2017 - 2018 LEGISLATURE
May 23, 2017 - Offered by Senator Stroebel.
SB218-SSA1,1,6 1An Act to repeal 70.35, 70.36 (1m) and 70.47 (15); to renumber and amend
266.0602 (2) and 79.095 (4); to amend 70.11 (39), 70.11 (39m), 70.17 (1), 70.36
3(1), 70.36 (2), 70.36 (3), 70.995 (12) (a), 121.004 (6), 121.15 (4) (a) and 121.90 (2)
4(am) 2.; and to create 20.835 (1) (f), 66.0602 (2) (b), 70.042, 70.17 (3), 79.095 (4)
5(b) and 79.096 of the statutes; relating to: eliminating the personal property
6tax and making an appropriation.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This substitute amendment eliminates the personal property tax in 2018.
Under the substitute amendment, improvements on leased land will be assessed as
real property.
Under current law, taxing jurisdictions are reimbursed by the state for the loss
of personal property tax revenue as a result of the exemption for computers and
computer-related equipment. Under the substitute amendment, taxing

jurisdictions are reimbursed by the state for the loss of personal property tax
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB218-SSA1,1 1Section 1. 20.835 (1) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
SB218-SSA1,2,32 20.835 (1) (f) State aid; personal property tax phase-out. A sum sufficient to
3make the state aid payments under s. 79.096.
SB218-SSA1,2 4Section 2 . 66.0602 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 66.0602 (2) (a) and
5amended to read:
SB218-SSA1,2,146 66.0602 (2) (a) Except as provided in subs. (3), (4), and (5), no political
7subdivision may increase its levy in any year by a percentage that exceeds the
8political subdivision's valuation factor. The Except as provided in par. (b), the base
9amount in any year, to which the limit under this section applies, shall be the actual
10levy for the immediately preceding year. In determining its levy in any year, a city,
11village, or town shall subtract any tax increment that is calculated under s. 59.57 (3)
12(a), 60.85 (1) (L), or 66.1105 (2) (i). The base amount in any year, to which the limit
13under this section applies, may not include any amount to which sub. (3) (e) 8.
SB218-SSA1,3 15Section 3 . 66.0602 (2) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
SB218-SSA1,2,2016 66.0602 (2) (b) For purposes of par. (a), in 2018, and in each year thereafter, the
17base amount to which the limit under this section applies is the actual levy for the
18immediately preceding year, plus the amount of the payment under s. 79.096, and
19the actual levy is the base amount multiplied by the valuation factor, minus the
20amount of the payment under s. 79.096.
SB218-SSA1,4 21Section 4 . 70.042 of the statutes is created to read:
170.042 Personal property tax sunset. No personal property is subject to
2taxation under this chapter beginning with the property tax assessments as of
3January 1, 2018. A taxing jurisdiction may include the most recent valuation of
4personal property located in the taxing jurisdiction for purposes of complying with
5debt limitations applicable to the jurisdiction.
SB218-SSA1,5 6Section 5 . 70.11 (39) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB218-SSA1,3,167 70.11 (39) Computers. If the owner of the property fulfills the requirements
8under s. 70.35, mainframe
Mainframe computers, minicomputers, personal
9computers, networked personal computers, servers, terminals, monitors, disk
10drives, electronic peripheral equipment, tape drives, printers, basic operational
11programs, systems software, and prewritten software. The exemption under this
12subsection does not apply to custom software, fax machines, copiers, equipment with
13embedded computerized components or telephone systems, including equipment
14that is used to provide telecommunications services, as defined in s. 76.80 (3). For
15the purposes of s. 79.095, the exemption under this subsection does not apply to
16property that is otherwise exempt under this chapter.
SB218-SSA1,6 17Section 6 . 70.11 (39m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB218-SSA1,3,2018 70.11 (39m) If the owner of the property fulfills the requirements under s.
1970.35, cash
Cash registers and fax machines, excluding fax machines that are also
SB218-SSA1,7 21Section 7 . 70.17 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB218-SSA1,4,522 70.17 (1) Real property shall be entered in the name of the owner, if known to
23the assessor, otherwise to the occupant thereof if ascertainable, and otherwise
24without any name. The person holding the contract or certificate of sale of any real
25property contracted to be sold by the state, but not conveyed, shall be deemed the

1owner for such purpose. The undivided real estate of any deceased person may be
2entered to the heirs of such person without designating them by name. The real
3estate of an incorporated company shall be entered in the same manner as that of an
4individual. Improvements Except as provided in sub. (3), improvements on leased
5lands may be assessed either as real property or personal property.
SB218-SSA1,8 6Section 8 . 70.17 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
SB218-SSA1,4,127 70.17 (3) Beginning with the property tax assessments as of January 1, 2018,
8improvements on leased lands shall be assessed as real property. If improvements,
9but not the underlying land, are leased to a person other than the landowner or if the
10improvements are owned by a person other than the landowner, the assessor may
11create a separate tax parcel for the improvements and assess the improvements as
12real property to the lessee or owner of the improvements.
SB218-SSA1,9 13Section 9 . 70.35 of the statutes is repealed.
SB218-SSA1,10 14Section 10 . 70.36 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB218-SSA1,4,2315 70.36 (1) Any person in this state owning or holding any personal property that
16is subject to assessment, individually or as agent, trustee, guardian, personal
17representative, assignee, or receiver or in some other representative capacity, who
18intentionally makes a false statement to the assessor of that person's assessment
19district or to the board of review of the assessment district with respect to the
20property, or who omits any property from any return required to be made under s.
with the intent of avoiding the payment of the just and proportionate taxes on
22the property, shall forfeit the sum of $10 for every $100 or major fraction of $100 so
23withheld from the knowledge of the assessor or board of review.
SB218-SSA1,11 24Section 11 . 70.36 (1m) of the statutes is repealed.
SB218-SSA1,12 25Section 12 . 70.36 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
170.36 (2) It is hereby made the duty of the district attorney of any county, upon
2complaint made to the district attorney by the assessor or by a member of the board
3of review of the assessment district in which it is alleged that property has been so
4withheld from the knowledge of such assessor or board of review , or not included in
5any return required by s. 70.35,
to investigate the case forthwith and bring an action
6in the name of the state against the person, firm or corporation so complained of. All
7forfeitures collected under the provisions of this section shall be paid into the
8treasury of the taxation district in which such property had its situs for taxation.
SB218-SSA1,13 9Section 13 . 70.36 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB218-SSA1,5,1410 70.36 (3) The word assessor whenever used in ss. 70.35 and 70.36 this section
11shall, in 1st class cities, be deemed to refer also to the commissioner of assessments
12of any such city and, where applicable, shall be deemed also to refer to the
13department of revenue responsible for the manufacturing property assessment
14under s. 70.995.
SB218-SSA1,14 15Section 14 . 70.47 (15) of the statutes is repealed.
SB218-SSA1,15 16Section 15 . 70.995 (12) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB218-SSA1,6,1317 70.995 (12) (a) The department of revenue shall prescribe a standard
18manufacturing property report form that shall be submitted annually for each real
19estate parcel and each personal property account on or before March 1 by all
20manufacturers whose property is assessed under this section. The report form shall
21contain all information considered necessary by the department and shall include,
22without limitation, income and operating statements, fixed asset schedules and a
23report of new construction or demolition. Failure to submit the report shall result
24in denial of any right of redetermination by the state board of assessors or the tax
25appeals commission. If any property is omitted or understated in the assessment roll

1in any of the next 5 previous years, the assessor shall enter the value of the omitted
2or understated property once for each previous year of the omission or
3understatement. The assessor shall affix a just valuation to each entry for a former
4year as it should have been assessed according to the assessor's best judgment. Taxes
5shall be apportioned and collected on the tax roll for each entry, on the basis of the
6net tax rate for the year of the omission, taking into account credits under s. 79.10.
7In the case of omitted property, interest shall be added at the rate of 0.0267 percent
8per day for the period of time between the date when the form is required to be
9submitted and the date when the assessor affixes the just valuation. In the case of
10underpayments determined after an objection under s. 70.995 (8) (d), interest shall
11be added at the average annual discount interest rate determined by the last auction
12of 6-month U.S. treasury bills before the objection per day for the period of time
13between the date when the tax was due and the date when it is paid.
SB218-SSA1,16 14Section 16. 79.095 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 79.095 (4) (a) and
15amended to read:
SB218-SSA1,6,2416 79.095 (4) (a) The department shall calculate the payments due each taxing
17jurisdiction under this section by multiplying the full value as of the January 1 of the
18preceding year of the property that is exempt under s. 70.11 (39) and (39m) and that
19is located in the jurisdiction by the full-value gross tax rate of the jurisdiction for the
20preceding year. The Subject to par. (b), the department shall certify the amount of
21the payment due each taxing jurisdiction to the department of administration, which
22shall make the payments on or before the 4th Monday in July. For purposes of ch.
23121, school districts shall treat the payments made in July under this subsection as
24if they had been received in the previous school year.
SB218-SSA1,17 25Section 17. 79.095 (4) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
179.095 (4) (b) Beginning in 2018, and in each year thereafter, each taxing
2jurisdiction shall receive a payment under this subsection equal to the amount
3determined under par. (a) for that taxing jurisdiction in 2017.
SB218-SSA1,18 4Section 18. 79.096 of the statutes is created to read:
SB218-SSA1,7,8 579.096 State aid; personal property. (1) Beginning in 2018, and in each
6year thereafter, the department of revenue shall pay to each taxing jurisdiction an
7amount equal to the amount of revenue loss incurred by the taxing jurisdiction in
82018 as a result of s. 70.042, as determined by the department.
SB218-SSA1,7,11 9(2) Each taxing jurisdiction shall report to the department of revenue, in the
10time and manner determined by the department, any information the department
11considers necessary to administer this section.
SB218-SSA1,7,15 12(3) From the amount received under sub. (1), each taxing jurisdiction shall
13attribute to each tax incremental district within the taxing jurisdiction the revenue
14loss incurred by the district in 2018 as a result of s. 70.042, except that this subsection
15does not apply after the district closes.
SB218-SSA1,7,17 16(4) The department of revenue shall make the payment under sub. (1) on the
174th Monday in July.
SB218-SSA1,19 18Section 19. 121.004 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB218-SSA1,7,2319 121.004 (6) Net cost. The “net cost" of a fund means the gross cost of that fund
20minus all nonduplicative revenues and other financing sources of that fund except
21property taxes, general aid, and aid received under s. ss. 79.095 (4) and 79.096. In
22this subsection, “nonduplicative revenues" includes federal financial assistance
23under 20 USC 236 to 245, to the extent permitted under federal law and regulations.
SB218-SSA1,20 24Section 20. 121.15 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
1121.15 (4) (a) In this subsection, “state aid" has the meaning given in s. 121.90
2(2) except that it excludes aid paid to school districts under s. ss. 79.095 (4) and
SB218-SSA1,21 4Section 21. 121.90 (2) (am) 2. of the statutes is amended to read: