DVA: appropriation for funds received from other state agencies [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 771m, n] -
SB21Federal moneys accepted by the state may not be returned to the federal government without the approval of the legislature by law if the expenditure may increase employment in this state -
SB245GPR and PR appropriation lapses from the 2013-15 fiscal biennium (2013 WisAct 20) extended into the 2016-17 fiscal year [Sec. 4749] -
AB21GPR and PR appropriation lapses from the 2013-15 fiscal biennium (2013 WisAct 20) extended into the 2016-17 fiscal year [Sec. 4749] -
SB21GPR appropriations consolidated re circuit court, Director of State Courts, and State Law Library; exception to certain court fees eliminated; costs imposed on operator of aircraft under the influence or with prohibited BAC; Judicial Council eliminated [Sec. 333, 752, 778, 782, 828-847, 924, 3673, 4596-4598, 4600-4603, 4614-4618, 4621, 4631, 4735, 4746, 9307 (1)] -
AB21GPR appropriations consolidated re circuit court, Director of State Courts, and State Law Library; exception to certain court fees eliminated; costs imposed on operator of aircraft under the influence or with prohibited BAC; Judicial Council eliminated [Sec. 333, 752, 778, 782, 828-847, 924, 3673, 4596-4598, 4600-4603, 4614-4618, 4621, 4631, 4735, 4746, 9307 (1); S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, Judicial Council and court fee provisions removed, Supreme Court authority modified, 4601b-y, 9407 (1f), (2f), deletes 333, 828, 835-839, 843, 924, 3673, 4596, 4597, 4600, 4601, 4614, 4615, 4617, 4621] -
SB21Physician assessment appropriation in DHS: lapse to general fund [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9218 (2c)] -
SB21Postretirement health care benefits of local government employees: segregated account and GAAP requirements; dissolution of account provision -
AB269Postretirement health care benefits of local government employees: segregated account and GAAP requirements; dissolution of account provision -
SB213Required general fund structural balance: does not apply to budget act [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9152 (1d)] -
SB21Secretary of State: location of office, lapse to general fund, and legal publication of proposed constitutional amendments transferred to LRB [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 94m, 96j, 1104v, 9239 (1q), 9339 (1q)] -
SB21State to use GAAP to account for and report on funds and expenditures; budgetary basis of accounting established; reducing deficit of a state fund and, once eliminated, prohibiting legislature from passing a bill resulting in a projected deficit. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -
AJR66State to use GAAP to account for and report on funds and expenditures; budgetary basis of accounting established; reducing deficit of a state fund and, once eliminated, prohibiting legislature from passing a bill resulting in a projected deficit. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -
SJR55Statutorily required general fund balance modified [Sec. 476-478] -
AB21Statutorily required general fund balance modified [Sec. 476-478; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 282m, 478d-h, deletes 476-478] -
SB21Technical college student grants: providing additional funding; TCS Board and GPR provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, appropriations removed and replaced with additional funding to HEAB for 2015 fiscal biennium] -
AB740Technical college student grants: providing additional funding; TCS Board and GPR provisions -
SB540Temporary reallocations to general fund modified [Sec. 475] -
AB21Temporary reallocations to general fund modified [Sec. 475] -
SB21Unfunded retirement liability debt service: DOA may require state agencies to pay directly to state in lieu of lapsing or transferring an amount to the general fund; employees of the former UWHC Board provision added [S.Amdt.2 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 293d-p] -
SB21UW parking fees and fines may be used for campus safety and transportation-related programs; Building Commission prohibited from authorizing general fund borrowing re construction of UW parking facilities -
AB356UW parking fees and fines may be used for campus safety and transportation-related programs; Building Commission prohibited from authorizing general fund borrowing re construction of UW parking facilities -
SB276UW System general program operation lapse to the general fund [S.Amdt.2 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9248 (1q)] -
SB21Waiver of application fees to UW System institutions and technical colleges for resident high school juniors and seniors; dates specified and appropriation provision -
SB396WERC unencumbered moneys in certain appropriation lapse to general fund [Sec. 666] -
AB21WERC unencumbered moneys in certain appropriation lapse to general fund [Sec. 666; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, lapse limited to 2015-17 fiscal biennium, 9213 (1v), deletes 666] -
SB21Examining boards, affiliated credentialing boards, and DSPS: changes to laws governing; renaming, eliminating, membership modified, and creating certain boards or councils; Governor and DSPS duties -
AB726Examining boards, affiliated credentialing boards, and DSPS: changes to laws governing; renaming, eliminating, membership modified, and creating certain boards or councils; Governor and DSPS duties -
SB568Retired professional licensed by the Examining Board of Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, Designers, and Professional Land Surveyors: exemption from continuing education requirement, conditions specified -
AB934Arts Board funding increased to match federal aids to individuals and organizations -
AB901Arts Board funding increased to match federal aids to individuals and organizations -
SB665Class ``B" alcohol license prohibition exception for a painting studio created and exception allowing unaccompanied underage person on licensed premises that is a painting studio created -
AB38Class ``B" alcohol license prohibition exception for a painting studio created and exception allowing unaccompanied underage person on licensed premises that is a painting studio created -
SB37Creative economy development initiative grants to be awarded by the Arts Board re creative industries, job creation, or economic development; report required -
