2015 - 2016 LEGISLATURE
February 27, 2015 - Introduced by Joint Legislative Council. Referred to
Committee on Economic Development and Commerce.
SB53,1,7 1An Act to amend 66.1105 (4) (h) 2., 66.1105 (5) (h) 3., 66.1105 (6) (a) 4., 66.1105
2(6) (a) 7., 66.1105 (6) (a) 8. and 66.1105 (7) (ak) 1. and 2. and (am) 1., 2. and 3.;
3and to create 66.1105 (4) (h) 11., 66.1105 (5) (h) 3m. and 66.1105 (7) (am) 4. of
4the statutes; relating to: tax incremental financing project plan amendments
5and extending the life of a tax incremental district if the district is adversely
6impacted by statutory changes to the method of calculating equalized
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill is explained in the Notes provided by the Joint Legislative Council in
the bill.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
Joint Legislative Council prefatory note: This bill was prepared for the Joint
Legislative Council's Study Committee on Review of Tax Incremental Financing.

A city or village, and a town or county under certain circumstances, may in general,
amend the project plan of a tax incremental district (TID) that is created under s. 66.1105,
stats., subject to the review and approval of a joint review board (JRB). There is no limit
to the number of project plan amendments that may be made if they are related to the
projects included in the original plan. However, only four amendments modifying the
TID's boundaries by either adding or subtracting parcels are allowed. Also, a TID that
has been in a decrement situation for two years in a row may, after amending its project
plan, adopt a resolution requiring the Department of Revenue (DOR) to redetermine the
tax incremental base of the TID, but may do so only once during the life of the TID.
Also under current law, a TID must terminate when the political subdivision has
received aggregate tax increments with respect to the TID in an amount equal to pay all
of the TID's project costs, when the political subdivision dissolves the TID by resolution,
or when the TID reaches its maximum lifespan, whichever is earlier. A political
subdivision may, however, request that the JRB extend the life of the TID if the TID is
unable to pay off its project costs within the maximum lifespan of the TID. The maximum
lifespan of a TID, and the extension to this lifespan allowed under current law, are as
For any TID created before October 1, 1995: the maximum lifespan is 27 years
and the political subdivision may not request an extension to this lifespan.
For a TID that was created between October 1, 1995 and September 30, 2004, and
is blighted or in need of rehabilitation or conservation: the maximum life is 27 years and
the political subdivision may request a four-year extension.
For a TID that was created between October 1, 1995 and September 30, 2004, and
is an industrial district: the maximum life is 23 years and the political subdivision may
not request an extension to this lifespan.
For a TID that was created on or after October 1, 2004, and is blighted or in need
of rehabilitation or conservation: the maximum lifespan is 27 years and the political
subdivision may request a three-year extension.
For a TID that was created on or after October 1, 2004, and is an industrial
district or mixed-use district: the maximum lifespan is 20 years and the political
subdivision may request a three-year extension.
The Bill
This bill allows a political subdivision to make any type of amendment to the
project plan of a TID created under s. 66.1105, stats., or to request an additional five-year
extension to the TID's maximum lifespan at any time during the life of the TID, or both,
if during the life of a TID, the annual and total amount of tax increments to be generated
over the life of the district are adversely impacted by one or more of the following:
An amendment to the provisions of TIF law found under s. 66.1105, stats.
A change made by DOR to the equalized valuation method.
A change made by 2013 Wisconsin Act 145 (2013 Act 145) that increased state
aid to technical college districts in order to reduce the total statewide levy of technical
college districts.
SB53,1 1Section 1 . 66.1105 (4) (h) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB53,3,52 66.1105 (4) (h) 2. Except as provided in subds. 4., 5., 7., 8., 9., and 10., and 11.,
3the planning commission may adopt an amendment to a project plan under subd. 1.
4to modify the district's boundaries, not more than 4 times during the district's
5existence, by subtracting territory from the district in a way that does not remove

1contiguity from the district or by adding territory to the district that is contiguous
2to the district and that is served by public works or improvements that were created
3as part of the district's project plan. A single amendment to a project plan that both
4adds and subtracts territory shall be counted under this subdivision as one
5amendment of a project plan.
SB53,2 6Section 2 . 66.1105 (4) (h) 11. of the statutes is created to read:
SB53,3,157 66.1105 (4) (h) 11. Notwithstanding the limitation in subd. 2., the planning
8commission may at any time during the district's existence, by resolution, adopt an
9amendment to a project plan under subd. 1., to modify the district's boundaries by
10subtracting territory from the district in a way that does not remove contiguity from
11the district or by adding territory to the district that is contiguous to the district and
12that is served by public works or improvements that were created as part of the
13district's project plan if during the district's existence, the annual and total amount
14of tax increments to be generated over the life of the district are adversely impacted
15by one or more of the following:
SB53,3,1616 a. A legislative change to this section.
SB53,3,1817 b. A change by the department of revenue to the method of calculating
18equalized valuation under s. 70.57.
Note: Sections 1 and 2 allow a planning commission, subject to approval by the
political subdivisions and review by the JRB, to adopt an amendment to a TID's project
plan to modify the TID's boundaries at any time during the life of the TID if during the
TIDs existence, the annual and total amount of tax increments to be generated over the
life of the TID are adversely impacted by one or more of the following: (1) an amendment
to TIF law under s. 66.1105, stats.; (2) a change made by DOR to the equalized valuation
method; or (3) a change made by 2013 Act 145 that increased state aid to technical college
districts in order to reduce the total statewide levy of the districts.
SB53,3 20Section 3 . 66.1105 (5) (h) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
166.1105 (5) (h) 3. A Except as provided in 3m., a local legislative body may not
2adopt a resolution under subd. 1. more than once during the life of a tax incremental
SB53,4 4Section 4 . 66.1105 (5) (h) 3m. of the statutes is created to read:
SB53,4,85 66.1105 (5) (h) 3m. A local legislative body may adopt a resolution under subd.
61. at any time during the district's existence if during the district's existence, the
7annual and total amount of tax increments to be generated over the life of the district
8are adversely impacted by one or more of the following:
SB53,4,99 a. A legislative change to this section.
SB53,4,1110 b. A change by the department of revenue to the method of calculating
11equalized valuation under s. 70.57.
Note: Sections 3 and 4 allow political subdivisions to adopt a resolution requiring
DOR to redetermine the tax incremental base value of a TID in a decrement situation if,
at any time during the life of the TID, TIF law under s. 66.1105, stats., is amended, the
equalized valuation method is changed by DOR, or both, and the amendment or change
in the equalized valuation method adversely impacts the annual and total amount of tax
increments to be generated over the life of the TID are adversely impacted by one or more
of the following: (1) an amendment to TIF law under s. 66.1105, stats.; (2) a change made
by DOR to the equalized valuation method; or (3) a change made by 2013 Act 145 that
increased state aid to technical college districts in order to reduce the total statewide levy
of the districts.
SB53,5 13Section 5. 66.1105 (6) (a) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB53,5,314 66.1105 (6) (a) 4. Twenty-seven years after the tax incremental district is
15created if the district is created after September 30, 1995, and before October 1, 2004,
16and if the district is a district about which a finding is made under sub. (4) (gm) 4.
17a. that not less than 50 percent, by area, of the real property within the district is a
18blighted area or an area in need of rehabilitation or conservation work, except that
If the life of the district is extended under sub. (7) (am) 1., an allocation under this
20subdivision may be made 31 years after such a the district is created. If the life of

1the district is extended under sub. (7) (am) 4., an allocation under this subdivision
2may be made for not more than an additional 5 years after allocations would
3otherwise have been terminated under this subdivision.
SB53,6 4Section 6. 66.1105 (6) (a) 7. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB53,5,125 66.1105 (6) (a) 7. Twenty years after the tax incremental district is created if
6the district is created on or after October 1, 2004, and if the district is at least
7predominantly suitable for mixed-use development or industrial sites under sub. (4)
8(gm) 6., except that if If the life of the district is extended under sub. (7) (am) 2. an
9allocation under this subdivision may be made 23 years after such a district is
10created. If the life of the district is extended under sub. (7) (am) 4., an allocation
11under this subdivision may be made for not more than an additional 5 years after
12allocations would otherwise have been terminated under this subdivision.
SB53,7 13Section 7. 66.1105 (6) (a) 8. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB53,5,2114 66.1105 (6) (a) 8. Twenty-seven years after the tax incremental district is
15created if the district is created on or after October 1, 2004, and if the district is a
16district specified under sub. (4) (gm) 6. other than a district specified under subd. 7.,
17except that if
If the life of the district is extended under sub. (7) (am) 3. an allocation
18under this subdivision may be made 30 years after such a district is created. If the
19life of the district is extended under sub. (7) (am) 4., an allocation under this
20subdivision may be made for not more than an additional 5 years after allocations
21would otherwise have been terminated under this subdivision.
SB53,8 22Section 8 . 66.1105 (7) (ak) 1. and 2. and (am) 1., 2. and 3. of the statutes are
23amended to read:
SB53,6,424 66.1105 (7) (ak) 1. Except as provided in par. (am) 1. and 4., for a district about
25which a finding is made under sub. (4) (gm) 4. a. that not less than 50 percent, by area,

