SB292,22,2019 (g) A referendum committee acting to support or oppose a school district
20referendum shall file with the school district clerk.
SB292,22,25 21(2) (a) Except as provided in pars. (c) and (d), each committee that is required
22to register under this chapter shall annually pay a filing fee of $100 to the board. The
23board may accept payment under this subsection by credit card, debit card, or other
24electronic payment mechanism, and may charge a surcharge to that committee to
25recover the actual costs associated with the acceptance of that electronic payment.
1(b) Except as provided in s. 11.0104 (1), a committee that is subject to par. (a)
2shall pay the fee specified in par. (a) together with the report filed by that committee
3on the 15th day of the month of January in each year. If a committee that is subject
4to par. (a) registers under this chapter or changes status so that par. (a) becomes
5applicable to the committee during a calendar year, the committee shall pay the fee
6for that year with the filing of the committee's registration statement or at any time
7before the change in status becomes effective.
SB292,23,88 (c) Paragraph (a) does not apply to a candidate committee.
SB292,23,109 (d) Paragraph (a) does not apply to any committee for any year during which
10the committee does not make disbursements exceeding a total of $2,500.
SB292,23,11 11(3) Each filing officer, other than the board, shall do all of the following:
SB292,23,1312 (a) Obtain the forms and manuals prescribed by the board under s. 11.1304 (1)
13and (3) and election laws provided by the board under s. 7.08 (4).
SB292,23,1514 (b) Develop a filing, coding, and cross-indexing system consonant with the
15purposes of this chapter.
SB292,23,1716 (c) Make all of the following available, without charge, to any committee
17required to file reports or statements with the officer:
SB292,23,2218 1. Forms prescribed by the board for the making of reports and statements. The
19filing officer shall notify the committee that all forms are available on the board's
20Internet site. Whenever a filing officer sends a form or notice of the filing
21requirements under this chapter to the treasurer of a candidate committee, the filing
22officer shall also send a notice to the candidate.
SB292,23,2323 2. Upon request, copies of manuals under par. (a).
SB292,23,2524 (d) The filing officer shall provide copies of manuals and election laws to
25persons other than a committee under par. (c) at cost.
1(e) Notify the board, in writing, of any facts within the filing officer's knowledge
2or evidence in the officer's possession, including errors or discrepancies in reports or
3statements and delinquencies in filing which may be grounds for civil action or
4criminal prosecution. The board may transmit a copy of the notification submitted
5under this paragraph to the district attorney.
SB292,24,66 (f) Make available a list of delinquents for public inspection.
SB292,24,97 (g) Compile and maintain on an electronic system a current list of all reports
8and statements received by or required of and pertaining to each committee
9registered under this chapter.
SB292,24,1210 (h) Make the reports and statements filed with the officer available for public
11inspection and copying, commencing as soon as practicable but not later than the end
12of the 2nd day following the day during which they are received.
SB292,24,1413 (i) Upon the request of any person, permit copying of any report or statement
14described under par. (g) at cost.
SB292,24,2215 (j) Determine whether each report or statement required to be filed under this
16chapter has been filed in the form and by the time prescribed by law, and whether
17it conforms on its face to the requirements of this chapter. The officer shall
18immediately send to any committee that is delinquent in filing, or that has filed
19otherwise than in the proper form, a notice that the committee has failed to comply
20with this chapter. Whenever a candidate committee has appointed an individual
21other than the candidate as campaign treasurer, the board shall send the notice to
22both the candidate and the treasurer of the candidate committee.
SB292,24,25 2311.0103 Reporting; general. (1) Report must be complete. (a) Each
24committee required to file a report under this chapter shall make a good faith effort
25to obtain all required information.
1(b) Failure to receive a form or notice from a filing officer does not exempt a
2committee or conduit from a reporting requirement under this chapter.
SB292,25,5 3(2) Contributions; when received; when reported. (a) 1. A contribution is
4received by a candidate committee for purposes of this chapter when it is under the
5control of the candidate or the treasurer or agent of the candidate.
SB292,25,76 2. A contribution is received by a committee for purposes of this chapter when
7it is under the control of the treasurer or agent of the committee.
SB292,25,98 (b) Unless it is returned or donated within 15 days of receipt under par. (a), a
9contribution must be reported as received on the date received.
SB292,25,14 10(3) Contents of report; filing dates; certification; short form; contents. (a)
11A committee shall begin each report filed under this chapter with the first
12contribution received, disbursement made, or obligation incurred during the
13reporting period, and shall include all contributions received, disbursements made,
14and obligations incurred as of the end of:
SB292,25,1615 1. The 15th day preceding the primary or election in the case of the preprimary
16and preelection report.
