Period ending January 5, 2019
1647Administrative Rules, Joint Committee for Review of
Clinical social worker: practice requirement for licensure modified [introduction required by s. 227.19 (5) (g), Wis.Stats.] -
AB29Clinical social worker: practice requirement for licensure modified [introduction required by s. 227.19 (5) (g), Wis.Stats.] -
SB5Commercial harvest of chubs in the waters of Lake Michigan: DNR may not set limit less than certain amount [introduction required by s. 227.19 (5) (g), Wis.Stats.] -
AB31Commercial harvest of chubs in the waters of Lake Michigan: DNR may not set limit less than certain amount [introduction required by s. 227.19 (5) (g), Wis.Stats.] -
SB4Marriage and Family Therapy, Professional Counseling, and Social Work Examining Board required to promulgate rules establishing examination requirements for certification and licensure by the board [introduction required by s. 227.19 (5) (g), Wis.Stats.] -
AB30Marriage and Family Therapy, Professional Counseling, and Social Work Examining Board required to promulgate rules establishing examination requirements for certification and licensure by the board [introduction required by s. 227.19 (5) (g), Wis.Stats.] -
SB61654Assembly Organization, Committee on
Addiction medicine consultation program: DHS to create and administer -
Jr7 AB9Addressing mental health issues in schools: DPI to provide training to school district and independent charter school personnel -
Jr7 AB11Aiding a person suffering from an overdose or adverse reaction: immunity from prosecution for controlled substance possession or having probation, parole, or extended supervision revoked provisions created for the person being aided and the aider -
Jr7 AB3Asset revisions re financial eligibility requirements for W-2, Wisconsin Shares, and FoodShare -
Jr8 AB3Compliance with child support determinations and obligations required for MA eligibility -
Jr8 AB8Criminal investigation agent positions at DOJ authorized re drug interdiction and drug trafficking -
Jr7 AB10DPI model school policy on bullying by pupils: notification of parents or guardians of all pupils involved required within 48 hours of incident being reported -
Mr8 AB4EITC: pilot program, with IRS approval, to make monthly payments to eligible recipients; permanent program if pilot is successful and DOR and IRS can reach an agreement -
Jr8 AB5Electronics and information technology manufacturing zone and tax credits: WEDC authorized to create; provisions re TIDs, sales tax exemption, environmental impact statements, wetlands and waterways permits, PSC certificates and market-based rates, and grants to local governments; highway bonding authorization; design-build system for public works projects; enterprise zone tax credit revisions; economic development liaison appointed by DOA -
Au7 AB1Emergency administration of opioid antagonist to pupils and other persons appearing to overdose: civil liability for school bus operator and employees and volunteers of public, private, and tribal schools; calling 911 provision -
Jr7 AB1FoodShare employment and training program (FSET): all able-bodied adults required to participate, exceptions noted -
Jr8 AB2FoodShare employment and training program (FSET): required hours of participation -
Jr8 AB1FoodShare photo ID EBT cards: DHS to prepare and submit implementation plan to the USDA’s food and nutrition service, waiver request provision; JCF duties if approved -
Jr8 AB10Graduate medical training in an addiction specialty and development of a training program: existing DHS grant programs to hospitals and rural hospitals expanded to include -
Jr7 AB7Highway projects funded with federal money and transfers of state and federal funding between highway programs; collection of sales and use taxes from out-of-state retailers and determination of individual income tax rates after South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc.; election of pass-through entities to be taxed at the entity level for state income and franchise tax purposes -
AB1069Legislative oversight of requests for federal approval and state agency requirements; DHS to implement the Badger Care Reform waiver re childless adults and submit amendment to state's MA plan, rate change, or certain provider payments to JCF for approval; incorporates into statutes rules on controlled substance screening, testing, and treatment policy for FSET; OCI to administer WIHSP in accordance to DHHS terms and conditions; DCF reallocation or reduction of moneys in TANF schedules requires JCF approval; DWD rules on UI work search and registration waivers codified and DWD authority to establish waivers eliminated; DWD Fast Forward program appropriation split among its specific programs -
AB1072Legislative power and duties; state agency and authority composition and operations; administrative rule-making process; federal government waivers and approvals; UI work search and registration requirements -
AB1073Legislative powers and duties, state agency and authority composition and operations, and administrative rule-making processes revisions -
AB1070Mandatory reporting by certain professionals of suspicion that a person intends to commit an act of violence involving dangerous weapons or explosives in or targeting a school; training, penalties, immunity from liability, and confidentiality exemptions provisions -
Mr8 AB3Opioid treatment programs in underserved and high-need areas: DHS to create additional programs, funding provision -
Jr7 AB8Pay for success contracting: DOA may use for eligible services to individuals, conditions and JCF approval required; pay for success trust fund established; DHS, DOC, DCF, and DWD to study if pay for success could be used for programs they administer; reports required -
Jr8 AB7Persons with drug dependence: emergency and involuntary commitment procedures, DHS programs, voluntary treatment, and other services extended to include -
Jr7 AB5Presidential preference primary moved; absentee ballot in-person application timeline and voting procedures for military and overseas electors modified -
AB1071Public housing adult residents: housing authorities to conduct employment screenings, create employability plans, and require able-bodied and unemployed or underemployed to complete a questionnaire re abuse of controlled substances -
Jr8 AB4Recovery charter school: pilot program and director of Office of Educational Opportunity in the UW System authorized to contract for operation of, conditions specified; high school graduation and insurance coverage requirements; DHS, DPI, and Superintendent of Public Instruction duties -
