Candidacy declaration: individual prohibited from being on the same ballot for 2 or more offices simultaneously - AB975
Candidacy declaration: individual prohibited from being on the same ballot for 2 or more offices simultaneously - SB753
Classified service employee running for a partisan political office: eliminate leave of absence requirement - AB479
Classified service employee running for a partisan political office: eliminate leave of absence requirement - SB454
Elected state official seeking national office: reporting travel expenses to GAB required, reimbursement provision - AB342
Executive branch appointments: executive officers required to disclose certain information to the Ethics Commission - AB890
Executive branch appointments: executive officers required to disclose certain information to the Ethics Commission - SB659
Grand jury proceedings: state to reimburse county for costs for illegal activity investigations re campaign finance and misconduct involving a public officer or employee - AB881
Grand jury proceedings: state to reimburse county for costs for illegal activity investigations re campaign finance and misconduct involving a public officer or employee - SB651
Partisan elective state officials prohibited from accepting contributions during budget deliberations - AB891
Principal disseminating or attempting to influence model, uniform, suggested, or recommended legislation required to register with GAB and file expense statements; state public official statements of economic interests expanded to include reimbursements from campaign accounts or scholarships to attend a meeting or conference, person providing the reimbursement or scholarship also required to report to GAB; penalty provisions - AB464
Public records: ``deliberative materials" defined and excluded in the definition ``records" [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 453b, d, 9352 (2u), 9452 (1v); deleted by S.Amdt.1] - SB21
Retirement provisions for elected officials and appointed state executives [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1385b, 1389h] - SB21
State elected official who owes a debt to the state: interest applied based on federal student loan interest rate - AB971
Unclaimed cremated remains in custody of a funeral director, cemetery authority, or public officer: contacting DVA or county veterans service officer required to determine if the person was a veteran or eligible for burial at a veterans cemetery; civil liability exemption provision [A.Amdt.1: contact local veterans service organization added] - AB693
Unclaimed cremated remains in custody of a funeral director, cemetery authority, or public officer: contacting DVA or county veterans service officer required to determine if the person was a veteran or eligible for burial at a veterans cemetery; civil liability exemption provision - SB518
Venue for trials re elections, ethics, and lobbying regulation law violations: civil and criminal prosecutions where the alleged violation occurred; deletes statutory restriction on disclosure of certain information re investigation or prosecution - AB463
Assembly Organization, Committee on, requested to meet on July 9, 2015, to consider a resolution affirming the Assembly’s commitment to the state’s open record and open government laws - AR12
Internet site publishing criminal record information: requirements for removal without charging a fee established; definition and penalty provisions - AB258
Internet site publishing criminal record information: requirements for removal without charging a fee established; definition and penalty provisions - SB184
Interscholastic athletic association: school district membership prohibited unless the association elects to be governed by public records and open meetings laws - AB873
Interscholastic athletic association: school district membership prohibited unless the association elects to be governed by public records and open meetings laws - SB704
John Doe proceeding revisions re crimes that may be investigated, time limit on proceedings, costs are public record, certain judges excluded, and special prosecutors - AB68
John Doe proceeding revisions re crimes that may be investigated, time limit on proceedings, costs are public record, certain judges excluded, and special prosecutors [S.Amdt.5: judge may issue a search warrant; S.Amdt.6: application of secrecy order; S.Amdt.7: ``crime" definition modified] - SB43
Legislative rule or policy regarding legislative records [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 307s, 453y, 9427 (1g); deleted by S.Amdt.1] - SB21
Officer-involved death reports released by DAs: information not subject to public records laws must be deleted [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3523p] - SB21
Open records law and public’s access to government protected - AR32
Public record disposed of or destroyed prior to date it may be disposed or destroyed: forfeiture created - AB887
Public record disposed of or destroyed prior to date it may be disposed or destroyed: forfeiture created - SB731
Public records definition expanded to include records and correspondence of legislative officers and employees and legislative service agency employees [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 307m; deleted by S.Amdt.1] - SB21
