2015 - 2016 LEGISLATURE
December 22, 2015 - Introduced by Representatives Berceau, Sargent, Spreitzer,
Genrich, Stuck, Wachs, Kolste, Brostoff, Sinicki, Goyke, C. Taylor,
Ohnstad, Considine, Billings, Kessler, Jorgensen, Zamarripa, Barca and
Shankland, cosponsored by Senators Ringhand, C. Larson, Lassa, Vinehout
and Erpenbach. Referred to Committee on Campaigns and Elections.
AB605,2,2 1An Act to repeal 11.20 (10) (c), 11.26 (4), 11.26 (9), 11.31 and 11.38 (1) (a) 3.; to
2renumber and amend
11.01 (16) (intro.), 11.05 (12) (b), 11.07 (1), 11.26 (2) (a)
3and 11.26 (13m) (b); to consolidate, renumber and amend 11.26 (13m)
4(intro.) and (a); to amend 11.01 (2), 11.01 (5), 11.01 (16) (a) (intro.), 11.01 (16)
5(a) 1., 11.055 (3), 11.06 (1) (intro.), 11.06 (2), 11.07 (2), 11.07 (3), 11.12 (6), 11.19
6(1), 11.20 (4), 11.20 (8) (b), 11.20 (10) (a), 11.21 (2), 11.21 (16), 11.22 (3), 11.26
7(5), 11.26 (6), 11.26 (17) (a), 11.30 (2) (b), 11.30 (2) (c), 11.30 (2) (d), 11.38 (1) (a)
81., 11.38 (1) (a) 2., 11.61 (1) (b) and 11.61 (1) (c); and to create 11.01 (7m), 11.01
9(12v), 11.01 (12w), 11.01 (13), 11.01 (14), 11.01 (16) (a) 4., 11.01 (16) (a) 5., 11.05
10(3) (s), 11.06 (1) (n), 11.06 (2m), 11.07 (1) (a) (intro.), 11.12 (7), 11.26 (2) (a) 1.,
1111.26 (2) (a) 4., 11.26 (4m), 11.30 (2) (cm), 11.385 and 11.386 of the statutes;
12relating to: campaign finance reporting by social welfare organizations;
13individual contribution limits to political parties and committees; political
14disbursements and obligations by corporations, cooperative associations; and

1labor organizations and the scope of regulated activity and reporting of certain
2activity under the campaign finance law.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill makes various changes to the campaign finance laws, including all of
the following:
1. The bill requires a nonprofit social welfare organization that is engaged in
acts for political purposes to register with the Government Accountability Board
(GAB). The bill also requires the organization to report to the GAB the percentage
of its total expenditures that are paid as disbursements for the purpose of influencing
the election or nomination for election of any individual to state or local office or for
the purpose of influencing the recall from or retention in office of an individual
holding a state or local office. In addition, if the total amount of the entity's
disbursements for political purposes exceeds $5,000 in a calendar year, the entity
shall include in its report an itemized statement of every disbursement exceeding
$300, together with the name and address of the person to whom the disbursement
was made, and the date and specific purpose for which the disbursement was made.
2. This bill prohibits an individual from making contributions in excess of
$10,000 in any calendar year to a committee that makes electioneering
communications or expressly advocates the election or defeat of a clearly identified
candidate. The bill also prohibits an individual from making contributions in excess
of $10,000 in any calendar year to a political party.
3. Under current law, individuals who accept contributions, organizations that
make or accept contributions, and individuals who or organizations that incur
obligations or make disbursements for the purpose of influencing an election for state
or local office are generally required to register with the appropriate filing officer and
to file financial reports with that officer, regardless of whether they act in conjunction
with or independently of any candidate who is supported or opposed.
With certain exceptions, this bill imposes additional registration and reporting
requirements on any committee who, within 60 days of an election, makes any mass
communication, including an electronic communication, a mass distribution, or a
mass telephoning, that includes a reference to a clearly identified candidate at that
election. In addition, the bill requires a committee who becomes subject to a
registration requirement by making such a communication to report, upon
registration, the information that would have been required to be reported if the
committee had been registered with respect to any obligation incurred or
disbursement made for the purpose of making such a communication prior to
registration. The bill, however, does not require registration and reporting if the
communication is made by a corporation, cooperative, or nonpolitical voluntary
association and is limited to the corporation's, cooperative's, or association's
members, shareholders, or subscribers.
The change in the scope of reportable activity under the bill also applies to
contribution and disbursement (spending) limitations and restrictions by causing

reportable "contributions," "obligations," and "disbursements" to include the cost of
all reportable communications.
4. The bill also requires a special report by any campaign finance registrant
who makes or incurs an obligation to make a mass communication that becomes
reportable under the bill within 60 days of a primary or other election in an amount
greater than $300 cumulatively since the date of the registrant's last report. The
special report must be made within 24 hours after the date that disbursements or
obligations that exceed $300 cumulatively are made or incurred and must include
the information that would otherwise be reported on the registrant's next regular
report in the form prescribed by the GAB.
5. Under the bill, no entity or individual may make a disbursement for express
advocacy or for an electioneering communication that is coordinated with a
candidate, personal campaign committee, candidate's agent, legislative campaign
committee, or political party committee. Such activity is coordinated with a
candidate or committee if the candidate or committee exercises control over, or
engages in substantial discussions or negotiations with the person making the
disbursement regarding, the content, timing, location, form, intended audience, or
frequency of the activity.
6. Under the bill, an electioneering communication is a communication that
refers to a clearly identified candidate who will appear on the ballot for election or
nomination for election, is made within 60 days from the day on which the primary
or election involving the candidate is held, and is targeted to the relevant electorate.
Any committee making a disbursement of $300 or more on an electioneering
communication must, within 48 hours of making the disbursement, submit
statements to GAB disclosing, among other things, the name of any candidate
affected by the disbursement, the office that the candidate seeks, and whether the
electioneering communication supports or opposes that candidate. The statements
must also provide the name of every person who donated $300 or more to the
committee and whether the committee coordinated or consulted with, or received the
consent of the candidate or candidate's agent, regarding the disbursement.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB605,1 1Section 1. 11.01 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB605,4,22 11.01 (2) "Charitable organization" means any organization described in
3section 170 (c) (2) of the internal revenue code, and also includes the United States,
4any state, territory or possession, the District of Columbia and any political
5subdivision thereof, when a gift is made exclusively for public purposes ; but and not
6for the purpose of influencing public opinion or an election outcome. "Charitable

does not include any private organization conducting activities for
2political purposes.
AB605,2 3Section 2. 11.01 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB605,4,74 11.01 (5) "Communications media" means newspapers, periodicals,
5commercial billboards, and radio and television stations, including community
6antenna television stations, and Internet sites maintained by the newspapers,
7periodicals, commercial billboards, and radio and television stations
AB605,3 8Section 3. 11.01 (7m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB605,4,109 11.01 (7m) (a) "Electioneering communication" means any communication,
10except as provided in par. (b), for which all of the following apply:
AB605,4,1211 1. It refers to a clearly identified candidate who will appear on the ballot for
12election or nomination for election.
AB605,4,1513 2. It is made within the 60 days preceding the day on which the primary or
14election involving the candidate under subd. 1. is held, including the day of the
15primary or election.
AB605,4,1616 3. It is targeted to the relevant electorate.
AB605,4,1717 (b) "Electioneering communication" does not include any of the following:
AB605,4,2118 1. A communication, other than an advertisement, appearing in a news story,
19commentary, or editorial distributed through the facilities of any legitimate news
20organization, unless the facilities are controlled by any political party, political
21committee, or candidate.
AB605,4,2322 2. A communication made solely to promote a candidate debate or forum that
23is made by or on behalf of a person sponsoring the debate or forum.
AB605,4,2524 3. A communication made exclusively between an organization and its
1Section 4. 11.01 (12v) of the statutes is created to read:
AB605,5,62 11.01 (12v) "Mass communication" means a message that is disseminated by
3means of one or more communications media, a mass electronic communication, a
4mass distribution, or a mass telephoning, but not including a bona fide poll
5conducted for the purpose of objectively identifying or collecting data concerning the
6attitudes or preferences of electors.
AB605,5 7Section 5. 11.01 (12w) of the statutes is created to read:
AB605,5,98 11.01 (12w) "Mass distribution" means the distribution of 500 or more pieces
9of substantially identical material.
AB605,6 10Section 6. 11.01 (13) of the statutes is created to read:
AB605,5,1311 11.01 (13) "Mass electronic communication" means the transmission of 500 or
12more pieces of substantially identical material by means of electronic mail, facsimile
13transmission, or social media.
AB605,7 14Section 7. 11.01 (14) of the statutes is created to read:
AB605,5,1615 11.01 (14) "Mass telephoning" means the making of 500 or more telephone calls
16conveying a substantially identical message.
AB605,8 17Section 8. 11.01 (16) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 11.01 (16) (a) 3. and
18amended to read:
AB605,6,919 11.01 (16) (a) 3. An In the case of a candidate, a legislative campaign
20committee, a personal campaign committee, a support committee, other than a
21support committee that files a statement under s. 11.06 (7), or a political party, an

