Note: There is no conflict of substance. As merged by the legislative reference
bureau, s. 71.05 (6) (b) 47. b. reads:
b. With respect to partners and members of limited liability companies, for taxable
years beginning after December 31, 2010, and before January 1, 2014, for 2 consecutive
taxable years beginning with the taxable year in which the partnership's or limited
liability company's business locates to this state from another state or another country
and begins doing business in this state, as defined in s. 71.22 (1r), and subject to the
limitations provided under subd. 47. d., dm., and e., the partner's or member's
distributive share of taxable income as calculated under section 703 of the Internal
Revenue Code; plus the items of income and gain under section 702 of the Internal
Revenue Code, including taxable state and municipal bond interest and excluding
nontaxable interest income or dividend income from federal government obligations;
minus the items of loss and deduction under section 702 of the Internal Revenue Code,
except items that are not deductible under s. 71.21; plus guaranteed payments to
partners under section 707 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code; plus the credits claimed
under s. 71.07 (2dd), (2de), (2di), (2dj), (2dL), (2dm), (2dr), (2ds), (2dx), (2dy), (3g), (3h),
(3n), (3p), (3q), (3r), (3rm), (3rn), (3s), (3t), (3w), (5e), (5f), (5g), (5h), (5i), (5j), (5k), (5r),
(5rm), and (8r); and plus or minus, as appropriate, transitional adjustments, depreciation
differences, and basis differences under s. 71.05 (13), (15), (16), (17), and (19), multiplied
by the apportionment fraction determined in s. 71.04 (4) and subject to s. 71.04 (7) or by
separate accounting. No amounts subtracted under this subd. 47. b. may be included in
the modification under par. (b) 9. or 9m.
AB686,19 1Section 19. The treatment of 97.29 (2) (a) of the statutes by 2013 Wisconsin
2Act 245
is not repealed by 2013 Wisconsin Act 302. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance. As merged by the legislative reference
bureau, s. 97.29 (2) (a) reads:
(a) Requirement. Except as provided under par. (b) and s. 97.28, no person may
operate a food processing plant without a valid license issued by the department for that
food processing plant. A license expires on March 31 annually, except that a license issued
for a new food processing plant on or after January 1 but before April 1 expires on March
31 of the following year. Each food processing plant shall have a separate license. A
license is not transferable between persons or locations. Application for a license shall
be made on a form provided by the department and be accompanied by the applicable fees
required under sub. (3). An applicant shall identify the categories of food processing
activities which the applicant proposes to conduct at the food processing plant. An
application shall include additional information which may reasonably be required by the
department for licensing purposes.
AB686,20 3Section 20. The treatment of 97.30 (2) (a) of the statutes by 2013 Wisconsin
4Act 298
is not repealed by 2013 Wisconsin Act 302. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance. As merged by the legislative reference
bureau, s. 97.30 (2) (a) reads:
(a) Requirement. Except as provided under par. (b), no person may operate a retail
food establishment without a valid license issued by the department or an agent city or
county. Except as provided in par. (am), licenses expire on June 30 annually, except that
a license issued for a new retail food establishment on or after March 30 but before July
1 expires on June 30 of the following year. Each retail food establishment shall have a
separate license. A license is not transferable between persons or establishments.

Application for a license shall be made on a form provided by the department, or by the
agent city or county, and be accompanied by the applicable fees required under sub. (3)
or s. 97.41. An application shall indicate whether food processing is conducted at the
establishment and shall specify the nature of any food processing activities. An
application shall include other information reasonably required by the department, or by
the agent city or county, for licensing purposes.
AB686,21 1Section 21. The treatment of 108.04 (2) (a) 2. of the statutes by 2013 Wisconsin
2Act 20
is not repealed by 2013 Wisconsin Act 173. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance. As merged by the legislative reference
bureau, s. 108.04 (2) (a) 2. reads:
2. Except as provided in s. 108.062 (10m), as of that week, the individual has
registered for work as directed by the department;
AB686,22 3Section 22. 115.385 (2) of the statutes, as created by 2013 Wisconsin Act 20,
4is amended to read:
AB686,9,105 115.385 (2) Beginning one year after a charter school established under s.
6118.40 (2r) or a private school participating in a parental choice program under s.
