Wage claim revisions re filing and investigation, statute of limitations, increased wages a circuit court may order, interest, surcharges, costs, and attorney fees; written statement disclosing terms of employment required, damages provision; unpaid wage claim judgment disclosure by occupational or professional license applicant - SB5
WC law revisions re general coverage, payment of benefits, hearing and procedures, and program administration; study of restricted work during employee healing period required; DHA, LIRC, DOJ, and DWD duties - AB501
WC law revisions re general coverage, payment of benefits, hearing and procedures, and program administration; study of restricted work during employee healing period required; DHA, LIRC, DOJ, and DWD duties - SB456
Wisconsin Propane Education and Research Council allowed to levy an assessment on certain propane retailers, referendum and circuit court provisions - AB705
Wisconsin Propane Education and Research Council allowed to levy an assessment on certain propane retailers, referendum and circuit court provisions - SB539
Wrongful discharge from employment regulations created; employee may bring an action in circuit court - AB160
Wrongful discharge from employment regulations created; employee may bring an action in circuit court - SB270
circuit court _ clerkCircuit court -- Clerk, see Court -- Clerk
Civics exam as condition for high school diploma, independent audit of private schools participating in a parental choice program, and school and school district accountability reports: requirements created in 2015 WisAct 55 modified - AB828
Civics exam as condition for high school diploma, independent audit of private schools participating in a parental choice program, and school and school district accountability reports: requirements created in 2015 WisAct 55 modified - SB640
Civics portion of citizenship test: successful completion required to obtain a high school diploma or equivalency diploma - AB194
Civics test requirement for high school diploma: 2015 WisAct 55 provisions repealed - AB952
Civics test requirement for high school diploma [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3187m, 3266b, e, g, n, p-v, 3391b, c] - SB21
REAL ID noncompliant driver’s license and ID cards issued by DOT: documentary proof of U.S. citizenship or lawful presence in the U.S. is not required; SSN provision; displaying the words “Not valid for voting purposes” requirement - AB343
REAL ID noncompliant driver’s license and ID cards issued by DOT: documentary proof of U.S. citizenship or lawful presence in the U.S. is not required; SSN provision; displaying the words “Not valid for voting purposes” requirement - SB258
UW System and technical colleges nonresident tuition: restoring exemption for an alien who is not a legal resident of the U.S. but graduated from a Wisconsin high school or equivalent, lived continuously in Wisconsin for 3 years, and enrolled in an institution and provided an affidavit re filing for permanent U.S. residency - AB929
civil air patrolCivil Air Patrol, see Aviation
civil rightCivil right
Bill of rights: participation in the legislative process; right to an impartial judiciary; right to privacy; right to a quality public education; right to health care services; right to access public records; right to a fair wage; right to equal pay for equal work; right to vote; eligible elector after ten days' residence; voting rights for certain felons; uniformity of voting standards and procedures; mandatory recounts in close election; GAB established; legislative and congressional redistricting; public access to the Capitol; open meetings laws applicable to Legislature; initiative and referendum; public funding for Supreme Court elections; graduated and progressive state income tax; right to a clean, healthy environment, safe drinking water, and clean air; creation of a DNR, board, and secretary; Superintendent of Public Instruction to be independent; minimum staffing and funding levels for public schools; prohibit public funding of sectarian schools; treatment of corporations as persons prohibited; and workers' rights to organize and collectively bargain. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR120
Protecting the civil rights of all Wisconsinites and denouncing bigotry and hatred: Assembly’s unwavering commitment to reaffirmed - AR7
civil serviceCivil service, see also Collective bargaining; Public employee, and its subheadings; specific agency
DPM restructured into the Office of Civil Service (OCS) and attached to DOA; Bureau of Merit Recruitment and Selection becomes a division under OCS; creates Division of Labor Relations and Division of Affirmative Action in OCS - AB529
Local governmental units required to establish a civil service system; just cause, grievance procedure, and exception provisions - AB108
Pay adjustments scheduled for correctional officers in first two years of appointment who take certain other civil service positions - AB832
Pay adjustments scheduled for correctional officers in first two years of appointment who take certain other civil service positions - SB608
State civil service revisions re hiring process, probation, reinstatement, restoration, layoffs, discipline, and just cause; grievance process for certain adverse employment actions created; discretionary merit award program created; DOA, DPM, Bureau of Merit Recruitment and Selection, and WERC duties; performance evaluation, employee files retention, and review of certain documents provisions; study and report required [A.Amdt.1: further revisions] - AB373
State civil service revisions re hiring process, probation, reinstatement, restoration, layoffs, discipline, and just cause; grievance process for certain adverse employment actions created; discretionary merit award program created; DOA, DPM, Bureau of Merit Recruitment and Selection, and WERC duties; performance evaluation, employee files retention, and review of certain documents provisions; study and report required - SB285
civil service _ preference to veteranCivil service -- Preference to veteran
State civil service revisions re hiring process, probation, reinstatement, restoration, layoffs, discipline, and just cause; grievance process for certain adverse employment actions created; discretionary merit award program created; DOA, DPM, Bureau of Merit Recruitment and Selection, and WERC duties; performance evaluation, employee files retention, and review of certain documents provisions; study and report required [A.Amdt.1: further revisions] - AB373
Eliminate authority of a person to bring a qui tam claim against another person making a false claim for MA [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 945n, 3501p, 3504c, 4610f-r, 4639g, 9318 (3f)] - SB21
Wrongful imprisonment of innocent persons: claims against the state provisions and compensation amounts revised, taxation exemption provision; option to elect health care coverage plans through GIB created; JSCTE appendix report - AB460
Wrongful imprisonment of innocent persons: claims against the state provisions and compensation amounts revised, taxation exemption provision; option to elect health care coverage plans through GIB created; JSCTE appendix report - SB322
