AB816,51,2 2Schedule "A"
AB816,51,3 3Financial Disclosure
AB816,51,74 The following general categories of assets and liabilities are not all inclusive
5and if other assets or liabilities exist they should be listed. Assets should be listed
6according to which spouse has title (including assets owned by a spouse or the
7spouses with one or more third parties) and at their approximate market value.
AB816,51,8 8Husband   Wife   Spouse (Name)   Spouse (Name)   Both Names
AB816,51,99 I.   Assets
AB816,51,1010 A.   Real estate (gross value)
AB816,51,1111 B.   Stocks, bonds and mutual funds
AB816,51,1312 C.   Accounts at and certificates and other
13instruments issued by financial institutions
AB816,51,1514 D.   Mortgages, land contracts, promissory notes
15and cash
AB816,51,1616 E.   Partnership interests
AB816,51,1717 EL.   Limited liability company interests
AB816,51,1818 F.   Trust interests
AB816,51,1919 G.   Livestock, farm products, crops
AB816,51,2020 H.   Automobiles and other vehicles
AB816,51,2121 I.   Jewelry and personal effects
AB816,51,2222 J.   Household furnishings
AB816,51,2323 K.   Life insurance and annuities:
AB816,51,2424 1.   Face value
AB816,51,2525 2.   Cash surrender value
1L.   Retirement benefits (include value):
AB816,52,22 1.   Pension plans
AB816,52,33 2.   Profit sharing plans
AB816,52,44 3.   HR-10 KEOGH plans
AB816,52,55 4.   IRAs
AB816,52,66 5.   Deferred compensation plans
AB816,52,77 M.   Other assets not listed elsewhere
AB816,52,88 II.   Obligations (total outstanding balance):
AB816,52,99 A.   Mortgages and liens
AB816,52,1010 B.   Credit cards
AB816,52,1111 C.   Other obligations to financial institutions
AB816,52,1312 D.   Alimony, maintenance and child support (per
AB816,52,1614 E.   Other obligations (such as other obligations
15to individuals, guarantees, contingent
AB816,52,1717 III.   Annual compensation for services:
AB816,52,1918 (for example, wages and income from
19self-employment; also include social security,
AB816,52,2020 disability and similar income here)
AB816,117 23Section 117. 767.215 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
1767.215 (2) (b) The name and birthdate of each minor child of the parties and
2each other child born to the wife a party during the marriage, and whether the wife
3a party is pregnant.
AB816,118 4Section 118. 767.215 (5) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,53,75 767.215 (5) (a) 2. The name, date of birth, and social security number of each
6minor child of the parties and of each child who was born to the wife a party during
7the marriage and who is a minor.
AB816,119 8Section 119. 767.323 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,53,22 9767.323 Suspension of proceedings to effect reconciliation. During the
10pendency of an action for divorce or legal separation, the court may, upon written
11stipulation of both parties that they desire to attempt a reconciliation, enter an order
12suspending any and all orders and proceedings for such period, not exceeding 90
13days, as the court determines advisable to permit the parties to attempt a
14reconciliation without prejudice to their respective rights. During the suspension
15period, the parties may resume living together as husband and wife a married couple
16and their acts and conduct do not constitute an admission that the marriage is not
17irretrievably broken or a waiver of the ground that the parties have voluntarily lived
18apart continuously for 12 months or more immediately prior to the commencement
19of the action. Suspension may be revoked upon the motion of either party by an order
20of the court. If the parties become reconciled, the court shall dismiss the action. If
21the parties are not reconciled after the period of suspension, the action shall proceed
22as though no reconciliation period was attempted.
AB816,120 23Section 120. 767.80 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,54,324 767.80 (1) Who may bring action or file motion. (intro.) The following persons
25may bring an action or file a motion, including an action or motion for declaratory

1judgment, for the purpose of determining the paternity of a child or for the purpose
2of rebutting the presumption of paternity under s. 891.405 or the presumption of
3parentage under s.
891.41 (1):
AB816,121 4Section 121. 767.80 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,54,75 767.80 (1) (c) Unless s. 767.805 (1) applies, a male presumed to be the child's
6father under s. 891.405 or a person presumed to be the child's parent under s. 891.41
AB816,122 8Section 122. 767.80 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,54,179 767.80 (2) Certain agreements not a bar to action. Regardless of its terms,
10an agreement made after July 1, 1981, other than an agreement approved by the
11court between an alleged father or presumed father parent and the mother or child,
12does not bar an action under this section. Whenever the court approves an
13agreement in which one of the parties agrees not to commence an action under this
14section, the court shall first determine whether or not the agreement is in the best
15interest of the child. The court shall not approve any provision waiving the right to
16bring an action under this section if this provision is contrary to the best interests
17of the child.
AB816,123 18Section 123. 767.855 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,55,2 19767.855 Dismissal if adjudication not in child's best interest. Except as
20provided in s. 767.863 (1m), at any time in an action to establish the paternity of a
21child, upon the motion of a party or guardian ad litem or the child's mother if she is
22not a party
, the court or supplemental court commissioner under s. 757.675 (2) (g)
23may, with respect to a male, refuse to order genetic tests, if genetic tests have not yet
24been taken, and dismiss the action if the court or supplemental court commissioner