AB636Creative economy development initiative grants to be awarded by the Arts Board re creative industries, job creation, or economic development; report required -
SB483Economic development district that includes community arts center and mixed-use development: DOA to award grant to a city, matching funds provision [Sec. 260, 858, 9101 (10)] -
AB21Economic development district that includes community arts center and mixed-use development: DOA to award grant to a city, matching funds provision [Sec. 260, 858, 9101 (10); original bill only] -
SB21Les Paul Day proclaimed June 9, 2015 -
SJR23Arts Board funding increased to match federal aids to individuals and organizations -
AB901Arts Board funding increased to match federal aids to individuals and organizations -
SB665Creative economy development initiative grants to be awarded by the Arts Board re creative industries, job creation, or economic development; report required -
AB636Creative economy development initiative grants to be awarded by the Arts Board re creative industries, job creation, or economic development; report required -
SB483Biking in a ski area: biker’s responsibilities and ski area operator safety requirements and liability immunity -
AB596Biking in a ski area: biker’s responsibilities and ski area operator safety requirements and liability immunity -
SB463Concussion Awareness Month: March 2015 proclaimed as -
SJR17Epinephrine auto-injectors: physician, physician assistant, or advanced nurse practitioner may prescribe to an authorized entity, definition provisions; liability exemption for trained employees of authorized entity -
AB203Epinephrine auto-injectors: physician, physician assistant, or advanced nurse practitioner may prescribe to an authorized entity, definition provisions; liability exemption for trained employees of authorized entity [S.Amdt.3: liability provision modified] -
SB139Examining boards, affiliated credentialing boards, and DSPS: changes to laws governing; renaming, eliminating, membership modified, and creating certain boards or councils; Governor and DSPS duties -
AB726Examining boards, affiliated credentialing boards, and DSPS: changes to laws governing; renaming, eliminating, membership modified, and creating certain boards or councils; Governor and DSPS duties -
SB568Fantasy game operators required to register with DFI; definitions, fee, and penalty provisions -
AB800Fantasy game operators required to register with DFI; definitions, fee, and penalty provisions -
SB702Local professional baseball park district: bonding and spending authority revised and termination of sales and use tax; LFB duties -
AB93Local professional football stadium district: DOR required to distribute excess sales tax revenue to Brown County and municipalities within it; conditions specified and resolution provision [S.Amdt.1: specific exception added] -
SB233Local professional football stadium district: DOR required to distribute excess sales tax revenue to Brown County and municipalities within it; conditions specified and resolution provision -
AB296Special distinguishing registration plates supporting Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer authorized; fees and contributions from interested parties provisions -
AB401Sports and entertainment arena and facilities constructed in the City of Milwaukee: funding and local exposition district provisions created; DOA duties and JSCTE appendix report -
AB279Sports and entertainment arena and facilities constructed in the City of Milwaukee: funding and local exposition district provisions created; DOA duties and JSCTE appendix report [S.Amdt.1: certain debt collection provisions removed, ticket surcharge added, revisions to sales and use tax, local food and beverage tax, county and municipal shared revenue aid, real estate foreclosure provisions, and other revisions] -
SB209Sports and entertainment district created with powers and duties to facilitate construction of a basketball arena and other sports and entertainment facilities in a county with a first class city; Bradley Center, grant, and lease provisions [Sec. 289, 290, 773, 783, 1967, 1987-1989, 2114, 2115, 2240, 2246, 2355, 2356, 2366, 3612-3622, 3802, 9129 (2)] -
AB21Sports and entertainment district created with powers and duties to facilitate construction of a basketball arena and other sports and entertainment facilities in a county with a first class city; Bradley Center, grant, and lease provisions [Sec. 289, 290, 773, 783, 1967, 1987-1989, 2114, 2115, 2240, 2246, 2355, 2356, 2366, 3612-3622, 3802, 9129 (2); original bill only] -
SB21``Unarmed combat sports" replaces ``mixed martial arts fighting" and regulations modified, exemptions specified -
AB76``Unarmed combat sports" replaces ``mixed martial arts fighting" and regulations modified, exemptions specified; definition, physician, and DSPS provisions -
SB599Underage person on premises licensed for retail sale of alcohol beverages: exception for Class “B” licensed indoor golf and baseball facility -
AB315Underage person on premises licensed for retail sale of alcohol beverages: exception for Class “B” licensed indoor golf and baseball facility -
SB226Wisconsin Basketball Coaches Association Hall of Fame: DOT to erect highway directional signs, contributions from interested parties required [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2595d] -
SB21Death involving a law enforcement officer: investigator to provide report to the chief judge of the judicial administrative district who must appoint a special prosecutor; DA provisions removed -
AB953Municipal judges required to be licensed Wisconsin attorneys -
AB230Special prosecutor appointment circumstances modified; late payments to private attorneys re special prosecutor and contract with SPD do not accrue interest [Sec. 292, 767, 4737-4739, 9301 (3), 9333 (1)] -
AB21Special prosecutor appointment circumstances modified; late payments to private attorneys re special prosecutor and contract with SPD do not accrue interest [Sec. 292, 767, 4737-4739, 9301 (3), 9333 (1); S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, interest provisions modified, DOA to approve appointment, 4737t] -
SB21Supreme Court requested to promulgate rules re continuing legal and judicial education on elder law or trusts and estates law -
AB789Supreme Court requested to promulgate rules re continuing legal and judicial education on elder law or trusts and estates law -