7118.60 or 119.23 begins using the student information system under s. 115.28 (12)
115.383 (3), or begins using a system that is interoperable with that system, the
9department shall include the school in its annual school accountability report under
10sub. (1).
Note: Section 115.28 (12) (b) was renumbered to s. 115.383 (3) by 2013 Wis. Act
AB686,23 11Section 23. 119.23 (10) (am) 1. of the statutes, as affected by 2013 Wisconsin
12Act 20
, is amended to read:
AB686,9,1413 119.23 (10) (am) 1. The private school has not complied with the requirements
14under sub. (7) (f) or (em).
Note: Section 119.23 (7) (f) was repealed by 2013 Wis. Act 237.
AB686,24 15Section 24. 132.16 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB686,9,1816 132.16 (3) The department shall keep a properly indexed file of all registrations
17under this section, which shall also show any alterations or cancelations
18cancellations by reregistration.

Note: Inserts preferred spelling.
AB686,25 1Section 25. The treatment of 146.89 (2) (a) of the statutes by 2013 Wisconsin
2Act 241
is not repealed by 2013 Wisconsin Act 344. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance. As merged by the legislative reference
bureau, s. 146.89 (2) (a) reads:
(a) Subject to par. (am), a volunteer health care provider may participate under
this section only if he or she submits a joint application with a nonprofit agency, school
board, or governing body to the department and the department approves the application.
If the volunteer health care provider submits a joint application with a school board or
governing body, the application shall include a statement by the school board or
governing body that certifies that the volunteer health care provider has received
materials that specify school board or governing body policies concerning the provision
of health care services to students and has agreed to comply with the policies. The
department shall provide application forms for use under this paragraph.
AB686,26 3Section 26. The treatment of 146.89 (4) of the statutes by 2013 Wisconsin Act
is not repealed by 2013 Wisconsin Act 344. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance. As merged by the legislative reference
bureau, s. 146.89 (4) reads:
(4) Except as provided in sub. (5), volunteer health care providers who provide
services under this section are, for the provision of these services, state agents of the
department for purposes of ss. 165.25 (6), 893.82 (3) and 895.46. This state agency status
does not apply to a volunteer health care provider for whom the department has
withdrawn approval of the application under sub. (2) (d). This state agency status applies
regardless of whether the volunteer health care provider has coverage under a policy of
health care liability insurance that would extend to services provided by the volunteer
health care provider under this section; and the limitations under s. 895.46 (1) (a) on the
payment by the state of damages and costs in excess of any insurance coverage applicable
to the agent and on the duty of a governmental unit to provide or pay for legal
representation do not apply. Any policy of health care liability insurance providing
coverage for services of a health care provider may exclude coverage for services provided
by the health care provider under this section.
AB686,27 5Section 27. The treatment of 165.76 (1) (g) of the statutes by 2013 Wisconsin
6Act 20
is not repealed by 2013 Wisconsin Act 166. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance. As merged by the legislative reference
bureau, effective 4-1-15, s. 165.76 (1) (g) reads:
(g) Has been required by a court under s. 51.20 (13) (cr), 938.21 (1m), 938.30 (2m),
938.34 (15), 970.02 (8), 971.17 (1m) (a), 973.047, or 980.063 to provide a biological
specimen to the state crime laboratories for deoxyribonucleic acid analysis.
AB686,28 7Section 28. 175.42 (1) (b) and (2) (c) 1. of the statutes, as created by 2013
8Wisconsin Act 265
, are amended to read:
1175.42 (1) (b) "University police officer" means an officer who is employed by
2the university police department, who has met the requirements of s. 165.85 (4) (b)
31., (bn) 1., and (c)
(a) 2. and 7. a., and who has agreed to accept the duties of a law
4enforcement officer under the laws of this state.
AB686,11,7 5(2) (c) 1. Ensure that each university police officer meets the requirements of
6s. 165.85 (4) (b) 1., (bn) 1., and (c) (a) 2. and 7. a. and has agreed to accept the duties
7of a law enforcement officer under the laws of this state.
Note: Section 165.85 (4) was repealed and recreated by 2013 Wis. Act 214. Section
165.85 (4) (a) 2. and 7. a., as affected by 2013 Wis. Act 214, correspond to s. 165.85 (4) (b)
1. and (bn) 1., as they existed prior to Act 214. Act 214 did not contain a provision
corresponding to s. 165.85 (4) (c).
AB686,29 8Section 29. The treatment of 230.34 (1) (ar) of the statutes by 2013 Wisconsin
9Act 123
is not repealed by 2013 Wisconsin Act 166. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance. As merged by the legislative reference
bureau, s. 230.34 (1) (ar) reads as follows (see also Section 66 of this bill):
(ar) Paragraphs (a) and (am) apply to all employees with permanent status in class
in the classified service and all employees who have served with the state as an assistant
district attorney or an assistant state public defender for a continuous period of 12
months or more.
AB686,30 10Section 30. The treatment of 236.13 (2) (a) of the statutes by 2013 Wisconsin
11Act 280
is not repealed by 2013 Wisconsin Act 358. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance. As merged by the legislative reference
bureau, s. 236.13 (2) (a) 1., as renumbered from s. 236.13 (2) (a) by 2013 Wis. Act 280,
1. As a further condition of approval, the governing body of the town or
municipality within which the subdivision lies may require that the subdivider make and
install any public improvements reasonably necessary or that the subdivider provide
security to ensure that he or she will make those improvements within a reasonable time.
The governing body may not require the subdivider to provide security at the
commencement of a project in an amount that is more than 120 percent of the estimated
total cost to complete the required public improvements. It is the subdivider's option
whether to execute a performance bond or whether to provide a letter of credit to satisfy
the governing body's requirement that the subdivider provide security to ensure that the
public improvements are made within a reasonable time. The subdivider may construct
the project in such phases as the governing body approves, which approval may not be
unreasonably withheld. If the subdivider's project will be constructed in phases, the
amount of security required by the governing body shall be limited to the phase of the
project that is currently being constructed. The governing body may not require that the
subdivider provide any security for improvements sooner than is reasonably necessary

before the commencement of the installation of the improvements. If the governing body
of the town or municipality requires a subdivider to provide security under this
paragraph, the governing body may not require the subdivider to provide the security for
more than 14 months after the date the public improvements for which the security is
provided are substantially completed and upon substantial completion of the public
improvements, the amount of the security the subdivider is required to provide may be
no more than an amount equal to the total cost to complete any uncompleted public
improvements plus 10 percent of the total cost of the completed public improvements.
This paragraph applies to all preliminary and final plats, regardless of whether
submitted for approval before, on, or after August 1, 2014.
AB686,31 1Section 31. The treatment of 289.67 (1) (a) of the statutes by 2013 Wisconsin
2Act 301
is not repealed by 2013 Wisconsin Act 333. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance. As merged by the legislative reference
bureau, s. 289.67 (1) (a) reads:
(a) Imposition of fee. Except as provided under pars. (f) to (fm) and s. 289.675 (1),
a generator of solid or hazardous waste shall pay an environmental repair fee for each
ton or equivalent volume of solid or hazardous waste which is disposed of at a licensed
solid or hazardous waste disposal facility. If a person arranges for collection or disposal
services on behalf of one or more generators, that person shall pay the environmental
repair fee to the licensed solid or hazardous waste disposal facility or to any intermediate
hauler used to transfer wastes from collection points to a licensed facility. An
intermediate hauler who receives environmental repair fees under this paragraph shall
pay the fees to the licensed solid or hazardous waste disposal facility. Tonnage or
equivalent volume shall be calculated in the same manner as the calculation made for
tonnage fees under s. 289.62 (1).
AB686,32 3Section 32. 295.53 (2) of the statutes, as created by 2013 Wisconsin Act 1, is
4amended to read:
AB686,12,85 295.53 (2) Notice. After the department receives an application for a mining
6permit, it shall notify the public and affected agencies that an environmental impact
7statement will be prepared for the proposed mine and that the process of identifying
8major issues under s. NR 150.21 (3) 150.30 (1) (f), Wis. Adm. Code, is beginning.
Note: Changes a cross-reference consistent with the repeal and recreation of ch.
NR 150, Wis. Adm. Code, by the Department of Natural Resources.
AB686,33 9Section 33. 295.53 (4) (a) of the statutes, as created by 2013 Wisconsin Act 1,
10is amended to read:
AB686,13,211 295.53 (4) (a) The department shall prepare an environmental impact
12statement for every application for a mining permit. In preparing the environmental

1impact statement, the department shall comply with s. 1.11 (2) and s. NR 150.22
2150.30 (2), Wis. Adm. Code.
