Liability for failure to comply with provisions, 409.625, 409.628
Unknown debtor or secondary obligor, duties to, 409.605
Waiver and variance of rights and duties prohibited, 409.602
Agreement on standards to determine fulfillment of rights, 409.603
Against assignee, agreement not to assign, 409.403
Definitions, 409.102
Deposit accounts:
Bank's right to setoff, 409.340
Control, 409.104
Transferee of funds from takes free of security interest, 409.332
Description of property, sufficiency of, 409.108
Disposition of collateral:
After default, 409.610
Right to, effect on security interest, 409.205
Secured party's rights on, 409.315
Perfection of security interest, 409.312
Priority of purchasers of, 409.331
Enforceability of security interest, 409.201, 409.203
Duration of, 409.515
Effectiveness of filed record, generally, 409.510
Correction statement, inaccurate or wrongfully filed records, 409.518
Effect, generally, 409.506
Indexing, effect, 409.517
Fees, 409.525
Filing office, 409.501
Acceptance and refusal of records, 409.520
Uniform forms, 409.521
Copies and information, to filers, 409.523
Delay by filing office, 409.524
Duties of register of deeds, 59.43 (1c) (L) to (o)
Financial institutions department:
Annual report to governor and legislature, 409.527
Rules, promulgation, 409.526
Indexing and maintaining records, 409.519, 409.522
Indexing errors, correction, 409.517
Sale or license of records, 409.523
Statewide lien system, 409.528
Perfection of security interest by, 409.310
Persons entitled to file record, 409.509
Priorities as determined by order of, 409.322
Incorrect information contained in filing, 409.338
Secured party of record, 409.511
Termination statement, 409.513
Time, filing before agreement is made or interest attaches, 409.502
Uniform forms, 409.521
What constitutes, 409.516
When required to perfect security interest, 409.310
Financing statement:
Amendment, 409.512
Bailments, consignments, leases and other transactions; effect of, 409.505
Contents, 409.502
Collateral description, 409.504
Names, debtor and secured party, 409.503
Uniform forms, 409.521
Employer identification number, 409.521 (1)
Errors and omissions, effect, 409.506
Mortgage as, 409.502
New debtor added, effectiveness of statement, 409.508
Sale or other disposition of collateral, effectiveness of statement, 409.507
Secured party of record, 409.511
Assignment of powers, filing, 409.514
Social security numbers, 224.30 (4), 409.520 (1m)
Termination statement, 409.513
Default, procedure, 409.604
Mortgage as fixture filing, 409.502
Priority of security interests, 409.334
Fraudulent transfer of encumbered property, 943.84 (2)
Future advances, 409.204 (3)
Priority, 409.323
Accessions, 409.335
Commingled, 409.336
Perfecting security interest in, 409.310, 409.313
Priority in goods covered by certificates of title, 409.337
Perfection of security interest, 409.312
Priorities of purchaser, 409.330
Investment property:
Control, 409.106
Perfection of security interest, 409.312, 409.314
Priority of security interests, 409.327
Purchaser's priority, 409.331
Leased goods; financing statement, effect, 409.405
Leases; restrictions on transfers of lease, creation of security interests, 409.407