1determines that a judicial determination of whether the male is the father of the
2child is not in the best interest of the child.
AB816,124 3Section 124. 767.863 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,55,144 767.863 (1m) Paternity allegation by male person other than husband
5spouse; when determination not in best interest of child. In an action to establish
6the paternity of a child who was born to a woman while she was married, if a male
7person other than the woman's husband spouse alleges that he, not the husband
8woman's spouse, is the child's father biological parent, a party, or the woman if she
9is not a party,
may allege that a judicial determination that a male person other than
10the husband woman's spouse is the father biological parent is not in the best interest
11of the child. If the court or a supplemental court commissioner under s. 757.675 (2)
12(g) determines that a judicial determination of whether a male person other than the
13husband woman's spouse is the father biological parent is not in the best interest of
14the child, no genetic tests may be ordered and the action shall be dismissed.
AB816,125 15Section 125. 767.87 (1m) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,55,2116 767.87 (1m) Birth record required. (intro.) If the child was born in this state,
17the petitioner shall present a certified copy of the child's birth certificate or a printed
18copy of the record from the birth database of the state registrar to the court, so that
19the court is aware of whether a name has been inserted on the birth certificate as the
20father parent of the child other than the mother, at the earliest possible of the
AB816,126 22Section 126. 767.87 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,56,223 767.87 (8) Burden of proof. The party bringing an action for the purpose of
24determining paternity or for the purpose of declaring the nonexistence of paternity
25presumed under s. 891.405 or the nonexistence of parentage presumed under s.

1891.41 (1) shall have the burden of proving the issues involved by clear and
2satisfactory preponderance of the evidence.
AB816,127 3Section 127. 767.87 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,56,74 767.87 (9) Artificial insemination; natural father parent. Where If a child
5is conceived by artificial insemination, the husband spouse of the mother of the child
6at the time of the conception of the child is the natural father parent of the child, as
7provided in s. 891.40.
AB816,128 8Section 128. 767.883 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,57,49 767.883 (1) Two parts. The trial shall be divided into 2 parts, the first part
10dealing with the determination of paternity and the 2nd part dealing with child
11support, legal custody, periods of physical placement, and related issues. The main
12issue at the first part shall be whether the alleged or presumed father is or is not the
13father of the mother's child, but if the child was born to the mother while she was the
14lawful wife spouse of a specified male person the prior issue of whether the husband
15mother's spouse was not the father parent of the child shall be determined first, as
16provided under s. 891.39. The first part of the trial shall be by jury only if the
17defendant verbally requests a jury trial either at the initial appearance or pretrial
18hearing or requests a jury trial in writing prior to the pretrial hearing. The court may
19direct and, if requested by either party before the introduction of any testimony in
20the party's behalf, shall direct the jury to find a special verdict as to any of the issues
21specified in this section, except that the court shall make all of the findings
22enumerated in s. 767.89 (2) to (4). If the mother is dead, becomes insane, cannot be
23found within the jurisdiction, or fails to commence or pursue the action, the
24proceeding does not abate if any of the persons under s. 767.80 (1) makes a motion
25to continue. The testimony of the mother taken at the pretrial hearing may in any

1such case be read in evidence if it is competent, relevant, and material. The issues
2of child support, custody and visitation, and related issues shall be determined by the
3court either immediately after the first part of the trial or at a later hearing before
4the court.
AB816,129 5Section 129. 769.316 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,57,86 769.316 (9) The defense of immunity based on the relationship of husband and
between spouses or parent and child does not apply in a proceeding under this
AB816,130 9Section 130. 769.401 (2) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 2009 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB816,57,1111 769.401 (2) (a) A presumed father parent of the child.
AB816,131 12Section 131. 769.401 (2) (g) of the statutes, as affected by 2009 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB816,57,1414 769.401 (2) (g) The mother A parent of the child.
AB816,132 15Section 132. 815.20 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,58,316 815.20 (1) An exempt homestead as defined in s. 990.01 (14) selected by a
17resident owner and occupied by him or her shall be exempt from execution, from the
18lien of every judgment, and from liability for the debts of the owner to the amount
19of $75,000, except mortgages, laborers', mechanics', and purchase money liens, and
20taxes, and except as otherwise provided. The exemption shall not be impaired by
21temporary removal with the intention to reoccupy the premises as a homestead nor
22by the sale of the homestead, but shall extend to the proceeds derived from the sale
23to an amount not exceeding $75,000, while held, with the intention to procure
24another homestead with the proceeds, for 2 years. The exemption extends to land
25owned by husband and wife spouses jointly or in common or as marital property, and

1each spouse may claim a homestead exemption of not more than $75,000. The
2exemption extends to the interest therein of tenants in common, having a homestead
3thereon with the consent of the cotenants, and to any estate less than a fee.
AB816,133 4Section 133. 822.40 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,58,85 822.40 (4) A privilege against disclosure of communications between spouses
6and a defense of immunity based on the relationship of husband and wife between
or parent and child may not be invoked in a proceeding under this
AB816,134 9Section 134. 851.30 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,58,1410 851.30 (2) (a) An individual who obtains or consents to a final decree or
11judgment of divorce from the decedent or an annulment of their marriage, if the
12decree or judgment is not recognized as valid in this state, unless they subsequently
13participate in a marriage ceremony purporting to marry each other or they
14subsequently hold themselves out as husband and wife married to each other.
AB816,135 15Section 135. 852.01 (1) (f) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,58,1916 852.01 (1) (f) 1. One-half to the maternal grandparents on one side equally if
17both survive, or to the surviving maternal grandparent on that side; if both maternal
18grandparents on that side are deceased, to the issue of the maternal grandparents
19on that side or either of them, per stirpes.
AB816,136 20Section 136. 852.01 (1) (f) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,58,2221 852.01 (1) (f) 2. One-half to the paternal relations on the other side in the same
22manner as to the maternal relations under subd. 1.
AB816,137 23Section 137. 852.01 (1) (f) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
1852.01 (1) (f) 3. If either the maternal side or the paternal side has no surviving
2grandparent or issue of a grandparent, the entire estate to the decedent's relatives
3on the other side.
AB816,138 4Section 138. 854.03 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,59,115 854.03 (3) Marital property. Except as provided in subs. (4) and (5), if a
6husband and wife
2 spouses die leaving marital property and it is not established
7that one survived the other by at least 120 hours, 50% 50 percent of the marital
8property shall be distributed as if it were the husband's the first spouse's individual
9property and the husband 2nd spouse had survived, and 50% 50 percent of the
10marital property shall be distributed as if it were the wife's 2nd spouse's individual
11property and the wife first spouse had survived.
AB816,139 12Section 139. 891.39 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,59,14 13891.39 (title) Presumption as to whether a child is marital or
self-crimination self-incrimination; birth certificates.
AB816,140 15Section 140. 891.39 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,60,416 891.39 (1) (a) Whenever it is established in an action or proceeding that a child
17was born to a woman while she was the lawful wife of legally married to a specified
18man person, any party asserting in such action or proceeding that the husband was
19spouse is not the father parent of the child shall have the burden of proving that
20assertion by a clear and satisfactory preponderance of the evidence. In all such
21actions or proceedings the husband and the wife spouses are competent to testify as
22witnesses to the facts. The court or judge in such cases shall appoint a guardian ad
23litem to appear for and represent the child whose paternity parentage is questioned.
24Results of a genetic test, as defined in s. 767.001 (1m), showing that a man person
25other than the husband mother's spouse is not excluded as the father of the child and

1that the statistical probability of the man's person's parentage is 99.0% 99.0 percent
2or higher constitute a clear and satisfactory preponderance of the evidence of the
3assertion under this paragraph, even if the husband mother's spouse is unavailable
4to submit to genetic tests, as defined in s. 767.001 (1m).
AB816,141 5Section 141. 891.39 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,60,136 891.39 (1) (b) In actions affecting the family, in which the question of paternity
7parentage is raised, and in paternity proceedings, the court, upon being satisfied that
8the parties to the action are unable to adequately compensate any such guardian ad
9litem for the guardian ad litem's services and expenses, shall then make an order
10specifying the guardian ad litem's compensation and expenses, which compensation
11and expenses shall be paid as provided in s. 967.06. If the court orders a county to
12pay the compensation of the guardian ad litem, the amount ordered may not exceed
13the compensation paid to private attorneys under s. 977.08 (4m) (b).
AB816,142 14Section 142. 891.39 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB816,60,2115 891.39 (3) If any court under this section adjudges a child to be a nonmarital
16child, the clerk of court shall report the facts to the state registrar, who shall issue
17a new birth certificate showing the correct facts as found by the court, and shall
18dispose of the original, with the court's report attached under s. 69.15 (3). If the
19husband mother's spouse is a party to the action and the court makes a finding as
20to whether or not the husband mother's spouse is the father parent of the child, such
21finding shall be conclusive in all other courts of this state.