
Record of Committee Proceedings

Committee on State Affairs and Government Operations

Assembly Bill 163

Relating to: elimination of the Department of Safety and Professional Services and the Department of Financial Institutions; elimination of the Educational Approval Board; creation of the Department of Financial Institutions and Professional Standards; transfer of the Veterinary Examining Board to the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures; requiring the exercise of rule-making authority; and making appropriations.

By Representative Ballweg; cosponsored by Senators Roth and Farrow.

April 14, 2015             Referred to Committee on State Affairs and Government Operations

April 28, 2015             Public Hearing Held

Present:       (15)      Representative Swearingen; Representatives Craig, Jagler, Brandtjen, Kleefisch, Gannon, Ripp, Kulp, Tauchen, Vorpagel, Sinicki, Zamarripa, Kahl, Ohnstad and Brostoff.

Absent:       (0)        None.

Excused:     (0)        None.

Appearances For

·      Sandy Chalmers - DATCP

·      Dave Ross - DSPS

·      Ray Allen - DFI

·      Joan Ballweg  - 41st Assembly District

Appearances Against

·      Lee Turonie - WI Towns Association

·      Wanda Beals - Milwaukee School of Massage

·      Analiese Eicher - One Wisconsin Now

·      Joanna  Cervantes - Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin

·      Jack Takahashi

·      Pedro Rivera - Healing Oasis and Wellness Center

·      Jerry Klabacka - Diesel Driving School

·      Representative  Peter Barca - 64th Assembly District

·      Don Madelung - Educational Approval Board

·      David Dies - Educational Approval Board

·      Mike Semmann - WI Bankers Association

·      Representative Dianne Hesselbein - 79th Assembly District

·      Daniel Bahr

·      Tom Liebe - WI Credit Union League

·      John Manske - Cooperative Network

Appearances for Information Only

·      None.

Registrations For

·      Jordan  Lamb - Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association

·      Georgia Maxwell - DFI

Registrations Against

·      Representative Deb Kolste - 44th Assembly District

·      Representative Terry Katsma - 26th Assembly District

·      Representative Steve Doyle - 94th Assembly District

·      Erin Chrisinger - Co-Op Credit Union

·      John Cuta - Post Office Credit Union, Board of Directors

·      Lucy Harr - Heartland Credit Union

·      David Hall - WI Credit Union League

·      Josie Matuszak - Appletree Credit Union

·      Mike Mallow - Glacier Hills Credit Union

·      Tim Grenne - Summit Credit Union

·      Shelia McNeal - CUNA Mutual Group

·      Lisa Greco - Appletree

·      Alison Watson - Appletree Credit Union

·      Joshua Roberts - The WI Credit Union League

·      Lynn Kutz - American Massage Therapy Associtation - Wisconsin Chapter

·      Robin Marohn - Bridle Barn & Gardens

·      Kevin  Yaeger - Post Office Credit Union

·      Chip Coenen - Capital Credit Union

·      Tom Brien - Blackhawk Community Credit Union

·      Scott Steinfort - Community First Credit Union

·      Faith Voss - WI Credit Union League

·      Chad Rath - Community First Credit Union

·      Scott Willmott - Shoreline Credit Union

·      Phillip Hellmuth - UW Credit Union

·      Sarah Wainscott - WI Credit Union League

·      David Fetit

·      Brett  Thompson - WI Credit Union League

·      Amanda Secor - Community First Credit Union

·      Laura Yaeger

·      Vicki Running - Community First Credit Union

·      William  Johnson

·      Kathleen  Fandrey - Community First Credit Union

Registrations for Information Only

·      None.

April 07, 2016             Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1


Dan Perchinsky

Committee Clerk