WHEREAS, the Task Force has met over the course of the past two years to hear testimony from experts, study the issue, and receive technical assistance from scholars associated with The Pew Charitable Trusts; and
WHEREAS, the Co-Chairs have prepared a report recommending a number of actions to be undertaken by State agencies;
NOW THEREFORE, I, SCOTT WALKER, Governor of the State of Wisconsin, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of this State, and specifically by section 14.019 of the Wisconsin Statutes, do hereby order the following:
1. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services shall:
a. Convene a Governor's Faith-Based Summit on Opioids for pastors, priests, parish nurses, and others involved in faith-based community organizations confronting the prevention, intervention, recovery, and criminal justice consequences of this crisis.
b. Work with the Law Enforcement Standards Board to develop and deploy training and best practices around law enforcement and medical first responder encounters with fentanyl and opioid-intoxication incidents.
c. Apply for a federal grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance to develop a technology application that tracks treatment capacity for substance abuse services.
d. Work with stakeholders to develop uniform statewide standards for data submission on people seeking substance abuse treatment.
e. Review whether to require prior authorization for buprenorphine treatment combination drugs for BadgerCare enrollees other than pregnant women.
f. Work with the Department of Corrections to better facilitate continuity of care for offenders reentering society at the conclusion of their prison terms by developing offender-only service units with contracted managed care organizations within BadgerCare.
2. The Wisconsin Department of Children & Families shall revise its Child Protective Services Standards and eWiSACWIS software program to better document and track substance abuse issues arising in child welfare cases.
3. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation - Division of State Patrol and Wisconsin Department of Administration - Division of Capitol Police shall incorporate the ODMAP application into their officer technology to ensure accurate and timely reporting and response for overdose incidents.
4. The Governor's Task Force on Opioid Abuse shall continue its important work under the leadership of its Co-Chairs, to whom I extend my appreciation for their hard work preparing these recommendations.  
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Wisconsin to be affixed. Done in the City of Eau Claire this nineteenth day of January in the year two thousand eighteen.
By the Governor:
  Secretary of State
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
Executive Order Number 274
Relating to Creation of the Commission on
Substance Abuse Treatment Delivery
WHEREAS, the Co-Chairs of the Governor's Task Force on Opioid Abuse have submitted recommendations embodying their ongoing study of the State's response to the heroin and opioid abuse epidemic; and
WHEREAS, the Task Force received expert technical assistance from The Pew Charitable Trusts, which has studied these issues and made recommendations; and
WHEREAS, the hub-and-spoke model for opioid treatment delivery is currently in use in several other states and shows great promise as an organizational tool to improve delivery of substance abuse disorder services to individuals in need;
NOW THEREFORE, I, SCOTT WALKER, Governor of the State of Wisconsin, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of this State, and specifically by section 14.019 of the Wisconsin Statutes, do hereby create the Governor's Commission on Substance Abuse Treatment Delivery and order the following:
1. The Governor's Commission on Substance Abuse Treatment Delivery (the "Commission") shall operate as a nonstatutory committee under Wis. Stat. § 14.019 for the purpose of recommending to the Governor whether the State should pursue a hub-and-spoke delivery model and, if so, what it would require for implementation.
2. The Commission shall include the following members, appointed by the Governor:
a. Each of the co-chairs of the Governor's Task Force on Opioid Abuse, or their designees;
b. The Secretary of the Department of Health Services, or her designee;
c. The Division Administrator for the Division of Medicaid Services, or her designee;
d. A county health or human services official;
e. A representative from the Wisconsin Hospital Association;
f. A representative of Federally Qualified Health Centers in Wisconsin;
g. A representative from community-based substance abuse treatment providers;
h. A representative of the Wisconsin Academy of Family Physicians; and
i. A representative from the Wisconsin Society of Addiction Medicine.
3. The Commission shall consult other State agencies, experts, and the public, and shall review the hub-and-spoke models at work in other states.
4. The Commission shall be chaired by the Secretary of Health Services, or her designee.
5. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services shall provide staff support to the Commission.
6. The Commission shall issue its final report and recommendations to the Governor no later than November 30, 2018, at which time it shall dissolve.  
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Wisconsin to be affixed. Done in the City of Eau Claire this nineteenth day of January in the year two thousand eighteen.
By the Governor:
  Secretary of State