Public records: ``deliberative materials" defined and excluded in the definition ``records" [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 453b, d, 9352 (2u), 9452 (1v); deleted by S.Amdt.1] - SB21
Public’s right to access, inspect, and copy records of governmental bodies, exception provision: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR62
Public’s right to access, inspect, and copy records of governmental bodies, exception provision: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - SJR52
Railroad records re trespassing on railroad tracks are subject to public records laws - SB793
Reports of incidents between inmates and prison employees and between inmates are open to public inspection, redaction of personally identifying information permitted - AB833
Reports of incidents between inmates and prison employees and between inmates are open to public inspection, redaction of personally identifying information permitted - SB609
Voluntary firearm registry: local law enforcement agency may create; open records and confidentiality provisions - SB787
public safetyPublic safety
Forcible entry into a vehicle to remove a person or domestic animal believed to be suffering: civil liability immunity exemption under certain conditions created - AB308
Forcible entry into a vehicle to remove a person or domestic animal believed to be suffering: civil liability immunity exemption under certain conditions created - SB230
Personal injury action involving asbestos trusts: damages and assignment of claims revised - AB862
Personal injury action involving asbestos trusts: damages and assignment of claims revised - SB723
State justice assistance grants created in DOJ [Sec. 334, 748, 750, 751, 754, 757, 760, 761, 764, 779-781, 3504, 3508, 3513-3515] - AB21
State justice assistance grants created in DOJ [Sec. 334, 748, 750, 751, 754, 757, 760, 761, 764, 779-781, 3504, 3508, 3513-3515; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, justice assistance grant provisions deleted, youth diversion grant reductions added, 754s, 764c, 3515b, d, 9126 (1c), deletes all original numbers except 748] - SB21
public service commissionPublic Service Commission
Alternative telecommunications utility: PSC regulation modified [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3528m] - SB21
Assembly Organization, Committee on, required to appoint a special committee on water issues; report required by December 31, 2016; DNR and PSC provisions - AR25
Broadband expansion grant program: eligible applicant includes school district, technical college district, or public library board in partnership with an organization or telecommunications utility - AB63
Broadband expansion grant program: eligible applicant includes school district, technical college district, or public library board in partnership with an organization or telecommunications utility - SB33
Broadband expansion grant program funding from the universal service fund; TEACH program appropriations consolidated and an educational agency may request access to multiple data lines and video links [Sec. 423-427, 511-515, 569-572, 592, 800-804, 3283, 3529, 3532, 3536, 9436 (1)] - AB21
Broadband expansion grant program funding from the universal service fund; TEACH program appropriations consolidated and an educational agency may request access to multiple data lines and video links [Sec. 423-427, 511-515, 569-572, 592, 800-804, 3283, 3529, 3532, 3536, 9436 (1); S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, broadband grants revised with universal service fund provisions, TEACH program provisions removed, PSC report required, 512m, 593m, 3536m, 9136 (2u), 9236 (1v), deletes 511, 512, 514, 515, 570-572, 592, 800-804, 3283, 3529, 3536, 9436 (1)] - SB21
Broadband expansion grant program funding modified - AB647
Broadband expansion grant program funding modified - SB519
Broadband expansion grant program modified [Sec. 3537] - AB21
Broadband expansion grant program modified [Sec. 3537] - SB21
Broadband expansion grants: funding and amount PSC may issue increased - AB798
Broadband expansion grants: funding and amount PSC may issue increased - SB674
Broadband expansion grants funding from the universal service fund increased; PSC provision - SB736
Broadband infrastructure: PSC duties imposed re expansion grant program, underserved areas, promotion of economic development, model ordinance, and certification as a Broadband Forward! community - AB820
Broadband infrastructure: PSC duties imposed re expansion grant program, underserved areas, promotion of economic development, model ordinance, and certification as a Broadband Forward! community - SB699
DNR permits re high-voltage transmission construction and relocation of utility facility as condition of certain general permits; one-call system requirements, violations, complaints, and enforcement, PSC duties; sulfur dioxide compliance plan, certain DNR determinations, and certain PSC variance eliminated; PSC assessment authority; funding for energy efficiency and renewable resource programs; PSC approval of public utility contracts with affiliated interests; PSC authority re local access and transport areas for telephone service and complaints re railroad telecommunications service [A.Amdt.2: exempting construction of certain electric transmission lines from PSC certification added; A.Amdt.5: deletes one-call system violations and rule-making authority provisions] - AB804
DNR permits re high-voltage transmission construction and relocation of utility facility as condition of certain general permits; one-call system requirements, violations, complaints, and enforcement, PSC duties; sulfur dioxide compliance plan, certain DNR determinations, and certain PSC variance eliminated; PSC assessment authority; funding for energy efficiency and renewable resource programs; PSC approval of public utility contracts with affiliated interests; PSC authority re local access and transport areas for telephone service and complaints re railroad telecommunications service - SB654
Industrial wind turbines: PSC to conduct review of health studies and may propose rule changes [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9136 (1j)] - SB21
Intervenor financing: certain grant repealed [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 510m, 3532k-n] - SB21
Land information program: requirement that certain departments and agencies submit a plan to enable information to be readily translatable, retrievable, and geographically referenced eliminated - AB728
Land information program: requirement that certain departments and agencies submit a plan to enable information to be readily translatable, retrievable, and geographically referenced eliminated - SB570
Municipal public utilities: extension of water or sewer service from another municipality provisions created [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1991m; S.Amdt.2: county specified and appeal to PSC provision added] - SB21
Natural gas distribution and transmission lines constructed by natural gas public utilities: conveyance of property re condemnation; certificate of public convenience and necessity (CPCN) from PSC required - AB319
Natural gas distribution and transmission lines constructed by natural gas public utilities: conveyance of property re condemnation; certificate of public convenience and necessity (CPCN) from PSC required - SB231
Nuclear power plants: approval for construction requirements revised; state’s energy policy priorities modified to include - AB384
Nuclear power plants: approval for construction requirements revised; state’s energy policy priorities modified to include - SB288
PSC authorized unclassified division administrator positions reduced [Sec. 3668] - AB21
PSC authorized unclassified division administrator positions reduced [Sec. 3668] - SB21
PSC chairperson appointed by the Governor [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 103e-s, 223g, r, 921m, 3528g, 3537am, 3596m, 3670m, 9136 (2c), 9336 (1c)] - SB21
Renewable energy consumption: new goals for certain state agencies set, DOA report required; new goal re electric energy consumed in the state set, PSC reports required - SB773
Renewable portfolio standards requirements for electric utilities and retail electric cooperatives eliminated; electricity consumed from renewable resources goal and PSC report eliminated - AB1015
Renewable portfolio standards requirements for electric utilities and retail electric cooperatives eliminated; electricity consumed from renewable resources goal and PSC report eliminated - SB794
Sale or lease of municipal water or sewer utility provisions revised, referendum and petition provisions, and PSC duties; treatment of out-of-state water and sewer utilities re public utility holding companies - AB554
Sale or lease of municipal water or sewer utility provisions revised, referendum and petition provisions, and PSC duties; treatment of out-of-state water and sewer utilities re public utility holding companies - SB432
``Scalable" defined re broadband grant program [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3535t] - SB21
State broadband office funding: PSC duties [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9136 (2q)] - SB21
State energy office and relocation assistance to persons displaced when property is condemned for public improvements: administration transferred from DOA to PSC [Sec. 510, 774, 1068-1072, 1074, 1075, 1077-1092, 2576, 9101 (3)] - AB21
State energy office and relocation assistance to persons displaced when property is condemned for public improvements: administration transferred from DOA to PSC [Sec. 510, 774, 1068-1072, 1074, 1075, 1077-1092, 2576, 9101 (3); S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, relocation assistance provisions removed, deletes all original numbers except 9101 (3)] - SB21
Telecommunications provider of last-resort obligations: sunset eliminated and PSC authority to grant waivers eliminated, incumbent local exchange carrier (ILEC) exception - AB396
Telecommunications provider of last-resort obligations: sunset eliminated and PSC authority to grant waivers eliminated, incumbent local exchange carrier (ILEC) exception - SB240
Wind energy systems: PSC required to study health issues related to [Sec. 9136 (1)] - AB21
Wind energy systems: PSC required to study health issues related to [Sec. 9136 (1); original bill only] - SB21