(5) This chapter does not apply to proceedings of the claims board,
8except as provided in ss.
775.05 (5), 775.06 (7) and 775.11 (2)
, and except that
9proceedings under s. 775.05 are subject to this chapter, unless otherwise provided in
10s. 775.05.
8. 227.43 (1) (bw) of the statutes is created to read:
(1) (bw) Assign a hearing examiner to preside over each hearing
13conducted under s. 775.05.
9. 301.051 of the statutes is created to read:
15301.051 Wrongful imprisonment; transition plan. Not more than 5 days
16after a court issues an order for a plan requested by an inmate pursuant to 808.085
17(1) (a), the department shall create a transition to release plan for the inmate. The
18plan shall do all of the following:
19(1) Provide the inmate with a written list of community resources available to
20the inmate upon his or her release from prison, including temporary housing and
21emergency shelters, food banks, education and job assistance, and health care
22services in the county into which the inmate will be released. The department shall
23maintain up-to-date lists with contact information for each county in the state.
1(2) Provide the inmate with an individual counseling session with a person
2trained by the department or the county into which the inmate will be released to
3assist inmates in the transition to release from prison.
4(3) Schedule an appointment, set for not later than 2 weeks after the inmate's
5date of release, for the inmate to meet with a social worker or aid program
6administrator for the county into which the inmate will be released.
10. 775.05 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 775.05 (2) (a) and
8amended to read:
(2) (a)
Any Except as provided in pars. (b) and (c), any person who is
10imprisoned as the result of his or her conviction for a crime in any court of this state,
11of which crime the person claims to be innocent, and who is released from
12imprisonment for that crime after March 13, 1980, may petition the claims board for
13compensation for such imprisonment.
Upon Within 5 days after receipt of the
14petition, the
claims board department of administration shall transmit a copy
15thereof to the prosecutor who prosecuted the petitioner and the judge who sentenced
16the petitioner for the conviction which is the subject of the claim, or their successors
17in office, for the information of these persons.
11. 775.05 (2) (b) and (c) and (2m) of the statutes are created to read:
(2) (b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to a person who is imprisoned as
20the result of his or her conviction for a felony in any court of this state arising from
21the same course of conduct that resulted in conviction for the crime of which the
22person claims to be innocent if the person does not claim to be innocent of that felony.
(c) Paragraph (a) does not apply to a person who is convicted of a violent crime
24specified in s. 939.632 (1) (e) 1. or 2. after his or her release from imprisonment. A
1person who is ineligible to petition for compensation under this paragraph is also
2ineligible to receive any award of compensation that has not been paid.
3(2m) (a) In this subsection, an individual who has the right to inherit assets
4of a person is limited to a surviving spouse or domestic partner, child, parent, or
5sibling, who would have a right to inherit assets of the person under s. 852.01.
(b) Any individual specified in par. (a) who has the right to inherit assets of a
7person who has the right to petition the claims board for compensation under sub.
8(2) may, within one year after the death of such a person, exercise the rights of the
9person to petition for compensation under sub. (2) (a) on behalf of the deceased
10person. If more than one individual has that right, the individuals having that right
11may file a joint petition or any individual or individuals may file a petition for
12whatever portion of the compensation that would otherwise be payable to the
13deceased person that the individual or individuals would be entitled to receive as an
14inheritance had the award been paid before the death of the decedent. If, at the time
15of death of a person, the person qualified or would qualify to receive compensation
16under sub. (4) but has not been paid, any such individual or individuals may, within
17one year of the death of the person, file a claim with the claims board for
18compensation to be awarded on the decedent's behalf in whatever share of the
19compensation that was payable to the petitioner that the individual or individuals
20would be entitled to receive as an inheritance. The claims board shall pay a claim
21filed by any individual under this subsection if the board determines that the
22individual or individuals are entitled to be paid under this subsection.
(c) An individual's right to exercise the rights of a deceased person or to file a
24claim on a decedent's behalf is independent of any right to inherit from the decedent
1under the decedent's will. Any compensation paid to any individual under this
2subsection is not a part of the decedent's estate for purposes of the decedent's will.
