False statement re military service or honors to obtain financial or other tangible benefit made a crime -
SB95Wormhoudt, Edward: military service commended and congratulations on receiving the Congressional Gold Medal -
AJR42Wormhoudt, Edward: military service commended and congratulations on receiving the Congressional Gold Medal -
SJR38Badger Health Benefit Authority created and must establish and operate a Wisconsin Health Benefit Exchange in this state -
AB155Badger Health Benefit Authority created and must establish and operate a Wisconsin Health Benefit Exchange in this state -
SB107BadgerCare Plus and BadgerCare Plus Core family income eligibility level changed; DHS to comply with federal requirements and request enhanced federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) payment; JCF provision -
AB221BadgerCare Plus and BadgerCare Plus Core family income eligibility level changed; DHS to comply with federal requirements and request enhanced federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) payment; JCF provision -
AB855BadgerCare Plus and BadgerCare Plus Core family income eligibility level changed; DHS to comply with federal requirements and request enhanced federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) payment; JCF provision -
SB174Behavioral health care coordination pilot projects and psychiatric consultation reimbursement pilot projects authorized; grant to develop Internet site and system re availability of inpatient psychiatric beds; DHS duties and reports required -
AB408Behavioral health care coordination pilot projects and psychiatric consultation reimbursement pilot projects authorized; grant to develop Internet site and system re availability of inpatient psychiatric beds; DHS duties and reports required -
SB293Billing MA for reimbursement of prescription drugs: covered entities required to charge actual acquisition costs plus dispensing fee -
AB311Billing MA for reimbursement of prescription drugs: covered entities required to charge actual acquisition costs plus dispensing fee [S.Amdt.1: abortion provider specified, definitions provision] -
SB238Child or family support income withholding orders; deferred prosecution agreements re domestic abuse surcharge and GPS surcharge; certain DCF and DHS appropriations modified; home visitation program grants; references to Milwaukee County by population -
AB440Child or family support income withholding orders; deferred prosecution agreements re domestic abuse surcharge and GPS surcharge; certain DCF and DHS appropriations modified; home visitation program grants; references to Milwaukee County by population -
SB317Dental reimbursement pilot project for certain services in certain counties; MA waiver required [Sec. 1798, 9318 (2)] -
AB21Dental reimbursement pilot project for certain services in certain counties; MA waiver required [Sec. 1798, 9318 (2)] -
SB21DHS to request waiver of federal Medicaid law for services and support re women with increased risk of negative birth outcomes; expanding who can claim Wisconsin EITC; nurse-midwife governing provisions, and Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund coverage; statewide electronic data management and information system for all public assistance programs; evidence-based home visitation program re child abuse or neglect or poor birth outcomes; informed consent before certain elective caesarean section and labor-inducing procedures; infant's race or ethnicity to be included on the birth certificate; cultural competency training for certain students at UW and TCS institutions; DHS reports re neonatal intensive care units and fetal and infant mortality and birth outcomes; DHS to promulgate rules for best practices for postpartum patients and newborns at hospitals -
AB852Eliminate authority of a person to bring a qui tam claim against another person making a false claim for MA [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 945n, 3501p, 3504c, 4610f-r, 4639g, 9318 (3f)] -
SB21Facilities for persons with traumatic brain injuries: DHS to establish licensure program; criteria and MA provisions -
AB921Facilities for persons with traumatic brain injuries: DHS to establish licensure program; criteria and MA provisions -
SB746Family Care, Family Care Partnership Program (FCPP), and PACE changes, federal approval provision; IRIS program eliminated; resource center and care management organization (CMO) revisions; Children's Community Options Program created; Family Support Program eliminated; Medicaid services division [for section numbers, see entry under ``Nursing homes and adult care"] -
AB21Family Care, Family Care Partnership Program (FCPP), and PACE changes, federal approval provision; IRIS program eliminated; resource center and care management organization (CMO) revisions; Children's Community Options Program created; Family Support Program eliminated; Medicaid services division [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Nursing homes and adult care"] -
SB21Family income eligibility level modified for BadgerCare Plus and BadgerCare Plus Core; DHS required to comply with federal requirements and make necessary changes to qualify for enhanced federal MA percentage (or FMAP); private schools participating in parental choice programs revisions re family income limit, per pupil payment, instructional staff license or permit, background checks, reading readiness assessments, high school diploma criteria, corporal punishment, expulsion, building inspections, school data and pupil records, school must be located in this state and in operation for two years, and meetings between school's governing board and pupils, prospective pupils, and their parents -
AB854Federally qualified health centers: MA reimbursement rates [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1791p] -
SB21Labor region methodology study re MA reimbursement rates to nursing homes: DHS required to conduct [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9118 (4u)] -
SB21Licensed midwife services added to benefits covered by MA [Sec. 1799, 1807] -
AB21Licensed midwife services added to benefits covered by MA [Sec. 1799, 1807] -
SB21MA coverage for substance abuse treatment services by a medically monitored service or transitional residential treatment service [Sec. 1808, 1809] -
AB21MA coverage for substance abuse treatment services by a medically monitored service or transitional residential treatment service [Sec. 1808, 1809] -
SB21MA demonstration project re health care coverage for low-income, childless adults under age 65: DHS to request amendment to DHHS wavier; quarterly report to JCF required [Sec. 1796, 1797, 9118 (6)] -
AB21MA demonstration project re health care coverage for low-income, childless adults under age 65: DHS to request amendment to DHHS wavier; quarterly report to JCF required [Sec. 1796, 1797, 9118 (6)] -
SB21MA purchase plan (MAPP) eligibility and premium requirements revised; other MA and long-term care program eligibility modified re certain account and retirement income; DHS duties -
AB414Mental health services in schools: DHS cannot require mental health clinic or licensed treatment professional from designating a school site as a clinic in order to provide services [A.Amdt.1: MA reimbursement for licensed treatment professionals added] -
AB664Mental health treatment under MA: limitations on what is required for prior authorizations set; DHS and HMO duties -
AB713Nonemergency medical transportation services to MA recipients in certain counties: DHS to modify contract and make alternative arrangements; LAB audit provision -
AB869Nonemergency medical transportation services to MA recipients in certain counties: DHS to modify contract and make alternative arrangements [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9118 (11f)] -
SB21Nonemergency medical transportation services to MA recipients in certain counties: DHS to modify contract and make alternative arrangements; LAB audit provision -
SB646Opioid treatment systems: DHS regulation revisions, counselor provisions [A.Amdt.1: MA reimbursement provision added] -
AB659Optional incentive program for counties under certain population and tribes that identify fraudulent activity in MA and FoodShare: DHS to establish -
AB535Optional incentive program for counties under certain population and tribes that identify fraudulent activity in MA and FoodShare: DHS to establish -
SB472Pharmacists administering vaccines to children age 6 to 18: required to update the Wisconsin Immunization Registry and MA reimbursement provisions [Sec. 1801, 4037] -
AB21Pharmacists administering vaccines to children age 6 to 18: required to update the Wisconsin Immunization Registry and MA reimbursement provisions [Sec. 1801, 4037] -
SB21Premium assistance program: DHS to develop to assist certain eligible persons purchase coverage through an American health benefit exchange; federal approval and JCF provisions -
AB101Premium assistance program: DHS to develop to assist certain eligible persons purchase coverage through an American health benefit exchange; federal approval and JCF provisions -
SB68Prescription drug assistance for elderly program: waiver of federal Medicaid law required and use of excess GPR and PR moneys -
AB211Prescription drug assistance for elderly program: waiver of federal Medicaid law required and use of excess GPR and PR moneys -
SB142Prescription drug assistance for the elderly program: Medicare Part D added to eligibility requirements [Sec. 1828, 1829, 9118 (4)] -
AB21Prescription drug assistance for the elderly program: Medicare Part D added to eligibility requirements [Sec. 1828, 1829, 9118 (4); original bill only] -
SB21Promissory note provisions created for MA programs that count assets for determining financial eligibility [Sec. 1621, 1803-1806] -
AB21Promissory note provisions created for MA programs that count assets for determining financial eligibility [Sec. 1621, 1803-1806] -
SB21Qualified treatment trainees to provide certain mental health services under MA: HMO or other managed care organization must provide or DHS prohibited from contracting with them; definition provision -
AB711School-based health services to MA-eligible children: excess of certain amounts deposited in MA trust fund for children's long-term care services and other children's services [Sec. 690, 1030, 1800] -
AB21School-based health services to MA-eligible children: excess of certain amounts deposited in MA trust fund for children's long-term care services and other children's services [Sec. 690, 1030, 1800] -
SB21Shoreland zoning revisions made in 2015 WisAct 55 eliminated; BadgerCare Plus and BadgerCare Plus Core family income eligibility level changed; DHS to comply with federal requirements and request enhanced federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) payment; JCF provision -
AB861Statewide parental choice program phased out; family income eligibility for BadgerCare Plus and BadgerCare Plus Core raised; DHS required to take necessary steps to qualify for enhanced federal MA percentage (FMAP) -
AB462Authorized State Building Program for 2015-17: medical school campus in City of Jefferson construction grant, nonstate revenue sources requirement -
AB625Medical College of Wisconsin commended for its commitment to the well-being of Wisconsin citizens and wishes success for the Medical College of Wisconsin—Green Bay -
AJR94Rural and underserved urban medicine program: Medical College of Wisconsin and University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health annual report changed to biennial report -
AB619Rural and underserved urban medicine program: Medical College of Wisconsin and University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health annual report changed to biennial report -
SB481Rural physician residency assistance program: funding increased -
AB797Rural physician residency assistance program: funding increased -
SB662Clinical exercise physiologists professional licensing created; Clinical Exercise Physiology Affiliated Credentialing Board created and attached to MEB, emergency rule provisions -
SB185DHS to request waiver of federal Medicaid law for services and support re women with increased risk of negative birth outcomes; expanding who can claim Wisconsin EITC; nurse-midwife governing provisions, and Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund coverage; statewide electronic data management and information system for all public assistance programs; evidence-based home visitation program re child abuse or neglect or poor birth outcomes; informed consent before certain elective caesarean section and labor-inducing procedures; infant's race or ethnicity to be included on the birth certificate; cultural competency training for certain students at UW and TCS institutions; DHS reports re neonatal intensive care units and fetal and infant mortality and birth outcomes; DHS to promulgate rules for best practices for postpartum patients and newborns at hospitals -
AB852DSPS duties and powers revised re uniform professional credentialing and occupational licensing procedures; multifamily dwelling and commercial building codes; Building Inspector Review Board; penalties for certain violations; safety glazing material in hazardous locations; aging schools program; list of variances under the historic building code; list of licensed retail LPG suppliers; municipal construction site erosion control program review frequency; manufactured housing industry dispute resolution; manufactured home construction and safety reports; certain master and journeyman plumber permits; septic tank installers; public swimming pool definition; plumbing, fire protection systems, and swimming pool plan review law reorganized; mandatory meeting requirements; administrative warnings; costs of disciplinary proceedings; registration of licensed medical professionals; jurisprudence examination of funeral directors; and degree requirement for sitting for certain exams; DOA appendix report -
AB935DSPS duties and powers revised re uniform professional credentialing and occupational licensing procedures; multifamily dwelling and commercial building codes; Building Inspector Review Board; penalties for certain violations; safety glazing material in hazardous locations; aging schools program; list of variances under the historic building code; list of licensed retail LPG suppliers; municipal construction site erosion control program review frequency; manufactured housing industry dispute resolution; manufactured home construction and safety reports; certain master and journeyman plumber permits; septic tank installers; public swimming pool definition; plumbing, fire protection systems, and swimming pool plan review law reorganized; mandatory meeting requirements; administrative warnings; costs of disciplinary proceedings; registration of licensed medical professionals; jurisprudence examination of funeral directors; and degree requirement for sitting for certain exams; DOA appendix report -
SB698Examining boards, affiliated credentialing boards, and DSPS: changes to laws governing; renaming, eliminating, membership modified, and creating certain boards or councils; Governor and DSPS duties -
AB726Examining boards, affiliated credentialing boards, and DSPS: changes to laws governing; renaming, eliminating, membership modified, and creating certain boards or councils; Governor and DSPS duties -
SB568Guidelines issued by certain credentialing boards allowed re best practices when prescribing controlled substances; MEB examination authority re physician license applicants -
AB660Guidelines issued by certain credentialing boards allowed re best practices when prescribing controlled substances; MEB examination authority re physician license applicants -
SB520Interstate Medical Licensure Compact ratified; MEB annual report required [S.Amdt.1: sunset and Senate confirmation provisions added, reports modified] -
AB253Interstate Medical Licensure Compact ratified; MEB annual report required -
SB196Lyme disease: MEB and Board of Nursing to promulgate rules re best practices for diagnosis and treatment -
AB768Pain clinic certification provisions created, requirements specified; DHS duties [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions; A.Amdt.1: payment method revised and MEB provision added] -
AB366Primary spinal care practitioner licensure program established; Spinal Medicine Affiliated Credentialing Board created in MEB -
SB762DHS to request waiver of federal Medicaid law for services and support re women with increased risk of negative birth outcomes; expanding who can claim Wisconsin EITC; nurse-midwife governing provisions, and Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund coverage; statewide electronic data management and information system for all public assistance programs; evidence-based home visitation program re child abuse or neglect or poor birth outcomes; informed consent before certain elective caesarean section and labor-inducing procedures; infant's race or ethnicity to be included on the birth certificate; cultural competency training for certain students at UW and TCS institutions; DHS reports re neonatal intensive care units and fetal and infant mortality and birth outcomes; DHS to promulgate rules for best practices for postpartum patients and newborns at hospitals -
AB852Insurance statutes: miscellaneous changes -
AB420Insurance statutes: miscellaneous changes -
SB287Investigational drugs, devices, and biological products: access to by eligible patients and limitation of liability provisions -
AB179Investigational drugs, devices, and biological products: access to by eligible patients and limitation of liability provisions -