SB82-SSA1,137,2 11968.315 Application for court order to intercept communications. The
12attorney general together with the district attorney of any county may approve a
13request of an investigative or law enforcement officer to apply to the chief judge of
14the judicial administrative district for the county where the interception is to take
15place for an order authorizing or approving the interception of wire, electronic, or
16oral communications. The chief judge may under s. 968.30 968.335 grant an order
17authorizing or approving the interception of wire, electronic, or oral communications
18by investigative or law enforcement officers having responsibility for the
19investigation of the offense for which the application is made. The authorization
20shall be permitted only if the interception may provide or has provided evidence of
21the commission of the offense of homicide, felony murder, kidnapping, commercial
22gambling, bribery, extortion, dealing in controlled substances or controlled
23substance analogs, a computer crime that is a felony under s. 943.70, sexual
24exploitation of a child under s. 948.05, trafficking of a child under s. 948.051, child
25enticement under s. 948.07, use of a computer to facilitate a child sex crime under

1s. 948.075, or soliciting a child for prostitution under s. 948.08, or any conspiracy to
2commit any of the foregoing offenses.
SB82-SSA1,501 3Section 501. 968.29 of the statutes is renumbered 968.325 and amended to
SB82-SSA1,137,12 5968.325 Authorization for disclosure and use of intercepted wire,
, or oral communications. (1) Any investigative or law enforcement
7officer who, by any means authorized by ss. 968.28 968.315 to 968.37 968.405 or 18
8USC 2510
to 2520, has obtained knowledge of the contents of any wire, electronic,
9or oral communication, or evidence derived therefrom, may disclose the contents to
10another investigative or law enforcement officer only to the extent that the disclosure
11is appropriate to the proper performance of the official duties of the officer making
12or receiving the disclosure.
SB82-SSA1,137,17 13(2) Any investigative or law enforcement officer who, by any means authorized
14by ss. 968.28 968.315 to 968.37 968.405 or 18 USC 2510 to 2520, has obtained
15knowledge of the contents of any wire, electronic, or oral communication or evidence
16derived therefrom may use the contents only to the extent the use is appropriate to
17the proper performance of the officer's official duties.
SB82-SSA1,137,25 18(3) (a) Any person who has received, by any means authorized by ss. 968.28
19968.315 to 968.37 968.405 or 18 USC 2510 to 2520 or by a like statute of any other
20state, any information concerning a wire, electronic, or oral communication or
21evidence derived therefrom intercepted in accordance with ss. 968.28 968.315 to
22968.37 968.405, may disclose the contents of that communication or that derivative
23evidence only while giving testimony under oath or affirmation in any proceeding in
24any court or before any magistrate or grand jury in this state, or in any court of the
25United States or of any state, or in any federal or state grand jury proceeding.
1(b) In addition to the disclosure provisions of par. (a), any person who has
2received, in the manner described under s. 968.31 968.345 (2) (b), any information
3concerning a wire, electronic, or oral communication or evidence derived therefrom,
4may disclose the contents of that communication or that derivative evidence while
5giving testimony under oath or affirmation in any proceeding described in par. (a) in
6which a person is accused of any act constituting a felony, and only if the party who
7consented to the interception is available to testify at the proceeding or if another
8witness is available to authenticate the recording.
SB82-SSA1,138,11 9(4) No otherwise privileged wire, electronic, or oral communication intercepted
10in accordance with, or in violation of, ss. 968.28 968.315 to 968.37 968.405 or 18 USC
to 2520, may lose its privileged character.
SB82-SSA1,138,21 12(5) When an investigative or law enforcement officer, while engaged in
13intercepting wire, electronic, or oral communications in the manner authorized,
14intercepts wire, electronic, or oral communications relating to offenses other than
15those specified in the order of authorization or approval, the contents thereof, and
16evidence derived therefrom, may be disclosed or used as provided in subs. (1) and (2).
17The contents and any evidence derived therefrom may be used under sub. (3) when
18authorized or approved by the judge who acted on the original application where the
19judge finds on subsequent application, made as soon as practicable but no later than
2048 hours, that the contents were otherwise intercepted in accordance with ss. 968.28
21968.315 to 968.37 968.405 or 18 USC 2510 to 2520 or by a like statute.
