Storm water management study for City of Burlington: DNR grant to Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission [Sec. 338d, 9133(8t)] -
Act 59WEDC loan to Marathon County Development Corporation for minority-owned businesses [Sec. 9150 (3w)] -
Act 59Register of deeds: information assigned to a document submitted for filing or recording modified; penalties eliminated re registration of farm names; condominium plat provision -
Act 102Rental unit energy efficiency standards and certification requirements eliminated; DSPS and register of deeds provisions [Sec. 1170, 1171, 1306-1312, 2221, 2226-2228, 2235-2238, 9339 (1)-(5), 9439 (1)] -
Act 59Sale of foreclosed property and recording sheriff’s deed: process expanded to property anywhere in the state; clerk of court and notice provisions -
Act 104Bible camps: property tax exemption created [Sec. 997g, 9338 (1f)] -
Act 59Building Inspector Review Board and Contractor Certification Council eliminated; duties transferred to the Uniform Dwelling Code Council; religious exemption from construction standards for one- or two-family dwellings narrowed -
Act 240Property tax exemption for churches and religious associations revised [Sec. 997em, f] -
Act 59School Safety, Office of, created in DOJ; school safety plan provisions including on-site assessment by law enforcement and annual drills; mandatory reporting of threats of violence; DOJ grants for school safety; open enrollment program expired provision eliminated; 2017 WisAct 107 tuberculosis screening requirement correction; expired or outdated DPI reporting requirements eliminated; reports and penalty provisions -
Act 143Agricultural Education and Workforce Development Council transferred from DATCP to DWD [Sec. 35, 191, 192, 401, 1238] -
Act 59College Savings Program Board transferred from DOA to DFI; College Tuition and Expenses Program provision [Sec. 34, 114-117, 148-153, 193-195, 427-434, 528, 544-547, 1015, 1016, 1017, 1019-1023, 1704-1706, 2233, 2234, 9101 (2)] -
Act 59EAB temporarily transferred to DSPS then eliminated, functions remain with DSPS [Sec. 22, 48m-52o, 68, 69d, e, 226-228, 579, 663m-704m, 733-738j, 1018, 1043, 1044, 1087, 1088, 1112, 1113, 1332, 1454, 1642, 1643, 1644, 1691, 1935-2149p, 2248m, p, 2250m, p, 2264, 9111 (1p), (1q), 9411 (1p), (1q)] [9111 (1q), 9411 (1q) -- partial veto; 9111 (1p), 9411 (1p) -- vetoed] -
Act 59Interoperability Council and statewide public safety interoperable communications system functions transferred to DMA; 911 Subcommittee created; Next Generation 911 and interagency and intra-agency appropriations; Director of Emergency Communications position created and transfer of positions from DOT to DMA; obsolete Wireless 911 grant program references repealed; report required [Sec. 34m, 39m, 169e-s, 198m, 408e, n, s, 411e-s, 416m, 480m, 527m, 547m, 1187p, 1673d-t, 1799c-w, 1892c-x, 9128 (1w), 9132 (1w)-(1yy)] -
Act 59Prosecutor Board established; State Prosecutors Office created and attached to DOA; automated justice information system and administrative rules and bills affecting the State Prosecutors Office provisions [Sec. 1e, L, 31n, 68g, 171b, c, 460r, 507g, 508f, 1712h, 1740g, 1758g, 1762s, 2261g-q, r, s, 2262c-g, 9101 (7p), 9401 (1p)] [vetoed] -
Act 59Telecommunications relay service administration transferred from DOA to PSC [Sec. 418, 1701, 1702, 9101 (4)] -
Act 59Elimination of Depository Selection Board [Sec. 31, 136, 499-502, 529, 586-591, 1703, 1931, 2212, 9101 (1)] -
Act 59Prosecutor Board established; State Prosecutors Office created and attached to DOA; automated justice information system and administrative rules and bills affecting the State Prosecutors Office provisions [Sec. 1e, L, 31n, 68g, 171b, c, 460r, 507g, 508f, 1712h, 1740g, 1758g, 1762s, 2261g-q, r, s, 2262c-g, 9101 (7p), 9401 (1p)] [vetoed] -
Act 59Administrative rule-making procedures: expedited procedure for repealing unauthorized rules; agency review of rules and legislative enactments; LRB biennial report required; retrospective economic impact analyses for existing rules -
