2015 - 2016 LEGISLATURE
January 13, 2016 - Introduced by Representatives Spiros, Sargent, Kulp,
Johnson, Stuck, Billings, Ohnstad, Milroy, Berceau, Allen, Subeck, A. Ott,
E. Brooks, Kahl, Rohrkaste, Brostoff, T. Larson, Pope and C. Taylor,
cosponsored by Senator Harris Dodd. Referred to Committee on Education.
AB692,1,6 1An Act to renumber 118.019 (1m) (a), 118.019 (1m) (b), 118.019 (2m) and 118.07
2(5); to amend 118.019 (2) (intro.), 118.019 (3), 118.019 (4), 118.46 (1) (intro.) and
3118.46 (1) (a) (intro.); and to create 118.019 (1m) (ag), 118.019 (1m) (c), (d), (e),
4(f), (g), (i), (j), (k), (L) and (m), 118.019 (2m) (b), 118.019 (2t), 118.07 (5) (b) and
5121.02 (1) (L) 2m. of the statutes; relating to: teen dating violence policies and
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill requires schools to provide teen dating violence prevention education
and establishes certain criteria governing the instruction provided. The bill requires
the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) to prepare, by the beginning of the
2017-18 school year, a policy governing the prevention of and appropriate responses
to teen dating violence and sexual violence on school grounds, at school-sponsored
activities, and in vehicles used for the transportation of pupils to and from
school-sponsored activities. The bill also requires DPI to incorporate teen dating
violence and sexual violence curriculum into its model health curriculum. Within six
months after the beginning of the 2017-18 school year, each school board must adopt
either DPI's policy and curriculum or its own policy and curriculum.
Current law requires DPI to have developed a model school policy on bullying
by pupils. The policy on bullying must include a definition of bullying. This bill
requires DPI to periodically revise its model school policy on bullying.

For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB692,1 1Section 1. 118.019 (1m) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 118.019 (1m) (ar).
AB692,2 2Section 2. 118.019 (1m) (ag) of the statutes is created to read:
AB692,2,63 118.019 (1m) (ag) "Abusive behavior" means intimidation, threats, or
4harassment, whether direct, by electronic means, or through other persons, and
5includes the use of put-downs; name calling; insults; offensive, sexually explicit, or
6homophobic language; screaming; or yelling.
AB692,3 7Section 3. 118.019 (1m) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 118.019 (1m) (h).
AB692,4 8Section 4. 118.019 (1m) (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (i), (j), (k), (L) and (m) of the statutes
9are created to read:
AB692,2,1110 118.019 (1m) (c) "Child with a disability" has the meaning given in s. 115.76
AB692,2,1212 (d) "Consent" means permission that is clearly and freely given.
AB692,2,1613 (e) "Cyberbullying" means the use of information and communication
14technologies, such as a cell phone, computer, Internet Web site, or electronic mail
15message, to engage in or support deliberate, hostile behavior intended to frighten,
16intimidate, mock, insult, bully, or harm others.
AB692,2,1917 (f) "Dating partner" means any person involved in a relationship with another
18person primarily characterized by the demonstration of affection, whether casual,
19serious, or long-term.
AB692,3,220 (g) "Healthy relationship" means an equal relationship free from abusive,
21violent, and controlling behavior in which each person respects the other's right to

1have his or her own opinions, friends, and activities, and each person can openly
2communicate with the other person.
AB692,3,53 (i) "Physical abuse" means shaking, arm twisting, pushing, hitting, kicking,
4slapping, strangulation, hair pulling, physical intimidation, or any behavior that
5may result in injury.
AB692,3,86 (j) "Physical intimidation" means an attempt to frighten or coerce another
7person by restraining him or her, blocking his or her movements or exits, punching
8walls, or throwing objects.
AB692,3,109 (k) "Sexual violence" means any unwanted sexual contact including touching,
10kissing, caressing, and rubbing.
AB692,3,1311 (L) "Stalking" means willfully and repeatedly following or harassing another
12person or making a threat with the intent to place that person in fear for his or her
13safety or the safety of his or her family.
AB692,3,1814 (m) "Teen dating violence" means behavior in which a person uses abusive
15behavior, threats of physical abuse, or actual physical abuse; sexual violence;
16cyberbullying; or emotional abuse; the effect of the behavior is to dominate, control,
17or punish the person's dating partner or former dating partner; and at least one of
18the partners is a teenager.
AB692,5 19Section 5. 118.019 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB692,4,320 118.019 (2) Subjects. (intro.) A school board may provide an instructional
21program in human growth and development in grades kindergarten to 12. If the
22school board elects to provide an instructional program under this section
23subsection, when the school board establishes the curriculum for the instructional
24program, the school board shall make determinations as to whether and, if so, for
25what subjects covered in the curriculum the pupils shall be separated by gender. If

