Read and referred:
Relating to: public notice for meetings of senate committees.
By Senators Vinehout, Carpenter, Wirch, Lassa, Risser and Ringhand.
hist40340To Committee on Senate Organization. Relating to: public notice for assembly, senate, and joint committee meetings.
By Senators Vinehout, Carpenter, Wirch, Lassa, Risser and Ringhand; cosponsored by Representatives Barca, Doyle, Hebl, Sinicki, Kolste, Wachs, Mason, Pope, Bowen, Sargent, Milroy, Ohnstad, Riemer, Spreitzer, Goyke, Shankland, Hesselbein, Subeck, Brostoff, Considine, Berceau and Jorgensen.
hist40342To committee on Senate Organization. Read first time and referred:
Relating to: the public's right to access governmental records (first consideration).
By Senators Vinehout, Carpenter, Wirch, Lassa, Risser, Ringhand and Harsdorf; cosponsored by Representatives C. Taylor, Barca, Hebl, Sinicki, Kolste, Doyle, Wachs, Mason, Pope, Bowen, Riemer, Spreitzer, Jorgensen, Zamarripa, Ohnstad, Shankland, Hesselbein, Brostoff, Subeck and Berceau.
hist40341To committee on Government Operations and Consumer Protection. Relating to: requiring the legislature to enact laws requiring reasonable notice of and public access to meetings of governmental bodies, including legislative committees, and making members of the legislature subject to citations and civil penalties for violations of such laws (first consideration).
By Senators Vinehout, Carpenter, Wirch, Lassa, Risser and Ringhand; cosponsored by Representatives Barca, Hebl, Sinicki, Kolste, Doyle, Wachs, Mason, Pope, Bowen, Sargent, Milroy, Ohnstad, Riemer, Spreitzer, Goyke, Shankland, Johnson, Subeck, Berceau, Jorgensen and Zamarripa.
hist40343To committee on Government Operations and Consumer Protection. Relating to: certain telecommunications services provided to the University of Wisconsin System and making an appropriation.
By Senators Darling and Harsdorf; cosponsored by Representatives Nygren and Schraa.
Relating to: the statute of limitations for sexual contact with a child.
By Senators Lassa, Olsen and Ringhand; cosponsored by Representatives Goyke, Horlacher, A. Ott, Neylon, Rohrkaste, C. Taylor, Shankland, Milroy, Brostoff, Ohnstad, Considine, Jorgensen, Berceau, Hesselbein, Pope, Sargent, Sinicki, Hintz, Doyle, Johnson, Subeck, Spreitzer and Zamarripa.
hist40345To committee on Judiciary and Public Safety. Relating to: applying financial accountability provisions that currently apply to certain tax incremental districts to all tax incremental districts created by a city or village.
By Senators Stroebel, Nass and Vukmir; cosponsored by Representatives Craig, Kremer, R. Brooks, Thiesfeldt, Neylon, Brandtjen, Jacque and Horlacher.
hist40346To committee on Government Operations and Consumer Protection. Relating to: waiting period for purchase of handguns.
By Senators Harris Dodd, Risser, Ringhand, Miller, C. Larson and Carpenter; cosponsored by Representatives C. Taylor, Sinicki, Wachs, Sargent, Zamarripa, Stuck, Spreitzer, Hebl, Goyke, Subeck, Brostoff, Berceau, Ohnstad, Hesselbein, Pope, Johnson, Barnes, Bowen, Hintz, Riemer, Young and Kessler.
hist40347To committee on Judiciary and Public Safety. _____________
Petitions and Communications
hist40304Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Heaton added as a co-sponsor of Senate Bill 183. _____________
Legislative Reference Bureau Corrections
Corrections In:
2015 SENATE BILL 244
Prepared by the Legislative Reference Bureau
(September 21, 2015)
Page 2, line 18: delete “shall” and substitute “may”. ***NOTE: Corrects erroneous transcription of the text of s. 17.26 (1m)(b). _____________
Referrals and Receipt of Committee Reports Concerning Proposed Administrative Rules
Relating to the department's environmental analysis and review procedures under the Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act.
Submitted by Department of Natural Resources.
hist40035Report received from Agency, September 15, 2015. hist40333Referred to committee on Natural Resources and Energy, September 21, 2015. Relating to revocation due to felony conviction.
Submitted by Real Estate Examining Board .
hist40201Report received from Agency, September 16, 2015. hist40334Referred to committee on Insurance, Housing, and Trade, September 21, 2015. Relating to certificate for dental hygienists to administer nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia.
Submitted by Dentistry Examining Board .
hist40199Report received from Agency, September 16, 2015. hist40335Referred to committee on Health and Human Services, September 21, 2015. Relating to informed consent.
Submitted by Dentistry Examining Board .
hist40200Report received from Agency, September 16, 2015. hist40336Referred to committee on Health and Human Services, September 21, 2015. _____________
The joint committee for review of Administrative Rules reports and recommends:
Relating to procedures and standards for the submission of human biological specimens, the analysis of DNA in those specimens, the maintenance of a databank of DNA analysis data, and the use and disposition of specimens and data in the bank.
hist40310No action taken on September 18, 2015. STEPHEN NASS
Senate Chairperson
The committee on Health and Human Services reports and recommends:
Relating to cosmetology schooling, licensure, and practice requirements.
hist40308No action taken on September 19, 2015. hist40309Referred to joint committee for review of Administrative Rules, September 21, 2015. LEAH VUKMIR
The committee on Insurance, Housing, and Trade reports and recommends:
Relating to exemption from required uninsured motorist, underinsured motorist, and medical payments coverage.
hist40311No action taken on September 18, 2015.