
SB292-SA1,17,13 13160. Page 109, line 18: delete " (7)" and substitute "(6)".
SB292-SA1,17,14 14161. Page 109, line 22: delete " (8)" and substitute "(7)".
SB292-SA1,17,15 15162. Page 110, line 1: delete " (9)" and substitute "(8)".
SB292-SA1,17,19 16163. Page 111, line 24: after "activities." insert "This subsection also does not
17apply to information provided by any person that expresses that person's opinion on
18any candidate or committee, any referendum or the possible effects of any
19referendum, or the policies advocated by any candidate or committee.
SB292-SA1,17,21 20164. Page 113, line 15: delete "make a campaign" and substitute "deliver a
21contribution or
make a campaign personal".
SB292-SA1,17,22 22165. Page 113, line 18: before "contribution" insert "personal".
1166. Page 120, line 17: delete "(4) or (5)" and substitute "(3) or (4)".
SB292-SA1,18,3 2167. Page 124, line 3: after "board" insert "affected by the provisions of this