AB748-SA2,73,4 440. At the appropriate places, insert all of the following:
AB748-SA2,73,5 5 Section 81. 20.445 (1) (gs) of the statutes is created to read:
AB748-SA2,73,76 20.445 (1) (gs) Wage claim surcharges. All moneys received from surcharges
7collected under s. 109.11 (4), for the administration of ch. 109.
AB748-SA2,82 8Section 82. 103.34 (6) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB748-SA2,73,119 103.34 (6) (d) A traveling sales crew worker who is owed compensation may file
10a wage claim with the department under s. 109.09 (1) (a) or may bring an action
11under s. 109.03 (5) without first filing a wage claim with the department.
AB748-SA2,83 12Section 83. 103.35 of the statutes is renumbered 103.35 (2) and amended to
AB748-SA2,74,214 103.35 (2) No state office, department, board, examining board, affiliated
15credentialing board, commission, council or independent agency in the executive
16branch, the legislature or the courts may, as a condition for receiving an occupational
17or professional certificate, license, permit or registration, require the submission of
18information by the applicant which is not essential for the determination of
19agency may require an applicant for issuance or renewal of a license to submit any
20information that is not essential for the licensing agency to determine the applicant's

21eligibility for the issuance or renewal of the certificate, license, permit or
22registration. Information which
. A licensing agency may request information that
23is not essential for the licensing agency to determine an applicant's eligibility for
24issuance or renewal may be requested of a license, but the licensing agency shall

1notify the
applicant shall be notified in a prominent place on or accompanying the
2request that she or he is not required to provide such information.
AB748-SA2,84 3Section 84. 103.35 (1) of the statutes is created to read:
AB748-SA2,74,44 103.35 (1) In this section:
AB748-SA2,74,65 (a) “License" means an occupational or professional certificate, license, permit,
6or registration.
AB748-SA2,74,97 (b) “Licensing agency" means a state office, department, board, examining
8board, affiliated credentialing board, commission, council, or independent agency in
9the executive branch, the legislature, or the courts.
AB748-SA2,85 10Section 85. 103.35 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
AB748-SA2,74,1911 103.35 (3) A licensing agency shall require an applicant for issuance or renewal
12of a license to disclose whether there are any judgments under s. 109.03 (5) or 109.09
13(1) against the applicant that the applicant has not paid. A licensing agency shall
14use the circuit court automated information systems established under s. 758.19 (4)
15to verify the applicant's disclosure. If there are any judgments under s. 109.03 (5)
16or 109.09 (1) against the applicant that the applicant has not paid, the licensing
17agency shall determine that the applicant is ineligible for issuance or renewal of the
18license, unless the applicant demonstrates that the applicant has the willingness
19and ability to pay the judgment.
AB748-SA2,86 20Section 86. 103.40 of the statutes is created to read:
AB748-SA2,75,3 21103.40 Terms of employment; disclosure statement. (1) Disclosure
22statement required.
An employer shall provide an employee with a written
23statement disclosing the terms of employment at the time the employee is hired, on
24January 1 of each year in which the employee is employed by the employer, and not
25less than 7 days before the effective date of any change in the terms of employment.

1The written disclosure statement shall be in English and, if the employee has limited
2English proficiency, in the employee's native language. The written disclosure
3statement shall include all of the following information:
AB748-SA2,75,44 (a) The full name, mailing address, and telephone number of the employer.
AB748-SA2,75,75 (b) The remuneration to be paid to the employee, the frequency of payment of
6that remuneration, and, if that remuneration is paid as an hourly wage, the hourly
7basic rate of pay to be paid to the employee.
AB748-SA2,75,118 (c) The circumstances under which the employee will be paid at a rate that is
9higher than the hourly basic rate of pay for working in excess of an established
10number of hours per day, per week, or per month or for working on designated nights,
11weekends, or holidays.
