2015 - 2016 LEGISLATURE
March 31, 2015 - Introduced by Representatives August, Mason, Petersen,
Zamarripa, Brandtjen, Brostoff, Czaja, Doyle, Edming, Genrich, Jagler,
Kleefisch, Knudson, Kuglitsch, Kulp, Macco, Nygren, Riemer, Rohrkaste,
Spiros, Steffen, Tauchen, Tranel, Vorpagel, Wachs, Swearingen, Ripp,
Danou, Schraa, Weatherston, Bowen, Barnes, Craig and Thiesfeldt,
cosponsored by Senators Farrow, Lassa, Lasee, Gudex, Marklein, Nass,
Vukmir and Wanggaard. Referred to Committee on State Affairs and
Government Operations.
AB143,1,5 1An Act to amend 194.01 (1) and 194.01 (2); and to create 340.01 (23g) (b) 4.,
2440.08 (2) (a) 69m. and subchapter IV of chapter 440 [precedes 440.40] of the
3statutes; relating to: regulation of transportation network companies,
4providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting
5rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill creates a licensure program for transportation network companies to
be administered by the Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS).
Under the bill, a "transportation network company" (TNC) is a business that, for
compensation, uses a digital network to connect individuals seeking transportation
via the digital network (passengers) to drivers who are logged on to the digital
network and receive compensation for providing that transportation (participating
drivers). The bill specifies that a TNC is not a taxicab, limousine, shuttle, or other
for-hire vehicle service. The participating driver pays a fee to the TNC in order to
participate in the TNC's digital network.
Under the bill, a TNC may only operate in Wisconsin if it is licensed by DSPS,
and a participating driver may only provide transportation network services (TNC
services) through a licensed TNC. There is no licensure requirement for a
participating driver under the bill.
The bill requires DSPS to grant a license to an applicant for licensure as a TNC
if certain application requirements are satisfied, including that the TNC pays an
initial licensure fee of $5,000. The biennial renewal fee is also $5,000.

The bill exempts TNCs and participating drivers and their vehicles used to
provide TNC services from certain requirements applicable under current law to
common motor carrier and other for-hire vehicles. The bill also prohibits a city,
village, town, or county from enacting or enforcing an ordinance or adopting or
enforcing a resolution that regulates TNCs or their participating drivers and
vehicles used to provide TNC services. Under current law, a city, town, or village is
authorized to regulate and license taxicab businesses, taxicabs, and chauffeurs.
That authorization does not apply to TNCs or their participating drivers and vehicles
under the bill.
The bill includes a number of requirements applicable to a licensed TNC and
its participating drivers, including all of the following:
1. A TNC must disclose its fare calculation method and other fare information
on its Internet site and to prospective passengers, must provide certain identifying
information about the participating driver to a prospective passenger before the
prospective passenger receives TNC services, and must transmit an electronic
receipt that contains specific information to a passenger within a reasonable time
after TNC service have been provided.
2. A participating driver may not solicit or accept street hails or otherwise
provide rides for compensation that are not prearranged through a TNC, and all
payments for TNC services must be made electronically using the TNC's digital
3. A TNC may not disclose a passenger's or prospective passenger's personally
identifiable information to any other person, except under certain limited
4. A participating driver, or a TNC on the driver's behalf, is subject to certain
insurance requirements; a TNC is required to make certain disclosures to its
participating drivers about insurance; and automobile insurers are permitted to
exclude coverage for TNC services.
5. In addition to other nondiscrimination and accessibility requirements, a
TNC must have in place a policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of destination,
race, color, national origin, religious belief or affiliation, sex, disability, age, sexual
orientation, or gender identity with respect to passengers and prospective
6. A TNC must have in place a "zero tolerance" policy prohibiting participating
drivers from using alcohol, or any other intoxicant that may render the participating
driver incapable of safely driving, while the participating driver is engaged in TNC
services or is logged on to the TNC's digital network.
7. Before a TNC allows an individual to be a participating driver, the TNC must
require the individual to submit a driver application that includes, among other
things, the individual's driving history and proof of registration and a copy of the
automobile liability insurance policy for each motor vehicle the individual will use
to provide TNC services; conduct, or have a third party conduct a criminal
background check for the individual; and obtain and review a driving history
research report for the individual.

8. A TNC is prohibited from allowing certain individuals to be participating
drivers for the TNC, including an individual who has been convicted of certain
moving violations within the previous three years, who has been convicted of certain
crimes within the previous seven years, or whose information appears on the state
or national sex offender registry.
9. A TNC is required to maintain all records concerning a participating driver
for at least one year after the participating driver ceases to engage in TNC services
for the TNC, and a TNC must maintain passenger trip records for at least one year
after the trip.
The bill authorizes DSPS to conduct investigations and hold hearings to
determine whether a violation of the bill's provisions, a related rule promulgated by
DSPS, or any other law that substantially relates to the operation of a TNC or to TNC
services has occurred. The bill further authorizes DSPS to discipline a licensed TNC,
and any person who violates the bill's provisions or a related rule promulgated by
DSPS may be subject to a fine not to exceed $1,000.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB143,1 1Section 1. 194.01 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB143,3,92 194.01 (1) "Common motor carrier" means any person who holds himself or
3herself out to the public as willing to undertake for hire to transport passengers or
4property by motor vehicle upon the public highways. The transportation of
5passengers in taxicab service or in commuter car pool or van pool vehicles that are
6designed to carry less than 8 passengers, including the driver, or in a school bus
7under s. 120.13 (27) or in a motor vehicle being used to provide transportation
8network services, as defined in s. 440.40 (7),
is not transportation by a common motor
AB143,2 10Section 2. 194.01 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB143,4,211 194.01 (2) "Contract motor carrier" means any person engaged in the
12transportation by motor vehicle over a regular or irregular route upon the public
13highways of property for hire, including the transportation of buildings, as defined

1in s. 348.27 (12m) (a) 1. The transportation of property in a motor vehicle being used
2subject to subch. IV of ch. 440 is not transportation by a contract motor carrier.
AB143,3 3Section 3. 340.01 (23g) (b) 4. of the statutes is created to read:
AB143,4,54 340.01 (23g) (b) 4. A motor vehicle being used to provide transportation
5network services, as defined in s. 440.40 (7).
AB143,4 6Section 4. 440.08 (2) (a) 69m. of the statutes is created to read:
AB143,4,87 440.08 (2) (a) 69m. Transportation network company: March 1 of each
8odd-numbered year.
AB143,5 9Section 5. Subchapter IV of chapter 440 [precedes 440.40] of the statutes is
10created to read:
AB143,4,1111 CHAPTER 440
AB143,4,1313 transportation network companies
AB143,4,14 14440.40 Definitions. In this subchapter:
AB143,4,17 15(1) "Digital network" means any Internet site or online-enabled application,
16software, or system that permits the prearrangement of transportation network
AB143,4,19 18(2) "Licensed company" means a transportation network company that is
19licensed under s. 440.415.
AB143,4,20 20(3) "Participating driver" means an individual who does all of the following:
AB143,4,2221 (a) Pays a fee to a transportation network company to be connected to a
22passenger for the purpose of engaging in transportation network services.
AB143,4,2423 (b) Uses a personal vehicle to engage in transportation network services for
1(4) "Passenger" means an individual who uses a transportation network
2company's digital network to connect to a participating driver for transportation
3network services, and, unless the context requires otherwise, includes all other
4persons in that individual's party who accompany that individual in the
5participating driver's personal vehicle in connection with those transportation
6network services.
AB143,5,8 7(5) "Personal vehicle" means a motor vehicle that satisfies all of the following
AB143,5,109 (a) A participating driver owns, leases, or is otherwise authorized to use the
10motor vehicle.
AB143,5,1211 (b) The motor vehicle is not a taxicab, limousine, shuttle, or other for-hire
AB143,5,17 13(6) "Transportation network company" means a business that, for
14compensation, uses a digital network to connect passengers to participating drivers
15for the purpose of providing transportation network services to those passengers.
16"Transportation network company" does not include a taxicab, limousine, shuttle, or
17other for-hire vehicle service.
AB143,6,2 18(7) "Transportation network services" means transportation provided to a
19passenger in the participating driver's personal vehicle. A participating driver is
20considered to be engaged in transportation network services beginning when the
21participating driver accepts a passenger's request for transportation received
22through a transportation network company's digital network, continuing while the
23participating driver transports that passenger in the participating driver's personal
24vehicle, and ending when that passenger, or the last person in that passenger's party,
25whichever occurs later, exits the participating driver's personal vehicle.

1"Transportation network services" does not include transportation in a taxicab,
2limousine, shuttle, or other for-hire vehicle.
AB143,6,5 3440.41 License required. (1) No person may operate a transportation
4network company in this state unless the transportation network company is a
5licensed company.
AB143,6,11 6(2) No person may engage in transportation network services in this state
7unless the person is a participating driver for a licensed company. A licensed
8company is not considered to control, direct, or manage a participating driver or that
9participating driver's personal vehicle used for engaging in transportation network
10services, except as provided in this subchapter or in a written agreement between the
11licensed company and the participating driver.
AB143,6,15 12440.415 Licensure of transportation network companies. (1) Initial
The department shall grant a license to operate a transportation network
14company in this state to an applicant for licensure if the department determines that
15all of the following requirements are met:
AB143,6,1916 (a) The applicant submits an application to the department on a form
17prescribed by the department. The application shall include the applicant's name,
18address, tax identification number, and any other information required by the
19department by rule.
AB143,6,2020 (b) The applicant is a transportation network company.
AB143,6,2221 (c) The applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the department that it
22satisfies all applicable requirements under ss. 440.42, 440.44, 440.45, and 440.48.
AB143,6,2423 (d) Notwithstanding s. 440.03 (9) (a), the applicant pays an initial licensure fee
24of $5,000.
1(2) Renewal. (a) The renewal date for a license granted under sub. (1) is
2specified in s. 440.08 (2) (a) 69m. A renewal application shall be submitted to the
3department on a form prescribed by the department and shall include any
4information required by the department by rule.
AB143,7,75 (b) The renewal application for a licensed company shall include a renewal fee
6of $5,000 or the renewal fee determined by the department under s. 440.03 (9) (a),
7if any, whichever is less.
AB143,7,9 8440.42 Agent. Each licensed company shall maintain an agent for service of
9process in this state.
AB143,7,11 10440.425 Fare disclosures. Each licensed company shall do all of the
AB143,7,12 12(1) Disclose its fare calculation method on its Internet site.
AB143,7,14 13(2) Inform each prospective passenger or the prospective passenger's
14authorized representative of all applicable fare rates.
AB143,7,17 15(3) Give each prospective passenger or the prospective passenger's authorized
16representative the option to receive an estimated fare before the passenger enters
17a participating driver's personal vehicle for transportation network services.
AB143,7,23 18440.43 Identification of participating drivers. Each licensed company
19shall make available to each prospective passenger or the prospective passenger's
20authorized representative, on the licensed company's digital network, a photograph
21of the participating driver and the license plate number of the participating driver's
22personal vehicle before the passenger enters the participating driver's personal
23vehicle for transportation network services.
AB143,8,2 24440.435 Electronic receipt. Within a reasonable time after transportation
25network services have been provided, the licensed company facilitating the services

1shall transmit an electronic receipt for the services to the passenger or the
2passenger's authorized representative that contains all of the following:
AB143,8,3 3(1) The origin and destination of the trip.
AB143,8,4 4(2) The total time and distance of the trip.
AB143,8,5 5(3) An itemization of the total fare paid, if any.
AB143,8,11 6440.44 Zero tolerance for use of drugs or alcohol. (1) Policy. Each
7licensed company shall develop, implement, and make available on its Internet site
8a policy prohibiting any participating driver from using alcohol, or any other
9intoxicant that may render the participating driver incapable of safely driving, while
10the participating driver is engaged in transportation network services for the
11licensed company or is logged on to the licensed company's digital network.
AB143,8,14 12(2) Complaints. (a) Each licensed company shall develop, implement, and
13make available on its Internet site, complaint procedures for reports of suspected
14violations of the policy under sub. (1).
AB143,8,1815 (b) Upon receipt of a complaint concerning a violation of a licensed company's
16policy under sub. (1), the licensed company shall immediately suspend the
17participating driver and investigate the complaint. The suspension shall continue
18until the complaint is resolved.
AB143,8,2219 (c) Each licensed company shall maintain all records of each investigation
20under par. (b), including the results of that investigation and any action taken based
21on that investigation, for at least 2 years after the date the complaint was received
22by the licensed company.
AB143,9,2 23440.445 Certain requirements for participating drivers and their
24personal vehicles.
(1) Application. Before a licensed company allows an

1individual to be a participating driver for the licensed company, the licensed
2company shall do all of the following: