AB365-SSA3,35,44 6. The individual has exhausted any continuation coverage under subd. 5.
AB365-SSA3,35,85 (d) A person who receives and submits any of the following notices based wholly
6or partially on medical underwriting considerations within 9 months before making
7an application for coverage by the plan and issued by a person acting as an
8administrator, as defined in s. 633.01 (1):
AB365-SSA3,35,99 1. A notice of rejection of coverage from one or more insurers.
AB365-SSA3,35,1010 2. A notice of cancellation of coverage from one or more insurers.
AB365-SSA3,35,1411 3. A notice of reduction or limitation of coverage, including restrictive riders,
12from an insurer if the effect of the reduction or limitation is to substantially reduce
13coverage compared to the coverage available to a person considered a standard risk
14for the type of coverage provided by the plan.
AB365-SSA3,35,1715 4. A notice of increase in premium exceeding the premium then in effect for the
16insured person by 50 percent or more, unless the increase applies to substantially all
17of the insurer's health insurance policies then in effect.
AB365-SSA3,35,2018 5. A notice of premium for a policy not yet in effect from 2 or more insurers
19which exceeds the premium applicable to a person considered a standard risk by 50
20percent or more for the types of coverage provided by the plan.
AB365-SSA3,35,2521 (e) A person not otherwise eligible under this subsection who meets eligibility
22criteria set by the authority. The authority shall ensure that any expansion of
23eligibility is consistent with the purpose of the plan to provide health care coverage
24for those who are unable to obtain health insurance in the private market and does
25not endanger the solvency of the plan.
1(2) Resident status. (a) For purposes of eligibility under sub. (1) (a), (b), (d),
2and (e), a resident is a person who has been legally domiciled in this state for a period
3of at least 3 months. Except for any of the following circumstances, legal domicile
4is established by living in this state and obtaining a Wisconsin motor vehicle
5operator's license, registering to vote in Wisconsin, or filing a Wisconsin income tax
AB365-SSA3,36,97 1. A child is legally domiciled in this state if the child lives in this state and if
8at least one of the child's parents or the child's guardian is legally domiciled in this
AB365-SSA3,36,1310 2. A person with a developmental disability or another disability that prevents
11him or her from obtaining a Wisconsin motor vehicle operator's license, registering
12to vote in Wisconsin, or filing a Wisconsin income tax return is legally domiciled in
13this state by living in this state.
AB365-SSA3,36,1514 (b) For purposes of eligibility under sub. (1) (c), a resident is a person who
15legally resides in this state.
AB365-SSA3,36,21 16(3) Exceptions to eligibility. (a) No person who is covered under the plan and
17who voluntarily terminates the coverage under the plan is again eligible for coverage
18unless 12 months have elapsed since the person's latest voluntary termination of
19coverage under the plan. This paragraph does not apply to a person who is eligible
20under sub. (1) (c) or who terminates coverage under the plan because he or she is
21eligible to receive benefits under the Medical Assistance program.
AB365-SSA3,36,2322 (b) No person on whose behalf the plan has paid out the lifetime limit under
23s. 656.20 (2) (a) or more is eligible for coverage under the plan.
1(c) No person who is 65 years of age or older is eligible for coverage under the
2plan unless the person is eligible under sub. (1) (c) or the person has coverage under
3the plan on the date on which he or she attains the age of 65 years.
AB365-SSA3,37,94 (d) No person who is eligible for creditable coverage, other than those benefits
5specified in s. 632.745 (11) (b) 1. to 12. that are provided by an employer on a
6self-insured basis or through health insurance, is eligible for coverage under the
7plan. The board may specify, subject to approval of the commissioner, other types of
8coverage provided by an employer that do not render a person ineligible for coverage
9under the plan.
AB365-SSA3,37,1210(e) No person who is eligible for a Medical Assistance program under 42 USC
et seq. is eligible for coverage under the plan, except for a person who is eligible
12only for any of the following:
AB365-SSA3,37,1313 1. Family planning services under s. 49.45 (24s).
AB365-SSA3,37,1514 2. Care and services for the treatment of an emergency medical condition under
15s. 49.45 (27).
AB365-SSA3,37,1616 3. Medical Assistance under s. 49.46 (1) (a) 15.
AB365-SSA3,37,1717 4. Ambulatory prenatal care under s. 49.465.
AB365-SSA3,37,1918 5. Medicare premium, coinsurance, or deductible payments under s. 49.46 (2)
19(c) 2. or 3. or (cm), 49.468 (1) (b) or (c), (1m), or (2), or 49.47 (6) (a) 6. b. or c. or 6m.
