2015 - 2016 LEGISLATURE
June 17, 2015 - Introduced by Senators Bewley and Ringhand, cosponsored by
Representatives Doyle, T. Larson, Berceau, Kahl, Subeck and Zamarripa.
Referred to Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety.
1An Act to amend 301.048 (2) (bm) 1. a., 895.035 (4a) (a) 2., 938.34 (14q), 941.291
2(1) (b), 946.82 (4), 969.08 (10) (b) and 973.137 (1m); and
to create 947.019 of
3the statutes;
relating to: making a false threat to use a firearm to injure or kill
4another person in a school zone and providing a penalty.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under this bill, a person who conveys or causes to be conveyed a false threat to
use a firearm to injure or kill another person on or within 1,000 feet from the
premises of a school, on a school bus or public transportation transporting students
to and from a school, or at school bus stops where students are waiting for a school
bus or are being dropped off by a school bus, is guilty of a Class I felony.
Because this bill creates a new crime or revises a penalty for an existing crime,
the Joint Review Committee on Criminal Penalties may be requested to prepare a
report concerning the proposed penalty and the costs or savings that are likely to
result if the bill is enacted.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1. 301.048 (2) (bm) 1. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (bm) 1. a. A crime specified in s. 940.19 (3), 1999 stats., s. 940.195
2(3), 1999 stats., s. 943.23 (1m), 1999 stats., or s. 943.23 (1r), 1999 stats., or s. 940.01,
3940.02, 940.03, 940.05, 940.06, 940.08, 940.09, 940.10, 940.19 (4) or (5), 940.195 (4)
4or (5), 940.20, 940.201, 940.203, 940.21, 940.225 (1) to (3), 940.23, 940.235, 940.285
5(2) (a) 1. or 2., 940.29, 940.295 (3) (b) 1g., 1m., 1r., 2., or 3., 940.31, 940.43 (1) to (3),
6940.45 (1) to (3), 941.20 (2) or (3), 941.26, 941.30, 941.327, 943.01 (2) (c), 943.011,
7943.013, 943.02, 943.04, 943.06, 943.10 (2), 943.23 (1g), 943.30, 943.32, 946.43,
947.019, 948.02 (1) or (2), 948.025, 948.03, 948.04, 948.05, 948.051, 948.06,
9948.07, 948.08, 948.085, or 948.30.
2. 895.035 (4a) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
(4a) (a) 2. An act resulting in a violation of s. 943.01, 943.02, 943.03,
12943.05, 943.06
or, 947.015
, or 947.019.
3. 938.34 (14q) of the statutes is amended to read:
(14q) Certain bomb scares and firearm violations. In addition to any
15other disposition imposed under this section, if the juvenile is found to have violated
16s. 947.015 and the property involved is owned or leased by the state or any political
17subdivision of the state, or if the property involved is a school premises, as defined
18in s. 948.61 (1) (c), or if the juvenile is found to have violated s. 941.235
, 947.019, or
19948.605, immediately suspend the juvenile's operating privilege, as defined in s.
20340.01 (40), for 2 years. The court shall immediately forward to the department of
21transportation the notice of suspension, stating that the suspension is for a violation
22of s. 947.015 involving school premises, or for a violation of s. 941.235
, 947.019, or
23948.605. If otherwise eligible, the juvenile is eligible for an occupational license
24under s. 343.10.
4. 941.291 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (b) "Violent felony" means any felony, or the solicitation, conspiracy,
2or attempt to commit any felony, under s. 943.23 (1m) or (1r), 1999 stats., or s. 940.01,
3940.02, 940.03, 940.05, 940.06, 940.08, 940.09, 940.10, 940.19, 940.195, 940.20,
4940.201, 940.203, 940.21, 940.225, 940.23, 940.285 (2), 940.29, 940.295 (3), 940.30,
5940.305, 940.31, 940.43 (1) to (3), 940.45 (1) to (3), 941.20, 941.26, 941.28, 941.29,
6941.30, 941.327, 943.01 (2) (c), 943.011, 943.013, 943.02, 943.04, 943.06, 943.10 (2),
7943.23 (1g), 943.32, 943.81, 943.82, 943.83, 943.85, 943.86, 943.87, 943.88, 943.89,
8943.90, 946.43, 947.015,
947.019, 948.02 (1) or (2), 948.025, 948.03, 948.04, 948.05,
9948.06, 948.07, 948.08, 948.085, or 948.30; or, if the victim is a financial institution,
10as defined in s. 943.80 (2), a felony, or the solicitation, conspiracy, or attempt to
11commit a felony under s. 943.84 (1) or (2).