AB748-SA2,75,1712 (d) A description of any other economic benefits that the employer will provide,
13including health insurance benefits, paid sick leave, vacation pay, holiday pay,
14pension or other retirement benefits, personal protective equipment that is required
15for the performance of the employee's work, worker's compensation coverage, or
16unemployment insurance, whether an employee contribution will be required for
17those benefits, and, if so, the amount of that employee contribution.
AB748-SA2,75,20 18(2) Waiver prohibited. Any agreement between an employer and an employee
19purporting to waive or modify the written disclosure statement requirement under
20sub. (1) or any term of employment specified in such a statement is void.
AB748-SA2,75,25 21(3) Noncompliance; enforcement. (a) Any employer that fails to provide a
22written disclosure statement to an employee as required under sub. (1) or that fails
23to comply with the terms of employment specified in a written disclosure statement
24provided to an employee under sub. (1) is liable to the employee for all of the
11. All actual damages, including any wage claim or wage deficiency, sustained
2by the employee as a result of the employer's failure to provide that statement or to
3comply with those terms.
AB748-SA2,76,74 2. Liquidated damages of not more than $50 for each working day that the
5employer fails to provide that statement or to comply with those terms or, if
6applicable, the increased wages payable under s. 109.11 (2) (a) or (b), whichever is
AB748-SA2,76,88 3. Reasonable costs and attorney fees, notwithstanding s. 814.04.
AB748-SA2,76,149 (b) In addition to the liability specified in par. (a) 1. to 3., the department or the
10circuit court may order an employer that fails to provide a written disclosure
11statement to an employee as required under sub. (1) or that fails to comply with the
12terms of employment specified in a written disclosure statement provided to an
13employee under sub. (1) to take such action as will effectuate the purpose of this
AB748-SA2,76,1915 (c) An employee who is affected by a violation of par. (a) may file a wage claim
16with the department under s. 109.09 (1) (a) or may bring an action under s. 109.03
17(5) without first filing a wage claim with the department under s. 109.09 (1) (a).
18Section 111.322 applies to any discharge or other discriminatory acts arising in
19connection with any proceeding under this section.
AB748-SA2,87 20Section 87. 109.01 (3m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB748-SA2,76,2521 109.01 (3m) “Wage claim" includes a claim under s. 103.40 (3) (c) that an
22employer has failed to provide a written disclosure statement to an employee as
23required under s. 103.40 (1) or has failed to comply with the terms of employment
24specified in a written disclosure statement provided to an employee under s. 103.40
1Section 88. 109.03 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB748-SA2,77,142 109.03 (5) Enforcement. Except as provided in sub. (1), no employer may by
3special contract with employees or by any other means secure exemption from this
4section. Each employee shall have a right of action against any employer for the full
5amount of the employee's wages due on each regular pay day as provided in this
6section and for interest on that amount and increased wages as provided in s. 109.11
7(2), in any court of competent jurisdiction. An employee may bring an action under
8this subsection on his or her own behalf and on behalf of other employees similarly
9situated who consent in writing to being parties to the action. Such a consent shall
10be filed with the court.
An employee may bring an action against an employer under
11this subsection without first filing a wage claim with the department under s. 109.09
12(1) (a). An employee who brings an action against an employer under this subsection
13shall have a lien upon all property of the employer, real or personal, located in this
14state as described in s. 109.09 (2).
AB748-SA2,89 15Section 89. 109.09 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 2017 Wisconsin Act 59,
16is renumbered 109.09 (1) (a) and amended to read:
AB748-SA2,78,217 109.09 (1) (a) The department shall investigate and attempt equitably to adjust
18controversies between employers and employees as to alleged wage claims. An
19employee may file a wage claim under this paragraph on his or her own behalf and
20on behalf of other employees similarly situated who consent in writing to being
21parties to the claim. Such a consent shall be filed with the department.
22department may receive and investigate any wage claim that is filed with the
23department, or received by the department under s. 109.10 (4), no later than 2 4
24years after the date the wages are due. The department may, after After receiving
25a wage claim, the department may investigate any wages due from the employer

1against whom the claim is filed to any employee during the period commencing 2
24 years before the date the claim is filed.
AB748-SA2,78,13 3(b) The department shall enforce this chapter and s. 66.0903, 2013 stats., s.
4103.49, 2013 stats., s. 229.8275, 2013 stats., and s. 16.856, 2015 stats., and ss. 103.02,
5103.40, 103.82, and 104.12. In pursuance of this duty, the department may sue the
6employer on behalf of the employee to collect any wage claim or wage deficiency and
7ss. 109.03 (6) and 109.11 (2) and (3) shall apply to such actions. Except for actions
8under s. 109.10, the department may refer such an action to the district attorney of
9the county in which the violation occurs occurred for prosecution and collection and
10the district attorney shall commence an action in the circuit court having appropriate
11jurisdiction. Any number of wage claims or wage deficiencies against the same
12employer may be joined in a single proceeding, but the court may order separate
13trials or hearings.
AB748-SA2,78,18 14(c) In actions that are referred to a district attorney under this subsection par.
, any taxable costs recovered by the district attorney shall be paid into the general
16fund of the county in which the violation occurs and used by that county to meet its
17financial responsibility under s. 978.13 (2) (b) for the operation of the office of the
18district attorney who prosecuted the action.
AB748-SA2,90 19Section 90. 109.09 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB748-SA2,78,2420 109.09 (2) (a) The department of workforce development, under its authority
21under sub. (1) (b) to maintain actions for the benefit of employees, or an employee
22who brings an action under s. 109.03 (5) shall have a lien upon all property of the
23employer, real or personal, located in this state for the full amount of any wage claim
24or wage deficiency.
AB748-SA2,91 25Section 91. 109.09 (2) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
1109.09 (2) (b) 3. The department of workforce development or employee must
2file the notice under subd. 1. or 2. within 2 4 years after the date on which the wages
3were due. The notice shall specify the nature of the claim and the amount claimed,
4describe the property upon which the claim is made, and state that the person filing
5the notice claims a lien on that property.
AB748-SA2,92 6Section 92. 109.09 (2) (c) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB748-SA2,79,167 109.09 (2) (c) 2. Except as provided in this subdivision, a lien under par. (a) does
8not take precedence over a lien of a commercial lending institution against the
9employer that originates before the lien under par. (a) takes effect. Subject to subd.
103., a lien under par. (a) takes precedence over a lien of a commercial lending
11institution against the employer that originates before the lien under par. (a) takes
12effect only as to the first $3,000 of unpaid wages covered under the lien that are
13earned by an employee within the 6 months preceding the date on which the
14employee files the wage claim under sub. (1) (a) or brings the action under s. 109.03
15(5) or the date on which the department receives the wage claim under s. 109.10 (4)
16(a), whichever is applicable.
AB748-SA2,93 17Section 93. 109.11 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB748-SA2,79,18 18109.11 (title) Penalties and surcharge.
AB748-SA2,94 19Section 94. 109.11 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB748-SA2,79,2520 109.11 (1) (a) In adjusting a controversy between an employer and an employee
21as to an alleged wage claim filed with the department under s. 109.09 (1) (a), the
22department may compromise and settle that wage claim for such sum as may be
23agreed upon between the department, the employee, and the employer plus interest
24on that sum at the rate of 2 percent per month for each month that the wages were
25due and unpaid and the surcharge specified in sub. (4)
1Section 95. 109.11 (1) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 109.11 (1) (b) 1. and
2amended to read:
AB748-SA2,80,123 109.11 (1) (b) 1. If the department finds that a wage claim is valid, the
4department may instruct the employer against whom the wage claim is filed to audit
5his or her payroll records to determine whether the employer may be liable for any
6other wage claims that are of the same type as the wage claim that prompted the
7audit instruction. If after the requested completion date of the audit the department
8receives a wage claim against the employer that is of the same type as the wage claim
9that prompted the audit instruction and if the department determines that the
10subsequent wage claim is valid, the department may audit the employer's payroll
11records to determine whether the employer may be liable for any other wage claims
12that are of the same type as the wage claim that prompted the audit instruction.