AB365-SSA3,37,2520 (f) No person is eligible for coverage under the plan for whom a premium,
21deductible, or coinsurance amount is paid or reimbursed by a federal, state, county,
22or municipal government or agency during any period in which the person has
23coverage for which the premium, deductible, or coinsurance amount is paid. A
24person is not ineligible for coverage if the premium, deductible, or coinsurance
25amounts are any of the following:
11. Deductible or coinsurance amounts paid or reimbursed under ch. 47 or s.
249.68, 49.685 (8), 49.683, 49.686, or 253.05.
AB365-SSA3,38,33 2. Premium costs for health insurance subsidized under s. 252.16.
AB365-SSA3,38,5 4(4) Eligibility verification. The authority shall establish policies for
5determining and verifying continued eligibility of an eligible person.
AB365-SSA3,38,8 6(5) Open enrollment. The plan shall provide an open enrollment period once
7per year. Coverage under the plan begins on January 1 of the year immediately
8following the year of the open enrollment period.
AB365-SSA3,38,14 9656.15 Participation of insurers. (1) Participation required. Every
10insurer shall participate in the cost of administering the plan, except the
11commissioner may by rule exempt as a class those insurers whose share as
12determined under sub. (2) would be so minimal as to not exceed the estimated cost
13of levying the assessment. The commissioner shall advise the authority of the
14insurers participating in the cost of administering the plan.
AB365-SSA3,38,21 15(2) Participation share; determination. (a) Every participating insurer shall
16share in the operating, administrative, and subsidy expenses of the plan in
17proportion to the ratio of the insurer's total health care coverage revenue for
18residents of this state, as determined under s. 656.12 (2), during the preceding
19calendar year to the aggregate health care coverage revenue of all participating
20insurers for residents of this state during the preceding calendar year, as determined
21by the commissioner.
AB365-SSA3,39,222 (b) Each insurer's proportion of participation under this subsection shall be
23determined annually by the commissioner based on annual statements and other
24reports filed by the insurer with the commissioner. The commissioner shall assess
25an insurer for the insurer's proportion of participation based on the total

1assessments estimated by the authority. The insurer shall pay the amount of the
2assessment directly to the authority.
AB365-SSA3,39,83 (c) If the authority or the commissioner finds that the commissioner's authority
4to require insurers to report under chs. 600 to 646 and 655 is not adequate to permit
5the commissioner or the authority to carry out the commissioner's or authority's
6responsibilities under this subchapter, the commissioner shall promulgate rules
7requiring insurers to report the information necessary for the commissioner and
8authority to make the determinations required under this subchapter.
AB365-SSA3,39,10 9656.20 Coverage. (1) Coverage offered. (a) The plan shall offer coverage
10for each eligible person in an annually renewable policy.
AB365-SSA3,39,1311 (b) If an eligible person is also eligible for Medicare program coverage under
1242 USC 1395 et seq., the plan may not pay or reimburse any person for expenses paid
13for by the Medicare program.
AB365-SSA3,39,1614 (c) If an eligible person is eligible for coverage described under s. 656.12 (2) (e)
151. to 5., the plan may not pay or reimburse the person for expenses paid for by the
16Medical Assistance program.
AB365-SSA3,39,20 17(2) Timing of coverage. The effective date of coverage for a person who
18terminates coverage under the Medical Assistance program, applies within 45 days
19of the date of termination for coverage under the plan, and is determined to be
20eligible under s. 656.12 (1) is the date of termination of Medical Assistance coverage.
AB365-SSA3,40,3 21(3) Major medical expense coverage. (a) The plan shall provide every eligible
22person who is not eligible for the Medicare program under 42 USC 1395 et seq. major
23medical expense coverage that pays an eligible person's covered expenses, subject to
24deductible, copayment, and coinsurance payments, up to a lifetime limit per covered
25individual of $1,000,000 or a higher amount, as determined by the authority. The

1plan shall provide an alternative policy that reduces the benefits payable under this
2paragraph by the amounts paid under the Medicare program for those persons
3eligible for the Medicare program.
AB365-SSA3,40,94 (b) In addition to coverage under par. (a), the plan shall offer to all eligible
5persons who are not eligible for the Medicare program under 42 USC 1395 et seq. a
6choice of coverage that includes at least one form of coverage that is comparable to
7comprehensive health insurance coverage offered in the individual market in this
8state or that is comparable to a standard option of coverage available under the group
9or individual health insurance laws of this state.