Note: Changes a cross-reference consistent with the repeal and recreation of ch.
NR 150, Wis. Adm. Code, by the Department of Natural Resources.
AB686,34 3Section 34. 295.53 (4) (e) of the statutes, as created by 2013 Wisconsin Act 1,
4is amended to read:
AB686,13,215 295.53 (4) (e) The department shall conduct its environmental review process
6jointly with any federal or local agency that consents to a joint environmental review
7process. The department may adopt any environmental analysis prepared by
8another state agency or by a federal or local agency. The department may enter into
9a written agreement with any of those agencies that have a major responsibility
10related to or that are significantly affected by the proposed mining. In the written
11agreement, the parties shall define the responsibility of each agency in the
12development of a single environmental impact statement on the proposed mining
13and outline the procedures to be used in the regulatory process. The department
14shall be the lead agency for any environmental review process involving other state
15agencies. To the extent that any federal or local agency's environmental review
16process conflicts with the provisions of this section or s. 295.57, the department shall
17follow the provisions of this section and s. 295.57 and may only coordinate its
18environmental review to the extent consistent with the provisions of this section and
19s. 295.57. The department shall comment on any federal agency's environmental
20assessment or environmental impact statement associated with a mining project in
21accordance with s. NR 150.30 150.40, Wis. Adm. Code.
Note: Changes a cross-reference consistent with the repeal and recreation of ch.
NR 150, Wis. Adm. Code, by the Department of Natural Resources.
1Section 35. 295.53 (5) of the statutes, as created by 2013 Wisconsin Act 1, is
2amended to read:
AB686,14,113 295.53 (5) Relationship to other laws. This section and s. 295.57 govern the
4department's obligations under ss. 1.11 and 1.12 with respect to a mining project.
5Sections 23.11 (5) and 23.40 and ss. NR 2.085, 2.09, and 2.157, Wis. Adm. Code, do
6not apply with respect to a mining project. The rest of ch. NR 2, Wis. Adm. Code, only
7applies with respect to a mining project to the extent that it does not conflict with this
8section and s. 295.57. Sections NR 150.24 and 150.25 150.30 (1) (g) and 150.35, Wis.
9Adm. Code, do not apply with respect to a mining project. The rest of ch. NR 150, Wis.
10Adm. Code, only applies with respect to a mining project to the extent that it does not
11conflict with this section and s. 295.57.
Note: Changes cross-references consistent with the repeal and recreation of ch.
NR 150, Wis. Adm. Code, by the Department of Natural Resources.
AB686,36 12Section 36. 321.62 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB686,14,1913 321.62 (3) Effect on rights under a written agreement. This section does not
14prevent the modification, termination, or cancelation cancellation of any contract,
15lease, bailment, or secured obligation, or the repossession, retention, foreclosure,
16sale, or forfeiture of property that is security for any obligation or which has been
17purchased or received under a contract, lease, or bailment under a written
18agreement of the parties if that agreement is executed during or after the period of
19state active duty.
Note: Inserts preferred spelling.
AB686,37 20Section 37. The treatment of 341.14 (6r) (b) 9. b. of the statutes by 2013
21Wisconsin Act 163
is not repealed by 2013 Wisconsin Act 188. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance. As merged by the legislative reference
bureau, s. 341.14 (6r) (b) 9. b. reads:

b. A fee of $15 shall be charged for the issuance or reissuance of a plate for a special
group specified under par. (f) 15m. to 15q. or 62. All moneys received under this subd.
9. b. in excess of the initial costs of production of the special group plate under par. (f)
15m., 2011 stats., or $23,700, whichever is less, shall be deposited in the veterans trust
AB686,38 1Section 38. The treatment of 341.14 (6r) (c) of the statutes by 2013 Wisconsin
2Act 188
is not repealed by 2013 Wisconsin Act 266. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance. As merged by the legislative reference
bureau, s. 341.14 (6r) (c) reads as follows. See also Section 82 of this bill.
(c) Special group plates shall display the word "Wisconsin", the name of the
applicable authorized special group, a symbol representing the special group, not
exceeding one position, and identifying letters or numbers or both, not exceeding 6
positions and not less than one position. Except as provided in this paragraph, the
department shall specify the design for special group plates, but the department shall
consult the president of the University of Wisconsin System before specifying the word
or symbol used to identify the special groups under par. (f) 35. to 47., the secretary of
natural resources before specifying the word or symbol used to identify the special groups
under par. (f) 50. and 59., the chief executive officer of the professional football team and
an authorized representative of the league of professional football teams described in s.