12. 775.05 (3) and (4) of the statutes are amended to read:
(3) After hearing the evidence on the petition, the claims board Within
55 days after the claims board receives a petition under sub. (2) (a), the department
6of administration shall refer the petition to the division of hearings and appeals. No
7later than 30 days after the petition is filed, the department of administration or the
8office of the prosecutor who was responsible for prosecuting the petitioner may file
9a written request with the claims board for an evidentiary hearing on the petition.
10The department of administration shall refer the request to the division within 5
11days after the claims board receives the request. If a timely request for a hearing is
12filed, or if the division concludes that it cannot determine the petitioner's eligibility
13for compensation without a hearing, the division shall hold a hearing on the petition
14no later than 60 days after the petition is filed. If no request for a hearing is filed
15within the time specified in this subsection, and the division is able to determine that
16the petitioner is eligible for compensation without a hearing, the division shall decide
17the matter without a hearing, except that the division shall not deny a petition for
18compensation without affording the petitioner an opportunity for a hearing. The
19division shall find either that the
preponderance of evidence
is clear and convincing 20demonstrates that the petitioner was innocent of the crime for which he or she
21suffered imprisonment, or that the
preponderance of evidence
is not clear and
22convincing does not demonstrate that he or she was innocent.
23(4) If the
claims board division of hearings and appeals finds that the
24preponderance of evidence demonstrates that the petitioner was innocent
and that
25he or she did not by his or her act or failure to act contribute to bring about the
1conviction and imprisonment for which he or she seeks compensation, the claims
2board of the crime for which he or she was imprisoned, the division shall transmit
3its findings to the claims board. The claims board shall find the amount which will
4equitably compensate the petitioner,
not to exceed $25,000 and at a rate of
not greater than $5,000 of $50,000, or the amount determined under
6sub. (4m) (a), whichever applies, per year
or any portion thereof, for the
Compensation awarded by the claims board In addition, the claims
8board shall
include find any amount to which the
board finds the petitioner is
9entitled for
reasonable, actual attorney fees,
together with all costs and
incurred by the petitioner in his or her defense, post-conviction, and
11compensation proceedings and all fees, surcharges, and restitution paid by the
12petitioner as a result of his or her arrest and imprisonment. The claims board shall
13subtract any moneys received by the petitioner under s. 808.085. If the claims board
14finds that the amount it is able to
award find is not an adequate compensation it shall
15submit a report specifying an amount which it considers adequate to the chief clerk
16of each house of the legislature, for distribution to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2).
17The claims board shall, subject to sub. (4g), award the compensation specified in the
18decision and order disbursement of the award to the petitioner or any other
19individual who is entitled to receive a payment from the appropriation under s.
2020.505 (4) (d), except that the total amount of the award may not exceed $1,000,000.
13. 775.05 (4g) of the statutes is created to read:
(4g) (a) As a condition of eligibility for compensation under sub. (4), a
23petitioner shall automatically assign to the claims board his or her right to any
24settlement, judgment, or award that may be obtained against any 3rd party in any
25federal or state action for damages related to wrongful imprisonment for the crime
1specified in sub. (2) (a). The petition shall, in itself, constitute an assignment by
2operation of law. The assignment shall be considered a statutory lien on any
3settlement, judgment, or award received by the petitioner from a 3rd party in an
4amount equal to the amount of the settlement, judgment, or award, or the amount
5of compensation awarded under sub. (4), whichever is less.
(b) If a petitioner obtains, before the claims board awards compensation under
7sub. (4), a final judgment, settlement, or award for damages in a federal or state
8action related to wrongful imprisonment for the crime specified in sub. (2) (a), the
9claims board shall subtract the amount of the judgment, settlement, or award from
10the compensation.
14. 775.05 (4m) and (4r) of the statutes are created to read:
(4m) (a) On April 1 of each year, the claims board shall adjust the
13amount of yearly compensation specified in sub. (4) to reflect any changes in the U.S.
14consumer price index for all urban consumers, U.S. city average, as determined by
15the U.S. department of labor, for the 12-month period ending on the preceding
16December 31. The board shall publish the adjusted amount so determined in the
17Wisconsin administrative register.
