10Section 9. 48.66 (2m) (bm) of the statutes is repealed.
11Section 10. 48.66 (2m) (cm) of the statutes is repealed.
12Section 11. 48.67 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
1348.67 Rules governing child welfare agencies, secured residential care
14centers for children and youth, child care centers, foster homes, group
15homes, shelter care facilities, and county departments. (intro.) The
16department shall promulgate rules establishing minimum requirements for the
17issuance of licenses to, and establishing standards for the operation of, child welfare
secured residential care centers for children and youth, child care centers,
19foster homes, group homes, shelter care facilities, and county departments. Those
20rules shall be designed to protect and promote the health, safety, and welfare of the
21children in the care of all licensees. The department shall consult with the
22department of safety and professional services, the department of public instruction,
23and the child abuse and neglect prevention board
, and, for rules pertaining to
24secured residential care centers for children and youth, the department of
25corrections before promulgating those rules. For foster homes, those rules shall
1include the rules promulgated under s. 48.62 (8). Those rules shall include rules that
2require all of the following:
3Section 12. 48.67 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (c) That all staff members of a shelter care facility
or a secured
5residential care center for children and youth who provide care and supervision for
6children have current proficiency in the use of an automated external defibrillator,
7as defined in s. 256.15 (1) (cr), achieved through instruction provided by an
8individual, organization, or institution of higher education that is approved under
9s. 46.03 (38) to provide such instruction or through instruction obtained in
10connection with military service, as defined in s. 111.32 (12g), if the staff member or
11shelter care facility demonstrates to the satisfaction of the department that the
12instruction obtained in that connection is substantially equivalent to the instruction
13provided by a person approved under s. 46.03 (38), and that all shelter care facilities
14have readily available on the premises of the shelter care facility a staff member or
15other person who has that proficiency.
16Section 13. 48.67 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5) That all child welfare agencies that operate a residential care center
18for children and youth, all group homes,
all secured residential care centers for
19children and youth, and all shelter care facilities employ on the site of the center,
20group home, or shelter care facility at all times a staff member designated as an
21out-of-home care provider for purposes of making decisions concerning the
22participation of a child placed in the center, group home, or shelter care facility in age
23or developmentally appropriate activities. Those rules shall also require an
24out-of-home care provider so designated to receive training in knowledge and skills
25relating to the use of the reasonable and prudent parent standard in making
1decisions concerning a child's participation in age or developmentally appropriate
2activities. In addition, those rules shall require an out-of-home care provider so
3trained to make reasonable and prudent parenting decisions in accordance with the
4reasonable and prudent parent standard.
5Section 14. 48.715 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
(6) The department shall deny, suspend, restrict, refuse to renew, or
7otherwise withhold a license under s. 48.66 (1) (a) or a probationary license under s.
848.69 to operate a child welfare agency,
secured residential care center for children
9and youth, group home, shelter care facility, or child care center
, and the department
10of corrections shall deny, suspend, restrict, refuse to renew, or otherwise withhold a
11license under s. 48.66 (1) (b) to operate a secured residential care center for children
12and youth, for failure of the applicant or licensee to pay court-ordered payments of
13child or family support, maintenance, birth expenses, medical expenses, or other
14expenses related to the support of a child or former spouse or for failure of the
15applicant or licensee to comply, after appropriate notice, with a subpoena or warrant
16issued by the department or a county child support agency under s. 59.53 (5) and
17related to paternity or child support proceedings, as provided in a memorandum of
18understanding entered into under s. 49.857. Notwithstanding s. 48.72, an action
19taken under this subsection is subject to review only as provided in the memorandum
20of understanding entered into under s. 49.857 and not as provided in s. 48.72.
21Section 15. 48.981 (1) (cu) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (cu) “Juvenile correctional officer" means a person employed by the
23state, a political subdivision of the state, a child welfare agency that is licensed under
24s. 48.66 (1)
(b) (a), or a private entity contracting under s. 938.222 whose principal
1duty is the supervision of juveniles held in a juvenile detention facility, a juvenile
2correctional facility, or a secured residential care center for children and youth.
3Section 16. 49.857 (1) (d) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (d) 3. A license issued under s. 48.66 (1) (a)
or (b).
5Section 17. 73.0301 (1) (d) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (d) 2. A license issued by the department of children and families
7under s. 48.66 (1) (a) to a child welfare agency,
secured residential care center for
8children and youth, group home, shelter care facility, or child care center, as required
9by s. 48.60,
48.605, 48.625, 48.65, or 938.22 (7).
10Section 18. 108.227 (1) (e) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (e) 2. A license issued by the department of children and families
12under s. 48.66 (1) (a) to a child welfare agency,
secured residential care center for
13children and youth, group home, shelter care facility, or child care center, as required
14by s. 48.60,
48.605, 48.625, 48.65, or 938.22 (7).
15Section 19. 301.20 (title) of the statutes is repealed.
16Section 20. 301.20 of the statutes is renumbered 301.26 (2) (b) and amended
17to read:
(2) (b)
The department, with the approval of the governor, may purchase
19or accept a gift of land for a suitable site for an additional training school for
20delinquent boys and erect and equip such buildings as it considers necessary at such
21time as funds may be allocated for that purpose by the building commission. The
22training school or other additional facilities for delinquent boys financed by the
23authorized 1965-67 building program shall be located north of a line between La
24Crosse and Manitowoc. The department shall operate and maintain the
institution 25Type 1 juvenile correctional facility financed by the authorized 1965-67 building
1program and located in Irma, Lincoln County, for the treatment of
delinquent boys 2juveniles who are
adjudged delinquent and placed under the supervision of the
3department under s. 938.34 (4h) or (4m).
4(d) All laws pertaining to the care of juveniles received under s. 938.34 shall
to a facility that is contracted for, maintained, or operated by the department
6under this subsection. Officers and employees of the
institution facility are subject
7to the same laws as apply to other facilities described in s. 938.52.
8Section 21. 301.26 (2) (title) and (a) of the statutes are created to read:
(2) (title)
Juvenile correctional facilities. (a) In this subsection:
1. “Type 1 juvenile correctional facility” has the meaning given under s. 938.02
2. “Type 2 residential care center for children and youth” has the meaning given
13under s. 938.02 (19r).
14Section 22. 301.26 (2) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
(2) (c) The department shall, under s. 301.08 (1) (b) 3., contract for the
16supervision, maintenance, and operation of a residential care center for children and
17youth, which the department shall designate as a Type 2 residential care center for
18children and youth, and a Type 1 juvenile correctional facility to be located in the
19same building or set of buildings in a county with a population of 750,000 or more.
20Section 23. 938.02 (15g) of the statutes is amended to read:
(15g) “Secured residential care center for children and youth" means
22a residential care center for children and youth operated by a child welfare agency
23that is licensed under s. 48.66 (1)
(b) (a) to hold in secure custody persons adjudged
25Section 24. 938.22 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (a)
Subject to s. 48.66 (1) (b), the The county board of supervisors of
2a county may establish a juvenile detention facility in accordance with ss. 301.36 and
3301.37 or the county boards of supervisors for 2 or more counties may jointly
4establish a juvenile detention facility in accordance with ss. 46.20, 301.36, and
5301.37. The county board of supervisors of a county may establish a shelter care
6facility in accordance with ss. 48.576 and 48.578 or the county boards of supervisors
7for 2 or more counties may jointly establish a shelter care facility in accordance with
8ss. 46.20, 48.576, and 48.578. A private entity may establish a juvenile detention
9facility in accordance with ss. 301.36 and 301.37 and contract with one or more
10county boards of supervisors under s. 938.222 to hold juveniles in the private juvenile
11detention facility.”.