2015 - 2016 LEGISLATURE
July 8, 2015 - Introduced by Representatives Weatherston, Bowen,
Brandtjen, E.
Brooks, Craig, Kulp, T. Larson, Ohnstad, Quinn, Steffen, Tittl and
Ballweg, cosponsored by Senator Hansen. Referred to Committee on
1An Act to create 341.15 (1g) of the statutes;
relating to: enforcement of the
2display of motor vehicle registration plates.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, if two registration plates are issued for a motor vehicle, one
plate must be attached to the front of the vehicle and one plate must be attached to
the rear of the vehicle. This bill prohibits a law enforcement officer from stopping
or inspecting a type 1 automobile having a registered weight of 8,000 pounds or less
(generally, lightweight passenger vehicles) solely because no plate is attached to the
front of the automobile or because a plate attached to the front of the automobile
cannot be seen. This bill does not prohibit a law enforcement officer from issuing a
citation for failure to attach two plates to the automobile if the violation is observed
in the course of a stop or inspection made for other purposes.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1. 341.15 (1g) of the statutes is created to read:
(1g) Notwithstanding s. 349.02, a law enforcement officer may not stop
5or inspect a type 1 automobile having a registered weight of 8,000 pounds or less
6solely because no plate is attached to the front of the automobile, or because a plate
1attached to the front of the automobile cannot be readily seen and read, unless a
2municipality has elected not to attach a plate to the rear of the automobile under sub.
3(1) (b). This subsection does not limit the authority of a law enforcement officer to
4issue a citation for a violation of sub. (1) or (2) or a local ordinance in conformity with
5sub. (1) or (2) observed in the course of a stop or inspection made for other purposes.
Initial applicability.
(1) This act first applies to type 1 automobiles operated on the effective date
8of this subsection.