1the school board offers an instructional program is provided under this subsection,
2an instructional program that requires the instructor to do all of the following
3instructional program is recommended:
AB692,6 4Section 6. 118.019 (2m) of the statutes is renumbered 118.019 (2m) (a).
AB692,7 5Section 7. 118.019 (2m) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB692,4,86 118.019 (2m) (b) 1. Beginning in the 2017-18 school year, a school board shall
7provide to pupils in grades 6 to 12 age-appropriate instruction in the prevention of
8teen dating violence and sexual violence.
AB692,4,119 2. Teen dating violence prevention education required under this paragraph
10shall include instruction and materials regarding teen dating violence and sexual
11violence that include methods for all of the following:
AB692,4,1212 a. Recognizing what constitutes a healthy relationship.
AB692,4,1413 b. Identifying teen dating violence, abusive behavior, physical intimidation,
14stalking, physical abuse, sexual violence, and cyberbullying.
AB692,4,1615 c. Locating sources for legal, medical, mental health, and other supportive
16services regarding teen dating violence and sexual violence.
AB692,4,1917 d. Appropriate and safe ways for teen bystanders to intervene in teen dating
18violence, sexual violence, and incidents of stalking and to seek help from supportive
19adults on behalf of victims.
AB692,4,2120 e. Communication skills that help pupils discuss and resolve conflicts within
21dating relationships with respect and nonviolence.
AB692,4,2222 f. Critical thinking skills.
AB692,4,2423 g. Skills for pupils to recognize and understand their own individual
24boundaries and recognize and respect the boundaries of others.
AB692,8 25Section 8. 118.019 (2t) of the statutes is created to read:
1118.019 (2t) Model policy and model curriculum on teen dating violence and
2sexual violence; school district policies and curricula.
(a) 1. By the beginning
3of the 2017-18 school year, the department shall, working in consultation with the
4department of children and families, the department of health services, the council
5on domestic abuse, and advocates from statewide organizations representing victims
6of domestic abuse and sexual violence, prepare, adopt, and make available to school
7districts a policy governing the prevention of and appropriate responses to teen
8dating violence and sexual violence on school grounds, at school-sponsored
9activities, and in vehicles used for the transportation of pupils to and from
10school-sponsored activities. The department shall incorporate all of the following
11in its policy:
AB692,5,1312 a. Methods for accommodating pupils who are victims of teen dating violence
13or sexual violence.
AB692,5,1514 b. A requirement that school districts comply with and support compliance
15with court orders related to teen dating violence and sexual violence.
AB692,5,1616 c. Methods for protecting the rights, safety, and privacy of victims.
AB692,5,2017 2. The department shall incorporate teen dating violence and sexual violence
18curriculum into its model health problems education curriculum and shall make the
19updated health problems education curriculum and the following materials
20available to school boards prior to the start of the 2017-18 school year:
AB692,5,2121 a. Definitions of teen dating violence and sexual violence.
AB692,5,2222 b. Skills for recognizing teen dating violence warning signs.
AB692,5,2323 c. Characteristics of healthy relationships.
AB692,6,624 d. The meaning of consent, how to communicate consent and the absence of
25consent, and how to identify consent and the absence of consent. The department

1shall include in the materials under this subd. 2. d. a discussion about consent that
2explains all of the following: that consent does not exist when a person is coerced or
3when permission is implied, assumed, or given under threat; that a person that
4consents to one act does not thereby consent to any other act; and that consent does
5not exist when one or all parties involved in an activity are intoxicated or otherwise
AB692,6,87 e. Relevant information about legal, medical, and mental health and other
8supportive services regarding teen dating violence and sexual violence.
AB692,6,149 (b) 1. Within 6 months after the beginning of the 2017-18 school year, a school
10board shall either adopt the model policy governing the prevention of and
11appropriate responses to teen dating violence and sexual violence described under
12par. (a) 1. or modify or adopt its own policy. If the school board adopts its own policy,
13the school board shall ensure that the policy includes all of the provisions under par.
14(a) 1.
AB692,6,1815 2. Within 6 months after the beginning of the 2017-18 school year, a school
16board shall either adopt and incorporate the teen dating violence and sexual violence
17curriculum described under par. (a) 2. into its health education program or adopt and
18incorporate its own teen dating violence and sexual violence curriculum.
AB692,9 19Section 9. 118.019 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB692,7,620 118.019 (3) Distribution of human growth and development curriculum to
21parents; notice.
Each A school board that provides an instructional program in
22human growth and development shall annually provide the parents or guardians of
23each pupil enrolled in the school district with an outline of the human growth and
24development curriculum used in the pupil's grade level, information regarding how
25the parent or guardian may inspect the complete curriculum and instructional

1materials, an explanation of the exemption under sub. (4), and a statement that
2pupils exempted from instruction under this section will still receive instruction in
3the subjects under s. 118.01 (2) (d) 2. c., unless exempted, and s. 118.01 (2) (d) 8. The
4school board shall make the complete human growth and development curriculum
5and all instructional materials available for inspection by a parent or guardian upon
6his or her request at any time, including prior to their use in the classroom.
AB692,10 7Section 10. 118.019 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB692,7,118 118.019 (4) No pupil may be required to take instruction in human growth and
9development or in the specific subjects under subs. (2) and (2m) (a) if the pupil's
10parent or guardian files with the teacher or school principal a written request that
11the pupil be exempted.
AB692,11 12Section 11. 118.07 (5) of the statutes is renumbered 118.07 (5) (a).
AB692,12 13Section 12. 118.07 (5) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB692,7,2214 118.07 (5) (b) A school board shall, consistent with s. 118.019 (2m) (b) and (2t)
15(a), require every employee of the school district governed by the school board who
16has direct contact with pupils in grades 6 to 12 to receive training provided by the
17department in the prevention of and appropriate responses to teen dating violence
18and sexual violence on school grounds, at school sponsored activities, and in vehicles
19used for the transportation of pupils to and from school sponsored activities. The
20school board shall ensure that the school district employee receives that training
21within the first 6 months after commencing employment with the school district and
22at least once every 5 years after that initial training.
AB692,13 23Section 13. 118.46 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB692,7,2524 118.46 (1) (intro.) By March 1, 2010, the The department shall do all of the
1Section 14. 118.46 (1) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: