Private school participating in a parental choice program: certain special education staff required if enrolling a child with a disability; compliance with Part A of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, DPI duties - AB148
Private school participating in a parental choice program: certain special education staff required if enrolling a child with a disability; compliance with Part A of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, DPI duties - SB78
Special education job development specialists: DPI pilot program to employ in certain school districts re employment outcomes for children with disabilities - AB943
Teacher's aide qualifications re private schools participating in parental choice program [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3355r, 3382r] - SB21
Tuberculosis screening questionnaire required of school district employees; exemptions and DHS duties - AB1018
school _ evaluation and testingSchool -- Evaluation and testing
Academic Excellence Higher Education Scholarship Program: revisions re amount of scholarship, number of scholarships awarded, and GPA and ACT score requirement, exceptions provided; individual income tax credit created - AB314
Academic Excellence Higher Education Scholarship Program: revisions re amount of scholarship, number of scholarships awarded, and GPA and ACT score requirement, exceptions provided; individual income tax credit created - SB228
Academic review system replaces school and school district accountability system; Academic Review Board created in DPI, duties specified, report required, and emergency rule provisions - AB1
Annual performance review of schools: DPI required to determine in certain areas; sanction provisions revised; independent charter schools and private schools participating in a parental choice program provisions - AB1
Chronically failing schools and school districts provisions replace low-performing schools and school districts provisions; public and charter school accountability board (PCAB) created in DPI; parental choice school accountability board created in DOA; improvement plans, interventions, withholding state aid, not renewing contracts, and no new students under a parental choice program provisions; DPI duties specified - SB1
Civics exam as condition for high school diploma, independent audit of private schools participating in a parental choice program, and school and school district accountability reports: requirements created in 2015 WisAct 55 modified - AB828
Civics exam as condition for high school diploma, independent audit of private schools participating in a parental choice program, and school and school district accountability reports: requirements created in 2015 WisAct 55 modified - SB640
Commencement of school term before September 1 prohibition: exception for school district with certain advanced placement participation rate created - AB144
Financial literacy: inclusion in public schools’ curriculum and statewide standardized examinations and UW System and technical college orientation programs - AB248
Financial literacy: inclusion in public schools’ curriculum and statewide standardized examinations and UW System and technical college orientation programs - SB177
Knowledge and concepts examination: pupil's parent or guardian may opt out of any such exam; certain DPI report revision; requiring summary about exams posted to schools' Internet sites - AB239
Knowledge and concepts examination: pupil's parent or guardian may opt out of any such exam; certain DPI report revision; requiring summary about exams posted to schools' Internet sites - SB193
Pupil assessment: ninth grade examination in fall session requirement eliminated [Sec. 3249, 3251, 3254, 3257] - AB21
Pupil assessment: ninth grade examination in fall session requirement eliminated [Sec. 3249, 3251, 3254, 3257] - SB21
Pupil assessments: public schools, independent charter schools, and private schools participating in a parental choice program may administer an ARB approved test - AB1
School accountability report performance categories replaced with letter grades and other revisions; Superintendent of Public Instruction prohibited from approving pupil attainment examinations developed by Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, giving effect to common core standard in effect, adopting or implementing new common core standards, and requiring school districts to adopt or implement common core standards, and required to provide education options to parents and guardians via DPI's Internet site; UW--Madison Value-Added Research Center to approve alternative examinations a school may administer [for section numbers, see entry under ``State Superintendent of Public Instruction"] - AB21
School accountability report performance categories replaced with letter grades and other revisions; Superintendent of Public Instruction prohibited from approving pupil attainment examinations developed by Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, giving effect to common core standard in effect, adopting or implementing new common core standards, and requiring school districts to adopt or implement common core standards, and required to provide education options to parents and guardians via DPI's Internet site; UW--Madison Value-Added Research Center to approve alternative examinations a school may administer [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``State Superintendent of Public Instruction"] - SB21