SB82-SSA1,502 22Section 502. 968.30 of the statutes is renumbered 968.335, and 968.335 (title),
23(1) (intro.), (b) (intro.), 1., 2. and 3. and (e), (3) (intro.), (a) and (d), (4) (intro.), (a), (b),
24(c) and (d), (5), (6), (7) (a) and (b), (8), (9) and (10), as renumbered, are amended to
1968.335 (title) Procedure for interception of wire, electronic, or oral
(1) (intro.) Each application for an order authorizing or
3approving the interception of a wire, electronic, or oral communication shall be made
4in writing upon oath or affirmation to the court and shall state the applicant's
5authority to make the application and may be upon personal knowledge or
6information and belief. Each application shall include the following information:
SB82-SSA1,139,97 (b) (intro.) A full and complete statement of the facts and circumstances relied
8upon by the applicant, to justify the applicant's belief that an order should be issued,
9including all of the following:
SB82-SSA1,139,1110 1. Details of the particular offense that has been, is being, or is about to be
SB82-SSA1,139,1312 2. A particular description of the nature and location of the facilities from which
13or the place where the communication is to be intercepted;.
SB82-SSA1,139,1514 3. A particular description of the type of communications sought to be
15intercepted; and.
SB82-SSA1,139,2116 (e) A full and complete statement of the facts concerning all previous
17applications known to the individual authorizing and making the application, made
18to any court for authorization to intercept, or for approval of interceptions of, wire,
19electronic, or oral communications involving any of the same persons, facilities, or
20places specified in the application, and the action taken by the court on each such
21application; and.
SB82-SSA1,139,25 22(3) (intro.) Upon the application the court may enter an ex parte order, as
23requested or as modified, authorizing or approving interception of wire, electronic,
24or oral communications, if the court determines on the basis of the facts submitted
25by the applicant that all of the following exist:
1(a) There is probable cause for belief that an individual is committing, has
2committed, or is about to commit a particular offense enumerated in s. 968.28
SB82-SSA1,140,74 (d) There is probable cause for belief that the facilities from which, or the place
5where, the wire, electronic, or oral communications are to be intercepted are being
6used, or are about to be used, in connection with the commission of the offense, or are
7leased to, listed in the name of, or commonly used by the person.
SB82-SSA1,140,9 8(4) (intro.) Each order authorizing or approving the interception of any wire,
9electronic, or oral communication shall specify all of the following:
SB82-SSA1,140,1110 (a) The identity of the person, if known, whose communications are to be
SB82-SSA1,140,1412 (b) The nature and location of the communications facilities which, or the place
13where authority to intercept is granted and the means by which such interceptions
14shall be made;.
SB82-SSA1,140,1615 (c) A particular description of the type of communication sought to be
16intercepted and a statement of the particular offense to which it relates;.
SB82-SSA1,140,1817 (d) The identity of the agency authorized to intercept the communications and
18of the person authorizing the application; and.
SB82-SSA1,141,11 19(5) No order entered under this section may authorize or approve the
20interception of any wire, electronic, or oral communication for any period longer than
21is necessary to achieve the objective of the authorization, nor in any event longer
22than 30 days. The 30-day period begins on the earlier of the day on which the
23investigative or law enforcement officer first begins to conduct an interception under
24the order or 10 days after the order is entered. Extensions of an order may be
25granted, but only upon application for an extension made in accordance with sub. (1)

1and the court making the findings required by sub. (3). The period of extension shall
2be no longer than the authorizing judge deems necessary to achieve the purposes for
3which it was granted and in no event be for longer than 30 days. Every order and
4extension thereof shall contain a provision that the authorization to intercept shall
5be executed as soon as practicable, shall be conducted in such a way as to minimize
6the interception of communications not otherwise subject to interception under this
7chapter, and must terminate upon attainment of the authorized objective, or in any
8event in 30 days. In the event the intercepted communication is in a code or foreign
9language, and an expert in that foreign language or code is not reasonably available
10during the interception period, minimization may be accomplished as soon as
11practicable after the interception.
SB82-SSA1,141,16 12(6) Whenever an order authorizing interception is entered pursuant to ss.
13968.28 968.315 to 968.33 968.365, the order may require reports to be made to the
14court which issued the order showing what progress has been made toward
15achievement of the authorized objective and the need for continued interception.
16Such reports shall be made at such intervals as the court requires.
SB82-SSA1,142,8 17(7) (a) The contents of any wire, electronic, or oral communication intercepted
18by any means authorized by ss. 968.28 968.315 to 968.37 968.405 shall, if possible,
19be recorded on tape or wire or other comparable device. The recording of the contents
20of any wire, electronic, or oral communication under this subsection shall be done in
21such way as will protect the recording from editing or other alterations. Immediately
22upon the expiration of the period of the order or extensions thereof all such
23recordings and records of an intercepted wire, electronic, or oral communication
24shall be filed with the court issuing the order and the court shall order the same to
25be sealed. Custody of the recordings and records shall be wherever the judge

1handling the application shall order. They shall not be destroyed except upon an
2order of the issuing or denying judge and in any event shall be properly kept and
3preserved for 10 years. Duplicate recordings and other records may be made for use
4or disclosure pursuant to the provisions for investigations under s. 968.29 968.325
5(1) and (2). The presence of the seal provided for by this subsection, or a satisfactory
6explanation for the absence thereof, shall be a prerequisite for the use or disclosure
7of the contents of any wire, electronic, or oral communication or evidence derived
8therefrom under s. 968.29 968.325 (3).
SB82-SSA1,142,159 (b) Applications made and orders granted under ss. 968.28 968.315 to 968.33
10968.365 together with all other papers and records in connection therewith shall be
11ordered sealed by the court. Custody of the applications, orders , and other papers
12and records shall be wherever the judge shall order. Such applications and orders
13shall be disclosed only upon a showing of good cause before the judge and shall not
14be destroyed except on order of the issuing or denying judge, and in any event shall
15be kept for 10 years.
SB82-SSA1,142,24 16(8) The contents of any intercepted wire, electronic , or oral communication or
17evidence derived therefrom shall not be received in evidence or otherwise disclosed
18in any trial, hearing, or other proceeding in any court of this state unless each party,
19not less than 10 days before the trial, hearing, or proceeding, has been furnished with
20a copy of the court order, and accompanying application, under which the
21interception was authorized or approved. This 10-day period may be waived by the
22judge if he or she finds that it was not possible to furnish the party with the above
23information 10 days before the trial, hearing, or proceeding and that the party will
24not be prejudiced by the delay in receiving the information.
1(9) (a) Any aggrieved person in any trial, hearing, or proceeding in or before
2any court, department, officer, agency, regulatory body, or other authority of this
3state, or a political subdivision thereof, may move before the trial court or the court
4granting the original warrant to suppress the contents of any intercepted wire,
5electronic, or oral communication, or evidence derived therefrom, on the grounds
6that the communication was unlawfully intercepted; the order of authorization or
7approval under which it was intercepted is insufficient on its face; or the interception
8was not made in conformity with the order of authorization or approval. The motion
9shall be made before the trial, hearing, or proceeding unless there was no
10opportunity to make the motion or the person was not aware of the grounds of the
11motion. If the motion is granted, the contents of the intercepted wire, electronic, or
12oral communication, or evidence derived therefrom, shall be treated as having been
13obtained in violation of ss. 968.28 968.315 to 968.37 968.405. The judge may, upon
14the filing of the motion by the aggrieved person, make available to the aggrieved
15person or his or her counsel for inspection such portions of the intercepted
16communication or evidence derived therefrom as the judge determines to be in the
17interest of justice.
SB82-SSA1,143,1918 (b) In addition to any other right to appeal, the state shall have the right to
19appeal from any of the following:
SB82-SSA1,143,2420 1. From an An order granting a motion to suppress made under par. (a) if the
21attorney general or district attorney certifies to the judge or other official granting
22such motion that the appeal is not entered for purposes of delay and shall be
23diligently prosecuted as in the case of other interlocutory appeals or under such rules
24as the supreme court adopts; or.