SB292,25,1817 2. The last day of the immediately preceding month in the case of a continuing
18report required under this chapter.
SB292,25,2019 3. The 22nd day following the special election in the case of a postelection report
20required under this chapter.
SB292,25,2421 (b) Each committee shall ensure that each report is filed with the appropriate
22filing officer on the dates designated in this chapter. In the event that any report is
23required to be filed under this chapter on a nonbusiness day, a committee may file
24the report on the next business day thereafter.
1(c) 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., the committee's treasurer shall certify to
2the correctness of each report filed under this chapter.
SB292,26,43 2. Either the candidate or the treasurer of the candidate's committee shall
4certify to the correctness of each report filed under this chapter.
SB292,26,75 (d) The board shall prescribe a simplified, short form for compliance with this
6section by a committee treasurer who has not engaged in any financial transaction
7since the last date included on the treasurer's preceding report.
SB292,26,12 8(4) Preprimary and preelection reports; inactivity. (a) A contribution,
9disbursement, or obligation to support or oppose a candidate at a primary that is
10accepted, made, or incurred during the period covered by the preprimary report is
11considered to be accepted, made, or incurred to support or oppose that candidate at
12the primary, regardless of whether the candidate is opposed at the primary.
SB292,26,1713 (b) A contribution, disbursement, or obligation to support or oppose a candidate
14at an election that is accepted, made, or incurred during the period covered by the
15preelection report is considered to be accepted, made, or incurred to support or
16oppose that candidate at the election, regardless of whether the candidate is opposed
17at the election.
SB292,26,2218 (c) 1. a. Except as provided in subd. 2., a committee that accepts, makes, or
19incurs a contribution, disbursement, or obligation to support or oppose a candidate
20at a primary during the period covered by the preelection report, but does not engage
21in such activity during the period covered by the preprimary report, is not required
22to file a preprimary report.
SB292,27,223 b. Except as provided in subd. 2., a committee that accepts, makes, or incurs
24a contribution, disbursement, or obligation to support or oppose a candidate at an
25election during the period covered by the report that follows the preelection report,

1but does not engage in such activity during the period covered by the preelection
2report, is not required to file a preelection report.
SB292,27,73 2. A candidate committee that accepts, makes, or incurs a contribution,
4disbursement, or obligation to support or oppose a candidate at a primary during the
5period covered by the preprimary report shall file both the preprimary and
6preelection reports, regardless of whether the candidate committee engages in such
7activity during the period covered by the preelection report.
SB292,27,16 811.0104 Reporting exemptions: limited activity. (1) (a) Except as
9provided in par. (b), any committee which does not anticipate accepting
10contributions, making disbursements, or incurring obligations, and any conduit
11which does not anticipate accepting or releasing contributions, in an aggregate
12amount exceeding $2,000 in a calendar year may file an amended registration
13statement with the appropriate filing officer indicating that fact. The committee or
14conduit shall certify the amended registration in the manner required under s.
1511.0103 (3) (c) and shall include the information required to be reported by that
16committee or conduit on its continuing reports.
SB292,27,1917 (b) In no case may a candidate committee file an amended registration under
18this section covering any period ending sooner than the date of the election in which
19the candidate committee is participating.
SB292,27,25 20(2) Upon receipt of a properly executed amended registration by a committee
21or conduit, the appropriate filing officer shall suspend the requirement imposed
22upon that committee or conduit by this chapter to file continuing reports. An
23indication of limited activity under this section is effective only for the calendar year
24in which it is granted, unless the committee or conduit alters its status before the end
25of such year or files a termination report under s. 11.0105.
1(3) An indication of limited activity made under sub. (1) may be revoked. If
2revoked, the committee or conduit shall comply with the reporting requirements
3applicable to the committee or conduit under this chapter as of the date of revocation,
4or the date that aggregate contributions, disbursements, or obligations for the
5calendar year exceed $2,000. If the revocation is not timely, the committee or conduit
6violates s. 11.1201.
SB292,28,8 7(4) A committee or conduit that files an amended registration statement under
8sub. (1) is not required to file a termination report under s. 11.0105.
