Vital records available in electronic system for vital records issuance: State Registrar or any local registrar allowed to issue certified copies - SB507
Vital records for events occurring before October 1, 1907: prohibition against making them available in electronic format repealed and allowing copying of uncertified copies [A.Amdt.1: uncertified photocopies to be stamped ``Not For Identity Purposes"] - AB297
Vital records for events occurring before October 1, 1907: prohibition against making them available in electronic format repealed and allowing copying of uncertified copies - SB62
vocational, technical, and adult educationVocational, technical, and adult education, see Technical college
vodenlich, johnVodenlich, John
Commended on receiving the 2015 Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference’s Baseball Coach of the Year award - SJR44
Absentee voting in person: municipalities may designate more than one alternative site; notifying GAB required; Elections Commission provision - SB625
Fundamental right to vote of every qualified elector: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR38
Fundamental right to vote of every qualified elector: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - SJR32
Photo ID cards issued by local governments can only be used for government employment purposes and cannot be used for voting, registration for voting, or to obtain public benefits - AB723
Photo ID cards issued by local governments can only be used for government employment purposes and may not be used for voting, registration for voting, or to obtain public benefits [S.Amdt.1: purposes for issuing ID cards specified] - SB533
REAL ID noncompliant driver’s license and ID cards issued by DOT: documentary proof of U.S. citizenship or lawful presence in the U.S. is not required; SSN provision; displaying the words “Not valid for voting purposes” requirement - AB343
REAL ID noncompliant driver’s license and ID cards issued by DOT: documentary proof of U.S. citizenship or lawful presence in the U.S. is not required; SSN provision; displaying the words “Not valid for voting purposes” requirement - SB258
Right to vote in a partisan primary election extended to 17-year-olds who will be 18 by the date of the election; statewide referendum required - SB711
Voter ID informational campaign: GAB and Elections Commission required to conduct public informational campaign - AB987
Voter registration and proof of residence for voting laws revised: GAB required to facilitate and maintain registration of all eligible electors, electronic registration provisions, and DOT, municipal clerk, and board of election commissioners duties; GAB report and approval from JCF for expenditures required - AB379
Voter registration and proof of residence for voting laws revised: GAB required to facilitate and maintain registration of all eligible electors, electronic registration provisions, and DOT, municipal clerk, and board of election commissioners duties; GAB report and approval from JCF for expenditures required - SB281
voting machineVoting machine
Electronic voter registration provisions created; special registration deputies eliminated and election registration officials created; testing chief inspectors permitted; further revisions re electronic voting systems, absentee ballots, and proof of residency; GAB and DOT duties - AB389
Electronic voter registration provisions created; special registration deputies eliminated and election registration officials created; testing chief inspectors permitted; further revisions re electronic voting systems, absentee ballots, and proof of residency; GAB and DOT duties [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, certain veteran ID card may be used as proof of identification, electronic voter registration list information revised, posting election returns to the Internet provision, Elections Commission and Ethics Commission members subject to standards of conduct for state public officials and filing statements of economic interest clarified, limit on political action committee contributions to certain segregated funds; S.Amdt.1: verification of certain registrations modified; A.Amdt.2: campaign contributions for other persons established] - SB295
UI law changes re recovery of employer UI debt under the federal Treasury Offset Program, work-share programs, and combined-wage claim determinations - AB416
UI law changes re recovery of employer UI debt under the federal Treasury Offset Program, work-share programs, and combined-wage claim determinations - SB341
Wage claim revisions re filing and investigation, statute of limitations, increased wages a circuit court may order, interest, surcharges, costs, and attorney fees; written statement disclosing terms of employment required, damages provision; unpaid wage claim judgment disclosure by occupational or professional license applicant - SB5
wage _ minimumWage -- Minimum
Franchisor excluded as the employer of a franchisee or employee of franchisee for specified purposes unless certain conditions are met [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - SB422
Minimum wage paid to tipped employees increased annually until it matches the general minimum wage - SB780
State minimum wage law revised; DWD duties and consumer price index provision - SB2
State minimum wage law revised; DWD duties and consumer price index provision; ordinance establishing a living wage permitted - AB12
State minimum wage law revisions, living wage provisions replaced with minimum wage requirements, and living wage ordinance prohibition eliminated; definitions, DWD duties, and emergency rule provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1706m, 3076d-t, 3078am, b, bm, c, cm-m, 3947g, r, 4610b, d, 4639m, 9451 (7f)] - SB21
State minimum wage law revisions, living wage provisions replaced with minimum wage requirements, and living wage ordinance prohibition eliminated; consumer price index, DWD duties, and emergency rule provisions - AB264
Wage Council created in DWD to study the need to increase the minimum wage and make recommendations; “living wage” defined - AB904
Wage subsidy not more than minimum wage: DCF and W-2 agency to negotiate with employers of persons in Transform Milwaukee Jobs Program, Transitional Jobs Program, and Trial Employment Match Program [Sec. 1721, 1743, 1744] - AB21
Wage subsidy not more than minimum wage: DCF and W-2 agency to negotiate with employers of persons in Transform Milwaukee Jobs Program, Transitional Jobs Program, and Trial Employment Match Program [Sec. 1721, 1743, 1744] - SB21
wage _ paymentWage -- Payment, see also Garnishment
Franchisor excluded as the employer of a franchisee or employee of franchisee for specified purposes unless certain conditions are met [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - SB422