229.823 to which that team belongs before specifying the design for the applicable special
group plate under par. (f) 55., the chief trademark officer of Harley-Davidson Michigan,
LLC before specifying the design for the applicable special group plate under par. (f) 61r.,
the department of veterans affairs before specifying the design for the special group
plates under par. (f) 49d., 49h., and 49s., and the department of tourism and chief
executive officer of the organization specified in par. (f) 55m. before specifying the design
and word or symbol used to identify the special group name for special group plates under
par. (f) 55m. Special group plates under par. (f) 50. shall be as similar as possible to
regular registration plates in color and design. Special group plates issued under par. (f)
62. shall display the words "In God We Trust". The department shall make available 2
designs for the special group plates under par. (f) 60. The department may not specify
any design for the special group plates under par. (f) 60. unless the design is approved by
the executive vice president of the Milwaukee Brewers Baseball Club LP. The word or
symbol used to identify the special group under par. (f) 59. shall be different from the word
or symbol used to identify the special group under par. (f) 50. and the design shall cover
the entire plate. Special group plates under par. (f) 61m. shall display a logo or image of
the lion associated with the Lions Clubs International. Special group plates under par.
(f) 61r. shall display a bar and shield logo associated with Harley-Davidson, Inc., on the
left portion of the plates and the words "share the road" on the bottom portion of the
plates. Special group plates under par. (f) 63. shall display the words "Trout Unlimited."
Notwithstanding par. (e), special group plates under par. (f) 33m. and 48m. shall be the
same color and design that was specified by the department for special group plates under
par. (f) 33. and 48., respectively, immediately prior to January 1, 2007. The design for
special group plates under par. (f) 33. and 48. shall be different from the design of special
group plates under par. (f) 33m. and 48m., respectively.
AB686,39 3Section 39. 341.14 (6r) (fm) 7. of the statutes, as affected by 2013 Wisconsin
4Acts 163
, 188, 266 and 275, is amended to read:
1341.14 (6r) (fm) 7. After October 1, 1998, additional authorized special groups
2may only be special groups designated by the department under this paragraph. The
3authorized special groups enumerated in par. (f) shall be limited solely to those
4special groups specified under par. (f) on October 1, 1998. This subdivision does not
5apply to the special groups specified under par. (f) 3m., 6m., 9g., 9m., 12g., 12m.,
615m., 15n., 15o., 15p., 15q., 19m., 33m., 48m., 49d., 49h., 49s., 54., 55., 55m., 56., 57.,
758., 59., 60., 61., 61m., 61r., and 62., and 63., and 64.
Note: Corrects punctuation. See also Section 82 of this bill.
AB686,40 8Section 40. The treatment of 348.07 (4) of the statutes by 2013 Wisconsin Act
is not repealed by 2013 Wisconsin Act 220. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance. As merged by the legislative reference
bureau, s. 348.07 (4) reads:
(4) The secretary shall, by rule, designate the highways to which sub. (2) (f), (fm),
(gm), and (gr) and s. 348.08 (1) (a) 2. and (e) apply. The designation of highways under
this subsection may not be inconsistent with the designation of highways made by the
U.S. secretary of transportation under P.L. 97-424, section 411. The secretary may also
designate additional highways by rule. In adopting a rule designating other highways,
which may include 2-lane highways, the secretary shall specify the factors which
resulted in the determination to designate the highways. These factors shall include, but
are not limited to, safety, economics, energy savings, industry productivity and
competition. Vehicles to which sub. (2) (f), (fm), (gm), and (gr) and s. 348.08 (1) (a) 2. and
(e) apply may also operate on highways not designated under this subsection for a
distance of 15 miles or less in order to obtain access to a highway designated under this
subsection or to reach fuel, food, maintenance, repair, rest, staging, terminal or vehicle
assembly facilities or points of loading or unloading. The secretary may, by rule,
designate an access route of more than 15 miles from a highway designated under this
subsection when the longer route provides safer and better access to a location which is
within the 15-mile limit. Household goods carriers may operate between highways
designated under this subsection and points of loading and unloading.