(b) On January 1, 2022, and once every 5 years thereafter, the claims board
19shall make a recommendation to the legislature as to whether the dollar amount of
20the maximum award under sub. (4) should be changed.
21(4r) At any hearing conducted under this section, the petitioner may be
22represented by counsel of his or her own choosing. The department of administration
23shall represent the interests of the state.
15. 775.05 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5) The claims board shall keep a complete record of
its the proceedings
2in each
case petition under this section and of all the evidence
related to the petition.
3The findings
and decision of the division of hearings and appeals and the award of
4the claims board shall be subject to review as provided in ch. 227.
16. 808.085 of the statutes is created to read:
6808.085 Wrongful imprisonment; relief.
(1) If a court acts under s. 808.08
7to release a person from confinement in a prison, the person may petition the court
8for any or all of the following:
(a) A court order directing the department of corrections to create a transition
10to release plan.
(b) A financial assistance award not to exceed 133 percent of the federal poverty
12level for up to 14 months, or while proceedings under s. 775.05 are pending,
13whichever is shorter.
(c) Sealing of all records related to the case. Records sealed under this section
15shall be accessible to the person but may not be available for public inspection or
16through the consolidated court automation program case management system.
17(2) The court shall, within 10 days after it receives the petition under sub. (1),
18grant the relief sought if the person's criminal conviction was reversed, set aside, or
19vacated for reasons not inconsistent with the person's innocence of the crime for
20which he or she was convicted.
21(3) If a person who is granted relief under this section is subsequently convicted
22of the same charges for which he or she was granted relief, or if his or her conviction
23is reinstated, the person shall repay any financial assistance award granted under
24this section and all records related to the case shall be unsealed.
1(4) To the extent it is not contrary to or inconsistent with federal law, financial
2assistance a person receives pursuant to this section may not be included as income
3for the purpose of determining whether the person is indigent under rules
4promulgated under ch. 977 or for the purpose of determining the person's eligibility
5for any program for which the department of health services or the department of
6children and families provides services, benefits, or other assistance under ch. 49.
17. 977.05 (4) (jr) of the statutes is created to read:
(4) (jr) At the request of a person determined by the state public
9defender to be indigent or upon referral of any court, represent the person in
10proceedings under s. 775.05.
18. 977.05 (4) (jw) of the statutes is created to read:
(4) (jw) At the request of an inmate determined by the state public
13defender to be indigent or upon referral of any court, represent the person in
14proceedings under s. 808.085.
Nonstatutory provisions.
Medical Assistance for wrongfully imprisoned persons. Notwithstanding
17the eligibility criteria under section 49.471 (4) (a) of the statutes, any individual who
18receives compensation under section 775.05 of the statutes after the effective date
19of this subsection is eligible for the Medical Assistance program under section 49.471
20of the statutes during the period before January 1, 2017. The department of health
21services shall request any approval from the federal department of health and
22human services that is necessary to provide Medical Assistance benefits to those
23individuals. If federal approval is not necessary or if federal approval is received, the
24department of health services shall provide benefits under section 49.471 of the
25statutes to those individuals. If federal approval is not received, the department of
1health services is not required to provide Medical Assistance benefits to those
Initial applicability.
(1) Except as provided in subsections (2) and (3), this act first applies with
5respect to petitions filed by persons who are released on or after January 1, 1990,
6from imprisonment for crimes of which they claim to be innocent. If a person was
7released from imprisonment on or after January 1, 1990, and accepted compensation
8from this state for wrongful imprisonment prior to the effective date of this
9subsection, the person may petition for additional compensation. The claims board
10may, at its discretion, consider the petition and may award compensation to the
11extent payable under section 775.05 of the statutes notwithstanding any release
12signed by the claimant as a condition precedent to receiving an initial compensation
(2) The treatment of section 71.05 (6) (b) 52. of the statutes first applies to
15taxable years beginning on January 1 of the year in which this subsection takes
16effect, except that if this subsection takes effect after July 31, section 71.05 (6) (b) 52.
17of the statutes first applies to taxable years beginning on January 1 of the year
18following the year in which this subsection takes effect.
(3) The treatment of section 775.05 (4g) (a) of the statutes first applies to
20petitions filed on or after the effective date of this subsection.