Act 108Artificial and certain nonfederal wetlands exempt from DNR permitting requirements; DNR to apply to EPA to be delegated the authority to administer permit program for the discharge of dredge or fill material into navigable waters; wetland mitigation grant program with in lieu fee subprogram moneys established and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers provision; property development grant program established; Wetland Study Council created in DNR; reports required -
Act 183Authorized state building program for 2017-19 [Sec. 8bd-bm, 485p, r, 489m, 493m, s, 494m, 495b-y, 496d-t, 514c, d, 1851g, r, 1855m, 9104 (1)-(12)] [9104 (11), (12) -- partial veto] -
Act 59BadgerCare Plus Core: DHS to submit amendment to Medicaid waiver to provide employment and training services for childless adults, report to and approval of JCF required [Sec. 927-928d] [928d -- vetoed] -
Act 59Base budget review report: state agencies, the legislature, and the courts required to submit every even-numbered year; requirements specified -
Act 212Body-worn cameras by correctional officers: DOC report required [Sec. 9108 (2w)] -
Act 59Burial site preservation: WHS duties for recording a site in a catalog revised and procedure for contesting a decision created; contiguous land, interested persons, real estate disclosure, Burial Sites Preservation Board, and disposition of remains determined to be of tribal descent provisions; report required -
Act 222Case management services for W-2 recipient transitioning to unsubsidized employment: TANF moneys for incentive payments; DCF to report on performance on work participation rates, compliance programs with DHHS, and appeals process for certain penalties [Sec. 898, 921, 9106 (3w)] [9106 (3w) -- partial veto] -
Act 59Chief state forester: relocation of headquarters and Division of Forestry employees; report to JCF required [Sec. 9133 (2)] -
Act 59CHIPS proceeding: prohibition on appointing counsel to parent eliminated; pilot program creating parent’s right to counsel in certain counties created and SPD to run; DCF, report, and sunset provisions -
Act 253Chronic absenteeism in schools and public benefits: DCF, DPI, DHS, and DWD to collaborate on a report [Sec. 9152 (1)] -
Act 59Crime lab equipment and supplies: DOJ study on sale or transfer of required [Sec. 9128 (2p)] -
Act 59DCF grants to support foster parents and children created, report required -
Act 260Dental reimbursement pilot project in MA program: counties added under certain conditions and DHS biennial report required -
Act 344DOT study and report on consolidating state moneys for surface transportation program and replacing the funds with federal money from state highway program; request for transfer under s. 13.10 of the statutes [Sec. 359p, 9145 (4w)] [partial veto] -
Act 59DOT to eliminate positions, report required; lapse of moneys to transportation fund [Sec. 9145 (1t), 9245 (2t)] -
Act 59Drug trafficking, evidence-based substance abuse prevention, family and juvenile treatment courts, and drug treatment for inmates of county and tribal jails: grant programs established; DOJ, DHS, DCF duties; search warrant based on sworn affidavit or complaint provision -
Act 261DVA to notify JCF before transferring certain unencumbered balances; report on Veterans Trust Fund required; implementing recommendations of certain LAB audit [Sec. 739qg, qm, 9149 (1f), (1g)] [vetoed] -
Act 59Electronics and information technology manufacturing zone and tax credits: WEDC authorized to create; provisions re TIDs, sales tax exemption, environmental impact statements, wetlands and waterways permits, PSC certificates and market-based rates, grants to local governments, county bonding, town incorporation as city or village, and DNR oversight; highway bonding authorization; design-build system for public works projects; enterprise zone tax credit revisions; economic development liaison appointed by DOA; electronics manufacturing small business development director in WEDC; worker training and employment program and annual report; appeal of decisions relating specifically to the zone; job creation threshold; LAB audit required [partial veto] -
Act 58Emergency physician services and reimbursement workgroup established by DHS, report required [Sec. 9120 (5f)] [vetoed] -
Act 59Employment First initiative established for certain state agencies re competitive integrated employment for persons with disabilities, report required -
Act 178Enterprise resource planning system (STAR program) management: DOA reports of JCF and JCIPT required [Sec. 169t] [vetoed] -
Act 59Family treatment court and juvenile treatment court grant programs created; DCF report required -
Act 202FoodShare employment and training program (FSET): pilot program with implementation plan and statewide expansion proposal; outcomes report with proposed modifications required [Sec. 954-957, 964-968, 9120 (2), (2s)] [9120 (2) -- partial veto; 964d, 9120 (2s) -- vetoed] -
Act 59Forestry account expenditures: Governor's Council on Forestry to determine priorities and report along with 2019-21 biennial budget recommendations [Sec. 9133 (6r)] [vetoed] -
Act 59Goals for the UW System: Board of Regents to identify metrics to measure progress, outcomes-based funding formula and annual report to JCF required, innovation fund to increase enrollment in high-demand degree programs [Sec. 603m] [partial veto] -
Act 59Hire Heroes program created in DWD to provide transitional jobs to veterans; DVA, DCF, and DWD memorandum of understanding; funding and report provisions -
Act 195Human resources and payrolls services: DOA to administer for all executive branch agencies and independent agencies except specified agencies; general fund lapse, onsite management, and reports provisions [Sec. 73, 9101 (9), 9201 (1), 9401 (4)] [73 -- partial veto] -
Act 59Individuals pardoned or released before completing their sentences: DOC report required -
Act 369Information technology and communication services self-funded portal: report required [Sec. 172] [vetoed] -
Act 59Information technology and communication services self-funded web portal: DOA report on administration of -
Act 369Information technology and procurement services positions: DOA report to JCF required [Sec. 9101 (11q)] [vetoed] -
Act 59Information technology permanent positions converted from contractor staff: DOA report to JCF required [Sec. 9101 (11s)] [vetoed] -
Act 59Information technology study on services provided by Division of Enterprise Technology to OCI [Sec. 9101 (11c)] [vetoed] -
Act 59Inmate work opportunities, including work release programs: DOC report required [Sec. 9108 (31t)] [vetoed] -
Act 59Intensive care coordination program: reimburse hospitals and health care systems for certain services to MA recipients, report provision [Sec. 928g, 2249e, g] [vetoed] -
Act 59Interagency Council on Homelessness created; appropriation and report provisions -
Act 74Interoperability Council and statewide public safety interoperable communications system functions transferred to DMA; 911 Subcommittee created; Next Generation 911 and interagency and intra-agency appropriations; Director of Emergency Communications position created and transfer of positions from DOT to DMA; obsolete Wireless 911 grant program references repealed; report required [Sec. 34m, 39m, 169e-s, 198m, 408e, n, s, 411e-s, 416m, 480m, 527m, 547m, 1187p, 1673d-t, 1799c-w, 1892c-x, 9128 (1w), 9132 (1w)-(1yy)] -
Act 59Legislative oversight of requests from DHS for federal approval and state agency requirements; DHS to implement the Badger Care Reform waiver re childless adults and submit amendment to state's MA plan, rate change, or certain provider payments to JCF for approval; incorporates into statutes rules on controlled substance screening, testing, and treatment policy for FSET; OCI to administer WIHSP in accordance to DHHS terms and conditions; DCF reallocation or reduction of moneys in TANF schedules requires JCF approval; DWD rules on UI work search and registration waivers codified and DWD authority to establish waivers eliminated; DWD Fast Forward program appropriation split among its specific programs -
Act 370LIRC decisions: chief justice to conduct a survey and submit a report [Sec. 9142 (5f)] [vetoed] -
Act 59Low-income housing project: state income and franchise tax credit program administered by WHEDA created, report required -
Act 176Nursing home bed licenses: DHS to redistribute to 18 beds, criteria specified, report required [Sec. 9120 (5b)] [vetoed] -
Act 59OCI changes re corporate governance annual disclosure, nondisclosure of information, medical malpractice report, the Wisconsin Compensation Rating Bureau membership, and emergency rules -
Act 313Pay for success contracting: DOA may use for eligible services to individuals, conditions and JCF approval required; DHS, DOC, DCF, and DWD to study if pay for success could be used for programs they administer; reports required -
Act 267Physical medicine pilot program: DHS to study and implement if authorized by legislature [Sec. 9120 (4g)] -
Act 59PSC duties re state energy policy and regulation of public utilities; settlements in PSC dockets requirements; procedure for handling complaints of violations of the one-call system re natural gas and other hazardous materials created and other revisions, PSC duties and forfeiture provisions; treatment of certain utility facilities under county construction site erosion control and storm water management zoning ordinances; appropriation and advertising provisions -
Act 136Recommendations for elimination of occupational licenses: DSPS report required, criteria specified [Sec. 9139 (17w)] -
Act 59Restitution received by crime victims: DOJ report modified -
Act 337School district employee health care: reports required [Sec. 74m, 1623g, r] -
Act 59School Safety, Office of, created in DOJ; school safety plan provisions including on-site assessment by law enforcement and annual drills; mandatory reporting of threats of violence; DOJ grants for school safety; open enrollment program expired provision eliminated; 2017 WisAct 107 tuberculosis screening requirement correction; expired or outdated DPI reporting requirements eliminated; reports and penalty provisions -
Act 143Serious mental illness among DOC inmates: DOC report required [Sec. 9108 (22t)] [vetoed] -
Act 59Shared services pilot program created re school boards sharing administrative personnel, DPI duties, report required [Sec. 208t, 1475p] [vetoed] -
Act 59Snowmobile trail aids and supplemental trail aids increased; trail use sticker fees increased and made permanent; Snowmobile Recreational Council to study options to ensure adequate funding for development and maintenance of trails [Sec. 1900sg-x, 9133 (6f)] -
Act 59State highway program revisions re DOT project cost estimate for major highway projects and certain report to TPC, and cost-benefit analysis of certain DOT services -
Act 247State parks and recreation areas: vehicle admission and overnight camping fees revised; DNR and DOT to develop plan for a recreational passport when renewing vehicle registration, special license plate provision; cap on electric receptacles increased; FTE positions decrease re forestry and parks report [Sec. 340m, 557-565d, f, 9101 (11u), 9133 (6u), 9333 (2), 9433 (1), (2)] [9101 (11u) -- partial veto] -
Act 59Substance abuse: reporting requirements for certain credentialing boards re opioids; federal waiver re dispensing narcotics for addiction treatment; buprenorphine prior authorization review and report; counseling changes re licensing and who can offer treatment; school health instruction requirements; graduate program in psychiatric mental health nursing at UW—Madison; training resources for social service workers; DCF, DHS, and DSPS duties; administrative rules provisions [Admin.Code DHS 75.02, 75.03; MPSW 1.09; SPS 160 (title), 160.015, 160.02, 160.03, 161, 163.01, 163.02, 164.01, 165, 166, 168] -
Act 262Tolling implementation study: DOT to contract for the study, report deadline [Sec. 9145 (6b)] [vetoed] -
Act 59Traffic control signals in City of Greenfield: DOT to study need a specified intersection, report required [Sec. 9145 (8m)] -
Act 59UW faculty and instructional academic staff teaching workloads: Board of Regents must develop and implement plan and policies re monitoring and rewarding; report required, accountability dashboard provision [Sec. 604-609, 625, 626] -
Act 59