School accountability report published by DPI: schools included in the report required to include a link on their Internet page - AB722
School district accountability report: DPI prohibited from including data from a virtual charter school - AB162
School district accountability report: DPI prohibited from including data from a virtual charter school - SB129
Schools and school districts accountability report revisions; independent charter schools and private schools participating in a parental choice program clarification; LAB audit required - SB1
Teacher and principal effectiveness evaluation requirement delayed; DPI prohibited from issuing school accountability report for 2014-15 school year - AB78
Teacher and principal effectiveness evaluation requirement delayed; DPI prohibited from issuing school accountability report for 2014-15 school year [S.Amdt.1: delay changed to prohibition on using pupil assessment in evaluation score for teachers and principals] - SB67
UW--Madison Value-Added Research Center duties re student achievement data and scores and provide ARB with alternative tests - AB1
Consolidated school districts: revenue limit revised [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3395t, v, 3396p, 3421k] - SB21
DPI to create budget summary form for use by school districts; certain audit and report to be posted to school districts’ Internet sites - AB321
DPI to create budget summary form for use by school districts; certain audit and report to be posted to school districts’ Internet sites - SB234
Environmental remediation project on school district-owned property: funding provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1006t, 2010e-2012m, 3395m, 3421r, t] - SB21
Per pupil revenue limit increased re consumer price index - AB295
Per pupil revenue limit increased re consumer price index - SB215
Public school financing law changes re calculation of general school aids, counting low-income pupils, school aid factors, per pupil adjustment to revenue limits, high-poverty aid, hold harmless aid, and delay in school aid payments; first dollar and school levy property tax credits eliminated; DPI, DOA, JCF, and LFB duties - AB482
Public school financing law changes re calculation of general school aids, counting low-income pupils, school aid factors, per pupil adjustment to revenue limits, high-poverty aid, hold harmless aid, and delay in school aid payments; first dollar and school levy property tax credits eliminated; DPI, DOA, JCF, and LFB duties - SB376
Public school pupil taking courses at another educational institution: program revisions and tuition provision [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3309i-x, 3310g, r] - SB21
Pupils attending a school out-of-state: tuition and transportation payments revised [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3411e-n, 9334 (3c), (3d)] - SB21
Revenue limit adjustment for school districts for energy efficiency limited to districts that adopted a resolution prior to effective date of the bill - AB449
Revenue limit adjustment for school districts for energy efficiency limited to districts that adopted a resolution prior to effective date of the bill - SB337
Revenue limits for school districts increased for making certain school safety expenditures - AB912
Revenue limits for school districts increased for making certain school safety expenditures - SB695
School Breakfast Program reimbursement rate raised - AB234
School district mechanisms for borrowing and raising money: revisions re loan or bond issues, revenue limit adjustments, State Trust Funds loans, temporary borrowing, promissory notes, and MPS levy limit adjustments and bond issues - AB481
School district mechanisms for borrowing and raising money: revisions re loan or bond issues, revenue limit adjustments, State Trust Funds loans, temporary borrowing, promissory notes, and MPS levy limit adjustments and bond issues - SB355
School district membership defined for state aid and revenue limit purposes; charter schools and parental choice program provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3215d, 3393s, 3395d, 3396n, 3398d, f, 3411s, 3421d, p, t] - SB21
Special Needs Scholarship Program changes [A.Amdt.1: revenue limit adjustment for school districts with incoming choice pupils added] - SB615
Technical education equipment grants: DWD to award to school districts as part of the workforce training grants (Fast Forward grants); matching funds provision - AB748
Technical education equipment grants: DWD to award to school districts as part of the workforce training grants (Fast Forward grants); matching funds provision - SB523
school _ health programSchool -- Health program, see also Vaccination
Bowe, Gerald ``Jerry”: life and contributions of former head football coach and educator of Cudahy High School commended upon his death - AJR98
Cosleeping with a child under 12 months while intoxicated and causing harm or death made a felony; CANPB to prepare and make available materials re safe sleep and cosleeping while intoxicated; providing the information to pregnant women or parents of newborns, pupils in one of grades 10 to 12, and other specified individuals required, immunity from liability provision - AB94
Cosleeping with a child under 12 months while intoxicated and causing harm or death made a felony; CANPB to prepare and make available materials re safe sleep and cosleeping while intoxicated; providing the information to pregnant women or parents of newborns, pupils in one of grades 10 to 12, and other specified individuals required, immunity from liability provision - SB46
CPR, CCR, and AED instruction required in grades 7 to 12 - AB545
CPR, CCR, and AED instruction required in grades 7 to 12 - SB412
Interscholastic athletic association: school district membership prohibited unless the association elects to be governed by public records and open meetings laws - AB873
Interscholastic athletic association: school district membership prohibited unless the association elects to be governed by public records and open meetings laws - SB704
Interscholastic athletics and extracurricular activities: school boards to permit pupils enrolled in home-based educational programs to participate, fee provision [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3245t] - SB21
James Madison Memorial High School Spartan boys swimming and diving team commended on its 2014-15 season and fifth consecutive state championship - SJR19
Larson, Bruce: congratulations on being named the 2014 Don Shula NFL National High School Coach of the Year - AJR16
Larson, Bruce: congratulations on being named the 2015 Don Shula NFL National High School Coach of the Year - AJR14
Larson, Bruce: congratulations on being named the 2015 Don Shula NFL National High School Coach of the Year - SJR13
Marshall Sixth Grade Girls Basketball Team commended for winning the 2015 Wisconsin State Invitational Championship - AJR29
Mental health services in schools: DHS cannot require mental health clinic or licensed treatment professional from designating a school site as a clinic in order to provide services [A.Amdt.1: MA reimbursement for licensed treatment professionals added] - AB664
Mental health services in schools: DHS cannot require mental health clinic or licensed treatment professional from designating a school site as a clinic in order to provide services - SB591
Personal conviction as a reason for a waiver for the immunization requirement eliminated - AB924
Physical education instruction requirement in public schools - AB829
Physical education instruction requirement in public schools - SB774
Public school changing rooms: school board required to designate for the exclusive use by pupils of one sex; definitions, reasonable accommodation for pupils who identify as a member of the opposite sex, and complaint provisions - AB469
Public school changing rooms: school board required to designate for the exclusive use by pupils of one sex; definitions, reasonable accommodation for pupils who identify as a member of the opposite sex, gender neutral restrooms, and complaint provisions - SB582
School-based health services to MA-eligible children: excess of certain amounts deposited in MA trust fund for children's long-term care services and other children's services [Sec. 690, 1030, 1800] - AB21
School-based health services to MA-eligible children: excess of certain amounts deposited in MA trust fund for children's long-term care services and other children's services [Sec. 690, 1030, 1800] - SB21
School board member compatible positions: exception for volunteer coach or supervisor of an extracurricular activity - AB299
School board member compatible positions: exception for volunteer coach or supervisor of an extracurricular activity - SB217
Stevens Point Area Senior High boys’ basketball team, the Panthers, commended for winning the 2016 WIAA Division I State Championship - AJR122
Stevens Point Area Senior High boys’ basketball team, the Panthers, commended for winning the 2016 WIAA Division I State Championship - SJR114
Stevens Point Area Senior High boys' basketball team, the Panthers, commended on winning the WIAA Division I State Championship title - AJR26
Stevens Point Area Senior High boys' basketball team, the Panthers, commended on winning the WIAA Division I State Championship title - SJR28
Teen dating violence prevention education: schools required to provide and DPI to prepare a policy; model health curriculum and bullying policy updates provisions - AB692
school _ lunchSchool -- Lunch
Farm to school grants: funding in the 2015-2017 fiscal biennium - AB89
Food protection practices certificate issued by DHS required to operate a school lunchroom in schools participating in the National School Lunch Program [A.Amdt.1: ``operator or manager of the lunchroom" defined re charter, private, and tribal schools; A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: tribal school removed] - AB37
Food protection practices certificate issued by DHS required to operate a school lunchroom in schools participating in the National School Lunch Program - SB34
School Breakfast Program reimbursement rate raised - AB234
School district sparsity aid criteria revised and alternate data collection method re income eligibility re free or reduced-price lunch program [Sec. 3188, 3192, 3212, 3213, 3215, 3302, 3307, 3310, 3311, 3387, 3389, 3391, 3398, 3420] - AB21
School district sparsity aid criteria revised and alternate data collection method re income eligibility re free or reduced-price lunch program [Sec. 3188, 3192, 3212, 3213, 3215, 3302, 3307, 3310, 3311, 3387, 3389, 3391, 3398, 3420] - SB21