January 15, 2016 - Introduced by Senators Wanggaard, Marklein and Nass,
cosponsored by Representatives
Hutton, R. Brooks, Jarchow, Kremer,
Rohrkaste and Thiesfeldt. Referred to Committee on Judiciary and Public
1An Act to renumber and amend 157.02 (1);
to amend 157.02 (2), 157.02 (5),
2301.32 (1), 301.325 and 979.10 (1) (a) (intro.); and
to create 157.02 (1) (b) 2. and
3973.20 (11) (c) of the statutes;
relating to: burial or cremation and burial of a
4deceased prison inmate, cremation of an unclaimed corpse, and prohibition on
5cremation of an unclaimed corpse in cases of homicide.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill changes procedures relating to burial or cremation and burial of a
deceased prison inmate and cremation of an unclaimed corpse. Under the bill, the
Department of Corrections must provide written notification to a deceased inmate's
relative informing him or her that DOC will, upon request, provide a copy of any
autopsy report or other report regarding the inmate's death and allow the relative
to claim the cremated remains of the inmate before the remains are buried. With
certain exceptions, the bill allows the superintendent of an institution or other public
officer to cremate and bury an unclaimed corpse. The bill prohibits cremation of an
unclaimed corpse if the deceased person died as a result of homicide.
The bill also adds an express allowance for DOC to charge a prisoner's estate
for some or all of the costs to the department of the prisoner's incarceration or burial
or cremation and burial. Under the bill, if an inmate in a state prison has not paid
court-ordered restitution at the time of his or her death, DOC is required to assess,
collect, and disburse the amount owed from the inmate's wages or other moneys.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1. 157.02 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 157.02 (1) (a) and amended
2to read:
(1) (a) When an inmate of any state, county or municipal institution
4dies, the superintendent or other person in charge of the institution shall
5immediately notify a relative of the decedent. A public officer having the possession
6or the disposition of a corpse shall immediately notify a relative of the decedent. If
7no relative is known, or discoverable by use of ordinary diligence, notice may be
8dispensed with.
In addition, if
9(b) If the deceased had been an inmate of a state correctional institution, the
10department of corrections shall provide written notification to the relative informing
11him or her that the department of corrections, upon request, will
provide do any or
12all of the following:
131. Provide a copy of any autopsy report or other report or information
14pertaining to the death.
15(c) The department of corrections shall describe how
the request requests 16under par. (b) may be made and shall promptly comply with any such request.
2. 157.02 (1) (b) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
(1) (b) 2. Allow the relative to claim the cremated remains of the inmate
19before the remains are buried.
3. 157.02 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) Time allowed relative to act. If a relative or friend fails to arrange
2for taking charge of the corpse within a reasonable time after death, the
3superintendent or other officer may proceed as provided in this section, but relatives
4or friends may claim the corpse at any time before it has been delivered pursuant to
5sub. (3)
or, if a request is made under sub. (1) (b) 2., after it has been cremated but
6before the cremated remains have been buried pursuant to sub. (5).
4. 157.02 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5) Other disposition. If the corpse is not disposed of under subs. (1)
9to (4), the superintendent or public officer shall properly bury it
, or cremate it, subject
10to s. 979.10, and bury the cremated remains.
5. 301.32 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) Property delivered to warden or superintendent; credit and debit. 13All money and other property delivered to an employee of any state correctional
14institution for the benefit of a prisoner or resident shall be delivered to the warden
15or superintendent, who shall enter the property upon his or her accounts to the credit
16of the prisoner or resident. The property may be used only under the direction and
17with the approval of the superintendent or warden and for the crime victim and
18witness assistance surcharge under s. 973.045 (4), the delinquency victim and
19witness assistance surcharge under s. 938.34 (8d) (c), the deoxyribonucleic acid
20analysis surcharge under s. 973.046 (1r), the child pornography surcharge under s.
21973.042, the drug offender diversion surcharge under s. 973.043,
victim restitution
22under s. 973.20 (11) (c), or the benefit of the prisoner or resident. If the money
23remains uncalled for for one year after the prisoner's or resident's death or departure
24from the state correctional institution, the superintendent shall deposit it in the
25general fund. If any prisoner or resident leaves property, other than money, uncalled
1for at a state correctional institution for one year, the superintendent shall sell the
2property and deposit the proceeds in the general fund, donate the property to a public
3agency or private, nonprofit organization or destroy the property. If any person
4satisfies the department, within 5 years after the deposit, of his or her right to the
5deposit, the department shall direct the department of administration to draw its
6warrant in favor of the claimant and it shall charge the same to the appropriation
7made by s. 20.913 (3) (bm).
6. 301.325 of the statutes is amended to read:
9301.325 Prisoner reimbursement to the state. The department may
10charge a prisoner
or a prisoner's estate for some or all of the costs to the department
11of the prisoner's incarceration
or burial or cremation and burial under s. 157.02 (5).
12The department may collect from the inmate
or his or her estate during his or her
13incarceration or after his or her release
or death, or both.
If the prisoner has paid
14all victim restitution ordered under s. 973.20 or if the department has collected
15victim restitution pursuant to s. 973.20 (11) (c), the department may use any
16remaining money held for a prisoner under s. 301.32 (1) to pay for some or all of the
17costs to the department for the prisoner's burial or cremation and burial under s.
18157.02 (5). Upon the request of the department, the attorney general may bring a
19civil action to recover costs under this section that the department has been unable
20to collect. The department may not recover under this section for any costs already
21recovered as otherwise provided in chs. 301 to 303. The department shall promulgate
22rules providing a method of charging under this section that is based on a prisoner's
23ability to pay and providing procedures for collection of the costs.
7. 973.20 (11) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
(11) (c) If an inmate in a state prison or a person sentenced to a state
2prison has not paid, at the time of his or her death, restitution ordered under this
3section, the department shall assess, collect, and disburse the amount owed from the
4inmate's wages or other moneys.
8. 979.10 (1) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (a) (intro.) No person may cremate the corpse of a deceased person
7within 48 hours after the death, or the discovery of the death, of the deceased person
8unless the death was caused by a contagious or infectious disease.
9s. 979.09, no person may cremate an unclaimed corpse if the deceased person died
10as the result of homicide. No person may cremate a corpse unless the person has
11received a cremation permit from: