An Act to repeal 66.1019 (3), 101.02 (7m), 101.02 (20), 101.02 (21), 101.02 (24), 101.12 (6) (a), 101.125 (2), 101.125 (3), 101.125 (4m), 101.14 (4m) (a) 3., 101.19 (1r), 101.957, subchapter VI (title) of chapter 101 [precedes 101.971], 101.971 (intro.) and (1), 101.971 (3) and (4), 101.973, 101.974 (intro.), (1), (2) and (3), 101.974 (5), 101.975, 101.976, 101.977, 101.978, 101.985 (4), 145.035, 145.045 (2), 145.13 and 445.08 (4); to renumber 101.12 (6) (b) and 447.055 (1) (a); to renumber and amend 101.02 (1), 101.971 (2), 101.974 (4), 440.20 (4), 440.20 (5), 445.08 (1) and 447.055 (1) (c); to amend 20.165 (2) (j), 43.09 (1), 45.44 (1) (a) 6., 45.44 (1) (a) 16., 49.857 (1) (b), 49.857 (1) (d) 7., 73.0301 (1) (d) 5., 100.21 (1) (a), 101.02 (1m), 101.02 (7r) (a), 101.02 (7r) (b) 4., 101.025 (1), 101.125 (4) (a), 101.125 (5), 101.16 (3g) (a), 101.19 (1g) (f), 101.654 (1) (c) 1., 101.84 (1), 101.951 (7) (a), 101.951 (7) (b), 101.952 (5), 101.985 (5) (a), 108.227 (1) (e) 5., 145.02 (2) (a), 145.02 (3) (f), 145.045 (3), 145.12 (4), 145.24 (1), 145.245 (7) (a), 145.26 (1), 234.49 (1) (e), 321.60 (1) (a) 7., 321.60 (1) (a) 18., 343.305 (6) (bm), 440.03 (3m), 440.03 (7), 440.03 (7m), 440.03 (11m) (a), 440.03 (13) (a), 440.03 (13) (am), 440.19, 445.04 (3) (a), 445.04 (3) (b) (intro.), 445.045 (1) (g), 446.02 (7) (d) 1., 446.02 (7) (d) 2., 447.05, 447.055 (1) (d), 448.04 (1) (i) 3. and 457.02 (5m); to repeal and recreate 20.165 (2) (j); and to create 101.02 (1) (a), 101.02 (1) (c), 101.022, 101.125 (2m), 440.20 (4) (b), 440.20 (5) (b) and 445.04 (3) (c) of the statutes; Relating to: various changes to statutes administered by the Department of Safety and Professional Services and attached credentialing boards and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority. (FE)
Date / House | Action | Journal |
1/31/2018 Asm. | Introduced by Representative Ballweg; cosponsored by Senator Kapenga, by request of Department of Safety and Professional Services | |
1/31/2018 Asm. | Read first time and referred to Committee on Regulatory Licensing Reform | |
2/8/2018 Asm. | Public hearing held | |
2/14/2018 Asm. | Fiscal estimate received | |
2/15/2018 Asm. | Executive action taken | |
2/15/2018 Asm. | Report passage recommended by Committee on Regulatory Licensing Reform, Ayes 8, Noes 0 | |
2/15/2018 Asm. | Referred to committee on Rules | |
2/15/2018 Asm. | Made a special order of business at 2:10 PM on 2-20-2018 pursuant to Assembly Resolution 26 | |
2/20/2018 Asm. | Read a second time | |
2/20/2018 Asm. | Ordered to a third reading | |
2/20/2018 Asm. | Rules suspended | |
2/20/2018 Asm. | Read a third time and passed | |
2/20/2018 Asm. | Ordered immediately messaged | |
2/21/2018 Sen. | Received from Assembly | |
3/12/2018 Sen. | Read first time and referred to committee on Senate Organization | |
3/12/2018 Sen. | Available for scheduling | |
3/15/2018 Sen. | Public hearing requirement waived by committee on Senate Organization, pursuant to Senate Rule 18 (1m), Ayes 3, Noes 2 | |
3/15/2018 Sen. | Placed on calendar 3-20-2018 pursuant to Senate Rule 18(1) | |
3/20/2018 Sen. | Read a second time | |
3/20/2018 Sen. | Ordered to a third reading | |
3/20/2018 Sen. | Rules suspended | |
3/20/2018 Sen. | Read a third time and concurred in | |
3/20/2018 Sen. | Ordered immediately messaged | |
3/21/2018 Asm. | Received from Senate concurred in | |
4/5/2018 Asm. | LRB correction | |
4/5/2018 Asm. | Report correctly enrolled on 4-5-2018 | |
4/12/2018 Asm. | Presented to the Governor on 4-12-2018 | |
4/17/2018 Asm. | Report approved by the Governor on 4-16-2018. 2017 Wisconsin Act 331 | |
4/17/2018 Asm. | Published 4-17-2018 |