Prevailing wage law as applied to local projects of public works repealed; federally determined rates required on state projects; DWD administration and enforcement transferred to DOA and other revisions; exceptions, restrictions to remedies, and compliance provisions [S.Amdt.2 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 380n, 453xm, 1948y, 1991sd-sv, 2560p, 2569s, 3075p, 3077b-np, 3078cd, ch, 3080p, 3135c-i, 3579p, 3621p, v, 4726c-w, 4740b, 9151 (1q), 9351 (3q), 9451 (3q)] - SB21
State prevailing wage law, local prevailing wage law, and highway prevailing wage law eliminated - AB32
State prevailing wage law, local prevailing wage law, and highway prevailing wage law eliminated - SB49
walker, scottWalker, Scott
Reimbursement required from Governor Walker and Scott Walker, Inc. for travel and security expenses re his candidacy for president of the United States: Legislative Committee on Assembly Organization required to hold an executive session by set date - AR14
walker, tonetteWalker, Tonette
Wisconsin First Lady Tonette Walker and Fostering Futures commended for their work to share the concept of trauma-informed care and improving the lives of children in foster care - AJR115
wallenda, nikolas _nik_Wallenda, Nikolas ``Nik"
Nik Wallenda Day: August 11, 2015 declared as - SJR36
Self-service storage facilities and units: regulations, disposal of personal property, notification of payment default, and vehicle towing revisions; self-service storage insurance established - AB818
Self-service storage facilities and units: regulations, disposal of personal property, notification of payment default, and vehicle towing revisions; self-service storage insurance established - SB769
warren knowles_gaylord nelson stewardship programWarren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship Program, see Natural resource
Aquaculture and fish farm regulations revised re wetland permits, natural bodies of water used for fish farms, dams on navigable streams, WPDES permits, water quality standard variances, water withdrawal re Great Lakes Compact, nonpoint performance standards cost-sharing exemption, LWSR agricultural use, WHEDA loan guarantees, navigable water permits, and transportation of agricultural products; DNR and DOT duties - AB640
Aquaculture and fish farm regulations revised re wetland permits, natural bodies of water used for fish farms, dams on navigable streams, WPDES permits, water quality standard variances, water withdrawal re Great Lakes Compact, nonpoint performance standards cost-sharing exemption, LWSR agricultural use, WHEDA loan guarantees, navigable water permits, and transportation of agricultural products; DNR and DOT duties - SB493
Assembly Organization, Committee on, required to appoint a special committee on water issues; report required by December 31, 2016; DNR and PSC provisions - AR25
Ballast water discharge permit: sunset date eliminated [Sec. 4203] - AB21
Ballast water discharge permit: sunset date eliminated [Sec. 4203] - SB21
Contaminated sediment: DNR to pay portion of costs for removal from any waters of the state; Clean Water Act provision and general obligation bonding authority increased [Sec. 872, 4200, 4201] - AB21
Contaminated sediment: DNR to pay portion of costs for removal from any waters of the state; Clean Water Act provision and general obligation bonding authority increased [Sec. 872, 4200, 4201; original bill only] - SB21
DNR to issue a general permit authorizing DOT to discharge storm water from the site of a transportation activity, individual permit provisions; effluent limitations for new and modified point sources of pollution revisions - AB755
DNR to issue a general permit authorizing DOT to discharge storm water from the site of a transportation activity, individual permit provisions; effluent limitations for new and modified point sources of pollution revisions - SB588
Environmental improvement fund: revisions to programs funded by; bonding authority for the safe drinking water loan program increased; biennial finance plan provisions [Sec. 869, 1023, 3918, 4118-4137, 4139-4183] - AB21
Environmental improvement fund: revisions to programs funded by; bonding authority for the safe drinking water loan program increased; biennial finance plan provisions [Sec. 53, 869, 1023, 3918, 4118-4137, 4139-4183; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, clean water fund program and safe drinking water loan program modified, ``nonprofit noncommunity water system" replaced with ``serves a local governmental unit", 868q, 4132m, 4133m, 4152m, 4165m, deletes 4118, 4132, 4133, 4162] - SB21
Groundwater management area standards and designation process established, DNR and Groundwater Coordinating Council duties specified; high capacity well approval revisions, DNR duties and fee provisions - AB105
Groundwater management area standards and designation process established, DNR and Groundwater Coordinating Council duties specified; high capacity well approval revisions, DNR duties and fee provisions - SB72
Nonpoint source water pollution abatement projects: general obligation bonding authority increased [Sec. 870] - AB21
Nonpoint source water pollution abatement projects: general obligation bonding authority increased [Sec. 870; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, environmental fund provision, 636g] - SB21
Nonpoint source water pollution in certain areas with carbonate bedrock: DNR and DATCP to promulgate rules to limit groundwater pollution from land spreading - AB637
Nonpoint source water pollution in certain areas with carbonate bedrock: DNR and DATCP to promulgate rules to limit groundwater pollution from land spreading - SB469
Point source pollution abatement projects: administrative rule authority eliminated re DNR financial assistance [Admin.Code NR 128] - AB158
Point source pollution abatement projects: administrative rule authority eliminated re DNR financial assistance [Admin.Code NR 128] - SB128
Pollution abatement debt service: appropriation changed to sum sufficient [Sec. 640] - AB21
Pollution abatement debt service: appropriation changed to sum sufficient [Sec. 640] - SB21
Producer led watershed protection grants created, emergency rule provision [Sec. 485, 2629, 9102 (2)] - AB21
Producer led watershed protection grants created, emergency rule provision [Sec. 485, 2629, 9102 (2)] - SB21
Regulation of navigable waters, artificial water bodies, wetlands, and nonpoint source pollution revised; DNR duties - AB600
Regulation of navigable waters, artificial water bodies, wetlands, and nonpoint source pollution revised; DNR duties [S.Sub.Amdt.3: further revisions, JCRAR and UTV and ATV provisions removed] - SB459
Senate Organization, Committee on, required to create a special committee on certain water issues affecting the state; report required before December 31, 2016 - SR9