electrical work ELECTRICAL WORK
Contractor licensing, 101.862
Municipal authority, 101.861
Electrical construction inspection, 101.80 to 101.88
Waiver of standards in conflict with religion, 101.648
Electricians, licensure or registration:
Generally, 101.862
Journeyman, 101.87
Master, 101.868
Inspections, 101.875
electrologists ELECTROLOGISTS
electronic transactions and records ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS AND RECORDS
Admissibility in evidence, electronic records and signatures, 137.21
Applicability of law, 137.12
Attribution of electronic record or signature to creator, 137.17
Construction of law, 137.14
Definitions, 137.11
Document submission in electronic format, 137.25
Electronic agents, contracts formed with, 137.22
Error or change in transmission, effect, 137.18
Legal recognition of electronic records, contracts, and signatures, 137.15
Notarization and authentication, 137.19
Retention of records, originals, 137.20
Standards for receipt of electronic documents by governmental units, interoperability, 137.26
Time and place of sending or receiving electronic records, 137.23
Transferability of electronic records, 137.24
Use of electronic records and signatures, variation by agreement, 137.13
Written document requirements, presentation of electronic records, 137.16
electronic voting systems ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEMS
embalmers EMBALMERS
embezzlement EMBEZZLEMENT
See Theft
emergency management EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT
Generally, Ch. 323
Continuity of government during enemy attacks, IV, 34
Counties, powers and duties, 323.14
Head of emergency management, 323.15
Liability for workers, volunteers, 323.41, 323.42
Officers, succession to office, 323.54
Temporary location during emergency, 323.52
Workers compensation responsibility for employees, volunteers, 323.40, 323.42
Definitions, 323.02
Disaster assistance, distribution:
Federal, 323.30
State, 323.31
Equipment, government-owned, responsibility for damage, 323.43
Firearms not to be restricted, 323.24
Hazardous substances discharge:
Emergency response teams, 323.70
Exemption from civil liability, 895.483
Information and emergency planning, 323.60
Reimbursement procedures, 323.71
Interstate assistance compact, 323.80
State and province assistance compact, 323.81
Legislature continuity:
Interim succession, 13.41
Virtual meetings, 13.42
Liability exemption, providers of equipment, labor or services, 323.45
Municipalities, powers and duties, 323.14
Head of emergency management, 323.15
Liability for workers, volunteers, 323.41, 323.42
Officers, succession to office, 323.54
Temporary location during emergency, 323.52
Workers compensation responsibility for employees, volunteers, 323.40, 323.42
Mutual assistance, state of emergency, 66.0314
Peace officers, powers, 323.16
Penalties, failure to comply with orders, 323.28
Death benefits, 102.475
Restrictions, 323.25
Workers compensation responsibility, employee and volunteer, 323.40
Policy declaration, 323.01
Public health emergency:
Coroner and medical examiner reports of certain deaths, 979.012
Compulsory vaccinations, 252.041
DHS powers and duties, 250.042
Disposal of human remains, 157.055
Pharmacist reports; unusual prescription increase, potential health emergency, 440.12
Public shelters, immunity from civil liability, 323.44
Radioactive waste emergencies, strict liability, 895.065
Red Cross responsibilities, not affected, 323.01 (3)
State government:
Adjutant general:
Disaster assistance, distribution, 323.30, 323.31
Powers and duties, 323.13