SB292,77,2423 (c) In an odd-numbered year, file a report on the 15th day of the month in the
24months of January, April, July, and October.
1(d) In an even-numbered year, file a report on the 15th day of the month in the
2months of January, April, and July, and on the 4th Tuesday in September.
SB292,78,33 subchapter IX
SB292,78,44 recall committees
SB292,78,7 511.0901 Registration; treasurer and depositories. (1) Each recall
6committee required to register under this chapter shall designate a treasurer to
7comply with the registration and reporting requirements under this subchapter.
SB292,78,9 8(2) The treasurer shall ensure that all funds received are deposited in the recall
9committee depository account.
SB292,78,11 10(3) No disbursement may be made or obligation incurred by or on behalf of a
11recall committee without the authorization of the treasurer or a designated agent.
SB292,78,14 12(4) The treasurer shall maintain the records of the recall committee in an
13organized and legible manner for not less than 3 years after the date of the election
14in which the recall committee participates.
SB292,78,18 1511.0902 Registration; timing. (1) Every recall committee that accepts
16contributions, makes disbursements, or incurs obligations to support or oppose a
17recall in a calendar year in an aggregate amount in excess of $2,000 shall file a
18registration statement giving the information required by s. 11.0903.
SB292,78,23 19(2) A recall committee that triggers the registration requirement under sub.
20(1) shall file the registration statement no later than the 10th business day
21commencing after receipt of the first contribution by the recall committee exceeding
22the amount specified under sub. (1), before making any disbursement exceeding that
23amount, and before incurring obligations exceeding that amount.
SB292,78,25 2411.0903 Registration; required information. (1) Required information.
25The recall committee shall include all of the following on the registration statement:
1(a) The name and mailing address of the recall committee.
SB292,79,62 (b) The name and mailing address of the treasurer and any other custodian of
3books and accounts. Unless otherwise directed by the treasurer on the registration
4form and except as otherwise provided in this chapter or any rule of the board, all
5mailings that are required by law or by rule of the board shall be sent to the treasurer
6at the treasurer's address indicated upon the form.
SB292,79,87 (c) The name and address of the depository account of the recall committee and
8of any other institution where funds of the committee are kept.
SB292,79,12 9(2) Certification. The individual responsible for filing or amending a recall
10committee's registration statement and any form or report required of the committee
11under this chapter shall certify that all information contained in the statement,
12form, or report is true, correct, and complete.
SB292,79,17 13(3) Change of information. (a) The recall committee shall report any change
14in information previously submitted in a registration statement within 10 days
15following the change. Except as provided in par. (b), any such change may be
16reported only by the individual or by the officer who has succeeded to the position of
17an individual who signed the original statement.
SB292,79,1918 (b) The administrator or treasurer of a recall committee may report a change
19in the committee's registration statement.
SB292,79,25 2011.0904 Reporting. (1) Contributions and disbursements. (a) Each recall
21committee shall make full reports, upon a form prescribed by the board and certified
22as required under s. 11.0103 (3) (c), of all contributions received, disbursements
23made, and obligations incurred by the committee. The recall committee shall include
24in each report the following information, covering the period since the last date
25covered on the previous report:
11. An itemized statement giving the date, full name, and street address of each
2person who has made a contribution to the recall committee, together with the
3amount of the contribution.
SB292,80,64 2. An itemized statement giving the date, full name, and street address of each
5committee to which the recall committee has made a contribution, together with the
6amount of the contribution.
SB292,80,97 3. The name of the principal place of employment, if any, of each individual
8contributor whose cumulative contributions to the recall committee for the calendar
9year are in excess of $200.
SB292,80,1410 4. An itemized statement of each contribution made anonymously to the recall
11committee. If the contribution exceeds $10, the recall committee shall specify
12whether the committee donated the contribution to the common school fund or to a
13charitable organization, and shall include the full name and mailing address of the
SB292,80,1615 5. A statement of totals during the reporting period of contributions received
16and contributions donated as provided in subd. 4.
SB292,80,1817 6. A statement of the cash balance on hand at the beginning and end of the
18reporting period.
SB292,80,2019 7. An itemized statement of each loan of money made to the recall committee
20in an aggregate amount or value in excess of $20, together with all of the following:
SB292,80,2121 a. The full name and mailing address of the lender.