SB292,28,12 9(5) If a committee or conduit files an amended registration statement under
10sub. (1) and within 60 days thereafter receives and accepts an unanticipated
11contribution, the committee or conduit shall do one of the following within 60 days
12after receipt of the unanticipated contribution:
SB292,28,1813 (a) File an amended registration statement. An amended registration
14statement supersedes the previous registration statement. The individual who
15certifies to the accuracy of the registration statement shall also certify that the
16amended registration statement is filed on account of the receipt of unanticipated
17contributions and the failure to file a correct registration statement was not
SB292,28,2019 (b) Return the contribution to the contributor or donate the contribution to the
20common school fund or to a charitable organization.
SB292,29,6 2111.0105 Reporting exemptions: dissolution of committee or conduit
22and termination reports.
(1) (a) Except as provided in par. (b) and s. 11.0104 (4),
23whenever any committee or conduit dissolves or determines that obligations will no
24longer be incurred, contributions will no longer be received or, in the case of a conduit,
25accepted and released, and disbursements will no longer be made during a calendar

1year, and the committee has no outstanding incurred obligations, the committee or
2conduit shall file with the appropriate filing officer a termination report that
3indicates a cash balance of zero at the end of the reporting period. The committee
4or conduit shall certify the termination report in the manner required under s.
511.0103 (3) (c) and the committee shall include the information required to be
6reported by that committee on its continuing reports.
SB292,29,97 (b) In no case may a candidate committee file a termination report covering any
8period ending sooner than the date of the election in which the candidate committee
9is participating.
SB292,29,11 10(2) A committee to which s. 11.0102 (2) applies shall pay the fee imposed under
11that subsection with a termination report filed under this section.
SB292,29,16 12(3) The committee shall include in the termination report filed under this
13section the manner in which residual funds were disposed. Residual funds may be
14used for any purpose not prohibited by law, returned to the donors in an amount not
15exceeding the original contribution, or donated to a charitable organization or the
16common school fund.
SB292,29,19 17(4) If a committee files a termination report under sub. (1) and within 60 days
18thereafter receives and accepts an unanticipated contribution, the committee shall
19do one of the following within 60 days after receipt of the unanticipated contribution:
SB292,29,2420 (a) File an amended termination report. An amended report supersedes the
21previous report. The individual who certifies to the accuracy of the report shall also
22certify to a statement that the amended report is filed on account of the receipt of
23unanticipated contributions and the failure to file a correct termination report was
24not intentional.
1(b) Return the contribution to the contributor or donate the contribution to the
2common school fund or to a charitable organization.
SB292,30,5 311.0106 Disbursements; form. Every disbursement which is made by a
4committee registered under this chapter from the committee's depository account
5shall be made by negotiable instrument.
SB292,30,8 611.0107 Nonapplicability. Federal account committees, federal candidate
7committees, and national political party committees are not required to register or
8report under this chapter.
SB292,30,99 subchapter ii
SB292,30,1010 candidate committees
SB292,30,16 1111.0201 Registration; treasurer and depositories. (1) Each candidate
12shall either appoint a treasurer of his or her candidate committee to comply with the
13registration and reporting requirements under this subchapter or serve as the
14treasurer and comply with the registration and reporting requirements under this
15subchapter. If the candidate appoints a treasurer, the candidate and the candidate's
16treasurer shall cosign the registration statement of the candidate's committee.
SB292,30,18 17(2) (a) The treasurer shall ensure that all funds received are deposited in the
18candidate committee depository account.
SB292,31,219 (b) Notwithstanding par. (a), any candidate who serves as his or her own
20treasurer and who is authorized to file and files an amended registration statement
21under s. 11.0104 may designate a single personal account as his or her candidate
22committee depository account, and may intermingle personal and other funds with
23campaign funds. If a candidate establishes a separate candidate committee
24depository account, the candidate shall transfer all campaign funds in the personal

1account to the new depository account. Disbursements made from a personal
2account under this paragraph need not be identified in accordance with s. 11.0106.
SB292,31,5 3(3) No disbursement may be made or obligation incurred by or on behalf of a
4candidate committee without the authorization of the treasurer or a designated
SB292,31,8 6(4) The treasurer shall maintain the records of the candidate committee in an
7organized and legible manner for not less than 3 years after the date of the election
8in which the candidate committee participates.
SB292,31,13 911.0202 Registration; timing; candidate committee required. (1) Time
10of registration.
(a) Each candidate, through his or her candidate committee, shall
11file a registration statement with the appropriate filing officer giving the
12information required under s. 11.0203 as soon as practicable after the individual
13qualifies as a candidate under s. 11.0101 (1).
SB292,31,1714 (b) A candidate who receives no contributions, makes no disbursements, and
15incurs no obligations shall file the registration statement as provided in this
16subsection, but need not designate a campaign depository account until the first
17contribution is received, disbursement is made, or obligation is incurred.
SB292,31,20 18(2) Candidate committee required. (a) Except as provided in par. (b), no
19candidate may accept contributions, make disbursements, or incur obligations
20except through a candidate committee registered under this subchapter.
SB292,31,2221 (b) A candidate does not violate this subsection by taking any of the following
SB292,32,323 1. Accepting a contribution, making a disbursement, or incurring an obligation
24in the amount required to rent a postal box, or in the minimum amount required by
25a bank or trust company to open a checking account, prior to the time of registration,

1if the disbursement is properly reported on the first report submitted under s.
211.0204 after the date that the candidate committee is registered, whenever a
3reporting requirement applies to the candidate committee.
SB292,32,54 2. Accepting a contribution, making a disbursement, or incurring an obligation
5required for the production of nomination papers.
SB292,32,76 (c) Except as provided in par. (d), no candidate may establish more than one
7candidate committee.
SB292,32,108 (d) An individual who holds a state or local elective office may establish a
9second candidate committee under this subchapter for the purpose of pursuing a
10different state or local office.
SB292,32,13 1111.0203 Registration; required information. (1) Required information.
12The candidate committee shall include all of the following, where applicable, on the
13registration statement:
SB292,32,1414 (a) The name and mailing address of the candidate committee.
SB292,32,1915 (b) The name and mailing address of the candidate committee treasurer and
16any other custodian of books and accounts. Unless otherwise directed by the
17treasurer on the registration form and except as otherwise provided in this chapter
18or any rule of the board, all mailings that are required by law or by rule of the board
19shall be sent to the treasurer at the treasurer's address indicated upon the form.
SB292,32,2420 (c) In the case of a candidate committee of an independent candidate for
21partisan office or a candidate for nonpartisan county or municipal office, a list of the
22members of the committee, in addition to those specified in par. (b), if any, whom the
23filing officer shall recognize as eligible to fill a nomination vacancy if the candidate
24dies before the election.
1(d) The name and address of the depository account of the candidate committee
2and of any other institution where funds of the committee are kept.
SB292,33,6 3(2) Certification. The individual responsible for filing or amending a
4candidate committee's registration statement and any form or report required of the
5committee under this chapter shall certify that all information contained in the
6statement, form, or report is true, correct, and complete.
SB292,33,11 7(3) Change of information. (a) The candidate committee shall report any
8change in information previously submitted in a registration statement within 10
9days following the change. Except as provided in par. (b), any such change may be
10reported only by the individual or by the officer who has succeeded to the position of
11an individual who signed the original statement.
SB292,33,1312 (b) A candidate or the treasurer of the candidate's committee may report a
13change in the candidate committee's registration statement.
SB292,33,20 1411.0204 Reporting. (1) Contributions and disbursements. (a) Each
15candidate, through his or her candidate committee, shall make full reports, upon a
16form prescribed by the board and certified as required under s. 11.0103 (3) (c), of all
17contributions, disbursements, and obligations received, made, and incurred by the
18candidate committee. The candidate committee shall include in each report the
19following information, covering the period since the last date covered on the previous
SB292,33,2321 1. An itemized statement giving the date, full name, and street address of each
22person who has made a contribution to the candidate committee, together with the
23amount of the contribution.
12. An itemized statement giving the date, full name, and street address of each
2committee to which the candidate committee has made a contribution, together with
3the amount of the contribution.
SB292,34,64 3. The name of the principal place of employment, if any, of each individual
5contributor whose cumulative contributions to the candidate committee for the
6calendar year are in excess of $200.
SB292,34,117 4. An itemized statement of each contribution made anonymously. If the
8contribution exceeds $10, the candidate committee shall specify whether the
9candidate committee donated the contribution to the common school fund or to a
10charitable organization, and shall include the full name and mailing address of the
SB292,34,1312 5. A statement of totals during the reporting period of contributions received
13and contributions donated as provided in subd. 4.
SB292,34,1514 6. A statement of the cash balance on hand at the beginning and end of the
15reporting period.
SB292,34,1816 7. An itemized statement of each loan of money made to the candidate
17committee in an aggregate amount or value in excess of $20, together with all of the
SB292,34,1919 a. The full name and mailing address of the lender.
SB292,34,2020 b. A statement of whether the lender is a commercial lending institution.
SB292,34,2121 c. The date and amount of the loan.
SB292,34,2222 d. The full name and mailing address of each guarantor, if any.
SB292,34,2323 e. The original amount guaranteed by each guarantor.