AB748-SA2,81,2 132. For any valid wage claim that is filed against an employer after the
14department has instructed the employer to audit his or her payroll records under this
subd. 1. and that is of the same type as the wage claim that prompted the
16audit instruction and for any valid wage claim that is discovered as a result of the
17department's audit under this paragraph subd. 1. and that is of the same type as the
18wage claim that prompted the audit instruction, the department shall require the
19employer to pay, in addition to the amount of wages due and unpaid, increased wages
20of not more than 50 percent of the amount of wages due and unpaid , interest on the
21amount of wages due and unpaid at the rate of 2 percent per month for each month
22that the wages were due and unpaid, and the surcharge specified in sub. (4)
, unless
23the employer shows the department that payment of the increased wages , interest,
24or surcharge
would cause extreme hardship. The department shall require an

1employer to make that payment without regard to whether the employer's failure to
2pay the wages due and unpaid was intentional or unintentional.
AB748-SA2,96 3Section 96. 109.11 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB748-SA2,81,104 109.11 (1) (c) If an employer does not agree to compromise and settle a wage
5claim under this subsection, the department may refer the wage claim to a district
6attorney under s. 109.09 (1) (b) or to the department of justice under s. 109.10 (3) for
7commencement of an action in circuit court to collect the amount of wages due and
8unpaid plus interest on that amount at the rate of 2 percent per month for each month
9that the wages were due and unpaid,
increased wages as specified in sub. (2) (b), and
10the surcharge specified in sub. (4)
AB748-SA2,97 11Section 97. 109.11 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB748-SA2,81,2312 109.11 (2) (a) In a wage claim action that is commenced by an employee before
13the department has completed its investigation under s. 109.09 (1) (a) and its
14attempts to compromise and settle the wage claim under sub. (1), a circuit court may
15order the employer to pay to the employee, in addition to the amount of wages due
16and unpaid and in addition to or in lieu of the criminal penalties specified in sub. (3),
17increased wages of not more than 50 100 percent of the amount of wages due and
18unpaid, interest on the amount of wages due and unpaid at the rate of 2 percent per
19month for each month that the wages were due and unpaid, the surcharge specified
20in sub. (4), and, notwithstanding s. 814.04, reasonable costs and attorney fees. A
21circuit court may order an employer to make that payment without regard to
22whether the employer's failure to pay the wages due and unpaid was intentional or
AB748-SA2,98 24Section 98. 109.11 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
1109.11 (2) (b) In a wage claim action that is commenced after the department
2has completed its investigation under s. 109.09 (1) (a) and its attempts to settle and
3compromise the wage claim under sub. (1), a circuit court may order the employer
4to pay to the employee, in addition to the amount of wages due and unpaid to an
5employee and in addition to or in lieu of the criminal penalties specified in sub. (3),
6increased wages of not more than 100 200 percent of the amount of those wages due
7and unpaid, interest on the amount of wages due and unpaid at the rate of 2 percent
8per month for each month that the wages were due and unpaid, the surcharge
9specified in sub. (4), and, notwithstanding s. 814.04, reasonable costs and attorney
10fees. A circuit court may order an employer to make that payment without regard
11to whether the employer's failure to pay the wages due and unpaid was intentional
12or unintentional
AB748-SA2,99 13Section 99. 109.11 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
AB748-SA2,83,214 109.11 (4) Surcharge. In addition to the amounts payable under sub. (1) (a)
15or (b) or (2) (a) or (b), the department shall require, or a circuit court shall order, an
16employer who fails to pay wages that are due and payable to an employee to pay to
17the department or circuit court a surcharge of $500 for a first violation, $750 for a
182nd violation, and $1,000 for a 3rd or subsequent violation. If the surcharge is
19required by the department, the department shall collect the surcharge, deposit the
20surcharge in the general fund, and credit the surcharge to the appropriation account
21under s. 20.445 (1) (gs). If the surcharge is ordered by the circuit court, the clerk of
22circuit court shall collect the surcharge and transmit the surcharge to the county
23treasurer under s. 59.40 (2) (m), the county treasurer shall pay the surcharge to the
24secretary of administration under s. 59.25 (3) (f) 2., and the secretary of

1administration shall deposit the surcharge in the general fund and credit the
2surcharge to the appropriation account under s. 20.445 (1) (gs).