12. From an An order denying an application for an order of authorization or
2approval, and such an appeal shall be ex parte and shall be in camera in preference
3to all other pending appeals in accordance with rules promulgated by the supreme
SB82-SSA1,144,7 5(10) Nothing in ss. 968.28 968.315 to 968.375 968.405 shall be construed to
6allow the interception of any wire, electronic, or oral communication between an
7attorney and a client.
SB82-SSA1,503 8Section 503. Subchapter IV (title) of chapter 968 [precedes 968.305] of the
9statutes is created to read:
SB82-SSA1,144,1010 chapter 968
SB82-SSA1,144,1311 subchapter IV
12 Interception of electronic
13 communication
SB82-SSA1,504 14Section 504. 968.31 of the statutes is renumbered 968.345, and 968.345 (title),
15(1), (2) (intro.), (a), (b), (c), (e), (f), (i) and (j), (2m) (intro.), (a) and (b) and (3), as
16renumbered, are amended to read:
SB82-SSA1,144,20 17968.345 (title) Interception and disclosure of wire, electronic, or oral
18communications prohibited.
(1) Except as otherwise specifically provided in ss.
19196.63 or 968.28 968.315 to 968.30 968.335, whoever commits any of the following
20acts enumerated in this section is guilty of a Class H felony:
SB82-SSA1,144,2221 (a) Intentionally intercepts, attempts to intercept, or procures any other person
22to intercept or attempt to intercept, any wire, electronic, or oral communication.
SB82-SSA1,144,2523 (b) Intentionally uses, attempts to use, or procures any other person to use or
24attempt to use any electronic, mechanical, or other device to intercept any oral
1(c) Discloses, or attempts to disclose, to any other person the contents of any
2wire, electronic, or oral communication, knowing or having reason to know that the
3information was obtained through the interception of a wire, electronic , or oral
4communication in violation of this section subsection or under circumstances
5constituting violation of this section subsection.
SB82-SSA1,145,106 (d) Uses, or attempts to use, the contents of any wire, electronic , or oral
7communication, knowing or having reason to know that the information was
8obtained through the interception of a wire, electronic, or oral communication in
9violation of this section subsection or under circumstances constituting violation of
10this section subsection.
SB82-SSA1,145,1311 (e) Intentionally discloses the contents of any oral, electronic , or wire
12communication obtained by authority of ss. 968.28, 968.29 968.315, 968.325, and
13968.30 968.335, except as therein provided.
SB82-SSA1,145,1514 (f) Intentionally alters any wire, electronic, or oral communication intercepted
15on tape, wire, or other device.
SB82-SSA1,145,16 16(2) (intro.) It is not unlawful under ss. 968.28 968.315 to 968.37 968.405:
SB82-SSA1,145,2517 (a) For an operator of a switchboard, or an officer, employee, or agent of any
18provider of a wire or electronic communication service, whose facilities are used in
19the transmission of a wire or electronic communication to intercept, disclose, or use
20that communication in the normal course of his or her employment while engaged
21in any activity which is a necessary incident to the rendition of his or her service or
22to the protection of the rights or property of the provider of that service, except that
23a provider of a wire or electronic communication service shall not utilize service
24observing or random monitoring except for mechanical or service quality control
1(b) For a person acting under color of law to intercept a wire, electronic, or oral
2communication, where the person is a party to the communication or one of the
3parties to the communication has given prior consent to the interception.
SB82-SSA1,146,94 (c) For a person not acting under color of law to intercept a wire, electronic, or
5oral communication where the person is a party to the communication or where one
6of the parties to the communication has given prior consent to the interception unless
7the communication is intercepted for the purpose of committing any criminal or
8tortious act in violation of the constitution or laws of the United States or of any state
9or for the purpose of committing any other injurious act.
SB82-SSA1,146,1110 (e) For any person to intercept any radio communication that is transmitted
11by any of the following:
SB82-SSA1,146,1312 1. By any Any station for the use of the general public, or that relates to ships,
13aircraft, vehicles, or persons in distress;.
SB82-SSA1,146,1614 2. By any Any governmental, law enforcement, civil defense, private land
15mobile, or public safety communications system, including police and fire, readily
16accessible to the general public;.
SB82-SSA1,146,1817 3. By a A station operating on an authorized frequency within the bands
18allocated to the amateur, citizens band, or general mobile radio services; or.
SB82-SSA1,146,1919 4. By any Any marine or aeronautical communications system.
SB82-SSA1,146,2020 (f) For any person to engage in any conduct that is any of the following:
SB82-SSA1,146,2221 1. Is prohibited Prohibited by section 633 of the communications act of 1934;
SB82-SSA1,146,2423 2. Is excepted Excepted from the application of section 705 (a) of the
24communications act of 1934 by section 705 (b) of that act.
1(i) To use a pen register or a trap and trace device as authorized under ss. 968.34
2968.376 to 968.37; or 968.405.
SB82-SSA1,147,73 (j) For a provider of electronic communication service to record the fact that a
4wire or electronic communication was initiated or completed in order to protect the
5provider, another provider furnishing service toward the completion of the wire or
6electronic communication, or a user of that service, from fraudulent, unlawful, or
7abusive use of the service.
SB82-SSA1,147,12 8(2m) (intro.) Any person whose wire, electronic , or oral communication is
9intercepted, disclosed, or used in violation of ss. 968.28 968.315 to 968.37 968.405
10shall have a civil cause of action against any person who intercepts, discloses, or uses,
11or procures any other person to intercept, disclose, or use, the communication, and
12shall be entitled to recover from any such person all of the following:
SB82-SSA1,147,1413 (a) Actual damages, but not less than liquidated damages computed at the rate
14of $100 a day for each day of violation or $1,000, whichever is higher ;.
SB82-SSA1,147,1515 (b) Punitive damages; and.
SB82-SSA1,147,18 16(3) Good faith reliance on a court order or on s. 968.30 968.335 (7) shall
17constitute a complete defense to any civil or criminal action brought under ss. 968.28
18968.315 to 968.37 968.405.
SB82-SSA1,505 19Section 505. 968.32 of the statutes is renumbered 968.355 and amended to
SB82-SSA1,147,24 21968.355 Forfeiture of contraband devices. Any electronic, mechanical, or
22other intercepting device used in violation of s. 968.31 968.345 (1) may be seized as
23contraband by any peace officer and forfeited to this state in an action by the
24department of justice under ch. 778.
SB82-SSA1,506 25Section 506. 968.33 of the statutes is renumbered 968.365.
1Section 507 . 968.34 of the statutes is renumbered 968.376, and 968.376 (1)
2and (2), as renumbered, are amended to read:
SB82-SSA1,148,53 968.376 (1) Except as provided in this section, no person may install or use a
4pen register or a trap and trace device without first obtaining a court order under s.
5968.36 968.395 or 18 USC 3123 or 50 USC 1801 to 1811.
SB82-SSA1,148,8 6(2) The prohibition of sub. (1) does not apply with respect to the use of a pen
7register or a trap and trace device by a provider of electronic or wire communication
8service if any of the following applies:
SB82-SSA1,148,129 (a) Relating The use relates to the operation, maintenance, and testing of a wire
10or electronic communication service or to the protection of the rights or property of
11the provider, or to the protection of users of that service from abuse of service or
12unlawful use of service;.
SB82-SSA1,148,1613 (b) To The use is to record the fact that a wire or electronic communication was
14initiated or completed in order to protect the provider, another provider furnishing
15service toward the completion of the wire communication, or a user of that service,
16from fraudulent, unlawful, or abusive use of service ; or.
SB82-SSA1,148,1717 (c) Where the The consent of the user of that service has been obtained.
SB82-SSA1,508 18Section 508. 968.35 of the statutes is renumbered 968.385, and 968.385 (1),
19as renumbered, is amended to read:
SB82-SSA1,148,2420 968.385 (1) The attorney general or a district attorney may make application
21for an order or an extension of an order under s. 968.36 968.395 authorizing or
22approving the installation and use of a pen register or a trap and trace device, in
23writing under oath or equivalent affirmation, to a circuit court for the county where
24the device is to be located.
1Section 509. 968.36 of the statutes is renumbered 968.395, and 968.395 (1),
2(2) (e), (4) and (5), as renumbered, are amended to read:
SB82-SSA1,149,73 968.395 (1) Upon an application made under s. 968.35 968.385, the court shall
4enter an ex parte order authorizing the installation and use of a pen register or a trap
5and trace device within the jurisdiction of the court if the court finds that the
6applicant has certified to the court that the information likely to be obtained by the
7installation and use is relevant to an ongoing criminal investigation.
