2015 - 2016 LEGISLATURE
October 22, 2015 - Offered by Senator S. Fitzgerald.
SB292-SA1,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the bill as follows:
SB292-SA1,1,2 21. Page 10, line 17: delete "11.0202 (1) (a)" and substitute " 11.0203 (1) (c)".
SB292-SA1,1,3 32. Page 15, line 2: before "accept" insert "make or".
SB292-SA1,1,4 43. Page 16, line 21: delete lines 21 to 23 and substitute:
SB292-SA1,1,6 5"9. Any communication that does not expressly advocate for the election or
6defeat of a clearly identified candidate.
SB292-SA1,1,107 10. A communication made exclusively between an organization and its
8members. In this subdivision, a member of an organization means a shareholder,
9employee, or officer of the organization, or an individual who has affirmatively
10manifested an interest in joining, supporting, or aiding the organization.
SB292-SA1,2,311 11. Any cost incurred to conduct Internet activity by an individual acting in his
12or her own behalf, or acting in behalf of another person if the individual is not
13compensated specifically for those services, including the cost or value of any

1computers, software, Internet domain names, Internet service providers, and any
2other technology that is used to provide access to or use of the Internet, but not
3including professional video production services purchased by the individual.
SB292-SA1,2,84 12. Any news story, commentary, or editorial by a broadcasting station, cable
5television operator, producer, or programmer, Internet site, or newspaper or other
6periodical publication, including an Internet or other electronic publication unless
7a committee owns the medium in which news story, commentary, or editorial
SB292-SA1,2,109 13. An expenditure of funds by a sponsoring organization for a political action
10committee's administrative or solicitation expenses.
SB292-SA1,2,1211 14. An expenditure of funds by a sponsoring organization for an independent
12expenditure committee's administrative or solicitation expenses.
SB292-SA1,2,1413 15. An expenditure of funds by a sponsor, as defined in s. 11.0705 (1), for a
14conduit's administrative or solicitation expenses.".
SB292-SA1,2,15 154. Page 17, line 9: delete lines 9 to 12 and substitute:
SB292-SA1,2,16 16"(b) "Disbursement" does not include any of the following:
SB292-SA1,2,2017 1. A communication made exclusively between an organization and its
18members. In this subdivision, a member of an organization means a shareholder,
19employee, or officer of the organization, or an individual who has affirmatively
20manifested an interest in joining, supporting or aiding the organization.
SB292-SA1,3,221 2. A communication or Internet activity by an individual acting in his or her
22own behalf, or acting in behalf of another person if the individual is not compensated
23specifically for those services, including the cost or value of computers, software,
24Internet domain names, Internet service providers, and any other technology that

1is used to provide access to or use of the Internet, but not including professional video
2production services purchased by the individual.
SB292-SA1,3,73 3. Any news story, commentary, or editorial by a broadcasting station, cable
4television operator, producer, or programmer, Internet site, or newspaper or other
5periodical publication, including an Internet or other electronic publication unless
6a committee owns the medium in which news story, commentary, or editorial
SB292-SA1,3,88 4. A nominal fee paid for a communication to the general public.
SB292-SA1,3,109 5. An expenditure of funds by a sponsoring organization for a political action
10committee's administrative or solicitation expenses.
SB292-SA1,3,1211 6. An expenditure of funds by a sponsoring organization for an independent
12expenditure committee's administrative or solicitation expenses.
SB292-SA1,3,1413 7. An expenditure of funds by a sponsor, as defined in s. 11.0705 (1), for a
14conduit's administrative or solicitation expenses.
SB292-SA1,3,1615 8. An expenditure of funds for a political action committee's fundraising and
16administrative expenses.
SB292-SA1,3,1817 9. An expenditure of funds for an independent expenditure committee's
18fundraising and administrative expenses.
SB292-SA1,3,2019 10. An expenditure of funds for a conduit's fundraising and administrative
SB292-SA1,3,21 215. Page 17, line 13: after "means" insert "a".
SB292-SA1,3,22 226. Page 17, line 14: delete "or their functional equivalents".
SB292-SA1,3,23 237. Page 17, line 15: delete "campaign" and substitute "election or defeat".
SB292-SA1,3,24 248. Page 18, line 23: after that line insert:
1"(18m) "Internet activity" includes sending or forwarding an electronic
2message; providing a hyperlink or other direct access on a person's Internet site to
3an Internet site operated by another person; blogging; creating, maintaining, or
4hosting an Internet site; payment by a person of a nominal fee for the use of an
5Internet site operated by another person; or any other form of communication
6distributed over the Internet.".
SB292-SA1,4,7 79. Page 19, line 1: delete lines 1 to 3 and substitute:
SB292-SA1,4,8 8"(20) (a) "Major purpose" means all of the following:
SB292-SA1,4,119 1. A person's major purpose as specified in the person's organizational or
10governing documents, the person's bylaws, resolutions of the person's governing
11body, or registration statements filed by the person under this chapter.
SB292-SA1,4,1612 2. The use of more than 50 percent of a person's total spending in a 12-month
13period on expenditures for express advocacy, expenditures made to support or defeat
14a referendum, or contributions made to a candidate committee, legislative campaign
15committee, or political party. In this subdivision, total spending does not include a
16committee's fundraising or administrative expenses.
SB292-SA1,4,1717 (b) In this subsection, "person" does not include an individual.".
SB292-SA1,4,18 1810. Page 19, line 15: delete lines 15 to 21 and substitute:
SB292-SA1,4,22 19"(25) (a) Subject to par. (b), "political action committee" means an entity that
20is organized by any person, other than an individual, or by any combination,
21permanent or temporary, of 2 or more persons unrelated by marriage and that
22satisfies any of the following:
SB292-SA1,4,2323 1. Has express advocacy as its major purpose.
12. Makes or accepts contributions or makes disbursements with regard to a
2state or local office and to support or oppose any of the following:".
SB292-SA1,5,3 311. Page 20, line 17: delete lines 17 to 22 and substitute:
SB292-SA1,5,5 4"(28) "Referendum committee" means an entity that satisfies all of the
SB292-SA1,5,76 (a) It has supporting or opposing the passage or defeat of a referendum in this
7state as its major purpose.
SB292-SA1,5,98 (b) It is organized by any person, other than an individual, or by any
9combination, permanent or temporary, of 2 or more persons unrelated by marriage.
SB292-SA1,5,1210 (c) It does not receive contributions or make disbursements or contributions for
11the purpose of influencing or attempting to influence a candidate's nomination or
SB292-SA1,5,13 1312. Page 21, line 7: delete lines 7 and 8 and substitute:
SB292-SA1,5,16 14"(31) "Sponsoring organization" means an entity that establishes, administers,
15or financially supports a political action committee or an independent expenditure
SB292-SA1,5,17 1713. Page 21, line 16: after that line insert:
SB292-SA1,5,19 18"(34) "Treasurer" means the individual who registers a committee with a filing
19officer and who makes reports on behalf of the committee".
SB292-SA1,5,20 2014. Page 22, line 2: after that line insert:
SB292-SA1,5,21 21"4m. An independent expenditure committee.".
SB292-SA1,5,23 2215. Page 23, line 1: delete "Except as provided in s. 11.0104 (1), a" and
23substitute "A".