2015 - 2016 LEGISLATURE
January 12, 2016 - Introduced by Law Revision Committee. Referred to Committee
on Rules.
AB688,1,2 1An Act relating to: revising various provisions of the statutes for the purpose
2of making corrections and reconciling conflicts (Correction Bill).
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This correction bill, prepared by the Legislative Reference Bureau under s.
13.92 (1) (bm) 1. and 2. and (2) (i) and (L), stats., is explained in the Notes in the body
of the bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB688,1 3Section 1. 54.52 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB688,2,24 54.52 (1) A person may at any time bring a petition for the appointment of a
5standby guardian of the person or estate of an individual who is determined under
6s. 54.10 to be incompetent, a minor, or a spendthrift, except that, as specified in s.
748.97 48.978 a petition for the appointment of a standby guardian of the person or
8property or both of a minor to assume the duty and authority of guardianship on the

1incapacity, death, or debilitation and consent, of the minor's parent may be brought
2under s. 48.978.
Note: Inserts correct cross-reference. Section 48.97 relates to adoption orders of
other jurisdictions. Section 48.978 provides for the appointment or designation of a
standby guardian of a child.
AB688,2 3Section 2. 71.10 (5) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB688,2,74 71.10 (5) (b) 3. `Designation deducted from refund.' Except as provided under
5par. (d), if the individual is owed a refund for that year after crediting under ss. 71.75
6(9) and 71.80 (3), the department of revenue shall deduct the amount designated on
7the return for the endangered resources program from the amount of the refund.
Note: Inserts comma to conform punctuation with all other subdivisions in ch. 71
titled "Designation deducted from refund." "Of revenue" is removed as unnecessary. For
purposes of chapter 71, "department" is defined as the department of revenue.
AB688,3 8Section 3. 103.05 (6) of the statutes is repealed.
Note: Deletes an obsolete provision. Section 103.05 (6) provides for the publication
of a notice if certain action was taken before January 1, 1998, and has no current effect.
AB688,4 9Section 4. 106.04 (1) (intro.) and (d) of the statutes are consolidated,
10renumbered 106.04 (1) and amended to read:
AB688,2,1411 106.04 (1) Definitions Definition. In this section: (d) "Project", "project"
12means a project of public works that is subject to s. 103.49 or 103.50 in which work
13is performed by employees employed in trades that are apprenticeable under this
Note: Section 106.04 (1) contains one definition and does not require subdivision.
AB688,5 15Section 5. 108.062 (19) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB688,3,416 108.062 (19) Secretary may waive compliance. The secretary may waive
17compliance with any requirement under this section if the secretary determines that
18waiver of the requirement is necessary to permit continued certification of this
19chapter for grants to this state under Title III of the federal Social Security Act, for

1maximum credit allowances to employers under the federal Employment
2Unemployment Tax Act, or for this state to qualify for full federal financial
3participation in the cost of administration of this section and financing of benefits to
4employees participating in work-share programs under this section.
Note: Inserts correct name of federal act consistent with the term used in the
remainder of ch. 108. There is no federal Employment Tax Act.
AB688,6 5Section 6. 165.70 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB688,3,96 165.70 (1) (b) Except as provided in sub. (1m), enforce chs. 945 and 961 and ss.
7940.20 (3), 940.201, 941.25 to 941.27, 941.26, 943.01 (2) (c), 943.011, 943.27, 943.28,
8943.30, 944.30 (1m), 944.31, 944.32, 944.33, 944.34, 946.65, 947.02 (3) and (4),
9948.075, and 948.08.
Note: Corrects cross-reference to reflect the renumbering of s. 941.27 by this bill.
AB688,7 10Section 7. 175.49 (1) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB688,3,1111 175.49 (1) (h) "Machine gun" has the meaning given in s. 941.27 941.25 (1).
Note: Amends cross-reference to reflect the renumbering of s. 941.27 by this bill.
AB688,8 12Section 8. 175.60 (1) (bm) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB688,3,1813 175.60 (1) (bm) "Handgun" means any weapon designed or redesigned, or made
14or remade, and intended to be fired while held in one hand and to use the energy of
15an explosive to expel a projectile through a smooth or rifled bore. "Handgun" does
16not include a machine gun, as defined in s. 941.27 941.25 (1), a short-barreled rifle,
17as defined in s. 941.28 (1) (b), or a short-barreled shotgun, as defined in s. 941.28 (1)
Note: Amends cross-reference to reflect the renumbering of s. 941.27 by this bill.
AB688,9 19Section 9. 238.05 of the statutes is repealed.
Note: Deletes an obsolete transition provision requiring the former Department
of Commerce to cooperate with the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.
1Section 10. 343.165 (1) (intro.), (4) (a), (5) and (7) (a) 2. and (b) of the statutes
2are amended to read:
AB688,4,103 343.165 (1) (intro.) Subject to ss. 343.14 (3m) and 343.50 (4g), the department
4may not complete the processing of an application for initial issuance or renewal of
5an operator's license or identification card received by the department after the date
6stated in the notice provided by the secretary of transportation and published in the
7Wisconsin Administrative Register under s. 85.515 (2) (b)
January 1, 2013, and no
8such license or identification card may be issued or renewed, unless the applicant
9presents or provides, and, subject to sub. (7), the department verifies under sub. (3),
10all of the following information:
AB688,4,20 11(4) (a) Subsection (1) does not apply to an application for renewal of an
12operator's license or identification card received by the department after the date
13stated in the notice provided by the secretary of transportation and published in the
14Wisconsin Administrative Register under s. 85.515 (2) (b)
January 1, 2013, if in
15connection with a prior application after the date stated in the notice provided by the
16secretary of transportation and published in the Wisconsin Administrative Register
17under s. 85.515 (2) (b)
January 1, 2013, the applicant previously presented or
18provided, and the department verified under sub. (3) or (7), the information specified
19in sub. (1) and, if verified under sub. (3), the department recorded the date on which
20the verification procedures were completed as described in sub. (2) (b).
AB688,5,4 21(5) The department may, by rule, require that applications for reinstatement
22of operator's licenses or identification cards, issuance of occupational licenses,
23reissuance of operator's licenses, or issuance of duplicate operator's licenses or
24identification cards, received by the department after the date stated in the notice
25provided by the secretary of transportation and published in the Wisconsin