clerk of courtClerk of court, see Court -- Clerk
clothingClothing, see Hunting
coin salesCoin sales, see Sales
collection agencyCollection agency, see Debt and debtors
collective bargainingCollective bargaining
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2014-15 contract ratification - AB126
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2014-15 contract ratification - SB108
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2015-16 contract ratification between UW Board of Regents and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee - AB922
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2015-16 contract ratification between UW Board of Regents and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee - SB752
Bus drivers for mass transit systems required to provide proof of physical fitness; made a prohibited subject of collective bargaining - AB736
Bus drivers for mass transit systems required to provide proof of physical fitness; made a prohibited subject of collective bargaining - SB619
Collective bargaining election provisions revised [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3138g, 3161r, 3162t-v, 9352 (1j)] - SB21
Collective bargaining over wages, hours, and conditions of employment permitted under MERA and SELRA; UW System and UWHCA employees and certain home care and child care providers included - AB900
Collective bargaining over wages, hours, and conditions of employment permitted under MERA and SELRA; UW System and UWHCA employees and certain home care and child care providers included - SB666
Corr.Dept employees permitted to collectively bargain over workplace safety - AB813
Corr.Dept employees permitted to collectively bargain over workplace safety - SB579
One day of rest in seven: employee may voluntarily choose to work without, written statement required - AB118
One day of rest in seven: employee may voluntarily choose to work without, written statement required [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3078bg, 9351 (4u)] - SB21
Professional legal bargaining unit: 2014-15 contract ratification - AB125
Professional legal bargaining unit: 2014-15 contract ratification - SB109
Public safety collective bargaining unit: 2013-15 contract ratification - AB277
Public safety collective bargaining unit: 2013-15 contract ratification - SB205
Veterans Day (November 11): paid leave of absence for public and private employees who are veterans; collective bargaining, discrimination, and complaint provisions - SB350
colleges and universitiesColleges and universities, see also Indians and tribal issues; Technical college; University of Wisconsin, and its subheadings
Academic Excellence Higher Education Scholarship Program: revisions re amount of scholarship, number of scholarships awarded, and GPA and ACT score requirement, exceptions provided; individual income tax credit created - AB314
Academic Excellence Higher Education Scholarship Program: revisions re amount of scholarship, number of scholarships awarded, and GPA and ACT score requirement, exceptions provided; individual income tax credit created - SB228
Authorized state building program for 2015-17: Carroll University science laboratory facility, Eau Claire Confluence Arts, Inc., and Wisconsin Education Center, Inc. added; revisions to previously authorized programs and deleted programs [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 54m-o, 56d-s, 866b-868b, 878d-t, 880b-zm, 9104 (1)-(11q)] - SB21
Carrying a dangerous weapon on a college or university campus prohibited; exceptions and penalty provisions - AB485
Carrying a dangerous weapon on a college or university campus prohibited; exceptions and penalty provisions - SB365
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Madison Alumnae Chapter, commended on the occasion of Delta Day at the capitol - SR4
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter, commended on the occasion of Delta Day at the capitol - SR3
Distance Learning Authorization Board created and attached to HEAB; JCF duties - AB632
Distance Learning Authorization Board created and attached to HEAB; JCF duties - SB511
Entrepreneurial assistance grants created re new businesses hiring interns in specified fields; WEDC duties and report required - AB103
Entrepreneurial assistance grants created re new businesses hiring interns in specified fields; WEDC duties and report required - SB112
Epinephrine auto-injectors: physician, physician assistant, or advanced nurse practitioner may prescribe to an authorized entity, definition provisions; liability exemption for trained employees of authorized entity - AB203
Epinephrine auto-injectors: physician, physician assistant, or advanced nurse practitioner may prescribe to an authorized entity, definition provisions; liability exemption for trained employees of authorized entity [S.Amdt.3: liability provision modified] - SB139
Herzing University 50th anniversary and service of the Herzing family recognized - AJR19
Herzing University 50th anniversary and service of the Herzing family recognized - AJR31
Institutions of higher education required to provide letter to students re each student’s loans, estimated cost of attendance, amount of grants, and information on financial literacy - AB744
Institutions of higher education required to provide letter to students re each student’s loans, estimated cost of attendance, amount of grants, and information on financial literacy - SB595
JCLO required to appoint a Commission on Debt-Free College to study and report on feasibility of providing debt-free college education to all Wisconsin residents; finding required before January 3, 2017 - AJR102
JCLO required to appoint a Commission on Debt-Free College to study and report on feasibility of providing debt-free college education to all Wisconsin residents; finding required before January 3, 2017 - SJR78
``Law enforcement officer" definition includes Marquette University police officers [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3512b] - SB21
MPCP research: ``qualified independent researcher" defined and access to department databases; confidentiality and fee provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1696m, 1767m, 1833t, 2012t, 3076c, 4714g, 9408 (2q)] - SB21
Out-of-home care extended to 21 years of age if the child is completing or enrolled in postsecondary or vocational education, participating in an employment program, employed part-time, or incapable of those activities due to a medical condition; continuation of certain payments provision - AB1011
Post-secondary school high-demand degree income tax credit created; DWD to define ``high-demand field” - SB529
Student internship coordination between institutions of higher education and employers: DWD to provide as part of the workforce training program (Fast Forward); report revised [A.Amdt.3: appropriation decreased] - AB742
Student internship coordination between institutions of higher education and employers: DWD to provide as part of the workforce training program (Fast Forward); report revised - SB594