AB365-SSA3,40,1310(c) An eligible person who is not eligible for the Medicare program under 42
11USC 1395
et seq. may elect once each year, at the time and according to the
12procedures established by the authority, among the coverages offered under pars. (a)
13and (b).
AB365-SSA3,40,17 14(4) Covered services; payment rates. The commissioner shall establish a list,
15by rule, of acute and primary care services and prescription drugs that are required
16to be covered by the plan. The authority shall establish criteria for service providers
17under the plan and payment rates for those providers.
AB365-SSA3,40,19 18(5) Plan design. (a) Subject to subs. (1) to (4), (7), and (8), the authority shall
19do all of the following:
AB365-SSA3,40,2220 1. Establish the plan design, after taking into consideration the levels of health
21insurance coverage provided in the state and medical economic factors, as
AB365-SSA3,41,223 2. Provide benefit levels, deductibles, copayment and coinsurance
24requirements, exclusions, and limitations under the plan that the authority

1determines generally reflect and are commensurate with comprehensive health
2insurance coverage offered in the private individual market in the state.
AB365-SSA3,41,43 (b) The authority may develop additional benefit designs that are responsive
4to market conditions.
AB365-SSA3,41,7 5(6) Deductible and copayment subsidies. (a) The authority shall establish and
6provide subsidies for deductibles paid by eligible persons with household incomes
7specified in s. 656.30 (2).
AB365-SSA3,41,98 (b) The authority may provide subsidies for prescription drug copayment
9amounts paid by eligible persons specified in par. (a).
AB365-SSA3,41,12 10(7) Preexisting conditions. (a) The plan may not subject an eligible person
11who obtains coverage as an enrollee under the plan to any preexisting condition
AB365-SSA3,41,1513 (b) Upon initial application of an eligible person in the plan before enrollment,
14the plan shall cover any preexisting condition of the eligible person but the coverage
15may last no longer than 12 months.
AB365-SSA3,41,23 16(8) Coordination of benefits. (a) Covered expenses under the plan may not
17include any charge for care for injury or disease for which benefits are payable
18without regard to fault under coverage that is statutorily required to be contained
19in any motor vehicle or other liability insurance policy or equivalent self-insurance,
20for which benefits are payable under a worker's compensation or similar law, or for
21which benefits are payable under another policy of health care insurance, the
22Medicare program, the Medical Assistance program, or any other governmental
23program, except as otherwise provided by law.
AB365-SSA3,42,224 (b) The authority has a cause of action against an eligible person participating
25in the plan for the recovery of the amount of benefits paid that are not for covered

1expenses under the plan. Benefits under the plan may be reduced or refused as a
2setoff against any amount recoverable under this paragraph.
AB365-SSA3,42,53 (c) The authority is subrogated to the rights of an eligible person to recover
4special damages for illness or injury to the person caused by the act of a 3rd person
5to the extent that benefits are provided under the plan.
AB365-SSA3,42,8 6656.23 Premiums. (1) Percentage of costs. Except as provided in sub. (2),
7the authority shall set premium rates for coverage under the plan at a level that is
8sufficient to cover 60 percent of plan costs, as provided in s. 656.27 (1).
AB365-SSA3,42,10 9(2) Limitation. In no event may plan premium rates exceed 200 percent of rates
10applicable to individual standard risks.
AB365-SSA3,42,12 11(3) State funds. Any state funds received for premium support shall be used
12to offset premium costs for persons covered under the plan.
AB365-SSA3,42,18 13656.25 Provider payment rates. (1) Establishment of rates. The authority
14shall establish provider payment rates for covered expenses that consist of the usual
15and customary payment rates, as determined by the authority, for the services and
16articles provided plus an adjustment determined by the authority. The adjustments
17to the usual and customary rates shall be sufficient to cover the portion of plan costs
18specified in s. 656.27 (1) (c) and (2) (b).
AB365-SSA3,42,24 19(2) Payment is payment in full. Except for copayments, coinsurance, or
20deductibles required or authorized under the plan, a provider of a covered service or
21article shall accept as payment in full for the covered service or article the payment
22rate determined under sub. (1) and may not bill an eligible person who receives the
23service or article for any amount by which the charge for the service or article is
24reduced under sub. (1).
1656.27 Payment of plan costs. (1) Costs excluding subsidies. The authority
2shall pay plan costs, excluding any premium, deductible, and copayment subsidies,
3first from any federal funds under s. 656.10 (2) (a) 3. that exceed premium,
4deductible, and copayment subsidy costs in a policy year. The remainder of the plan
5costs, excluding premium, deductible, and copayment subsidy costs, shall be paid as
AB365-SSA3,43,77 (a) Sixty percent from premiums paid by eligible persons.
AB365-SSA3,43,88 (b) Twenty percent from insurer assessments under s. 656.15.
AB365-SSA3,43,109 (c) Twenty percent from adjustments to provider payment rates under s.
AB365-SSA3,43,14 11(2) Subsidy costs. The authority shall pay for premium, deductible, and
12copayment subsidies in a policy year first from any federal funds under s. 656.10 (2)
13(a) 3. received in that year. The remainder of the subsidy costs shall be paid as
AB365-SSA3,43,1515 (a) Fifty percent from insurer assessments under s. 656.15.
AB365-SSA3,43,1616 (b) Fifty percent from adjustments to provider payment rates under s. 656.25.
AB365-SSA3,43,19 17656.30 Reductions in premiums for low-income eligible persons. (1)
In this section, “household income” means household income, as defined
19in s. 71.52 (5), and as determined under sub. (3).
AB365-SSA3,43,21 20(2) Premium reduction. Subject to sub. (3), the authority shall reduce the
21premiums established under s. 656.23 for eligible persons by the following amounts.
AB365-SSA3,43,2322 1. If the household income is $0 or more but less than $10,000, by at least 30
AB365-SSA3,43,2524 2. If the household income is $10,000 or more but less than $14,000, by at least
2525 percent.
13. If the household income is $14,000 or more but less than $17,000, by at least
220 percent.
AB365-SSA3,44,43 4. If the household income is $17,000 or more but less than $20,000, by at least
415 percent.
AB365-SSA3,44,65 5. If the household income is $20,000 or more but less than $34,000, by at least
610 percent.
AB365-SSA3,44,9 7(3) Determining household income. (a) Subject to par. (b), the authority shall
8establish and implement the method for determining the household income of an
9eligible person.
AB365-SSA3,44,1210 (b) In determining the household income of an eligible person, the authority
11shall consider information submitted by an eligible person on a completed federal
12profit or loss from farming form, schedule F, if all of the following apply:
AB365-SSA3,44,1313 1. The person is a farmer, as defined in s. 102.04 (3).
AB365-SSA3,44,1514 2. The person was not eligible to claim the homestead credit under subch. VIII
15of ch. 71 in the preceding taxable year.
AB365-SSA3,44,1816 (c) The authority may approve adjustment of the household income dollar
17amounts listed in sub. (2) to reflect changes in the consumer price index for all urban
18consumers, U.S. city average, as determined by the U.S. department of labor.
AB365-SSA3,44,19 19656.32 Contents of plan. The plan shall include all of the following:
AB365-SSA3,44,21 20(1) Subject to s. 656.27, a rating plan calculated in accordance with generally
21accepted actuarial principles.
AB365-SSA3,44,23 22(2) Procedures for applicants and participants to have grievances reviewed by
23an impartial body.
1656.35 Chapters 600 to 645 applicable. Except as explicitly provided in this
2subchapter, the plan shall comply and be administered in compliance with chs. 600
3to 645.
AB365-SSA3,45,64 suBchapter III
5 health insurance risk-sharing
6 plan authority
AB365-SSA3,45,12 7656.41 Creation and organization of authority. (1) Creation; board.
8There is created a public body corporate and polity to be known as the “Health
9Insurance Risk-Sharing Plan Authority.” The board of directors of the authority
10shall consist of the commissioner of insurance, or his or her designee, as a nonvoting
11member, and all of the following members, who shall be nominated by the governor,
12and with the advice and consent of the senate appointed:
AB365-SSA3,45,1313 (a) Four members who represent insurers participating in the plan.
AB365-SSA3,45,1514 (b) Four members who represent health care providers, including all of the
AB365-SSA3,45,1616 1. One representative of the Wisconsin Medical Society.
AB365-SSA3,45,1717 2. One representative of the Wisconsin Hospital Association.
AB365-SSA3,45,1818 3. One representative of the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin.
AB365-SSA3,45,2019 4. One representative of health care providers that provide services to persons
20with coverage under the plan.
AB365-SSA3,45,2121 (c) Five other members, including all of the following:
AB365-SSA3,45,2322 1. At least one member who represents small businesses that purchase private
23health insurance.
AB365-SSA3,45,2524 2. At least one member who is a professional consumer advocate who is familiar
25with the plan.