SB82-SSA1,149,10 8(2) (e) Direct, upon the request of the applicant, the furnishing of information,
9facilities and technical assistance necessary to accomplish the installation of the pen
10register or trap and trace device under s. 968.37 968.405.
SB82-SSA1,149,13 11(4) Extensions of the order may be granted, but only upon an application for
12an order under s. 968.35 968.385 and upon the judicial finding required by sub. (1).
13The period of extension shall be for a period not to exceed 60 days.
SB82-SSA1,149,15 14(5) An order authorizing or approving the installation and use of a pen register
15or a trap and trace device shall direct that all of the following:
SB82-SSA1,149,1616 (a) The That the order be sealed until otherwise ordered by the court; and.
SB82-SSA1,149,2117 (b) The That the person owning or leasing the line to which the pen register or
18a trap and trace device is attached, or who has been ordered by the court to provide
19assistance to the applicant, not disclose the existence of the pen register or trap and
20trace device or the existence of the investigation to the listed subscriber, or to any
21other person, unless or until otherwise ordered by the court.
SB82-SSA1,510 22Section 510. 968.37 of the statutes is renumbered 968.405, and 968.405 (1),
23(2), (3), (4) and (5), as renumbered, are amended to read:
SB82-SSA1,150,724 968.405 (1) Upon the request of the attorney general, a district attorney, or an
25officer of a law enforcement agency authorized to install and use a pen register under

1ss. 968.28 968.315 to 968.37 968.405, a provider of wire or electronic communication
2service, landlord, custodian, or other person shall furnish the investigative or law
3enforcement officer forthwith all information, facilities, and technical assistance
4necessary to accomplish the installation of the pen register unobtrusively and with
5a minimum of interference with the services that the person so ordered by the court
6accords the party with respect to whom the installation and use is to take place, if
7the assistance is directed by a court order under s. 968.36 968.395 (5) (b).
SB82-SSA1,150,20 8(2) Upon the request of the attorney general, a district attorney, or an officer
9of a law enforcement agency authorized to receive the results of a trap and trace
10device under ss. 968.28 968.315 to 968.37 968.405, a provider of a wire or electronic
11communication service, landlord, custodian, or other person shall install the device
12forthwith immediately on the appropriate line and shall furnish the investigative or
13law enforcement officer all additional information, facilities, and technical
14assistance including installation and operation of the device unobtrusively and with
15a minimum of interference with the services that the person so ordered by the court
16accords the party with respect to whom the installation and use is to take place, if
17the installation and assistance is directed by a court order under s. 968.36 968.395
18(5) (b). Unless otherwise ordered by the court, the results of the trap and trace device
19shall be furnished to the officer of a law enforcement agency, designated by the court,
20at reasonable intervals during regular business hours for the duration of the order.
SB82-SSA1,150,24 21(3) A provider of a wire or electronic communication service, landlord,
22custodian, or other person who furnishes facilities or technical assistance under this
23section shall be reasonably compensated for the reasonable expenses incurred in
24providing the facilities and assistance.
1(4) No cause of action may lie in any court against any provider of a wire or
2electronic communication service, its officers, employees, or agents or other specified
3persons for providing information, facilities, or assistance in accordance with the
4terms of a court order under s. 968.36 968.395.
SB82-SSA1,151,7 5(5) A good faith reliance on a court order, a legislative authorization, or a
6statutory authorization is a complete defense against any civil or criminal action
7brought under ss. 968.28 968.315 to 968.37 968.405.
SB82-SSA1,511 8Section 511 . 968.373 of the statutes is renumbered 968.410.
SB82-SSA1,512 9Section 512. 968.375 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB82-SSA1,151,1310 968.375 (4) Basis, application for, and issuance of subpoena or warrant.
11Section 968.12 968.465 (2) and (3) applies to the basis and application for, and
12issuance of, a subpoena under sub. (2) or a warrant under sub. (3) as it applies to the
13basis and application for, and issuance of, a search warrant under s. 968.12 968.465.