AB748-SA2,100 3Section 100. 111.322 (2m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB748-SA2,83,74 111.322 (2m) (a) The individual files a complaint or attempts to enforce any
5right under s. 103.02, 103.10, 103.11, 103.13, 103.28, 103.32, 103.34, 103.40,
6103.455, 104.12, 109.03, 109.07, 109.075, 109.09, 146.997, or 995.55, or ss. 101.58 to
7101.599 or 103.64 to 103.82.
AB748-SA2,101 8Section 101. 111.322 (2m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB748-SA2,83,129 111.322 (2m) (b) The individual testifies or assists in any action or proceeding
10held under or to enforce any right under s. 103.02, 103.10, 103.11, 103.13, 103.28,
11103.32, 103.34, 103.40, 103.455, 104.12, 109.03, 109.07, 109.075, 109.09, 146.997, or
12995.55, or ss. 101.58 to 101.599 or 103.64 to 103.82.
AB748-SA2,102 13Section 102. 814.75 (28) of the statutes is created to read:
AB748-SA2,83,1414 814.75 (28) The wage claim surcharge under s. 109.11 (4).
AB748-SA2,103 15Section 103. 893.44 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB748-SA2,83,1916 893.44 (1) Any action to recover unpaid salary, wages or other compensation
17for personal services, except actions to recover fees for professional services and
18except as provided in sub. (2), shall be commenced within 2 4 years after the cause
19of action accrues or be barred.
AB748-SA2,104 20Section 104. 893.44 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB748-SA2,83,2321 893.44 (2) An action to recover wages under s. 109.09 shall be commenced
22within 2 4 years after the claim is filed with the department of workforce
23development or be barred.”.
AB748-SA2,83,24 2441. At the appropriate places, insert all of the following:
1 Section 105. 19.36 (12) of the statutes is created to read:
AB748-SA2,84,112 19.36 (12) Information relating to certain employees. Unless access is
3specifically authorized or required by statute, an authority may not provide access
4to a record prepared or provided by an employer performing work on a project to
5which s. 66.0903, 103.49, or 103.50 applies, or on which the employer is otherwise
6required to pay prevailing wages, if that record contains the name or other personally
7identifiable information relating to an employee of that employer, unless the
8employee authorizes the authority to provide access to that information. In this
9subsection, “personally identifiable information" does not include an employee's
10work classification, hours of work, or wage or benefit payments received for work on
11such a project.
AB748-SA2,106 12Section 106. 66.0129 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB748-SA2,84,1713 66.0129 (5) Bids for construction. The nonprofit corporation shall let all
14contracts exceeding $1,000 for the construction, maintenance or repair of hospital
15facilities to the lowest responsible bidder after advertising for bids by the publication
16of a class 2 notice under ch. 985. Section Sections 66.0901 applies and 66.0903 apply
17to bids and contracts under this subsection.
AB748-SA2,107 18Section 107. 66.0903 (1) (a), (am), (b), (cm), (dr), (em), (hm) and (im) of the
19statutes are created to read:
AB748-SA2,85,320 66.0903 (1) (a) “Area" means the county in which a proposed project of public
21works that is subject to this section is located or, if the department determines that
22there is insufficient wage data in that county, “area" means those counties that are
23contiguous to that county or, if the department determines that there is insufficient
24wage data in those counties, “area" means those counties that are contiguous to those
25counties or, if the department determines that there is insufficient wage data in those

1counties, “area" means the entire state or, if the department is requested to review
2a determination under sub. (3) (br), “area" means the city, village, or town in which
3a proposed project of public works that is subject to this section is located.