1of the real property within the district is a blighted area or an area in need of
2rehabilitation or conservation work, and if the district to which the plan relates is
3created after September 30, 1995, and before October 1, 2004, 27 years after the
4district is created.
SB53,6,85 2. For Except as provided in subd. 4., for a district that is created after
6September 30, 1995, and before October 1, 2004, and that is not subject to subd. 1.,
723 years after the district was created, and, except as provided in subd. 3., for a
8district that is created before October 1, 1995, 27 years after the district is created.
SB53,6,209 (am) 1. For Except as provided in subd. 4., for a district described under par.
10(ak) 1., the time period specified in that subdivision, except that the city that created
11the district may, subject to sub. (8) (e), request that the joint review board extend the
12life of the district for an additional 4 years. Along with its request for a 4-year
13extension, the city may provide the joint review board with an independent audit
14that demonstrates that the district is unable to pay off its project costs within the 27
15years after the district is created. The joint review board may deny or approve a
16request to extend the life of the district for 4 years if the request does not include the
17independent audit, and the board shall approve a request to extend the life of the
18district for 4 years if the request includes the audit. If the joint review board extends
19the district's life, the district shall terminate at the earlier of the end of the extended
20period or the period specified in par. (a).
SB53,7,921 2. For Except as provided in subd. 4., for a district that is created after
22September 30, 2004, about which a finding is made under sub. (4) (gm) 4. a. that not
23less than 50 percent, by area, of the real property within the district is suitable for
24industrial sites or mixed-use development, 20 years after the district is created,
25except that the city that created the district may, subject to sub. (8) (e), request that

1the joint review board extend the life of the district for an additional 3 years. Along
2with its request for a 3-year extension, the city may provide the joint review board
3with an independent audit that demonstrates that the district is unable to pay off its
4project costs within the 20 years after the district is created. The joint review board
5may deny or approve a request to extend the life of the district for 3 years if the
6request does not include the independent audit, and the board shall approve a
7request to extend the life of the district for 3 years if the request includes the audit.
8If the joint review board extends the district's life, the district shall terminate at the
9earlier of the end of the extended period or the period specified in par. (a).
SB53,7,2310 3. For Except as provided in subd. 4., for a district that is created after
11September 30, 2004, about which a finding is made under sub. (4) (gm) 4. a. that not
12less than 50 percent, by area, of the real property within the district is a blighted area
13or in need of rehabilitation, 27 years after the district is created, except that the city
14that created the district may, subject to sub. (8) (e), request that the joint review
15board extend the life of the district for an additional 3 years. Along with its request
16for a 3-year extension, the city may provide the joint review board with an
17independent audit that demonstrates that the district is unable to pay off its project
18costs within the 27 years after the district is created. The joint review board may
19deny or approve a request to extend the life of the district for 3 years if the request
20does not include the independent audit, and the board shall approve a request to
21extend the life of the district for 3 years if the request includes the audit. If the joint
22review board extends the district's life, the district shall terminate at the earlier of
23the end of the extended period or the period specified in par. (a).
SB53,9 24Section 9 . 66.1105 (7) (am) 4. of the statutes is created to read:
166.1105 (7) (am) 4. a. At any time during the district's existence, but subject
2to sub. (8) (e), the city that created the district described under subd. 1., 2., or 3. or
3par. (ak) 1. or 2. may request that the joint review board extend the life of the district
4for an additional 5 years, in addition to an extension authorized under subd. 1., 2.,
5or 3., but if during the district's existence, the annual and total amount of tax
6increments to be generated over the life of the district are adversely impacted by a
7legislative change to this section, a change by the department of revenue to the
8method of calculating equalized valuation under s. 70.57, or 2013 Wisconsin Act 145.
SB53,8,179 b. Together with its request for a 5-year extension under this subd. 4. b., the
10city may provide the joint review board with an independent audit that demonstrates
11that the district is unable to pay off its project costs within the time specified under
12subd. 1., 2., or 3., whichever is applicable. The joint review board may deny or
13approve a request to extend the life of the district for 5 years if the request does not
14include the independent audit, and the board shall approve a request to extend the
15life of the district for 5 years if the request includes the audit. If the joint review board
16extends the district's life, the district shall terminate at the earlier of the end of the
17extended period or the period specified in par. (a).
Note: Sections 8 and 9 authorize a political subdivision to request the JRB to
extend the life of a TID for an additional 5 years, in addition to the extension of a TID's
lifespan already authorized under current law, at any time during life of the TID, if during
the TID's existence, the annual and total amount of tax increments to be generated over
the life of the TID are adversely impacted by one or more of the following: (1) an
amendment to TIF law under s. 66.1105, stats.; (2) a change made by DOR to the
equalized valuation method; or (3) a change made by 2013 Act 145 that increased state
aid to technical colleges districts in order to reduce the statewide levy of the districts.
Along with its request, the political subdivision may provide the JRB with an
independent audit that demonstrates that the TID is unable to pay off its project costs
within the TID's lifespan (27, 20, or 23 years, depending upon the type or creation date
of the TID). Consistent with current law, the JRB may deny or approve a request to
extend the life of the TID, if the request does not include the independent audit, and the
JRB shall approve the extension if the request includes the audit. If the JRB extends the
life of the TID, the TID shall terminate at the earlier of the end of the extended period

or when the city or village has received enough tax increments to pay off all of the project
SB53,9,11 (End)