AB686,41 10Section 41. 348.08 (1) (c) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB686,17,211 348.08 (1) (c) (intro.) Tour trains, as defined in s. 340.01 (67m), may, without
12such permit, be drawn by a motor vehicle upon and along county and municipal roads
13and streets and across state trunk highways, and upon and along state trunk
14highways where there are no alternate municipal or county routes or streets for such

1operation. The following requirements and restrictions shall apply to tour train
Note: Removes unnecessary cross-references. Under s. 340.01 (intro.), all
definitions in ch. 340 are applicable to ch. 348. See also Section 83 of this bill.
AB686,42 3Section 42. 349.13 (1m) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 2013 Wisconsin Acts
, 327 and 359, is amended to read:
AB686,17,185 349.13 (1m) (a) In addition to the requirements under s. 346.503 (1m), the
6department, with respect to state trunk highways outside of corporate limits and
7parking facilities under its jurisdiction, and local authorities, with respect to
8highways under their jurisdiction including state trunk highways or connecting
9highways within corporate limits and parking facilities within corporate limits, may,
10by official traffic signs indicating the restriction, prohibit parking, stopping or
11standing upon any portion of a street, highway or parking facility reserved for any
12vehicle bearing special registration plates issued under s. 341.14 (1), (1a), (1e), (1m),
13or (1q) or a motor vehicle upon which a special identification card issued under s.
14343.51 is displayed or any vehicle registered in another jurisdiction and displaying
15a registration plate, card or emblem issued by the other jurisdiction which
16designates the vehicle as a vehicle used by a physically disabled person. Any person
17who violates a prohibition established under this subsection paragraph shall forfeit
18not less than $150 nor more than $300.
Note: Inserts correct cross-reference. 2013 Wis. Act 327 renumbered s. 349.13
(1m) to be s. 349.13 (1m) (a). 2013 Wis. Act 326 established a penalty for violations of s.
349.13 (1m). The 2 acts did not take account of each other.
AB686,43 19Section 43. The treatment of 440.62 (3) (ar) 2. of the statutes by 2013
20Wisconsin Act 205
is not repealed by 2013 Wisconsin Act 356. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance. As merged by the legislative reference
bureau, s. 440.62 (3) (ar) 2. reads:

2. Requires as a prerequisite to graduation completion of a course of instruction
in cosmetology of at least 1,550 training hours in not less than 10 months.
AB686,44 1Section 44. The treatment of 441.04 of the statutes by 2013 Wisconsin Act 114
2is not repealed by 2013 Wisconsin Act 124. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance. 2013 Wis. Act 114, section 4, renumbered
s. 441.04 to be s. 441.06 (1) (a) to (d). As merged by the legislative reference bureau, s.
441.06 (1) (a) to (d), except 441.04 (1) (b), (c), and (d), which are amended by the next
section of this bill, read:
(a) The applicant graduates from a high school or its equivalent as determined by
the board.
AB686,45 3Section 45. 441.06 (1) (b), (c) and (d) of the statutes, as affected by 2013
4Wisconsin Act 114
, section 4, and 2013 Wisconsin Act 124, section 28, are amended
5to read:
AB686,18,76 441.06 (1) (b) The applicant does not have an arrest or conviction record,
7subject to ss. 111.321, 111.322, and 111.335.
AB686,18,128 (c) The applicant holds a diploma of graduation from a school of nursing
9approved by the board or that the board has authorized to admit students pending
10approval, and, if that school is located outside this state, submits evidence of general
11and professional educational qualifications comparable to those required in this
12state at the time of graduation;.
AB686,18,1313 (d) The applicant pays the fee specified in s. 440.05 (1), that person.
Note: Deletes unnecessary language inserted by 2013 Wis. Act 124 but rendered
without effect by the treatment by 2013 Wis. Act 114. Inserts a serial comma, consistent
with current style.
AB686,46 14Section 46. The treatment of 441.10 (1) of the statutes by 2013 Wisconsin Act
is not repealed by 2013 Wisconsin Act 124. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance. 2013 Wis. Act 114, section 9, renumbered
s. 441.10 (1) to be s. 441.10 (3) (a) 1. to 5. and (ag). As merged by the legislative reference
bureau, s. 441.10 (3) (a) 1. to 5. and (ag), except 441.10 (3) (a) 2. to 5., which are amended
by section 47 of this bill, read:
1. The applicant is 18 years of age or older.