1Administrative Register under s. 85.515 (2) (b)
January 1, 2013, be processed in a
2manner consistent with the requirements established under this section for
3applications for initial issuance or renewal of operator's licenses and identification
AB688,5,9 5(7) (a) 2. The operator's license or identification card is processed and issued
6or renewed in compliance with applicable department practices and procedures that
7were in effect immediately prior to the date stated in the notice provided by the
8secretary of transportation and published in the Wisconsin Administrative Register
9under s. 85.515 (2) (b)
January 1, 2013.
AB688,5,1610 (b) In addition to other instances of original issuance or renewal, this
11subsection specifically applies to renewals occurring after the date stated in the
12notice provided by the secretary of transportation and published in the Wisconsin
13Administrative Register under s. 85.515 (2) (b)
January 1, 2013, of operator's licenses
14or identification cards originally issued prior to the date stated in the notice provided
15by the secretary of transportation and published in the Wisconsin Administrative
16Register under s. 85.515 (2) (b)
January 1, 2013.
Note: The secretary of transportation published in Register Nov. 30, 2012, No. 683,
the notice under s. 85.515 (2) (b) stating January 1, 2013, as the date referred to in s.
AB688,11 17Section 11. 448.51 (2) (a) of the statutes is repealed.
Note: Repeals a definition of "advertisement" applicable to s. 448.51 (2).
"Advertisement" is not contained in s. 448.51 (2).
AB688,12 18Section 12. 448.51 (2) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 448.51 (2).
Note: With the repeal of s. 448.51 (2) (a) by this bill, s. 448.51 (2) does not have
multiple paragraphs.
AB688,13 19Section 13. 450.115 (3) (b) of the statutes, as created by 2013 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
1450.115 (3) (b) A personal representative or a trustee may grant written
2authorization to an adult beneficiary, as defined in s. 701.20 (2) (b) 701.1102 (1m),
3of the estate or trust for the disposal of a prescription drug that belongs to the estate
4or trust.
Note: Inserts correct cross-reference. Section 701.20 (2) (b) was renumbered to
s. 701.1102 (1m) by 2013 Wis. Act 92.
AB688,14 5Section 14. 938.357 (2m) (bv) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
AB688,6,66 938.357 (2m) (bv) (title) Juvenile placed in extended out-of-home care.
Note: The other paragraphs in s. 938.357 (2m) have titles.
AB688,15 7Section 15. 941.21 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB688,6,14 8941.21 Disarming a peace officer. Whoever intentionally disarms a peace
9officer who is acting in his or her official capacity by taking a dangerous weapon or
10a device or container described under s. 941.26 (1) (1g) (b) or (4) (a) from the officer
11without his or her consent is guilty of a Class H felony. This section applies to any
12dangerous weapon or any device or container described under s. 941.26 (1) (1g) (b)
13or (4) (a) that the officer is carrying or that is in an area within the officer's immediate
Note: Amends cross-reference to reflect the renumbering of s. 941.26 (1) by this
AB688,16 15Section 16. 941.23 (1) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB688,6,1616 941.23 (1) (f) "Machine gun" has the meaning given in s. 941.27 941.25 (1).