AB748-SA2,85,44 (am) “Bona fide economic benefit" has the meaning given in s. 103.49 (1) (am).
AB748-SA2,85,55 (b) “Department" means the department of workforce development.
AB748-SA2,85,66 (cm) “Insufficient wage data" has the meaning given in s. 103.49 (1) (bg).
AB748-SA2,85,147 (dr) “Minor service or maintenance work" means a project of public works that
8is limited to minor crack filling, chip or slurry sealing, or other minor pavement
9patching, not including overlays, that has a projected life span of no longer than 5
10years or that is performed for a town and is not funded under s. 86.31, regardless of
11projected life span; the depositing of gravel on an existing gravel road applied solely
12to maintain the road; road shoulder maintenance; cleaning of drainage or sewer
13ditches or structures; or any other limited, minor work on public facilities or
14equipment that is routinely performed to prevent breakdown or deterioration.
AB748-SA2,85,1615 (em) “Multiple-trade project of public works" has the meaning given in s.
16103.49 (1) (br).
AB748-SA2,85,1817 (hm) “Single-trade project of public works" has the meaning given in s. 103.49
18(1) (em).
AB748-SA2,85,2319 (im) “Supply and installation contract" means a contract under which the
20material is installed by the supplier, the material is installed by means of simple
21fasteners or connectors such as screws or nuts and bolts, and no other work is
22performed on the site of the project of public works, and the total labor cost to install
23the material does not exceed 20 percent of the total cost of the contract.
AB748-SA2,108 24Section 108. 66.0903 (1) (c) of the statutes, as affected by 2017 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
166.0903 (1) (c) “Hourly basic rate of pay" has the meaning given in s. 16.856
2103.49 (1) (b), 2015 stats.
AB748-SA2,109 3Section 109. 66.0903 (1) (f) of the statutes, as affected by 2017 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB748-SA2,86,65 66.0903 (1) (f) “Prevailing hours of labor" has the meaning given in s. 16.856
6103.49 (1) (e), 2015 stats. (c).
AB748-SA2,110 7Section 110. 66.0903 (1) (g) of the statutes, as affected by 2017 Wisconsin Act
, is repealed and recreated to read:
AB748-SA2,86,159 66.0903 (1) (g) 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., “prevailing wage rate" for any
10trade or occupation engaged in the erection, construction, remodeling, repairing, or
11demolition of any project of public works in any area means the hourly basic rate of
12pay, plus the hourly contribution for health insurance benefits, vacation benefits,
13pension benefits, and any other bona fide economic benefit, paid directly or
14indirectly, for a majority of the hours worked in the trade or occupation on projects
15in the area.
AB748-SA2,86,2516 2. If there is no rate at which a majority of the hours worked in the trade or
17occupation on projects in the area is paid, “prevailing wage rate" for any trade or
18occupation engaged in the erection, construction, remodeling, repairing, or
19demolition of any project of public works in any area means the average hourly basic
20rate of pay, weighted by the number of hours worked, plus the average hourly
21contribution, weighted by the number of hours worked, for health insurance benefits,
22vacation benefits, pension benefits, and any other bona fide economic benefit, paid
23directly or indirectly for all hours worked at the hourly basic rate of pay of the
24highest-paid 51 percent of hours worked in that trade or occupation on projects in
25that area.
1Section 111. 66.0903 (1) (j) of the statutes, as affected by 2017 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB748-SA2,87,43 66.0903 (1) (j) “Truck driver" includes an owner-operator of a truck has the
4meaning given in s. 103.49 (1) (g)
AB748-SA2,112 5Section 112. 66.0903 (1m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: