An occupational licensing reform study is created. The Department of Safety and Professional Services would conduct a study to identify barriers that occupational licensing requirements create to employment. The study would examine the financial burden these licenses have on license seekers and whether these licenses are necessary to protect public health and welfare.
We allow a person to take the journeyman plumber’s examination if the individual has completed an apprenticeship in this or any state, passed a journeyman plumber’s exam in any state, and has practiced for at least five years under a journeyman’s plumber’s license or equivalent license.
We enact reforms to the Homestead Tax Credit to preserve it for seniors and the disabled while encouraging able-bodied adults to work to qualify.
A grant of $5,000,000 is provided to partner with Brown County, educational institutions, and other industry partners to create the Brown County STEM Innovation Center. This center in Green Bay will provide space for a new University of Wisconsin-Green Bay mechanical engineering program as well as space for high-tech startups. The center will not only help to fill high demand jobs in engineering, but be a place to grow our manufacturing sector.
The budget provides $55,189,000 in funding for a new engineering facility at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville.
A grant of $5,000,000 is provided to the St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care. The funding would help complete the Alzheimer’s and dementia care unit.
A grant of $5,000,000 is provided for the La Crosse Center. The funding will assist to complete renovation and expansion of the La Crosse Convention Center.
There is $2,000,000 to expand the Windows to Work program and other vocational training programs for exoffenders. Also, we provide $660,800 to extend the Opening Avenues to Reentry Success program to more counties. The program provides employment training for mentally ill offenders. These programs aim to reduce recidivism by successful reentry of offenders into employment which saves taxpayer dollars and fills job openings.
We created a five-year offender reentry demonstration project using a trauma-informed approach and targeted to formerly incarcerated males who are noncustodial parents over age 18 and returning to certain Milwaukee neighborhoods. The TANF funding would total $187,500 in fiscal year 2017-18 and $250,000 in fiscal year 2018-19, for a biennial total of $437,500.
There is funding for graduate medical training of $1,500,000. This funding is intended to increase our medical professionals available to work in high need rural and underserved areas of the state.
We provide $2,000,000 for training allied health professionals and advanced practice clinicians. This funding will provide grants to health systems to train and retain health professionals in rural hospitals and clinics.
We increase funding for the Rural Physician Residency Assistance program by $100,000 per year. This is intended to increase the number of rural residency positions in the state.
Pursuant to Article V, Section 10 of the Wisconsin Constitution and consistent with its intent, I have made 98 vetoes to the budget. These vetoes maintain our priorities while eliminating items that could be categorized as earmarks and nonfiscal policy items. These vetoes also reduce spending, eliminate unfunded mandates, and make technical corrections. These vetoes increase the general fund balance by $16,511,100 GPR over the biennium and reduce overall spending by roughly $4,759,400 GPR. These vetoes will also improve the structural balance heading into the next budget biennium by an estimated $71,143,500 GPR.
We have enacted numerous measures together that have moved Wisconsin forward. We cut taxes by billions of dollars. We enacted historic reforms proving Wisconsin continues to be a leader in the nation. We now have surpluses instead of deficits. We have some of the lowest unemployment in the nation and more people working that ever before. Our state’s economy is growing and our wages are rising.
This budget invests in our shared priorities of education, tax relief, and workforce development. I am appreciative of the Legislature’s work on this budget and look forward to continuing our good work for the people of Wisconsin.
Respectfully submitted,
Veto Message
Table of Contents
A. Agriculture, Environment and Justice
Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
  1. Livestock Premises Identification    
Department of Corrections
2. Alcohol Abuse Treatment Program    
3. Earned Release Program Expansion    
4. Inmate Work Opportunity Training    
5. Long-Term Service Awards  
6. Mental Health Staffing at Oshkosh, Waupun, Green Bay and Columbia        
7. Opening Avenues to Reentry Success    
8. Planning Concerning Correctional Facilities  
9. Geriatric Prison Facility      
District Attorneys
10. Creation of a Prosecutor Board    
Judicial Council
11. Restore Judicial Council      
Lower Wisconsin State Riverway Board
12. Standard Budget Adjustments    
Department of Natural Resources
13. Use of Unobligated Stewardship Bonding Authority
14. Vacant Forestry and Parks Positions  
15. Council on Forestry Report    
16. Tainter Lake Water Quality    
17. Wolf Damage Payments      
18. Permit the Sale of Dyed Diesel Fuel to Recreational Motor Boats        
Department of Safety and Professional Services
19. Possession, Use and Transportation of Fireworks and Fireworks Manufacturer Fees    
20. Information Technology Projects    
21. Local Regulation of Quarries    
B. Education and Workforce Development
Historical Society
22. State Archive Preservation Facility    
Labor and Industry Review Commission
23. Survey of Labor and Industry Review Commission Decisions  
Technical College System Board
24. Sunset of the Educational Approval Board  
25. Educational Approval Board Incumbents
University of Wisconsin System
26. Performance Funding  
27. Innovation Fund  
28. University of Wisconsin System Audits  
29. Wisconsin Institute for Sustainable Technology
30. University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Tribal Gaming Appropriation  
31. Flexible Option Program
Public Instruction
32. Energy Efficiency Revenue Limit Adjustment
33. Low Revenue Adjustment  
34. School District Referenda Scheduling  
35. Whole Grade Sharing Aid  
36. Shared Services Aid    
37. Summer School Grants  
38. Virtual Charter School Funding Study  
39. Mental Health Services Grants  
Workforce Development
40. Technical Education Equipment Grants  
C. General Government, Children and Families
Department of Administration
41. Positions for Information Technology Purchasing Report  
42. Replacement of Information Technology Contractors Report  
43. State Transforming Agency Resources (STAR) Program and Benefits Realization Report  
44. Self-Funded Portal Annual Report  
45. Office of the Commissioner of Insurance Information Technology Position Transfers Report
46. Worker's Compensation Recording Equipment Report  
47. Cost-Benefit Analysis of Leases  
48. Fee Report with Agency Budget Requests  
49. On-Site Delivery of Human Resources, Payroll and Benefit Functions at Select Agencies  
Department of Children and Families
50. Homeless Shelter Employment Services Grant Uses