5. 946.82 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) "Racketeering activity" means any activity specified in
18 USC 1961 14(1) in effect as of April 27, 1982, or the attempt, conspiracy to commit, or commission
15of any of the felonies specified in: chs. 945 and 961, subch. V of ch. 551, and ss. 49.49,
16134.05, 139.44 (1), 180.0129, 181.0129, 185.825, 201.09 (2), 215.12, 221.0625,
17221.0636, 221.0637, 221.1004, 553.41 (3) and (4), 553.52 (2), 940.01, 940.19 (4) to (6),
18940.20, 940.201, 940.203, 940.21, 940.30, 940.302 (2), 940.305, 940.31, 941.20 (2) and
19(3), 941.26, 941.28, 941.298, 941.31, 941.32, 942.09, 943.01 (2), (2d), or (2g), 943.011,
20943.012, 943.013, 943.02, 943.03, 943.04, 943.05, 943.06, 943.10, 943.20 (3) (bf) to (e),
21943.201, 943.203, 943.23 (1g), (2) and (3), 943.24 (2), 943.27, 943.28, 943.30, 943.32,
22943.34 (1) (bf), (bm), and (c), 943.38, 943.39, 943.40, 943.41 (8) (b) and (c), 943.50 (4)
23(bf), (bm), and (c) and (4m), 943.60, 943.70, 943.76, 943.81, 943.82, 943.83, 943.84,
24943.85, 943.86, 943.87, 943.88, 943.89, 943.90, 944.21 (5) (c) and (e), 944.32, 944.34,
25945.03 (1m), 945.04 (1m), 945.05 (1), 945.08, 946.10, 946.11, 946.12, 946.13, 946.31,
1946.32 (1), 946.48, 946.49, 946.61, 946.64, 946.65, 946.72, 946.76, 946.79, 947.015,
2947.019, 948.05, 948.051, 948.08, 948.12, and 948.30.
6. 947.019 of the statutes is created to read:
4947.019 Threat to use a firearm on school premises. Whoever
5intentionally conveys or causes to be conveyed any threat or false information,
6knowing such to be false, concerning an attempt or alleged attempt being made or
7to be made to use a firearm in a school zone, as defined in s. 939.632 (1) (d), to injure
8or kill another individual is guilty of a Class I felony.
7. 969.08 (10) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(10) (b) "Serious crime" means any crime specified in s. 943.23 (1m),
111999 stats., or s. 943.23 (1r), 1999 stats., or s. 346.62 (4), 940.01, 940.02, 940.03,
12940.05, 940.06, 940.08, 940.09, 940.10, 940.19 (5), 940.195 (5), 940.20, 940.201,
13940.203, 940.21, 940.225 (1) to (3), 940.23, 940.24, 940.25, 940.29, 940.295 (3) (b) 1g.,
141m., 1r., 2. or 3., 940.302 (2), 940.31, 941.20 (2) or (3), 941.26, 941.30, 941.327, 943.01
15(2) (c), 943.011, 943.013, 943.02, 943.03, 943.04, 943.06, 943.10, 943.23 (1g), 943.30,
16943.32, 943.81, 943.82, 943.83, 943.85, 943.86, 943.87, 943.88, 943.89, 943.90,
17946.01, 946.02, 946.43, 947.015,
947.019, 948.02 (1) or (2), 948.025, 948.03, 948.04,
18948.05, 948.051, 948.06, 948.07, 948.085, or 948.30 or, if the victim is a financial
19institution, as defined in s. 943.80 (2), a crime under s. 943.84 (1) or (2).
8. 973.137 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1m) A violation of s. 947.015, if the property involved is owned or
22leased by the state or any political subdivision of the state, or if the property involved
23is a school premises, as defined in s. 948.61 (1) (c)
, or a violation of s. 947.019.