Supreme Court justice is subject to discipline by a panel of court of appeals judges appointed by the Supreme Court by seniority: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR89
judge _ circuit courtJudge -- Circuit court
Independent Pardon Council created, comprised of appeals court and circuit court judges - SB726
Jackson, Honorable Harold B., Jr.: life and public service to the courts, Milwaukee County, and the City of Milwaukee - AR28
judge _ salaryJudge -- Salary
Judicial Compensation Commission created to review judicial salaries; report required and JCOER duties [Sec. 914, 915, 4599] - AB21
Judicial Compensation Commission created to review judicial salaries; report required and JCOER duties [Sec. 914, 915, 4599; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, chief justice salary determination modified, all other provisions removed, deletes 915, 4599] - SB21
judgmentJudgment, see also Court -- Procedure
CCAP Internet page: Director of State Courts must remove all information on civil cases under set conditions - AB910
CCAP Internet page: Director of State Courts must remove all information on civil cases under set conditions - SB676
Motor vehicle operating privileges suspended for failure to pay monetary judgment: court authority to suspend modified; reinstatement fee and notification of the possibility of community service in lieu of payment provisions - AB936
Motor vehicle operating privileges suspended for failure to pay monetary judgment: maximum time of suspension reduced - AB604
Motor vehicle operating privileges suspended for failure to pay monetary judgment: maximum time of suspension reduced - SB462
Small claims actions: interest rate on judgments revised - AB95
Small claims actions: interest rate on judgments revised - SB76
Wage claim revisions re filing and investigation, statute of limitations, increased wages a circuit court may order, interest, surcharges, costs, and attorney fees; written statement disclosing terms of employment required, damages provision; unpaid wage claim judgment disclosure by occupational or professional license applicant - SB5
judicial councilJudicial Council
GPR appropriations consolidated re circuit court, Director of State Courts, and State Law Library; exception to certain court fees eliminated; costs imposed on operator of aircraft under the influence or with prohibited BAC; Judicial Council eliminated [Sec. 333, 752, 778, 782, 828-847, 924, 3673, 4596-4598, 4600-4603, 4614-4618, 4621, 4631, 4735, 4746, 9307 (1)] - AB21
GPR appropriations consolidated re circuit court, Director of State Courts, and State Law Library; exception to certain court fees eliminated; costs imposed on operator of aircraft under the influence or with prohibited BAC; Judicial Council eliminated [Sec. 333, 752, 778, 782, 828-847, 924, 3673, 4596-4598, 4600-4603, 4614-4618, 4621, 4631, 4735, 4746, 9307 (1); S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, Judicial Council and court fee provisions removed, Supreme Court authority modified, 4601b-y, 9407 (1f), (2f), deletes 333, 828, 835-839, 843, 924, 3673, 4596, 4597, 4600, 4601, 4614, 4615, 4617, 4621] - SB21
jukeboxJukebox, see Amusement
juneau countyJuneau County
Welcome signs: City of Mauston authorized to erect in highway right-of-way under certain conditions - AB550
Welcome signs: City of Mauston authorized to erect in highway right-of-way under certain conditions - SB461
Motor vehicles acquired for scrap metal or junking: acquisition by scrap metal processors and dealers to comply with same requirements as motor vehicle salvage dealers; security interest provision - AB956
Motor vehicles acquired for scrap metal or junking: acquisition by scrap metal processors and dealers to comply with same requirements as motor vehicle salvage dealers; security interest provision - SB751
Motor vehicles acquired for scrap metal or junking: motor vehicle salvage dealer required to examine title certificate, penalty provisions; ``motor vehicle scavenger" defined [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3434c-w, 3564b-y, 9445 (2u), 9452 (3u)] - SB21
juryJury, see also Grand jury
Equally divided determinations of the Wisconsin Supreme Court on matters of judicial discipline or permanent disability clarifications - AB587
Juvenile Justice Code proceedings: right to trial by jury granted if petitioner recommends placement of the juvenile in Serious Juvenile Offender Program or a juvenile correctional facility beyond age 17 - AB375
Neglect of a child: definition and criminal penalties revised; repeated acts of neglect of the same child provision - AB431
Neglect of a child: definition and criminal penalties revised; repeated acts of neglect of the same child provision - SB324
Repeated acts of physical abuse of the same child: crime created; jury and penalty provisions - AB428
Repeated acts of physical abuse of the same child: crime created; jury and penalty provisions - SB325
justice, department ofJustice, Department of
Address confidentiality program for victims of child abuse, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, stalking, or human trafficking created; DOJ to administer; exemption and emergency rule provisions - AB673
Address confidentiality program for victims of child abuse, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, stalking, or human trafficking created; DOJ to administer; exemption and emergency rule provisions [S.Amdt.1: disclosure for voter registration purposes added] - SB488
Alternatives to incarceration for criminal offenders who abuse alcohol or other drugs: grant criteria revised [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3512d, r; deleted by S.Amdt.2] - SB21
Body cameras on law enforcement officers: requirements for law enforcement agencies created, limitations on access to data, and penalty provisions; Law Enforcement Body Camera Council created in DOJ - AB988
Body cameras on law enforcement officers: requirements for law enforcement agencies created, limitations on access to data, and penalty provisions; Law Enforcement Body Camera Council created in DOJ - SB766
Certification cards for concealed weapons: qualified former law enforcement officers may receive from a successor agency and DOJ may issue to former out-of-state law enforcement officers who are Wisconsin residents - AB77
Community prosecutors program: DOJ to provide grants to counties to establish - AB1013
Concealed weapon license: applicant who is stationed in Wisconsin in active service of the U.S. armed forces is eligible - AB75
Concealed weapon license: proof of general liability insurance required; DOJ duties - SB778
Concealed weapon license training requirement modified - SB777
Crime laboratory equipment appropriation modified [Sec. 749, 753] - AB21
Crime laboratory equipment appropriation modified [Sec. 749, 753] - SB21
Crime victim compensation contested cases: DHA requirement to conduct these hearings repealed; DOJ has the option to contract with DHA for hearing services [Sec. 3583, 4730, 4731, 9326 (1)] - AB21
Crime victim compensation contested cases: DHA requirement to conduct these hearings repealed; DOJ has the option to contract with DHA for hearing services [Sec. 3583, 4730, 4731, 9326 (1); original bill only] - SB21
Criminal justice coordinating council (CJCC) created in DOJ; council on offender re-entry in Corr.Dept eliminated; treatment alternatives and diversion (TAD) grant program changes, DOJ report required; statewide treatment court coordinator position in office of the director of state courts; home detention for probation authorized - AB52
DNA data bank: grounds for requesting expungement modified [S.Amdt.2 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3511d] - SB21
DOJ appropriation re collecting delinquent obligations changed from annual to continuing [Sec. 746] - AB21
DOJ appropriation re collecting delinquent obligations changed from annual to continuing [Sec. 746; original bill only] - SB21
DOJ appropriation re legal services for state agencies changed from annual to continuing [Sec. 747] - AB21
DOJ appropriation re legal services for state agencies changed from annual to continuing [Sec. 747] - SB21
DOJ appropriation transfer from crime labs and DNA analysis to DA activities re DNA [Sec. 755, 762, 768, 3509] - AB21
DOJ appropriation transfer from crime labs and DNA analysis to DA activities re DNA [Sec. 755, 762, 768, 3509] - SB21
DOJ crime victim compensation award program revisions - AB643
DOJ crime victim compensation award program revisions - SB510
DOJ grants to Lafayette County Sheriff's Department for drug law enforcement and drug interdiction services [A.Amdt.2: grant amount reduced] - AB771
DOJ required to annually provide JCF with information re civil litigation expenses - AB919
Drug law enforcement and interdiction grant to the Lafayette County Sheriff's Department [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9126 (1q)] - SB21
Expungement of DNA data in crime laboratories' data bank required if not adjudged guilty or delinquent; DOJ duties - AB621
Expungement of DNA data in crime laboratories' data bank required if not adjudged guilty or delinquent; DOJ duties - SB398
Federal ``no fly” list re commercial aircraft: persons on the list prohibited from possessing a firearm; DOJ duties and penalty provision - SB775
Firearm buyback grant program established; fees from firearm and ammunition sales required - AB960
Forfeiture of property seized in relation to a crime: laws revised; proceeds of sales turned into the state school fund; transferring property to federal agents also revised; law enforcement agencies and DOJ duties - AB537
Forfeiture of property seized in relation to a crime: laws revised; proceeds of sales turned into the state school fund; transferring property to federal agents also revised; law enforcement agencies and DOJ duties - SB521
Frequent sobriety testing pilot program established by DOJ re certain drunk driving violations; county, court, fee, and sunset provisions; reports required [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 748m, 3512v] - SB21
Handgun purchase: 48 hour waiting period eliminated - AB49
Handgun purchase: 48 hour waiting period eliminated [S.Amdt.1: DOJ notification to dealer of records search modified] - SB35
Handgun purchase: 48 hour waiting period restored - AB354
Handgun purchase: 48 hour waiting period restored - SB264
Handgun purchase from licensed firearms dealer: AG required to notify law enforcement if, during a background check, DOJ determines the purchaser is prohibited from possessing a firearm; reports and DA and law enforcement duties - AB961
Handgun purchase from licensed firearms dealer: AG required to notify law enforcement if, during a background check, DOJ determines the purchaser is prohibited from possessing a firearm; reports and DA and law enforcement duties - SB758
Hit-and-run incidents: law enforcement agency to disseminate reports through the integrated crime alert network under certain conditions - AB35
Hit-and-run incidents: law enforcement agency to disseminate reports through the integrated crime alert network under certain conditions - SB42
Human trafficking resource center hotline poster: DOJ to design and make available to print from its Internet site; certain businesses encouraged to display it [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, poster provisions revised and display in certain public places added] - AB16
Human trafficking resource center hotline poster: DOJ to design and make available to print from its Internet site; certain businesses encouraged to display it - SB14
Internet crimes against children: surcharge and administrative subpoena created - AB666
Internet crimes against children: surcharge and administrative subpoena created [S.Amdt.2: surcharge provisions removed, appropriation added] - SB546
Justice information surcharge appropriation account: return of unencumbered moneys [Sec. 659, 756, 758, 759, 788, 9226 (1)] - AB21
Justice information surcharge appropriation account: return of unencumbered moneys [Sec. 659, 756, 758, 759, 788, 9226 (1)] - SB21
Law enforcement agencies maintaining special teams known as SWAT teams required to report certain information to DOJ and DOJ required to submit annual report to the legislature and post to the Internet - AB380
Law enforcement agencies maintaining special teams known as SWAT teams required to report certain information to DOJ and DOJ required to submit annual report to the legislature and post to the Internet - SB297
Legislative Office of Inspector General created, JCLO to appoint each inspector general; reports required; state agencies, LAB, and DOJ duties; offices of inspector general in DCF and DHS eliminated - AB382
Legislative Office of Inspector General created, JCLO to appoint each inspector general; reports required; state agencies, LAB, and DOJ duties; offices of inspector general in DCF and DHS eliminated - SB368
No-knock search warrant: law enforcement agencies required to develop written policy for when it can and cannot be used and submit it to DOJ, report required - AB381
No-knock search warrant: law enforcement agencies required to develop written policy for when it can and cannot be used and submit it to DOJ, report required - SB296