SB292,80,2222 b. A statement of whether the lender is a commercial lending institution.
SB292,80,2323 c. The date and amount of the loan.
SB292,80,2424 d. The full name and mailing address of each guarantor, if any.
SB292,80,2525 e. The original amount guaranteed by each guarantor.
1f. The balance of the amount guaranteed by each guarantor at the end of the
2reporting period.
SB292,81,53 8. An itemized statement of every disbursement exceeding $20 in amount or
4value, together with the name and address of the person to whom the disbursement
5was made, and the date and specific purpose for which the disbursement was made.
SB292,81,96 9. An itemized statement of every obligation exceeding $20 in amount or value,
7together with the name of the person or business with whom the obligation was
8incurred, and the date and the specific purpose for which each such obligation was
SB292,81,1210 10. A statement of totals during the reporting period of disbursements made,
11including transfers made to and received from other committees, other income, and
SB292,81,1413 11. A statement of the balance of obligations incurred as of the end of the
14reporting period.
SB292,81,1715 (b) The recall committee shall begin each report filed under this chapter with
16the first contribution received, disbursement made, or obligation incurred during the
17reporting period.
SB292,81,22 18(2) Reports to support or oppose the recall of nonpartisan state or local
19office holder elected at spring election; primary.
A recall committee that accepts,
20makes, or incurs contributions, disbursements, or obligations to support or oppose
21the recall of a nonpartisan state or local office holder, or to support or oppose other
22committees engaging in such activities, shall do all the following:
SB292,81,2423 (a) File a preprimary report no earlier than 14 days and no later than 8 days
24preceding the recall primary.
1(b) File a preelection report no earlier than 14 days and no later than 8 days
2preceding the recall election.
SB292,82,43 (c) Annually in each year of an election cycle, file a report on the 15th day of
4the month in the months of January, April, July, and October.
SB292,82,9 5(3) Reports to support or oppose the recall of a nonpartisan state or local
6office holder elected at spring election; election.
A recall committee that
7accepts, makes, or incurs contributions, disbursements, or obligations to support or
8oppose the recall of a nonpartisan state or local office holder, or to support or oppose
9other committees engaging in such activities, shall do all the following:
SB292,82,1110 (a) File a preelection report no earlier than 14 days and no later than 8 days
11preceding the recall election.
SB292,82,1312 (b) Annually in each year of an election cycle, file a report on the 15th day of
13the month in the months of January, April, July, and October.
SB292,82,18 14(4) Reports to support or oppose the recall of partisan state or local office
15holder; primary.
A recall committee that accepts, makes, or incurs contributions,
16disbursements, or obligations to support or oppose the recall of a partisan state or
17local office holder, or to support or oppose other committees engaging in such
18activities, shall do all the following:
SB292,82,2019 (a) File a preprimary report no earlier than 14 days and no later than 8 days
20preceding the recall primary.
SB292,82,2221 (b) File a preelection report no earlier than 14 days and no later than 8 days
22preceding the recall election.
SB292,82,2423 (c) In an odd-numbered year, file a report on the 15th day of the month in the
24months of January, April, July, and October.
1(d) In an even-numbered year, file a report on the 15th day of the month in the
2months of January, April, and July, and on the 4th Tuesday in September.
SB292,83,7 3(5) Reports to support or oppose the recall of partisan state or local office
4holder; general election.
A recall committee that accepts, makes, or incurs
5contributions, disbursements, or obligations to support or oppose the recall of a
6partisan state or local office holder, or to support or oppose other committees
7engaging in such activities, shall do all of the following:
SB292,83,98 (a) File a preelection report no earlier than 14 days and no later than 8 days
9preceding the recall election.
SB292,83,1110 (b) In an odd-numbered year, file a report on the 15th day of the month in the
11months of January, April, July, and October.
SB292,83,1312 (c) In an even-numbered year, file a report on the 15th day of the month in the
13months of January, April, and July, and on the 4th Tuesday in September.
SB292,83,1414 subchapter X
SB292,83,1515 Other persons
SB292,83,21 1611.1001 Reporting; specific express advocacy. (1) Disbursements. (a) Any
17person, other than a committee, spending $5,000 or more in the aggregate on express
18advocacy shall submit statements to the board under par. (b) if the express advocacy
19is made during the period beginning on the day that is 30 days prior to the day of the
20primary or election involving the candidate identified under par. (b) 5. and ending
21on the day of the primary or election involving that candidate.
SB292,83,2322 (b) A person required to report under this section shall submit statements to
23the board providing all of the following information:
SB292,83,2424 1. The dates on which the person made the disbursements.
SB292,83,2525 2. The name and address of the persons who received the disbursements.
13. The purpose for making the disbursements.
SB292,84,22 4. The amount spent for each act of express advocacy.
SB292,84,53 5. The name of any candidate affected by the disbursement, the office that the
4candidate seeks, and whether the express advocacy supports or opposes that
SB292,84,86 6. An affirmation, made under oath, that the person will comply with the
7prohibition on coordination under s. 11.1203 with respect to any candidate or agent
8or candidate committee who is supported or opposed by the express advocacy.
SB292,84,109 7. The name and mailing and street address of the person's designated agent
10in this state.
SB292,84,15 11(2) Exception. (a) A person who is required to report under this section is not
12required to submit the information described under sub. (1) (b) regarding
13disbursements made before reaching the $5,000 threshold under sub. (1) (a). For
14purposes of this section, an disbursement for express advocacy is the amount spent
15directly on developing, producing, and disseminating the express advocacy.
SB292,84,1616 (b) This section does not apply to any of the following:
SB292,84,2017 1. A communication, other than an advertisement, appearing in a news story,
18commentary, or editorial distributed through the facilities of any legitimate news
19organization, unless the facilities are controlled by any political party, political
20committee, or candidate.
SB292,84,2221 2. A communication made exclusively between an organization and its
SB292,84,24 23(3) Timing. A person who is required to report under this section shall submit
24the report to the board no later than 48 hours after making the disbursements.
SB292,84,2525 subchapter XI
SB292,85,5 211.1101 Contribution limits. (1) Individual limits. An individual may
3contribute to a candidate committee no more than the following amounts specified
4for the candidate whose nomination or election the individual supports [See Figure
511.1101 following]:
SB292,85,76 (a) Candidates for governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, state
7treasurer, attorney general, state superintendent, or justice, $20,000.
SB292,85,88 (b) Candidates for state senator, $2,000.
SB292,85,99 (c) Candidates for representative to the assembly, $1,000.
SB292,85,1110 (d) Candidates for court of appeals judge in districts which contain a county
11having a population of more than 500,000, $6,000.
SB292,85,1212 (e) Candidates for court of appeals judge in other districts, $5,000.
SB292,85,1513 (f) Candidates for circuit judge in circuits having a population of more than
14300,000, or candidates for district attorney in prosecutorial units having a
15population of more than 300,000, $6,000.
SB292,85,1716 (g) Candidates for circuit judge in other circuits or candidates for district
17attorney in other prosecutorial units, $2,000.
SB292,85,1818 (h) Candidates for local offices, an amount equal to the greater of the following:
SB292,85,1919 1. Five hundred dollars.
SB292,85,2220 2. Two cents times the number of inhabitants of the jurisdiction or district,
21according to the latest federal census or the census information on which the district
22is based, as certified by the appropriate filing officer, but not more than $6,000.
SB292,85,25 23(2) Candidate committees. A candidate committee may contribute to another
24candidate committee no more than the following amounts specified for the candidate
25whose nomination or election the committee supports [See Figure 11.1101 following]:
1(a) Candidates for governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, state
2treasurer, attorney general, state superintendent, or justice, $20,000.
SB292,86,33 (b) Candidates for state senator, $2,000.
SB292,86,44 (c) Candidates for representative to the assembly, $1,000.
SB292,86,65 (d) Candidates for court of appeals judge in districts which contain a county
6having a population of more than 500,000, $6,000.
SB292,86,77 (e) Candidates for court of appeals judge in other districts, $5,000.
SB292,86,108 (f) Candidates for circuit judge in circuits having a population of more than
9300,000, or candidates for district attorney in prosecutorial units having a
10population of more than 300,000, $6,000.
SB292,86,1211 (g) Candidates for circuit judge in other circuits or candidates for district
12attorney in other prosecutorial units, $2,000.