22act is made for a "political purposes" purpose" when it is done for the purpose of
23influencing the election or nomination for election of any individual to state or local
24office, for the purpose of influencing the recall from or retention in office of an
25individual holding a state or local office, for the purpose of payment of expenses

1incurred as a result of a recount at an election, or for the purpose of influencing a
2particular vote at a referendum. In the case of a candidate, or a committee or group
3which is organized primarily for the purpose of influencing the election or
4nomination for election of any individual to state or local office, for the purpose of
5influencing the recall from or retention in office of an individual holding a state or
6local office, or for the purpose of influencing a particular vote at a referendum, all
7administrative and overhead expenses for the maintenance of an office or staff which
8are used principally for any such purpose under this subdivision are deemed to be
9for a political purpose.
AB605,9 10Section 9. 11.01 (16) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB605,6,1211 11.01 (16) (a) (intro.) Acts which are An act made for a "political purposes"
12include but are not limited to
purpose" includes any of the following:
AB605,10 13Section 10. 11.01 (16) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB605,6,1714 11.01 (16) (a) 1. The making of a communication which in reference to a clearly
15identified candidate that
expressly advocates the election, defeat, recall, or retention
16of a clearly identified that candidate or a particular vote at a referendum and that
17clearly relates to that candidate's campaign
AB605,11 18Section 11. 11.01 (16) (a) 4. of the statutes is created to read:
AB605,6,2319 11.01 (16) (a) 4. A mass communication, other than a communication that is
20exempt from reporting under s. 11.29, that is made during the period beginning on
21the 60th day preceding an election and ending on the date of that election, and that
22includes a reference to a clearly identified candidate whose name is certified under
23s. 7.08 (2) (a) or 8.50 (1) (d) to appear on the ballot at that election.
AB605,12 24Section 12. 11.01 (16) (a) 5. of the statutes is created to read:
111.01 (16) (a) 5. Any mass communication, other than a communication that
2is exempt from reporting under s. 11.29, that a reasonable person would consider as
3advocating for or against a particular candidate, nominee, or referendum.
AB605,13 4Section 13. 11.05 (3) (s) of the statutes is created to read:
AB605,7,95 11.05 (3) (s) In the case of a registrant that has made a mass communication
6identified in s. 11.01 (16) (a) 4., a report containing the information specified in s.
711.06 (1) with respect to any obligation to make a disbursement incurred or any
8disbursement made for the purpose of making such a communication prior to
AB605,14 10Section 14. 11.05 (12) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 11.05 (12) (b) (intro.)
11and amended to read:
AB605,7,2212 11.05 (12) (b) (intro.) Except as authorized under sub. (13), a committee, group,
13or individual that becomes subject to a registration requirement under sub. (1) or (2),
14other than a candidate or agent of a candidate, shall comply with sub. (1) or (2) no
15later than the 5th business day commencing 48 hours after receipt of receiving the
16first contribution by the committee, group, or individual exceeding the amount
17specified under sub. (1) or (2) or s. 11.23 (1), and before making any disbursement
18exceeding that amount. No committee, group, or individual may receive a
19contribution during a calendar year at any time when the committee, group, or
20individual is not registered under this section except within the initial 48-hour
21period authorized by this paragraph. During that 48-hour period a committee,
22group, or individual may receive contributions as follows:
AB605,7,25 231. A committee supporting or opposing the election or nomination of a
24candidate at an election, other than an agent of a candidate, may accept any
25contribution or contributions not exceeding $300, no in the aggregate.
12. An individual supporting or opposing the election or nomination of a
2candidate at an election, other than a candidate or agent of a candidate, may accept
3any contribution or contributions not exceeding $300 , and no in the aggregate.
AB605,8,8 43. A group or an individual subject to registration under s. 11.23 may accept
5any contribution or contributions not exceeding $2,500 , in the aggregate during a
6calendar year at any time when the committee, group or individual is not registered
7under this section except within the initial 5-day period authorized by this
AB605,15 9Section 15. 11.055 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB605,8,1310 11.055 (3) Subsection (1) does not apply to a candidate or personal campaign
Subsection (1) does not apply to any registrant under s. 11.05 for any year
12during which the registrant does not make disbursements exceeding a total of
AB605,16 14Section 16. 11.06 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB605,8,2115 11.06 (1) Contents of report. (intro.) Except as provided in subs. (2), (2m),
16(3), and (3m) and ss. 11.05 (2r) and 11.19 (2), each registrant under s. 11.05 shall
17make full reports, upon a form prescribed by the board and signed by the appropriate
18individual under sub. (5), of all contributions received, contributions or
19disbursements made, and obligations incurred. Each report shall contain the
20following information, covering the period since the last date covered on the previous
21report, unless otherwise provided: