Date of enactment:
November 28, 2017
2017 Senate Bill 99 Date of publication*:
November 29, 2017
An Act to create 23.173 of the statutes; relating to: designating and marking the Richard A. Grobschmidt Memorial Bridge.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
1. 23.173 of the statutes is created to read:
23.173 Richard A. Grobschmidt Memorial Bridge. (1) The department shall designate and, subject to sub. (2), mark the bridge on the Hank Aaron State Trail across the Lakeshore State Park Inlet at the north end of Lakeshore State Park in the city of Milwaukee as the “Richard A. Grobschmidt Memorial Bridge.”
(2) Upon receipt of sufficient contributions from interested parties, including any county, city, village, or town, to cover the costs of erecting and maintaining markers along the route specified in sub. (1) to clearly identify the designation of the route as the “Richard A. Grobschmidt Memorial Bridge," the department shall erect and maintain the markers. No state funds, other than from the receipt of contributions under this subsection, may be expended for the erection or maintenance of the markers.