By Representatives Crowley, Goyke, Brostoff, Sargent, Berceau, Fields, Ohnstad, Anderson, C. Taylor, Subeck, Young, Barca, Spreitzer, Mason, Vruwink, Considine, Sinicki, Kolste, Zamarripa and Bowen; cosponsored by Senators Johnson, Carpenter, C. Larson and Wirch.
hist66952To committee on Government Accountability and Oversight. Relating to: requiring the state auditor to appoint an inspector general to investigate Department of Transportation programs and activities and making an appropriation.
By Representatives Sanfelippo, Kremer, Skowronski, Quinn, Thiesfeldt, Kuglitsch, Duchow, Tittl, Bowen, Wichgers, Weatherston, Murphy and Tranel; cosponsored by Senators Craig, Feyen, Lasee and Darling.
Relating to: a property owner's right to refuse entry into his or her home for assessment purposes and conditions for appearing before the board of review.
By Representatives R. Brooks, Jarchow, Sanfelippo, Horlacher, Gannon, Thiesfeldt, Ripp, Murphy, Schraa, Kremer, Katsma, Brandtjen, Quinn and Hutton; cosponsored by Senators Craig, Nass, Kapenga and Wanggaard.
Relating to: actions in circuit court alleging discrimination in employment, unfair honesty testing, or unfair genetic testing.
By Representatives Sinicki, Ohnstad, Hesselbein, Barca, Spreitzer, Meyers, Anderson, Berceau, Billings, Brostoff, Bowen, Crowley, Doyle, Fields, Genrich, Goyke, Hebl, Kessler, Kolste, Mason, Milroy, Pope, Riemer, Sargent, Shankland, Stuck, Subeck, C. Taylor, Wachs, Young, Zamarripa and Zepnick; cosponsored by Senators Hansen, Ringhand, Johnson, Bewley, Carpenter, Erpenbach, C. Larson, Miller, Risser, Shilling, L. Taylor, Vinehout and Wirch.
hist66955To committee on Workforce Development. Relating to: prohibiting an employer from relying on or inquiring about a prospective employee's current or prior compensation and from restricting an employee's right to disclose compensation information and providing a penalty.
By Representatives Sinicki, Ohnstad, Hesselbein, Spreitzer, Meyers, Anderson, Berceau, Billings, Brostoff, Bowen, Crowley, Fields, Genrich, Goyke, Hebl, Kessler, Kolste, Mason, Milroy, Pope, Riemer, Sargent, Shankland, Stuck, Subeck, C. Taylor, Wachs, Young, Zamarripa and Zepnick; cosponsored by Senators Hansen, Ringhand, Johnson, Carpenter, Erpenbach, C. Larson, Miller, Risser, Shilling, L. Taylor and Wirch.
Relating to: prohibiting certain mining and drilling activities that cause the destruction or filling in of a lake bed, reservoir, or flowage or that cause the withdrawal of water from a reservoir or flowage.
By Representatives Wachs, Anderson, Berceau, Billings, Bowen, Brostoff, Considine, Crowley, Genrich, Goyke, Hebl, Hesselbein, Kessler, Kolste, Mason, Ohnstad, Pope, Riemer, Sargent, Shankland, Sinicki, Spreitzer, Subeck, C. Taylor, Vruwink and Zamarripa; cosponsored by Senators Vinehout, Carpenter, C. Larson, Miller, Risser and Wirch.
hist66957To committee on Rural Development and Mining. Relating to: education about nutrition.
By Representatives Petryk, Bernier, Billings, Murphy, Novak, Ripp, Rohrkaste, Sinicki, Tauchen and Skowronski; cosponsored by Senators Olsen, L. Taylor, Johnson, Lasee and Risser.
Relating to: permitting certain individuals to make requests for medication for the purpose of ending their lives and providing a criminal penalty.
By Representatives Pope, Hesselbein, Berceau, Hintz, Anderson, Sargent, Ohnstad, Billings, Bowen, C. Taylor, Subeck, Vruwink, Spreitzer and Sinicki; cosponsored by Senators Risser, Carpenter, Bewley and Johnson.
Relating to: reducing the annual salary of the attorney general.
By Representatives Riemer, C. Taylor, Anderson, Berceau, Bowen and Brostoff; cosponsored by Senator Miller.
Relating to: exemptions from dog license fees.
By Representatives Doyle, Horlacher, Kolste, Sinicki, Stuck, Ohnstad, Vruwink, Sargent, Wachs, Billings, Bowen, Anderson, Subeck, Tusler, Spreitzer, Zamarripa, Crowley, Kulp, Genrich and E. Brooks; cosponsored by Senators Hansen and L. Taylor.
Relating to: sales by the state or a political subdivision to employees.
By Representatives Kulp, Krug, Kremer, Steffen, Ripp, Ballweg, Knodl, E. Brooks, Skowronski, R. Brooks, Spiros and Bernier; cosponsored by Senators Moulton, Marklein, Kapenga, Nass and Stroebel.
hist66962To committee on Government Accountability and Oversight. Relating to: reimbursement for lodging expenses for employees of the University of Wisconsin System.
By Representatives R. Brooks, Nygren, Jarchow, Horlacher, Quinn, Gannon, Spiros, Duchow, Vorpagel, Macco, Brandtjen, Edming, Zimmerman, Schraa, Allen, Kremer, Knodl, E. Brooks, Sanfelippo and Mursau; cosponsored by Senator Nass.
hist66963To committee on Government Accountability and Oversight. Relating to: creating a pilot program under which certain school districts are not required to provide a minimum number of hours of direct pupil instruction.
By Representatives Kremer, Rohrkaste, Felzkowski, Horlacher, Kleefisch, Kulp and Quinn; cosponsored by Senators Olsen and Feyen.
Relating to: grants for creation of rural wellness facilities and programs and making an appropriation.
By Representatives Edming, E. Brooks, Quinn, Tranel, Ballweg, Kitchens, Krug, Kulp, Mursau, Nerison, Novak, Petryk, Ripp, Snyder, Spiros, Summerfield, Swearingen, Tauchen, Tusler, VanderMeer, Zimmerman, Billings, Genrich, Jagler and Meyers; cosponsored by Senators Petrowski, Harsdorf, Bewley, Carpenter, Cowles, Erpenbach, Hansen, Olsen, Ringhand, Shilling and Vinehout.
hist66965To committee on Rural Development and Mining. Relating to: offering employment in exchange for not seeking an elective state or local office and providing a criminal penalty.
By Representatives Genrich, Pope, Anderson, Sargent, C. Taylor, Sinicki, Crowley, Spreitzer, Berceau, Bowen, Brostoff, Wachs, Shankland, Zamarripa and Ohnstad; cosponsored by Senator Hansen.
hist66966To committee on Campaigns and Elections. Relating to: grants for education and training of allied health professionals and making an appropriation.
By Representatives E. Brooks, Quinn, Tranel, Bernier, Edming, Kitchens, Krug, Kulp, Mursau, Nerison, Novak, Petryk, Ripp, Snyder, Spiros, Summerfield, Swearingen, Tauchen, Tusler, VanderMeer, Zimmerman, Billings, Genrich, Jagler, Meyers, Rodriguez and Tittl; cosponsored by Senators Marklein, Testin, Bewley, Carpenter, Cowles, Erpenbach, Hansen, Harsdorf, Olsen, Ringhand, Shilling and Vukmir.
hist66967To committee on Rural Development and Mining. Relating to: placement of cigarettes, nicotine products, or tobacco products by retailers and providing a penalty.
By Representatives Mursau, Ballweg, Berceau, Billings, Born, Bowen, E. Brooks, Considine, Crowley, Doyle, Felzkowski, Goyke, Hesselbein, Hintz, Jacque, Kolste, Kulp, Loudenbeck, Macco, Mason, Meyers, Rohrkaste, Spiros, Spreitzer, Steffen, Stuck, Subeck, C. Taylor, Tusler, VanderMeer and Anderson; cosponsored by Senators Harsdorf, Bewley, Carpenter, Hansen, Johnson, Miller, Olsen, Petrowski, L. Taylor and Wanggaard.
Relating to: local assistance for remediating contaminated wells and failing wastewater treatment systems and award limits for contaminated well grants.
By Representatives Kitchens, Krug, Quinn, Novak, Ripp, Skowronski, Macco, Mursau, Horlacher, Tranel, Tittl, Vorpagel, VanderMeer, Steffen, Tusler and Bowen; cosponsored by Senators Cowles, Lasee and Petrowski.
hist66969To committee on Environment and Forestry. Relating to: training grants for advanced practice clinicians and making an appropriation.
By Representatives Quinn, Kolste, E. Brooks, Tranel, Ballweg, Bernier, Edming, Kitchens, Krug, Kulp, Mursau, Nerison, Novak, Petryk, Ripp, Snyder, Spiros, Summerfield, Swearingen, Tauchen, Tusler, VanderMeer, Zimmerman, Billings, Doyle, Genrich, Meyers, Spreitzer, Thiesfeldt and Tittl; cosponsored by Senators Testin, Harsdorf, Bewley, Carpenter, Cowles, Erpenbach, Hansen, Marklein, Olsen, Ringhand, Shilling and Vukmir.
hist66970To committee on Rural Development and Mining. Relating to: application of the open meetings law to legislative party caucuses.
By Representatives Mason, Kolste, E. Brooks, Anderson, Berceau, Bowen, Considine, Crowley, Goyke, Hebl, Hintz, Riemer, Sargent, Spreitzer, Subeck and Zamarripa.