Jr7 AB6Safety camera footage: school board may share with law enforcement if it serves a legitimate safety interest -
Mr8 AB6Savings account program in the MA program: DHS to request waiver to establish and implement; exclusions specified -
Jr8 AB9Schedule V controlled substances containing codeine may not be dispensed without a prescription -
Jr7 AB4School safety grants from DOJ created; DPI duties -
Mr8 AB1School Safety, Office of, created in DOJ -
Mr8 AB2School safety plans required of all public and private schools; requirements revised to include on-site assessment by local law enforcement and annual drills to respond to a school violence event; schools required to submit plans to DOJ -
Mr8 AB5Treatment and diversion (TAD) program: county grant moneys increased; pilot program to divert certain persons to treatment options, JCF approval -
Jr7 AB2W-2 and FoodShare employment and training (FSET) program contractors: performance-based payment system -
Jr8 AB61665Corrections, Committee on
Juvenile correctional facilities: DOC to establish one or more Type 1 juvenile correctional facilities; closure of Lincoln Hills School and Copper Lake School; counties authorized to establish secured residential care center for children and youth; supervision of certain juveniles transferred from DOC to county departments; Juvenile Corrections Study Committee created; Juvenile Corrections Grant Committee created re costs of establishing secured residential care centers, JCF provision; youth aids funding revisions; DOC employees, reports, and sunset provisions -
AB9531670Education, Committee on
Alternative education grants: DPI requirement and rules eliminated [Admin.Code PI 44] -
AB250Grant programs administered by DPI combined re peer review, AODA programs, tribal language revitalization, and 4-year-old kindergarten [Admin.Code PI 16 (title), 16.01, 16.02, 16.03, 16.04, 32 (title), 32.01, 32.02, 32.03, 32.04, 38 (title), 38 subch. I, II, and III, 38.01, 38.02, 38.03, 38.04, 38.05, 38 subch. IV (title), V (title), and VI (title), 39 (title), 39.01, 39.02, 39.03, 39.04] -
AB2511673Employment Relations, Joint Committee on
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2015-16 contract ratification -
AB957Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2015-16 contract ratification -
SB810Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2016-17 contract ratification -
AB958Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2016-17 contract ratification -
SB811Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2016-17 contract ratification between UW--Madison and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee -
AB961Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2016-17 contract ratification between UW--Madison and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee -
SB815Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2017-18 contract ratification -
AB959Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2017-18 contract ratification -
SB812Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2017-18 contract ratification between UW Board of Regents and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee -
AB960Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2017-18 contract ratification between UW Board of Regents and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee -
SB813Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2017-18 contract ratification between UW--Madison and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee -
AB962Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2017-18 contract ratification between UW--Madison and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee -
SB8141680Finance, Joint Committee on
Highway projects funded with federal money and transfers of state and federal funding between highway programs; collection of sales and use taxes from out-of-state retailers and determination of individual income tax rates after South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc.; election of pass-through entities to be taxed at the entity level for state income and franchise tax purposes -
SB883Legislative oversight of requests for federal approval and state agency requirements; DHS to implement the Badger Care Reform waiver re childless adults and submit amendment to state's MA plan, rate change, or certain provider payments to JCF for approval; incorporates into statutes rules on controlled substance screening, testing, and treatment policy for FSET; OCI to administer WIHSP in accordance to DHHS terms and conditions; DCF reallocation or reduction of moneys in TANF schedules requires JCF approval; DWD rules on UI work search and registration waivers codified and DWD authority to establish waivers eliminated; DWD Fast Forward program appropriation split among its specific programs -
SB886Legislative power and duties; state agency and authority composition and operations; administrative rule-making process; federal government waivers and approvals; UI work search and registration requirements -
SB887Legislative powers and duties, state agency and authority composition and operations, and administrative rule-making processes revisions -
SB884Presidential preference primary moved; absentee ballot in-person application timeline and voting procedures for military and overseas electors modified -
SB8851738Government Accountability and Oversight, Committee on
State government programs and operations: DOA to contract with a consultant to review and offer recommendations for improvement; report required -
AB921Caregiver background checks: DHS administrative rules related to DCF revised [Admin.Code DHS 12.01, 12.02, 12.03, 12.04, 12.05, 12.06, 12.07, 12.08, 12.09, 12.11, 12.12] -
AB336Family Support Program: administrative rules repealed [Admin.Code DHS 65] -
AB543Mental health service providers and mental health services provided in schools: administrative rule revisions [Admin.Code DHS 105.22, 105.23, 107.13] -
AB542Revolving loans for group homes for recovering substance abusers: administrative code repealed [Admin.Code DHS 70] -
AB3371691Joint Legislative Audit Committee, Joint Legislative
LAB audits: eliminates Read to Lead Development Fund and local government property insurance fund audits, final audit provision; modifies audits of Milwaukee County Mental Health Board and certain mental health services in Milwaukee County -