(6) (cb)
Environmental aids — compensation for well contamination
8and abandonment. As a continuing appropriation,
from the environmental fund, the
9amounts in the schedule to pay compensation under s. 281.75.”.
(1) (gc)
Administration of transit authority taxes. From the moneys
15received from the appropriation account under s. 20.835 (4) (gc), the amounts in the
16schedule for the purpose of administering the transit authority taxes imposed under
17s. 77.708. Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), at the end of the fiscal year the
18unencumbered balance in this appropriation account shall be transferred to the
19appropriation account under s. 20.835 (4) (gc).”.
(1) (cf)
State aid for public safety. A sum sufficient to make payments
23to counties or municipalities under s. 79.036.”.
(4) (gc)
Transit authority taxes. All moneys received from the taxes
3imposed under s. 77.708, and from the appropriation account under s. 20.566 (1) (gc),
4for the purpose of distribution to the transit authorities that adopt a resolution
5imposing taxes under subch. V of ch. 77, except that 1.5 percent of those tax revenues
6collected under subch. V of ch. 77 shall be credited to the appropriation account under
7s. 20.566 (1) (gc).”.
(3m) Climate change information. The department shall publish, in
15the Wisconsin Natural Resources Magazine and on the department's website,
16information relating to the scientific consensus that climate change is caused by
17human activity and is a threat to economic and global security.”.
(3) (b) On the dates specified and to the extent to which they are
23available, subject to s. 16.53 (10), funds payable to local governments under ss.
79.036, 79.04, 79.05, 79.08, and 79.10 shall be considered local funds and,
1pursuant to the instructions of local officials, may be paid into the separate accounts
2of all local governments established in the local government pooled-investment fund
3and, pursuant to the instructions of local officials, to the extent to which they are
4available, be disbursed or invested.”.
(11) Any housing authority created under ss. 66.1201 to 66.1211;
10redevelopment authority created under s. 66.1333; community development
11authority created under s. 66.1335; local cultural arts district created under subch.
12V of ch. 229, subject to s. 229.844 (4) (c);
or local exposition district created under
13subch. II of ch. 229
; or transit authority created under s. 66.1039.”.
(1) (a) Except as provided under par. (b), a county board of supervisors
17or a county highway committee when so authorized by the county board of
18supervisors, a city council, a village board, a town board, a sewerage commission
19governing a metropolitan sewerage district created by ss. 200.05 or 200.21 to 200.65,
20the secretary of transportation, a commission created by contract under s. 66.0301,
21a joint local water authority created by contract under s. 66.0823,
a transit authority
22created under s. 66.1039, a housing authority under ss. 66.1201 to 66.1211, a local
23exposition district created under subch. II of ch. 229, a local cultural arts district
24created under subch. V of ch. 229, a redevelopment authority under s. 66.1333 or a
1community development authority under s. 66.1335 shall make an order providing
2for the laying out, relocation and improvement of the public highway, street, alley,
3storm and sanitary sewers, watercourses, water transmission and distribution
4facilities, mass transit facilities, airport, or other transportation facilities, gas or
5leachate extraction systems to remedy environmental pollution from a solid waste
6disposal facility, housing project, redevelopment project, cultural arts facilities,
7exposition center or exposition center facilities which shall be known as the
8relocation order. This order shall include a map or plat showing the old and new
9locations and the lands and interests required. A copy of the order shall, within 20
10days after its issue, be filed with the county clerk of the county wherein the lands are
11located or, in lieu of filing a copy of the order, a plat may be filed or recorded in
12accordance with s. 84.095.
(2) The petitioner shall determine necessity if application is by the state
15or any commission, department, board or other branch of state government or by a
16city, village, town, county, school district, board, commission, public officer,
17commission created by contract under s. 66.0301, joint local water authority under
18s. 66.0823,
transit authority created under s. 66.1039, redevelopment authority
19created under s. 66.1333, local exposition district created under subch. II of ch. 229,
20local cultural arts district created under subch. V of ch. 229, housing authority
21created under ss. 66.1201 to 66.1211 or for the right-of-way of a railroad up to 100
22feet in width, for a telegraph, telephone or other electric line, for the right-of-way
23for a gas pipeline, main or service or for easements for the construction of any
24elevated structure or subway for railroad purposes.”.
(28) “Employer" means the state, including each state agency, any
4county, city, village, town, school district, other governmental unit or
5instrumentality of 2 or more units of government now existing or hereafter created
6within the state, any federated public library system established under s. 43.19
7whose territory lies within a single county with a population of 500,000 or more, a
8local exposition district created under subch. II of ch. 229,
a transit authority created
9under s. 66.1039, and a long-term care district created under s. 46.2895, except as
10provided under ss. 40.51 (7) and 40.61 (3). “Employer" does not include a local
11cultural arts district created under subch. V of ch. 229. Each employer shall be a
12separate legal jurisdiction for OASDHI purposes.”.
(2m) (g) Each month, the department shall perform water quality testing
16at the veterans homes and publish the results of the water quality testing on its
17Internet site.”.
(23) (a) The department shall request a waiver from the secretary of the
21federal department of health and human services to permit the department to
22conduct a demonstration project to provide health care coverage to adults who are
23under the age of 65, who have family incomes not to exceed
100 133 percent of the
24poverty line
before application of the 5 percent income disregard under 42 CFR
1435.603 (d), except as provided in s. 49.471 (4g), and who are not otherwise eligible
2for medical assistance under this subchapter, the Badger Care health care program
3under s. 49.665, or Medicare under
42 USC 1395 et seq.”.
(1) (cr) “Enhanced federal medical assistance percentage" means a
7federal medical assistance percentage described under
42 USC 1396d (y) or (z).
8Section 933r. 49.471 (4) (a) 4. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) (a) 4. b.
Except as provided in sub. (4g), the individual's family
10income does not exceed
100 133 percent of the poverty line
before application of the
115 percent income disregard under 42 CFR 435.603 (d).
(4g) Medicaid expansion; federal medical assistance percentage. (a)
14For services provided to individuals described under sub. (4) (a) 4. and s. 49.45 (23),
15the department shall comply with all federal requirements to qualify for the highest
16available enhanced federal medical assistance percentage. The department shall
17submit any amendment to the state medical assistance plan, request for a waiver of
18federal Medicaid law, or other approval request required by the federal government
19to provide services to the individuals described under sub. (4) (a) 4. and s. 49.45 (23)
20and qualify for the highest available enhanced federal medical assistance
(b) If the department does not qualify for an enhanced federal medical
23assistance percentage, or if the enhanced federal medical assistance percentage
24obtained by the department is lower than printed in federal law as of July 1, 2013,
1for individuals eligible under sub. (4) (a) 4. or s. 49.45 (23), the department shall
2submit to the joint committee on finance a fiscal analysis comparing the cost to
3maintain coverage for adults who are not pregnant and not elderly with family
4incomes up to 133 percent of the poverty line to the cost of limiting eligibility to those
5adults with family incomes up to 100 percent of the poverty line. The department
6may reduce income eligibility for adults who are not pregnant and not elderly from
7family incomes of up to 133 percent of the poverty line to family incomes of up to 100
8percent of the poverty line only if this reduction in income eligibility levels is
9approved by the joint committee on finance.”.
(1) (bn) “Shoreland setback area" means an area in a shoreland that is
13within a certain distance of the ordinary high-water mark in which the construction
14or placement of
buildings or structures has been limited or prohibited under an
15ordinance enacted under this section.
(1u) (a) Restrictions that are applicable to damaged or destroyed
2nonconforming structures and that are contained in an ordinance enacted under this
3section may not prohibit the restoration of a nonconforming structure if the structure
4will be restored to the size, subject to par. (b), location and use that it had
5immediately before the damage or destruction occurred or impose any limits on the
6costs of the repair, reconstruction or improvement if all of the following apply:
1. The nonconforming structure was damaged or destroyed after October 14,
2. The damage or destruction was caused by violent wind, vandalism, fire,
10flood, ice, snow, mold, or infestation.
(b) An ordinance enacted under this section to which par. (a) applies shall allow
12for the size of a structure to be larger than the size it was immediately before the
13damage or destruction if necessary for the structure to comply with applicable state
14or federal requirements.
15Section 982kn. 59.692 (2m) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
(2m) (a) In this subsection:
1. “Development regulations" means the part of a shoreland zoning ordinance
18enacted under this section that applies to elements including setback, height, lot
19coverage, and side yard.
2. “Nonconforming structure" means a dwelling or other building that existed
21lawfully before the current zoning ordinance was enacted or amended, but that does
22not conform with one or more of the development regulations in the current
23shoreland zoning ordinance.
(b) A county may not enact, and a county, city, or village may not enforce, a
25provision in a county shoreland zoning ordinance that does any of the following:
11. Regulates the location, maintenance, expansion, replacement, repair, or
2relocation of a nonconforming structure if that provision is more restrictive than the
3shoreland zoning standards for nonconforming structures promulgated by the
4department under this section.
2. Regulates the construction of a structure or building on a substandard lot
6if that provision is more restrictive than the shoreland zoning standards for
7substandard lots promulgated by the department under this section.
(4) (b) Variances and appeals regarding shorelands within a county are
10for the board of adjustment for that county under s. 59.694, and the procedures of
11that section apply.
Notwithstanding s. 59.694 (4), the department may not appeal
12a decision of the county to grant or deny a variance under this section but may, upon
13the request of a county board of adjustment, issue an opinion on whether a variance
14should be granted or denied.
Section 982pme. 61.353 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (intro.) A village ordinance enacted under this section shall
20and be consistent with the requirements and limitations under s. 59.692 (1d), (1f),
21and (1k) and shall include at least all of the following provisions:
(3) (cm) 1. A provision requiring a person who owns shoreland property
24that contains vegetation to maintain that vegetation in a vegetative buffer zone
1along the entire shoreline of the property and extending 35 feet inland from the
2ordinary high-water mark of the navigable water, except as provided in subd. 2.
2. If the vegetation in a vegetative buffer zone contains invasive species or dead
4or diseased vegetation, the owner of the shoreland property may remove the
5vegetation, except that if the owner removes all of the vegetation in the vegetative
6buffer zone, the owner shall establish a vegetative buffer zone with new vegetation.
(3) (dm) A provision allowing a person who is required to maintain or
9establish a vegetative buffer zone under par. (cm) to remove all of the vegetation in
10a part of that zone in order to establish a viewing or access corridor that is no greater
11than 30 feet wide for every 100 feet of shoreline frontage and that extends no more
12than 35 feet inland from the ordinary high-water mark.”.
(3) (intro.) A city ordinance enacted under this section shall
accord and
16be consistent with the requirements and limitations under s. 59.692 (1d), (1f), and
17(1k) and shall include at least all of the following provisions:
(3) (cm) 1. A provision requiring a person who owns shoreland property
20that contains vegetation to maintain that vegetation in a vegetative buffer zone
21along the entire shoreline of the property and extending 35 feet inland from the
22ordinary high-water mark of the navigable water, except as provided in subd. 2.
2. If the vegetation in a vegetative buffer zone contains invasive species or dead
24or diseased vegetation, the owner of the shoreland property may remove the
1vegetation, except that if the owner removes all of the vegetation in the vegetative
2buffer zone, the owner shall establish a vegetative buffer zone with new vegetation.